Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

In today's devlog we are still talking about balancing. In the previous devlog we discussed the system upkeep in ponds and equipment, this time balancing for fish and breeding. There is a discussion about translation too.

Unlock Fish
We made a slight change to the flow to unlock new fish. We try to balance the system by add cost if you want to unlock new fish. Besides having to reach a certain level, you need to buy a license for the fish to be unlocked. The player also needs to pay a sum of money each month for each fish license he buys. It's like a tax for the fish license.

Breeding Cost
For the current version, you can use the breeding feature when you reach level 7. You will earn breeding points when the fish reach level 3. With these breeding points, you can use the breeding feature and make your basic fish status increase.

We changed the concept slightly by adding costs to breeding. So besides using breeding points, you need to pay some money to use breeding feature. As with breeding points, the amount of money that needs to be paid will increase each time you breed the same fish.

Translation is one of the ways that we use to make a collaboration with the community. We already made a thread about community translation in the discussion before (you can check it here).

Right now, we're doing a collaboration with a translation platform that will make the flow of community translation become easier. The platform name is Localizor. With Localizor, you just need to sign up and choose your translation language. We have prepared all the words that need to be translated. Just translate the words into your chosen language and let the community vote if your translation is good enough or not. We hope with this kind of way, we can add more language to Aquaculture Land faster so you can play Aquaculture Land with your own language.

In the Localizor, you can also translate other games like Academia, Overcrowd, Airport CEO, and others. You can collect some points (from votes you get from community) and redeem steam key.

For your information, the developer that creates Localizor is the same as the developer that creates Startup Company.

But if you don't want to use Localizor and still want to help us with translation, feel free to tell us in the community translation thread.


We try to give system upkeep and routine expenses to some features to make the system more balanced. Especially the economic system. We got feedback that said the economic system is still not balanced enough. It's still too easy to earn money, income and expenses are still not in balance state and something like that. That's why we try to balance the system because we want to make Aquaculture Land is enjoying but still challenging to play.

We will end today's devlog here. As usual, if you have suggestions or feedback, just tell us in the comment section below or in the discussion. We will always wait for your feedback and review for the game. We will do our best to make Aquaculture Land better.

Have a nice weekend.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - bangsawankaya
Hello everyone, bangsawankaya here!

We have a little patch for the 0.7.8 version. We encounter some problems in version 0.7.8 when we developing the feature for future updates as stated in our devlog. So, we make the patch here and give it to you so you wouldn't encounter the same problem.

We also add a new approach to the UX for creating a pond. We added tooltip to tell you what makes you can't build a pond because we found out some players still didn't understand why they can't build it.

Another little change that we make is to change the pond design to prepare another future update which is fish in the pond with their respective color . That's why the design is using more transparent water, and you will see the fish with their beautiful color underwater. This update will need a test too, so be patient about that :D

We also change the opening scene. The old opening scene is making people think that the first worker "Gard" is the main character (because he drives the car. etc). We wanted to change that image so we try to change the opening to show how big is our farm and you can use that to build a business. Maybe we will change it again when we have better options. For now, we'll use the new one.

As usual, our changelog is down below and If you have feedback and suggestions about today’s update, feel free to tell us in the comment section below or in the discussion.

And the last for today, I personally wanted to say many thanks to all of you that already played our game, give us your honest review about the game, many suggestions and feedback, and other things that help us to make Aquaculture Land become a better game. Your support and review are very important to the development of the game. I will wait for your other feedback and review for the game in the future :D

See you on the next updates :).

0.7.8 (4)

- Added tooltip when drawing a new or expanding an existing pond if the prototype is invalid.
- Changed image asset for the pond.
- Changed the opening scene.
- The breeding menu will be unlocked in when you reach level 7

Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug on some items where on/off sign is hidden when the item is running.
- Fixed bug where canceling a queued work could sometimes make workers stop working.
- Fixed bug where electrical items that shouldn't need electricity sources (i.e., solar-powered items) still connected to the source.
- Fixed bug where electrical items could connect to more than one electricity sources in some cases.
- Fixed bug that makes workers disappear if there is no path tile left.
- Fixed bug that selling items will give more money when deleting pond.
- Fixed missing "$" in the currency
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Deku

Today's devlog will talk about the upkeep system, one of the ways that we use to balance the Aquaculture Land system. We are still trying to make the system more balanced so that it is more enjoyable to play. This time, the upkeep system that we tried to implement in the game is upkeep in ponds and equipment.

