Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 11/21/2013

- Added the Highlights feature. Players can view their own highlights from downloaded matches by selecting ‘Watch Your Highlights’ when clicking on a match. Other players’ highlights can be accessed through the match scoreboard.

- Graphs are now accessible when sv_competitive_official_5v5 is set to 1
- Removed player number restriction from Spectator Stat chart.
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

Mann vs. Machine
  • Operation Two Cities
    • Two new maps: mvm_mannhattan and mvm_rottenburg
    • New advanced tour featuring four missions
    • Two extra Boot Camp-only missions
  • Added 14 new achievements
  • Tour of Duty badge levels are no longer limited to 200
  • Players can earn a "Refund Upgrades" credit by collecting money during waves
    • The amount required is listed in the scoreboard, and varies per-mission
    • Any money collected – whether winning or losing – will count toward earning a credit
    • To redeem, visit an Upgrades station and click the "Refund Upgrades" button
    • Any money spent on buy-backs and Canteen charges will not be refunded
  • Detailed player performance stats added to the scoreboard
    • Damage and Tank. Total damage done to Gray Mann's forces.
    • Healing. Direct healing done to other players.
    • Support. A composite value that reflects anything a player has done to help their team:
      • Examples: reset a bomb, stun or slow an enemy, provide increased damage, block damage with invulnerability or shield, and lots more.
    • Money. The amount each player has collected.
  • Players can inspect upgrades on teammates via the "Inspect" key ("I" by default)
  • Fixed the Romevision tank not animating
  • Medic
    • Revive (no upgrade required)
      • Teammates leave behind a revive marker when they die
      • Target the marker with your medigun to revive them
    • Projectile Shield Upgrade
      • Build Energy by healing teammates, reviving and preventing damage via Invuln ÜberCharge.
      • Press ATTACK3 to activate when Energy meter is full (mouse3 by default)
      • While active:
        • Blocks all enemy projectiles
        • Damages enemies on touch
    • Mad Milk Syringes Upgrade
      • Syringe Gun needles apply Mad Milk (heal-on-hit for teammates) on contact
    • Healing Mastery Upgrade (previously two separate upgrades)
      • +25% heal rate per point
      • +25% revive rate per point
      • +25% self-regen rate per point
    • Overheal Expert Upgrade (previously two separate upgrades)
      • +25% more overheal per point
      • +50% duration per point
    • Canteen Specialist Upgrade
      • Shares canteen charge effects with heal target
      • +1 second charge duration per point
      • -10 canteen charge price per point
  • Soldier
    • Rocket Specialist Upgrade
      • +15% rocket speed per point
      • On direct hits
        • Stuns target (duration increases per point)
        • +15% increased blast radius per point
        • No range-based falloff damage
  • Heavy
    • Attack Projectiles Upgrade
      • Now has two levels
        • Level one is less effective than before
        • Level two is more effective than level one used to be
      • Price reduced from 600 to 400 per point
    • Rage Pushback upgrade activation moved to ATTACK3 (mouse3 by default)
  • Added a new community map cp_snakewater_final1
    • Added new map stamp and strange filter to the Mann Co. Store
  • Added new achievements for Snakewater, Process, and Standin
  • Older event crates no longer expire on login, but have been updated to indicate they can no longer be opened
  • about:blank should now be a legal URL and won't get blocked for MOTD
  • Fixed bots using the Phlogistinator being able to airblast enemies
  • Fixed the stock Shotgun not appearing in the backpack with "Show stock items" option turned on
  • Fixed a problem causing map stamp leaderboards to not update under certain circumstances
  • Weapons
    • Baby Face’s Blaster
      • Speed penalty changed to -10% (From -35%)
      • Boost is now only partially lost on air jumps instead of all jumps
      • Reduced Clip Size to 4
      • Removed 40% more accurate attribute
      • Removed Damage Penalty attribute
      • Speed at max boost is same as before (520)
    • Amputator
      • Added -20% damage penalty
      • Added +3 health per second when Weapon is Active bonus
    • Crusader’s Crossbow
      • Updated damage over distance: bolts now do a maximum of 75 damage (+variance) at max distance
    • Liberty Launcher
      • Added 25% reduced self damage from rocket jumps
    • Eyelander
      • Moved the eye glow position to Demoman’s eye patch. Changed the color to Cursed green.
  • VR Mode
    • Now supports resolutions other than 1280x800
    • Now supports cloning the main display (instead of using the Rift as an extended display)
    • Sharpness of the output has been significantly improved
    • Head-and-neck model has been fixed to remove unnecessary translation
Dota 2 - Valve
The winners of today's Diretide cycle have been chosen a bit differently: Due to a bug in our UI the top score did not actually represent the current kill leader. Some teams went as far as they could, reaching an impressive 218 level kill. Others played the timing game and tried to one up who they thought the current leader was based on the Leaderboard.

We've decided to reward winners of both the highest level kill and the current highest score on the Leaderboard.

Cycle 7 Diretide Changes:

- Roshan can no longer be hexxed or stunned during Sugar Rush.

- The Sugar Rush Hall of Fame no longer displays the current cycle's high score. It will display the high score only once the cycle has completed.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 11/20/2013

- Added DreamHack 2013 tab in watch panel. This is the hud to watch and download all the games.
- Added a panel to the spectator UI that shows the event logo, spectator number and viewer item drops during freeze time of an event.
- Added a convar sv_matchpause_auto_5v5, when enabled will track if less than 5 human players are connected on either team and will pause match during nearest freezetime, and will automatically unpause when all 5 players are connected on both teams.
- Spectators of competitive games can now access their inventory.
- Fixed ADR showing the value from the previous half on round 1 of the second half.
- Fixed case where a data series could exceed the chart range.
- Grenade collision with doors is not affected when the grenade kills a chicken.
- Players can no longer throw weapons through displacement surfaces.
Dota 2 - Valve
* Couriers that scale their particle effects based on their games viewed will work again.
* Fixed several bugs that caused recipes to be generated with incorrect requirements.
* Fixed a bug that caused the UI for a recipe that requires multiple inputs of a particular rarity to incorrectly display a requirement for a specific item once the input requirement was partially fulfilled.
* Uncraftable items will no longer be generated as required inputs for recipes. Recipes that currently have uncraftable inputs will be adjusted to require a random item of the same rarity.
* Fixed a bug where inscribed gems would only display their first digit on the Steam Community Market.
* Inscribed gems now are named only by the type of stat they track instead of the type of stat they track and the value. This means that all items of the same type will appear together on the Steam Community Market. I.e.: No more "Kills: 1" category and "Kills: 2" category instead there would just be one "Kills" category.

Diretide Candy Rush changes:
- Roshan no longer belly aches.
- Roshan refreshes hero abilities only once per life at 50%.
- Roshan cannot be frozen, disarmed, or silenced.
- Roshan can be stunned and hexed.
- Roshan has a Spell Block ability (10 sec cooldown).
Dota 2 - Valve
- Roshan is now unaffected by Hex and Root interruption
- You can now use a password to only match against other players with the same password in Diretide Matchmaking
Dota 2 - Valve
- