Vasilis - Marginal act
iVRy Driver for SteamVR - iVRy
iVRy Driver for SteamVR (Smartphone & PSVR) has been updated to version

This build contains the following changes:
- Improve support for latest Nolo HOME firmware (1.10/1.11)
- Add option to enable/disable NoloVR controller models for SteamVR Home
- Add option to enable/disable NoloVR controller icons for SteamVR Status
- Improve automatic drift correction for NoloVR
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

NOTE: Due to bugs in the NoloVR PC SDK for the Nolo HOME 1.10/1.11 firmware, it's not possible to have a single iVRy release that covers all NoloVR firmware versions. If you are using Nolo HOME 1.10/1.11 firmware, you will need to select the "nolo-home-new" version from the "Betas" tab in "Properties" for the iVRy Driver in Steam.
Apr 6, 2019
Tanks Endeavor - Sargent-Furrball
How much will the game cost
I can ensure the game will stay within the $5-$10 price range. The first release will be $5 and as features are added over time the cost may go up to $10

When will the game be released
I have chosen not to do early access due to the number of games that have been left in the dust. I want to deliver a full product to the community to enjoy. The game is in a playable state at this point in time so I aim to release it some point this summer, However, I am a one person team. I can ensure the game will be released this year.

Will it have controller support
Currently, there is no controller support but it is a planned feature and is being worked on.

Will there be multiplayer
At release, there will only be singleplayer. However, local multiplayer with controller support is planned as well as possible co-op and Lan support

Will there be DLC
I will continue to support this game to the best of my ability as time goes on. New features and maps are planned to be released over time. However, Weather these will be updates or separate DLC add-ons is yet to be determined.

Will there be steam workshop support
Currently, there is no support but this possibility this is added is still a possible feature down the road.

How often will updates and patch's be released
Updates and patches will be released as often as possible and forum requests will be looked over on a weekly basis. However, Keeping in mind, I am a one person team and have a full-time job.

Developers Note:

I want this game to thrive and be fun for all ages, so I ask the community to share new ideas and concerns to help the game grow and improve. I will work on implementing these ideas to the best of my ability as I see that it does not take away from the original idea and enjoyment of the game.
Apr 6, 2019
Heroes Of Maidan 2 - LuftWaffel
- Balanced difficulty;
-Added the ability to choose the complexity;
-Now, when you click on a unit, you can stop it, and also continue to move;
- The construction menu and units are moved to the upper left corner for a better view;
- Fixed minor bugs.
Half Dead - room710games

Hello everyone,

We would like to let you know about our plans in Half Dead 2 :)

We are working on a new trap system. Traps will be combined in different ways and it will create interesting and difficult situations. The further you go up or down the building the more difficult and challenging rooms you will face.

We believe it would make the game more replayable and cool!

Approximate release date is May-June 2019. Also there will be other Updates during this time.

Thanks for your support!

Follow us on:
Apr 6, 2019
Stoneshard: Prologue - Wayfinder


While more large-scale features are still under development, we’ve decided to start a series of posts dedicated to the Stoneshard setting to finally share some bits of lore with our community.

Since the start of development, the game’s lore changed several times, until we come to the variant suiting everyone. If at first we planned to show a rather typical high-fantasy sword-and-sorcery world, we distanced from this initial concept the more and more as the development went on. Maybe some of remember something about the Last King, an undead army and other things – at the moment everything from the list was either scrapped or completely reworked.

As a result, we came to a rather mundane medieval world, where the influence of the magical and otherworldly is rather small, and Aldor is a small once-kingdom, stuck in a civil war between three rivalling factions. In the game you’ll have to constantly balance between them, because gaining allies in one particular faction will always mean making some enemies in the other ones.

"Loyal to the end"

The Council is a group of the most influential Aldor feudals, united around the Regent-Queen and her young son Verne – allegedly the legal heir.

Inora, King Etbert's last wife, married him several months before his untimely death. This marriage was a complete surprise for the whole court - even the nosiest gossipers were surprised by the news. The sudden death of the monarch, soon to follow, became the basis for the rumor that Inora had killed her husband – and her son Verne, born after the Etbert’s death, doesn’t have even a single drop of royal blood in his veins.

Nevertheless, there were plenty of people who believed the Queen. Thanks to her natural cunning and diplomacy, she managed to find many influential allies among nobles – who formed the Council later.

The backbone of the Council consists of two seemingly opposing groups. The first is the Etbert’s old guard – the loyalists who held important posts during his reign. They see Verne as the legitimate successor of the dynasty, which they faithfully served all their lives. The second group consists of those who fell into disgrace during the King Etbert’s rule. For them supporting Inora is a reliable way to regain lost influence and reintegrate into the court life.

However, all of them pursue the common goal: to put down the insurrection and destroy the rebels; restore the crown’s power throughout Aldor; and raise Queen to the throne.

"Free man's wealth is a tyrant's demise"

The Great Magistrate is a union of city councils, rebellious aristocrats, as well as artisan and merchant guilds – all fighting for their independence from the royal court.

The roots of Great Magistrate formation lie in the long-standing conflict of King Etbert and the city of Brynn. Having come to power, Etbert deprived Brynn of its free city status. This autocratic move earned him enemies among Brynn’s influential families. And all these years they only waited for the right moment to restore trampled justice.

After the king died and the Inora laid claims to the throne, the Brynn’s city council unanimously voted to quit Aldor, if it would be ruled by an impostor. Surely, the burghers were somewhat deceitful – they weren’t going to tolerate any more power over themselves, and Verne’s unclear origin was just a good excuse. Many neighboring settlements, tired of feudal oppression, followed their example. This union was called the Great Magistrate – since any decisions are discussed by representatives of all the member settlements.

Thanks to the rich treasury and the wide use of mercenaries, the Magistrate fought with the Council on an equal footing, not yielding even an inch of its land. The obtained status quo was finally consolidated after the outbreak of the Crimson Plague – frightened by the unprecedented illness, the parties declared a truce to curb the epidemic.

Taking advantage of the resulting respite, the Magistrate only grew in power, rebuilding everything destroyed by war and sending ambassadors abroad. By the way, this gives the Council another significant reason to call Magistrate followers traitors – as they say, the Magistrate’s ties with Jacinth elves are much closer than is required for commerce.

"Purge the immoderate"

The Gray Army is a folk uprising that has taken on an enormous scale recently. The composition of the Gray Army is quite dissimilar – the majority are peasants and artisans, but there are other groups as well: former brigands, clerics-in-doubt, broke feudal lords and Magistrate or Council armies deserters.

For several years, the common people meekly endured all the war: they fought under the banners of the Council and the Magistrate, paid wartime taxes, watched lawlessness and violence, suffered from hunger and disease, and died – by thousands. However, the longer the war went on, the louder the grumbling became.

These moods were skillfully used by Nir – a man of unknown origin, and therefore even more mysterious and frightening. A former monk; runaway slave; criminal on the run; feudal lord, who lost his mind after losing his title – there are so many rumors regarding his possible past, the safest bet is not to believe any of them.

The philosophy of the movement is quite confusing and controversial – mainly because only Nir himself grasps it fully. The rest only has to interpret the scattered fragments of his statements – the so-called Words. The Gray Army considers immoderation and incontinence in all its manifestations to be the most important cause of all evil. Nir believes that the ability to find and keep a fine line is paramount, and only in this way people can protect themselves from corruption.

Due to the multiplicity and desperate courage, the Gray Army managed to occupy numerous territories, having won several settlements from the Council and the Magistrate. Now the Army is looking forward to the end of the truce – to finally finish off all those who deny their dogmas.


That's all for today. Stay tuned for the next update about some game mechanics in two weeks!

Also you can follow us on:
Apr 6, 2019
Hardware Engineers - Green127.Studio

Hello everyone!

Beta phase upcoming
Before the patch note I would like to announce the upcoming exit of the Early Access phase!
The beta phase is coming soon. Let me know what you think and what was missing from the game right now.
Which menu, interface or window needs a redesign?
What are the weaknesses and strength of the game in your opinion? I would do my best to improve everything.
Don't worry, the end of the early access phase does not mean that the updates will stop.
It simply means that the core gameplay is now fix. New functionalities and bugfix will continue to come.