Pond Upkeep
In the current version, weekly expenses that charged to the player are only from the worker's salary. To balance income and expenses, we try to add upkeep to the pond in the form of maintenance money for the pond. Calculation of upkeep that needs to be paid from one pond based on the size of the pond. So, the bigger or more ponds you owned, the more expenses will be spent by the player for the upkeep system.

Equipments Upkeep
For pond equipment, we balance the price and status of each equipment. We do this to make each equipment different from one another, not only in terms of price but also in terms of usage. Just like ponds, we also add upkeep to equipment. Upkeep that needs to be paid for equipment based on how expensive the equipment you have. So the more expensive equipment you have, the more upkeep you will need to pay. But the more expensive the price of equipment, the better the status of the equipment.

We will continue to balance the system for the next few weeks. We will try to ensure that the next version is balanced enough before updating the game. We hope after we update the game with a more balanced system, it will make you enjoy playing Aquaculture Land.

So, that's it for today's devlog. If you have suggestions or feedback, feel free to tell us in the discussion or in the comment section below.

Have a great weekend.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games
How is your day?

This week is still about balancing for the Aquaculture Land system. As we said in the last devlog, besides we're focused on redesigning the core gameplay, we will also focus on balancing in several things. One of them is the economic system that exists in the Aquaculture Land.

We talked about market demand last week, today we will discuss it again and we will talk about order demand, balancing on customer orders.

Order Demand
Customer orders feature is one way that you can use to get money in Aquaculture Land. When we later add market demand to the game, we think that players who did grinding by selling fish to the market will turn to customer orders. Therefore we need to do balancing for customer orders.

We will do balancing on how often customer orders will come and the distribution of ordered fish will also be more adjusted to the state of the player at that time. The weight of the fish that needs to be met, the time for order completion, the quality of the fish, and the things that affect the order will be balanced.

For now, customer orders are impressed as a feature that is used only to level up. Without punishment when a player fails to fulfill an order, players can take any order or reject it without hesitation. Therefore, another thing we will do for balancing is to add deadlines to each order. If the player cannot complete the order on time, that will affect the next orders.

We will also plan to categorize and make customers, who will send orders, have a characteristic. We get this idea from @convey who told us in the discussion forum. One example is a customer who works at a luxury restaurant will give orders in the form of high quality with a small amount of fish but has a very short time for completion.

We hope with giving balancing to the orders, the game will be more challenged for the players

Market Demand
Market demand is one of balancing methods that we will apply to the market to reduce player that continuously sells only one type of fish to the market to easily obtain large amounts of profit.

If the player too often sells the fish to the market, then the price of the fish will gradually decrease and will not benefit the player. You can check market demand condition in the market menu. If the graph is red, that means the fish price is decreasing. The fish price will increase if you do not sell the fish to the market within a certain time.

With this market demand, we want to make players do not only focus on getting profits through one type of fish but a variety of it depending on the market demand.

We also do balancing on the market price to make players feel more challenged and come up with more varied strategies to keep their farm running and keep getting the best profit.

We are aware that it will take a little while for everything to become balance. Therefore, in the future, there is a possibility that we will continue to make adjustments for things that we feel are not balance. We will try to make this game more challenging to play.

So if you feel that for the current version there are still things that have not been balanced, you can tell us. And also if there is feedback or suggestions about the game, feel free to tell us in the comments section below or in the discussion.

Okay, that’s it for today’s devlog. There are still a lot of things we need to do for the game but we will do our best to make the game better.

Have a good day.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Deku
Hi guys.
How's your day?

