Border Officer - cheesecake

People on the border talk to you again when you reject them or allow them to cross. (Now they show their reaction)
When you reject the people on the border, they can give you hand gestures. (New animations added.) They raise their hands or show middle finger.
The time to call the next person on the border was shortened. Now you can call people more quickly.
Fixed handheld problem on computer camera.
A new animation has been added to the beginning of the game.
The letter scene at the beginning of the game was rearranged.

Now his letter brings you a soldier and accompanies you to the border.

The soldier tells you some tips about the game in his own way.
Control cabinet has been updated.

A new button has been added to the control cabinet. You can now arrest people at the border.

But be careful not to make a false arrest because justice takes place very quickly in Stavronzka.
Arrays related to the arrest was added to the tutorial tab in the computer.
Fixed a critical bug related to garbage collection.

A new item has been added to the control cabinet. (Metal detector)
You can search people using the metal detector.

Some people may have weapons or knives on them.
Dangerous people do not must enter Stavronzka!
Jun 2, 2019
STAND OUT VR : VR Battle Royale - BloodRex

Hi guys, thank you for playing Stand Out!

There are now nuclear bombs on the map! You can make them explode by shooting at them, be careful not to trigger them while being in their blast radius ! ;)
The Toymaker's Apprentice - petercross19
Due to overwhelming requests, we have added smooth locomotion (technically a cross between 'artificial smooth' and 'armswinger' locomotion) to the latest Steam update. User can choose either teleportation (via beam cast) or smooth locomotion via 'back-and-forth' movement of the controllers while lightly touching the touchpad. It's still in early testing phase, so appreciate user feedback.
War of Gaia : Into the Fire - Bocoarmy
Things Added.
  • Basic Mining of ores
  • Points of interest such as the landed vanguard vessel
  • Map improvements such as center volcano
  • More spawn points around the map
  • Basic Ai spawning near the vanguard ship
  • Prompt that users can't create a game without first submitting a name
  • Pickaxe added
  • swimming visuals improved when under water

Various bug fixes
  • Player Null References on join fixed
  • Joining games now fixed
Ruine - Potku
Time for another patch! This one addresses a few pesky bugs, early game balance issues, as well as the issue of save corruption between updates. New chunks of content and requested features such as spell / potion cooldown are being worked on, but require more time in order to be done right. In the meantime, here's 0.1.3:

  • Added water to the environment, using a shader by GamingReverends
  • Added basic backwards compatibility to the save system, making it possible to carry saves over to new versions (in theory)
  • Visual improvements to the surface environment
  • Adjusted the rate at which enemies scale. Tougher enemy types are slightly less common and start spawning 1-2 levels later.
  • Adjusted surface enemy spawn rates
  • Wolves now have a 100% chance to drop a pelt on death. (+Large fang if colossal)
  • Increased the size of the safe area around the campfire that prevents enemies from spawning
  • Nerfed frost and stun duration scaling on Snap Freeze and Radiant Blast
  • Decreased the starting radius of Snap Freeze
  • Game is now saved immediately after starting a new game
  • Added a warning that will appear when hovering over the New Game option in the menu if a save exists
  • For technical reasons, the drawing order of inventory panels needed to be changed. This means they are not currently affected by the lighting system.
  • Following the fix to character customization at the start of a new game, it was possible to load incomplete save files containing nothing but hair & beard data.
  • Helmet hider button was misbehaving
  • Stat tooltips did not appear correctly at some zoom levels
  • Parts of larger weapons did not get covered in blood
  • Potential fix for desynced wolf eyes
Jun 2, 2019
Atmocity - Dispersing Minds

Work on the game is progressing steadily. This past week I've finished up work on the new block placement tools. It's now possible to click and drag to place the smaller building blocks. If a bigger block has been placed, this can be cut in half (sculpting). This will allow players to build more fine tuned foundations for their cities and will also open up for some interesting decorations later on.

On the subject of decorations, as can be seen in the image above, I've added in a very simple park tile. I've also added another "geometric garden" type tile that can be used to decorate the city. The new one (and an older one) can be seen here. Prior to release I will try to get a handful more decoration tiles in. Suggestions are welcome!

Here's another image of the park tile in the same context:

One of the remaining features to add is research. I've gotten rather far with this during the week, adding in most of the UI (along with most UI related code). I should be able to finish this up next week and get the research yield functions in as well.

Research is enabled once the city has 15k population and a laboratory building. It is required to unlock some production buildings and power generation Buildings, such as nuclear and fusion plants. Aside from building unlocks, there's also research that enhances buildings, like lowering pollution from carbon power plants and improving carbon dioxide capture and storage. Once enough has been researched to unlock the bottom tier of enhancements, players will be able to improve education, health and water/power conservation.