Animations, icons and main UI has been improved.

Engine start has been reworked. it's now structured better to avoid double checking and reduce loading time.
Old resources that is not used anymore has been remove from the game's data.

As always many bugs was fixed. If you found a bug, you can report it on discord or on the Bug Report section of the Steam HUB thanks!

Thank you for reading! If you want to support Hardware Engineers share it with your friends!

As usual feel free to let me know what you think about this patch and what you would like to see in Hardware Engineers in the comment section below.

I hope you will enjoy this patch and see you for the next one!

  • Rework of engine startup
  • Performance improvement
  • Cleaning code
  • Improved Animations
  • Improved Interface
  • Improved Icons
  • Removing outdated sprite
  • Updated language
  • Fixed Color ink cartridge display as black
  • Fixed Crash when applying settings
  • Fixed Crash at startup on certain computer
  • Fixed decimal number in balance indication
  • Fixed translation errors EN/FR.

Apr 6, 2019
Stoneshard - Wayfinder


While more large-scale features are still under development, we’ve decided to start a series of posts dedicated to the Stoneshard setting to finally share some bits of lore with our community.

Since the start of development, the game’s lore changed several times, until we come to the variant suiting everyone. If at first we planned to show a rather typical high-fantasy sword-and-sorcery world, we distanced from this initial concept the more and more as the development went on. Maybe some of remember something about the Last King, an undead army and other things – at the moment everything from the list was either scrapped or completely reworked.

As a result, we came to a rather mundane medieval world, where the influence of the magical and otherworldly is rather small, and Aldor is a small once-kingdom, stuck in a civil war between three rivalling factions. In the game you’ll have to constantly balance between them, because gaining allies in one particular faction will always mean making some enemies in the other ones.

"Loyal to the end"

The Council is a group of the most influential Aldor feudals, united around the Regent-Queen and her young son Verne – allegedly the legal heir.

Inora, King Etbert's last wife, married him several months before his untimely death. This marriage was a complete surprise for the whole court - even the nosiest gossipers were surprised by the news. The sudden death of the monarch, soon to follow, became the basis for the rumor that Inora had killed her husband – and her son Verne, born after the Etbert’s death, doesn’t have even a single drop of royal blood in his veins.

Nevertheless, there were plenty of people who believed the Queen. Thanks to her natural cunning and diplomacy, she managed to find many influential allies among nobles – who formed the Council later.

The backbone of the Council consists of two seemingly opposing groups. The first is the Etbert’s old guard – the loyalists who held important posts during his reign. They see Verne as the legitimate successor of the dynasty, which they faithfully served all their lives. The second group consists of those who fell into disgrace during the King Etbert’s rule. For them supporting Inora is a reliable way to regain lost influence and reintegrate into the court life.

However, all of them pursue the common goal: to put down the insurrection and destroy the rebels; restore the crown’s power throughout Aldor; and raise Queen to the throne.

"Free man's wealth is a tyrant's demise"

The Great Magistrate is a union of city councils, rebellious aristocrats, as well as artisan and merchant guilds – all fighting for their independence from the royal court.

The roots of Great Magistrate formation lie in the long-standing conflict of King Etbert and the city of Brynn. Having come to power, Etbert deprived Brynn of its free city status. This autocratic move earned him enemies among Brynn’s influential families. And all these years they only waited for the right moment to restore trampled justice.

After the king died and the Inora laid claims to the throne, the Brynn’s city council unanimously voted to quit Aldor, if it would be ruled by an impostor. Surely, the burghers were somewhat deceitful – they weren’t going to tolerate any more power over themselves, and Verne’s unclear origin was just a good excuse. Many neighboring settlements, tired of feudal oppression, followed their example. This union was called the Great Magistrate – since any decisions are discussed by representatives of all the member settlements.

Thanks to the rich treasury and the wide use of mercenaries, the Magistrate fought with the Council on an equal footing, not yielding even an inch of its land. The obtained status quo was finally consolidated after the outbreak of the Crimson Plague – frightened by the unprecedented illness, the parties declared a truce to curb the epidemic.