For this week, we are still balancing the Aquaculture Land system, especially for pond equipment and market. We made little adjustments to how the market works and also the status of pond equipment. So you can be more challenged and enjoy playing Aquaculture Land. What are the adjustments made? Let's take a look at this update.

Market Demand
One way to get money in Aquaculture Land (for now) is to sell your fish to the market. Actually, to get a large amount of money through the market is quite simple. You just need to nurture the fish that has the highest maximum selling rate, then after the right moment (when the fish has a good market price) you only need to sell the fish through the market. Due to the absence of reciprocity from that, we think the player will only focus on nurturing one type of fish (fish with the highest selling price). Therefore, to make the player not focus on just one fish, we come with market demand idea.

With the market demand feature, the more often a fish is sold to the market, the lower its selling price becomes. So, if the player only focuses on selling 1 type of fish to the market, the less money he gets from selling that fish. We hope with this adjustment, the fish that will be used by the player will be more varied.

Reliability Status of Pond Equipment
We also make adjustments to pond equipment. We plan to provide reliability status to pond equipment. So, in addition to doing maintenance on electricity sources, later players will also do maintenance on pond equipment.

The main purpose of giving reliability status to pond equipment is to increase the upkeep that needs to be done by the player. Because for now, we realize the upkeep that can be done by players on the existing system is still too little.

So, later on, for electricity sources will have two kinds of maintenance, refuel and repairs. While for pond equipment, player only needs to do repairs for the maintenance.

In addition to the two things above, we also plan to balance customer orders and all matters related to income and expenses.

A few days ago, we got feedback that said that Aquaculture Land is still too easy because to get a large amount of income is very easy, but it is not matched with equal expenses. And we also agree with that. We also get some suggestions from @SpeedyGarret and @convey about balancing that can be done to income and expenses. And one of them is about balancing customer orders. So for future updates, besides staying focused on redesigning our core gameplay, we will also be balancing in several things.

With this devlog, we also change the game build version into 0.7.8(Build 3). In this new version, we have a little change with the BGM. We try to make a playlist of BGM for the game. So you will not only hear one song all the time, but you will hear several different songs in turn.

If you guys have some suggestions or feedback about today's update or Aquaculture Land, feel free to tell us in the discussion section or click discuss button below. We always make a note for every suggestion and feedback you give us.

Have a good day guys.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

Hi guys
Long time no see. How are you?

This past few weeks we're focused on fixing bug and optimized the experimental build. We try to make the experimental build become more stable. And finally, in this new update, the current build is stable enough. We move the current build into the main build so you guys can try it out. You can try all features from the experimental build in this latest update and of course more optimized and stable. Besides the features, we give another touch to the current build. What is that another touch? Let's check today's update out!

Fishing Pond
We got feedback that said it takes a long time to earn some money from selling fish because you need to wait for a while until your fish is big enough to be sold. While you're waiting, you won't get any income. That's why we make this fishing pond feature so while you waiting for your money from selling fish, you will still get some income from your fishing pond. Thing to remember, only level 2 fish (and above) which can be catch by visitor.

In experimental build version, visitor arrival will make the game laggy. For this update, we already did some optimized so you won't be bother by lag anymore.

Breeding feature is a feature that you can use to increase your fish basic status. With this feature you can increase growth speed, fish weight, and fish quality. You can make a superior fish with breeding feature.

Only your fish seed status will be increased after breeding process. If you have the same fish in your pond with your breeding fish, your fish status in your pond will not increase.

Thank you so much to @Arburtus, @Rayune, and @Sardine for giving us an idea to make this feature.

This feature will help you reach level 2 fish faster and heavier than the previous generation. So you can harvest your fish earlier with heavier fish. But for using this feature, you need resource called breeding points. You can get this breeding point from nurturing your fish. Every time your fish grows, you will get breeding points.

For previous version, you can get breeding points from level 1 fish. But on this update, we did some balance and make only level 3 fish (and above) that produce breeding points. So whether you sell your biggest fish or use it to produce some amount of breed points, you choose it ːsteamhappyː

In the previous version, every time you harvest your fish, your fish box will be lying on your farm. Sometimes your fish box will block your worker path and look like a mess. Thank you to @Amnaa and @lucatolo that come with storage feature suggestion. With this storage feature, your fish box will be automatically stored into storage so make it more organized and make your farm look neater.

The other good thing from storage feature is when you want to make your fish bigger (fish that already stored) or if you want to move your fish into another pond, you can put back your fish box into your pond.

We also add a fish box counter on storage. So, with this counter, you will know how many fish boxes you have in storage without always open the storage to check it.

French Language
For current version, we add new French language. Thank you so much for @CdriX for helping us with French translation this far. You can only change the game language from setting on main menu.

There will be some texts that have a smaller size than the others because when the text is translated from English to French, it becomes longer. In this new update, we use a different font with experimental build version. With this new font, the smaller text will be better and more legible than experimental build version.

If you want to add your own language into the game, you can check Community Translation Thread in the discussion section for the details. We can’t do it alone. Let’s do some collaboration!

Game Tutorial
We finally add basic tutorial to the game. With this tutorial, we want to give a clue to our players what they need to do and pay attention to. Because we saw some people don't have any clue what to do. Especially for fish status and how to manage it. The tutorial will be the basic action you need to do for one loop gameplay, from building ponds to selling fish.

Resource Bubble, Electric Item Sign, and Electric Connection Toggle UI
We add little touch to toggle pond and fish info UI. We add resource bubble, electric item sign, and electric connection toggle.

Basically this toggle UI will be used to make the object visible or invisible. Resource bubble is for every resource that has bubble appearance (like breeding points), electric item sign will cover every sign on electric item (like on off sign), and electric connection is for connection between electricity source and other items.

We changed some terms that we use for fish status. We change pond density into living space, noise into acoustic comfort, fish waste into fish waste free and etc. We're doing that to make better meaning for the pond status with the status bar.

We also do the balancing on the status of pond equipment and its prices. We do that balancing so that one equipment and another will become more useful and can be used evenly. We also do some balancing on fish status, especially on their acoustic comfort. In the previous version, some of the fish statuses are too difficult to handle. For this reason, we adjust it again so the fish that raised by the player can be more diverse and the level of difficulty perceived by the player is better.

For worker, we changed their status. We decided to delete the tenacity status. We also doing some adjustment to their status points because in the previous version, their status points are not balances enough. So, in this current version, more good your worker status, more expensive his hire price and salary.

Finally, after a few weeks, we can update the game from experimental build into version 0.7.8. We hope with this new version, our players that haven't had time to try experimental build, they can try the new feature in this version.

Just like our plan, after this update, we will be more focus on redesign Aquaculture Land core design. From all of feedback and suggestion we received, we feel like there is something wrong with the core design. And we need to do something about it. Therefore, after this we will rarely make significant updates. But don't worry, we will still make a list for your suggestions and feedback. Maybe we will find an idea about the redesign from your feedback and suggestions. We will also still update about the bugfix. For the details about our next move, you can check this thread

We also give you the changelog from today's update down below so you will know more about the update details. If you have feedback and suggestions about today’s update, feel free to tell us in the comment section below or in the discussion.

We want to say many thanks to all of you guys that already played our game, give us your honest review about the game, many suggestions and feedback, and other things that help us to make Aquaculture Land become a better game. Thank you for all of your support. And we hope you will still support us from now on.

See you next time guys.