Since the current test city is getting rather large, I've also been able to start adressing some optimization issues and have started cutting tris and improving slow code. Fixing the new block tools also allowed me to reorganize that code and make it more efficient and also more well-functioning. Among the fixes there have been removing the risk of accidentally placing an area of blocks when only clicking to place one.

ATLAS - Jatheish
Ahoy Pathfinders!
The time has come for challenging the enraged boss in his icy lair, exploring new and previously unchartered islands and putting your mark on the ATLAS with new items, creatures, and quality of life additions; the Mega Update 2 is here!

The Public Test Realm heavily facilitated our getting the Mega Update 2 ready to push to our Official Network and ready for everyone to jump into and explore. Thank you to those of you who contributed through playing on the PTR and being enthusiastic about reporting bugs and issues and offering feedback.

We look forward to hearing about your experiences and seeing you explore all the new content that Mega Update 2 has introduced to the ATLAS. As always, we will continue to monitor and rapidly iterate on the game!

For those of you who haven’t yet set sail on the high seas, worry not as during the next 48-hours ATLAS is available on Steam Early Access for the promotional price of $14.99 ($29.99 Early Access S.R.P). Come on in, the water’s fine!

Mega Update 2 Patch Notes

New Quests

  • Into the Ice: When you have collected all the Power Stones, head deep into a Polar Ice Dungeon to discover what lies beneath...

  • Master Cartographer: And with a thundering swell, the heaving ocean rose and fell beckoning avid explorers to uncover her secrets. Get at least 40% of the ATLAS Discovery Zones

Skills and Feats

  • Feat: Instant Hotbar Equip, unlocked after completing "Master Cartographer" quest.
  • Feat: Harvest boost, unlocked after completing "Into the Ice" quest.

New Levels

  • Ice Dungeon: Traverse the depths of the new Ice Cave as you navigate foreboding chasms, expansive halls, and abandoned mines to reach the lair of the abomination which lies beneath awaiting your crew. Found in the polar region, the dungeon can only be entered if players have unlocked all the 9 power stones.

  • New Islands: Multiple equatorial and polar islands added to the ATLAS!

New Boss Fight

  • Snowman - Activated lights in the boss arena now power a shield that maintains the Snowman's ice armor. Killing a round of minions will disable the shield, and prevent minion spawns for a short duration, which allow the ice armor to receive damage. When the minion cooldown is over, the shield reactivates. When the ice armor reaches 0, the Snowman's health can be damaged directly and no more minions will spawn until the next health state.

  • Upon entering each new health state, one extra minion will spawn at a time, and an increased amount of minions will be required to be killed for the shield to be deactivated. When in the last health state and ice armor is destroyed for the final time, chaos ensues, and will continue until the boss is killed!

New Structures

  • Offensive Structure: Torpedo Launcher and torpedoes. Master the waves with this heavy artillery projectile designed to detonate on contact with its target. Skill is obtained after completing "Into the Ice" quest.

  • Building Structure: 3x4 Medium Gates further allow customization within the comprehensive building system.
  • Utility Structure: Ice Box - a high-insulation box for generating ice in cold areas. Has “active” mode that will drain ice but reduce surrounding temperature (reverse fire). Consumes less ice if “indoors”. New Resource: Ice - Generates over time in cold zones inside of the Ice Box. Decays relatively quickly if not in “insulated” storage. Can be consumed to reduce temperature and the half negative effects of armour weight debuffs for a short duration (15s per ice cube, max of 5 mins). Ice, which is relatively heavy, can be placed inside preserving bags to extend spoil times, and also lasts much longer in preserving bags. Keep it frosty.

New Cosmetics

  • Player: Adopt a menacing tribal-esque countenance with the Hydra Hide Armour Set or don the Cyclops Heavy Armour Set for a streamlined and foreboding Stygian look.
  • Ship: Further customize your ship with the new Hydra Steering Wheel, and Bone Skin Steering Wheel

New Attachments

  • Boat Attachment: Cargo Racks offer more options to the discerning Captain! This large hangar-based crate can carry a ton of resources at a massively reduced weight, but can only be accessed when anchored, and slows down the speed of the ship which carries it (at maximum cargo carrier attachments, a boat's speed will be reduced by a total of 40%). It can also be dropped into the water if your boat needs to make a hasty getaway, and recovered later into its hangar!
  • Cart Attachment: Transport goods more efficiently! The large storage box can now be placed on the back of a bear or horse’s field-harness saddle, where it becomes a special “freight box” that provides reduced weight for the items it contains when on land. And now you can ferry around your items while looking like a proper traveling merchant!

New Items

  • Fishing Net: Bide your time chasing that catch whilst on long journeys with the new fishing net. Can only be used when sitting. Equips on the back slot. Will begin automatically catch fish when boat has met minimum sailing minimum velocity.

New Weapons and Ammo types

  • Ballista Ammo Type: Boat Harpoon. Stop fleeing enemies in their tracks by using this formidable weapon to attach to and reel in their vessels.

  • Weapon: Master the aquatic depths armed with the Speargun. Can only be used underwater.

  • Weapon: Up the ante with the new crossbow boasting the ability to load up to five projectiles and higher accuracy. Cannot be used underwater.

New Creatures

  • Olfend: This quirky looking creature narrowly avoided being burdened with the moniker: the Camelephant. The unique Olfend possesses some utilitarian attributes based around water. Water can be collected as you ride it across fertile land or by drinking from lakes and the considerate Olfend will store it, distribute it amongst water containers or...spit it in a friend’s eye. The delicately-legged creature also has the potential to be more heroic than it may appear by being put to use in extinguishing fires.

  • Giant Tortugar: In some ways, the Tortuga, or carrier turtle, acts as an organic armored personnel carrier and, in others, it is similar to an organic submarine. Nestle under its’ sectioned shell for protection or stay sheltered as it plunges into the depths and affords its passengers reduced oxygen consumption.

New Features

  • Company: Map markers
  • Company: Announcements
  • Boats: Can now be unclaimed and claimed
  • Controls: Full gamepad support

New Quality of Life Improvements

  • UX: Revamped Skill Tree UI
  • UX: Adjusted 3rd person aiming so there is less likelihood of foliage clipping
  • UX: Sextant Buff Corner Mini Map is now hidden by default and can be revealed by pressing the H key. Sextant Mini Map can be permanently enabled by turning on the option in Advanced Settings
  • Combat: Players now have the option to turn dual wielding weapons off by holding the TAB key and the hotbar key to equip the new pistol, rather than duel wield it.
  • Combat: Gun hotbar equip time now scales (improves) with the various reloading skills
  • Combat: You can now attack from the run-state (but not whilst running). Previously when attempting to attack whilst running, you would have had to pause, then attack. Now you can go straight from a run into an attack.
  • Structures: The grill can now be attached to water pipes
  • Controls: You can now use the F key as an option to pick up all items from the floor within a certain radius
  • Ship: Pressing the F key whilst driving the ship, now allows you to access its inventory menu

Bug Fixes

  • Skills: Fixed skills showing up in the wrong order on the skill tree
  • Ships: Fixed a bug which prevented ships from reversing when they bumped into shores
  • Ships: Fixed pressing right click to zoom in on the compass when sitting at a wheel of a ship
  • Ships: Can no longer place a Steering Wheel inside the sail mast
  • Building: Fixed a bug which prevented Water Reservoirs from irrigating grills if gathering water from a non-lake source
  • Building: Fixed vertical encroachment check on the bookcase so it fits in 1-high wall rooms
  • Resources: Fixed a bug where brain coral and fire coral were incorrectly labeled
  • Map: Multiple level fixes (holes, waterfall transitions, soil types, etc)
  • Creatures: Fixed a case where creatures would be stuck in the flee state whilst bola'd
  • Creatures Fixed a case where creatures would appear to stand up briefly just after being bola'd
  • UX: Fixed a bug which prevented you from seeing the HUD of a dropped item
  • UX: Scaled the size of ammo texts on ammo containers to make them more readable and changed CanisterShot to Canister Shot
  • Misc: Fixed icons for: Cooked Prime Fish Meat, Explosive Barrels, and Instant Equip
  • Misc: Disabled male voice on female characters when using a repair hammer on damaged planks
  • Misc: Fixed multiple cases where players shoulder disappears when harvesting with new anims
  • Misc: Fixed manual targeting aim location not replicating to clients

Balance Changes

  • Combat: Reduced sickle damage against creatures and players
  • Combat: Sprint/Charge weapons have been disabled and will be re-added to the game as enhanced feats
  • Ships: Small Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 515 to 1000
  • Ships: Medium Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 920 to 2500
  • Ships: Large Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 1300 to 4000
  • Ships: Small Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118
  • Ships: Medium Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118
  • Ships: Large Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118

🏴‍☠️For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information🏴‍☠️

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Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook:
Jun 2, 2019
Summer Islands - Matt
Hello everyone,