Taking advantage of the resulting respite, the Magistrate only grew in power, rebuilding everything destroyed by war and sending ambassadors abroad. By the way, this gives the Council another significant reason to call Magistrate followers traitors – as they say, the Magistrate’s ties with Jacinth elves are much closer than is required for commerce.

"Purge the immoderate"

The Gray Army is a folk uprising that has taken on an enormous scale recently. The composition of the Gray Army is quite dissimilar – the majority are peasants and artisans, but there are other groups as well: former brigands, clerics-in-doubt, broke feudal lords and Magistrate or Council armies deserters.

For several years, the common people meekly endured all the war: they fought under the banners of the Council and the Magistrate, paid wartime taxes, watched lawlessness and violence, suffered from hunger and disease, and died – by thousands. However, the longer the war went on, the louder the grumbling became.

These moods were skillfully used by Nir – a man of unknown origin, and therefore even more mysterious and frightening. A former monk; runaway slave; criminal on the run; feudal lord, who lost his mind after losing his title – there are so many rumors regarding his possible past, the safest bet is not to believe any of them.

The philosophy of the movement is quite confusing and controversial – mainly because only Nir himself grasps it fully. The rest only has to interpret the scattered fragments of his statements – the so-called Words. The Gray Army considers immoderation and incontinence in all its manifestations to be the most important cause of all evil. Nir believes that the ability to find and keep a fine line is paramount, and only in this way people can protect themselves from corruption.

Due to the multiplicity and desperate courage, the Gray Army managed to occupy numerous territories, having won several settlements from the Council and the Magistrate. Now the Army is looking forward to the end of the truce – to finally finish off all those who deny their dogmas.


That's all for today. Stay tuned for the next update about some game mechanics in two weeks!

Also you can follow us on:
Apr 6, 2019
Journey Of Life - Hyperion Studio Limited
Added Chinese Translations [99%]


  • AI Player Target selection - Attack based AI target players on the basis of criteria such as Angle between Bot and Player and distance between them. In other words, added some fuzziness to the selection


  • Added item drop on death
  • Added Bed - Used as a spawning point

  • Added a hotkey to move stations more quickly. (MoveStation)
  • Improved the selection of interactive objects.
  • Improved Terrain Material
  • Torch Improvements
    1. You no longer need to hold the Interact button to ignite the Torch or Fireplace.
    2. It's now able to ignite the smelting with the torch.
    3. Fixed that it was needed to switch the torch between inventory slot to see the fire.
    4. Added a small delay before the interact circle appears to extinguish the torch
    5. Can be placed vertically in the dirt, sand, and pebble area. Cant be placed in the stone


  • Added New General Settings
    Foliage Tooltip = Delayed, Hold, Toggle, Instant (Default: Delayed)
    Foliage Outline = On/Off (Default: Off)
    Station Tooltip = Instant, Delayed (Default: Instant)
    Station Outline = On/Off (Default On)
    Item Tooltip = Hold, Toogle, Delayed, Instant (Default: Delayed)
    Auto hide Hotbar = On/Off (Default: Off)

    Default toggle key: Right click
  • Added new Hotkey to toggle the Nearby Interface separately from the Inventory. (you also see a checkbox at the nearby widget)
  • Added Keyinfo for foliages to harvest
  • Added KeyInfo for Torch, Fireplace, and SmallCart.
  • Added a slight black and blurry background to the Pause menu.


  • Fixed that workstation isn't recognizing items in nearby on second required items check
  • Fixed that you couldn't close the inventory sometimes after clicking on an InventorySlot or CraftingTab button.
  • Removed that you exit the workstation automatically after pressing the craft button.
  • Fixed that it was possible to interact with the User Interface while the Pause menu was open
  • Possible fix for randomly floating tooltips
  • Fixed composter mesh
  • Fixed Cart Icon
  • Fixed that the client doesn't see active fireplace after rejoin
  • Fixed chest problem

Terrain Improvements




TOMORROW DON'T COME - Puzzling Depression - Peace & Love
You all are so wonderful to each other in the comments and review sections. I can not always be there for you and I think it's about time to provide you with a safe space where you can help each other in desperate times but also spread positivity among yourselves.

That's why I just opened a discord server for all of you:

This is also the first place you will learn about my new game. A game where all of you will play the main part!

Peace & Love