- Fixed visual bug milkfish display appearing 5 times in the popup market.
- Fixed visual bug on the cliff in the top left of the environment.
- Fixed fish can be deployed when the filling water work not yet complete.
- Fixed UI commodities sold in popup company profile not displaying the correct number.
- Fixed Lv1 fish can be stored when choosing store all.
- Fixed visual bug for Sharptooth Catfish in the order not displaying the right image.
- Fixed fish icon queue when stored into storage.
- Fixed bug that makes visitor stuck when their path blocked.
- Fixed worker still feeding fish when all fish are harvested.
- Fixed fish emoticon always showed bad emoticon first before change into happy emoticon.
- Fixed build tooltip still appears after right-click.
- Fixed workers stuck or don't do anything after load game.
- Fixed water icon still appears after fill water to pond.
- Fixed money doesn't increase after cancel fill water action.
- Fixed pond become transparent if make a new one with same size in the same spot.
- Fixed storage counter shows the number 1 even though it's empty.
- Fixed fish icon still appears even though the pond is empty (when you load game from 0.7.7 version save file)
- Fixed fish icon not appears in the pond (when you load game from 0.7.7 version save file)
- Fixed died fish (because of age) cause error.
- Fixed fish will disappear when storage if you doing harvest when storage is full.
- Fixed pond still highlighted after deploy fish.
- Fixed worker still doing harvest even the action is canceled.
- Fixed worker action icon still appears even after he has been fired.
- Fixed when 2 workers harvest in the same pond cause error.
- Fixed worker action icon still appears when worker doing repair action after selling action.
- Fixed pond become transparent if you expand pond but your balance is not enough to do it.
- Fixed worker don't do animation work when cutting bush.
- Fixed worker don’t do harvest.
- Fixed electricity source turn off and don’t connect to other item if you save game when the electricity source still loading and then you load that save file.
- Fixed worker don’t do any action even though the action icon already appear.
- Fixed close worker’s path to the action place cause error.
- Fixed when you sell your aerator, tile of the aerator located become walkable.
- Fixed disable key action when 17.00 o’clock
- Fixed when you save your game at 17.00 o’clock, the time will stop if you load the save file.
- Fixed you don’t receive your money back if you cancel your expand pond action.
- Fixed you don’t receive any refund if you delete your pond (with water on it).
- Fixed fishing visitors cause error.
- Fixed store all in the fishing pond (when there is fishing visitor) cause error.
- Fixed worker won’t do anything if you to often cancel his action.
- Fixed there is a transparent object that can not be done anything.
- Fixed worker position when he do actions.
- Fixed spawn bush have chance to trap workers.
- Fixed two electricity sources can connect into single aerator.

- Added new feature Breeding Fish
- Introduced a new resource called "Breed Point' (name may be changed in the future). Breed points are produced by fish in the normal pond every hour. This point will be used for Breeding Fish.
- Added new feature Fishing Pond & Visitor
- Added ability to change pond from normal pond to fishing pond and vice versa.
- Added new feature Storage for Commodity Box. If you load your old save data that have commodity box, all commodity box will be sold automatically.
- Added ability to move commodity box from storage to the pond.
- Added new Quality status for fish.
- Removed darken environment when change day will occur.
- Removed black screen loader when change day occurred.
- Removed worker behavior to going home when the day changes.
- Enlarge environment view.
- Speed up the default time.
- Changed autosave process to every 3 days.
- Added basic tutorial.
- Added new language, French.
- Balancing for pond equipment and fish status.

- Added new display for quality status in the fish status display.
- Added new UI for breed point.
- Added new UI for Popup Storage
- Added new UI for Breeding Fish
- Updated UI for timer bar.
- Updated UI for fish details.
- Moved UI for selling commodity to popup storage.
- Added info version text in the save slot.
- Added fish box counter to storage.
- Added warning icon on balance when your balance is insufficient for routine expenses.
- Adjusting some words size when translating into French.
- Added new environment.
- Added Resource Bubble, Electric Item Sign, Electric Connections toggle UI
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

Hi guys
How's your day?

This week, we bring you some updates for experimental build. Yes, we still working with experimental build because the current build is still rather unstable. We already find the problem that makes the game crash and already trying to fix it in this update. We also add tutorial for the basic action so you will know what to do and what things you can do in the game. And finally, in this version you can play Aquaculture Land with French language.

French Language
First of all, we want to say thank you so much for @CdriX with French translation help. That really helps us.

You can select French language from tab language in the setting menu. The thing to remember, you can only change the language from setting on main menu.

There will be some texts that have a smaller size than the others because when the text is translated from English to French, it becomes longer. If you think the smaller text is annoying or not good enough, just tell us. We will find the other way to show it.