This month we have also prepared an update for you to bring you up to date. We have to write that we haven't progressed as far as we had planned during the last weeks. As we've already written a few times, we're programming Summer Islands in addition to our regular job and therefore don't always find the time. Nevertheless there is no need to worry that Summer Islands will not appear. We may work slowly but steadily ;) . Our todo list for Early Access is coming to an end but there are still bugs that want to be fixed. Also a few textures will be reworked to get a better overall picture and of course the finetuning will not be forgotten.
Our schedule for Early Access in Q2 will NOT be affected by this.
We are happy to announce the Early Access date for END June. We are aiming for the 21.06. We are extremely excited to see you play Summer Islands and to see your perfect, successful beach paradise.
But until then there are still a few things to do/add, bugs to fix and long-term tests to do.

From the past weeks we also learned that every second week a small update makes you happier than every 4 weeks a bigger update. We will try to release smaller updates in the future to bring you up to date. On Twitter you can often find small preview videos of Summer Islands, just drop by @SummerIslandsQA.
In the last weeks there was the question how much Summer Islands will cost. Now that we're getting into early access we want to introduce you to our price model.
So in Early Access Summer Islands will cost 19,99€. The reason for this is that we have already invested a lot of time and will continue to do so. Against it would speak that Summer Islands is "only" an Indiegame. I don't want to justify myself any further but appeal to your objective opinion.
As mentioned before, we will publish free updates/extensions in Early Access in the following months, e.g. other catastrophies, better Bots, more advisors, public needs etc.. In its current state Summer Islands is definitely not complete, just Basic and Early Access gives you the opportunity to add suggestions/improvements/wishes to the game. This can only make Summer Islands better for everyone. The free updates/extensions in Early Access are scheduled to take place every 4-8 weeks. Accordingly how extensive the update will be or how many bugs have to be fixed.

So far the realese date and the price model. Let's get to the features that have been integrated like in the last weeks.

Through our created engine that we use with NodeJS we have noticed that the Downloadspeed with Steam unfortunately takes longer than expected (20min~300mb). In detail NodeJS always needs a node_modules folder with all libraries. This folder with a lot of small files is very impractical when saving to a hard disk. Therefore we had to think about a solution with another exe to start looking if the NodeJS lib already exists or has to be unpacked. This saves a lot of time of about 300mb we need on the hard disk for Summer Islands.

As already shown 14 days ago on Twitter we have integrated another consultant. This facilitates the overview over the whole building types which are in a road network. If you have set the building analyst, you will see an extra window at each port and airport. Depending on the type of building, this window shows the occupancy rate and the total occupancy rate. Thus one can recognize immediately with which building type it becomes scarce or whether one should build still more buildings of this type. We like the presentation very much and it has already proven to be very helpful. What do you think?

In addition to the already existing diagrams, we have added the equity and tourist course. The equity history shows you how valuable your buildings are overall. So how much money you have invested in buildings that still exist. A good indicator to compare yourself with other players. The tourist history shows you the total number of tourists in all your houses and hotels. Also a good indicator to see how well you are doing and how well you have placed your buildings.

In the next updates we will present some new textures, improve the computer opponents and fix many bugs to make Summer Islands Early Access ready :)
After 3 years of development we are very happy to be able to bring you Summer Islands!

Update log:
-EXTERN: Added Pre-Exe to improve steam download
-SERVER/CLIENT: Added tourist chart
-SERVER/CLIENT: Added equity capital chart
-SERVER: BOT improvemend (loan,repayment).
-CLIENT: airport Bug Fix with new textures
-CLIENT: turn menü texture changed
-CLIENT: buildingmenu for too big texture improved
-CLIENT: information label reimplemented/changeable for future
-SERVER/CLIENT: you cannot fire a consultant within his first 150 days
-SERVERCLIENT: Javascript stability/efficiency extended.
Jun 2, 2019
Rhythm World - Master Project - Y.H. King
1.Lower down difficulty of Hex mode
2.Recode touch screen note judgement system
3.Updated touch screen replay format
4.Add more accuracy data to ranking board
5.Add local ranking and local replay
6.Add touch effect for touch screen
Jun 2, 2019
BoneCraft - D-Dub Software

As you may have noticed, BoneCraft has been soft-released a day early. If you happen to get it today, you're in a special group ahead of the masses! But if you want to wait to play, just letting you know that there will be a sale starting tomorrow, the official release day. From June 3-10, the game will be selling for $14.99.
Thanks for your support, and we hope you enjoy BoneCraft.