For your information, we already make community translation thread. Community translation thread is a place If you want to add your own language and help us with the game translation. Go check the thread and let's do some collaboration!

Game Tutorial
Finally, we add a tutorial for the game. We still trying to figure out how's the best way to show the tutorial. We decided to add the tutorial now because we saw some people that play our game and they don't have any clue what to do. Especially for fish status and how to manage it. The tutorial will be the basic action you need to do for one loop gameplay, from building ponds to selling fish.

We hope with this tutorial, it will make the new players easier to play Aquaculture Land.

Fish Box Counter for Storage
We give a little touch for storage by adding a fish box counter on it. We got this idea from @CdriX, thank you.

The idea comes from the behavior to open the storage just to check how many fish boxes you already have. And we think it's rather annoying from player to always open the storage just to check the number of their fish box. That's why we decided to add this counter. So, after this, you will know how many fish boxes in your storage without always open it to check.

We hope in the next update we can move everything to the main build. After that, we will be trying to focus on redesign our core game. Because we still have a problem with it. We already make a discussion for our next plan in the "What's Next" discussion thread.

For this update, please use your save file from 0.7.7 version. You can't use your save file from 0.7.8 version because you will encounter some errors. So, if you want to play this version, you can load your save file from 0.7.7 version or play it from the beginning.

We give you the changelog about today's update down below, so you can check for the details. If you have suggestions or feedback, as always feel free to tell us on discussion.

Have a great weekend.

0.7.8(EX 5)

- Fixed fish icon queue when stored into storage.
- Fixed bug that makes visitor stuck when their path blocked.
- Fixed worker still feeding fish when all fish are harvested.
- Fixed fish emoticon always showed bad emoticon first before change into happy emoticon.
- Fixed build tooltip still appears after right-click.
- Fixed workers stuck or don't do anything after load game.
- Fixed water icon still appears after fill water to pond.
- Fixed money doesn't increase after cancel fill water action.
- Fixed pond become transparent if make a new one with same size in the same spot.

- Added basic tutorial.
- Added new language, French.

- Added fish box counter to storage.
- Added warning icon on balance when your balance is insufficient for routine expenses.
- Adjusting some words size when translating into French.
- Added new environment.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

How are you?

Today's update is a small talk about what we already worked in this past week and something new about translation that we want to try. We will also talk about problems we're facing when developing Aquaculture Land. We won't talk the details today, because we just want to give you a teaser about it. Without further ado, let's check today's update!

French Language
For this past week, we're trying to implement French language into the game. Thank you so much for @CdriX for helping us with the French translation. We really appreciate it. There are still things that we need to adjust in the game for French translation. We need to check and make sure every word that has been translated is good and suitable for every component of the game. If everything is going well, you can try to use French language in the next update.

Experimental Build
This week, we're focused on optimizing the experimental build and try to make it more stable. After this build is optimized and stable enough to play, we will bring it to the main build. So, if you already try the experimental build and found any bugs or maybe you have suggestions or feedback about the new features or anything, please tell us about it. That will really help us to make the game better.

From now on, every update that still unstable and not optimized yet, we plan to use experimental build. So, you can still try the newest version and give us your feedback and suggestions without waiting for the update on the main build.

We will update the experimental build soon.

Community Translation Thread
We got feedback and suggestions that ask to add another language (other than English and Indonesian) to the game. That's why we're planning to add more language to Aquaculture Land. We want to reach out more players out there that not use English for their main language.

We already made a thread in the discussion about "Community Translation". Community Translation will be the place if you want to join and help us with translating the game into another language you want. You can check it here.

What's Next Thread
For now, we still focus to make the game better and more fun to play. Because we got feedback that said the game still lacks of something that makes the game is not good enough. Even after we added new features to the game. We realized that there is something wrong with the core design. And we need to do something about it. We already make a thread about this problem and our next plan in the discussion section.

We want to say thank you to all of you that already support us. There are still a lot of things to do for Aquaculture Land. We will do our best to make the game good and fun enough to play. Please keep supporting us from now on.

Have a nice day.
Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

How’s your day?

We have new updates for Aquaculture Land. For the past few weeks, we’re preparing new features and fixing some bugs. And today we’re ready to show you those new features. But, we use experimental build for this update. Why did we choose to use experimental build and what kind of new features that we will show to you? Let’s go to today’s update!

Experimental Build
Finally, we can show you our new features through this experimental build. We decided to use experimental build because we add and change many things from the last version and we are afraid this update brings some unstable and un-optimized problem for the game. We don't want to break our main build that we think right now is stable enough to play. We also wanted to validate our design for this new feature so we hope we hear feedback from you.

In this experimental build, we already added some new updates that we already mentioned in our last devlog. Especially our two new features that we’re working on this past few weeks, fishing pond and breeding. But, as we stated before, this new build may become unstable and not optimize yet. This week we already do internal testing and make sure this version is okay, but we still not 100% sure about it. So please make sure you are understand about it when playing this version. And of course, if you found problem just tell us.

You still can load your save file from previous version, so you don’t need to play it from the beginning. But, after you play with your previous save file, you must save it in the new slot, because there is also a chance that save file from this build will encounter problem. It is also to make sure your old save file can be played again in the main build.

**Before continue we wanted to remind you again this build is still not stable enough, so play it with that in mind. We planned to make sure next week this build will stable. So we need your help if you found any game breaking bug or other problem.**

If you want to try this experimental build, you just need to do these steps:
  • Right-click on Aquaculture Land in your Steam client and click properties.
  • Click Betas tab.
  • In “Select the beta” dropdown menu, choose experimental build.
  • Click close and you’re ready to play Aquaculture Land experimental build
To make sure you already on experimental build, just look at Aquaculture Land title in your steam client. If the title said Aquaculture Land [experimental-build], you already on experimental build and you can play it.

Fishing Pond
We did some updates on fishing pond feature. We try a new way to change normal pond into fishing pond. We also add visitor info that will appear if you click the visitor. With this visitor info, you will know what your visitor favorite fish to catch.

You have a limited amount to change from normal pond into fishing pond. This amount is based on how many fishing pond license you have. You will get 1 additional license each time your level increases by 5.

Every time your visitor catch fish, you will get money immediately. So, while you are waiting for your normal pond to produce some fish to be sold, you will get some amount of money from your fishing pond. Thing to remember, only level 2 fish can be caught. So, make sure you have level 2 or above in your fishing pond or you will get nothing from your visitor.

Breeding feature will be available from the beginning of the game. But, to use breeding feature, you need breed points. You can get breed points by nurturing your fish. The bigger your fish, the more breed points you can get. So whether you sell your biggest fish or use it to produce some amount of breed points, you choose it ːsteamhappyː

With breeding feature, you can increase your fish seed basic status. We use percentages for the addition of each basic status so it will be different for each fish, depends on their basic status. We designed this breeding feature to make it easy to use.

Thing to remember, only your fish seed status will be increased after breeding process. If you have the same fish in your pond with your breeding fish, your fish status in your pond will not increase.

Thank you to @Arburtus, @Rayune, and @Sardine for the idea that makes us create this breeding feature.

Storage feature comes to make your fish box (yields) become more organized. It also makes your farm cleaner because every time you store you fish, your fish box will automatically stored into storage.

Thing that good from storage is if you feel like you still want to make your fish (that already stored) bigger or maybe if you want to move your fish into another pond, you can put back your fish box from storage into your pond.

We want to say thank you to @Amnaa and @UhOhPolio for giving us this storage feature suggestion.

We still working to make this experimental build become more stable and optimize. We need you to try these new features so you can give us your feedback and suggestions. If this experimental build is stable and optimizes enough and we already update it with your feedback and suggestions, we will move it to the main build. We hope these new features will make you more fun and enjoy to play.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the new features or anything, feel free to tell us on discussion.

For more details about the update, we give you the changelog down below so you can check it.

Hope you guys have a great day.

0.7.8(ex 1)

- Fixed visual bug milkfish display appearing 5 times in the popup market.
- Fixed visual bug on the cliff in the top left of the environment.
- Fixed fish can be deployed when the filling water work not yet complete.
- Fixed UI commodities sold in popup company profile not displaying the correct number.
- Fixed Lv1 fish can be stored when choosing store all.
- Fixed visual bug for Sharptooth Catfish in the order not displaying the right image.

- Added new feature Breeding Fish
- Introduced a new resource called "Breed Point' (name may be changed in the future). Breed points are produced by fish in the normal pond every hour. This point will be used for Breeding Fish.
- Added new feature Fishing Pond & Visitor
- Added ability to change pond from normal pond to fishing pond and vice versa.
- Added new feature Storage for Commodity Box. If you load your old save data that have commodity box, all commodity box will be sold automatically.
- Added ability to move commodity box from storage to the pond.
- Added new Quality status for fish.
- Removed darken environment when change day will occur.
- Removed black screen loader when change day occurred.
- Removed worker behavior to going home when the day changes.
- Enlarge environment view.
- Speed up the default time.
- Changed autosave process to every 3 days.

- Added new display for quality status in the fish status display.
- Added new UI for breed point.
- Added new UI for Popup Storage
- Added new UI for Breeding Fish
- Updated UI for timer bar.
- Updated UI for fish details
- Moved UI for selling commodity to popup storage.
- Added info version text in the save slot.

Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation - Maulidan Games

How are you?

We already talked about fishing pond and its new look in the last devlog, and today it’s time to talk about the other feature for our next big update, breeding feature. We called it hatchery feature in the last devlog but from now on we called it breeding feature.

Besides breeding, we will also show you a new feature called storage. Why do we add storage to the game? Let’s check today’s devlog for the details!

Breeding is a feature to make your fish have a better status. With the breeding feature, you can increase your fish seeds basic statuses such as growth, quality, and weight. You can make a superior fish product with this feature.

Using breeding feature is quite simple, but still need to be careful. You need to choose which fish you want to breed. And then select 2 fish as parents that have addition of the status that you want. After the breeding process finished, the fish seeds status of your chosen fish will change. You can save the new status as parent status that you can use for next breeding.

Only new fish seeds status that will change after the breeding process. If you have same species fish on your pond with your chosen fish for breeding, that fish status won’t be affected.

With this feature, you can do some experiment with fish seed basic status. Which basic status you need to increase to get the best fish and yields.

Storage will be a place for your fish box (your yields). In the current version (0.7.7 version), every time you harvest your fish, your fish box will be placed beside the pond. If you already have many ponds, that will look messy and unorganized. And it will block your worker path too.

With the storage, your fish box will be more organized and your farm will look cleaner. So, after this, every time you harvest your fish, your fish box will be automatically stored to storage. From storage, you can drag your fish box to your customer order or direct selling it to the market. You can also put back your fish from your fish box to the pond.

We still do some adjustments to fishing pond feature and breeding feature. We planned to release these two features on experimental build first instead of release it on the main build. We split the build for this new feature because we have many changes in the feature and we don't want to break the stable build in version 0.7.7. After we make sure the new version is stable enough we will move the experimental build to the default build.

For you who want to try the experimental build, we will make a tutorial on how you will get those build when it is ready.

Before we ended today's devlog, we want to say thank you to @Arburtus, @Rayune, and @Sardine for giving us an idea to make this breeding feature. Thank you to @Amnaa for storage feature suggestion. We want to say thank you to all of you guys who play our game, who give us feedback and suggestion so far, you guys are really helping us to make the game better. We always make a note of your suggestion and feedback. From that note, we pick and create a list of our next feature for the game. Please keep supporting us from now on. Let's make Aquaculture Land better together.

That’s it for our talk about the breeding process and storage feature. We want to say sorry because it takes quite a time for us to finished these two features. There are still some things we need to do with these features. We'll do our best to make you enjoy playing Aquaculture Land with these new features.

As always, if you guys have some suggestions or feedback about today’s devlog or about the current version of the game, feel free to tell us on discussion.

Have a nice day guys.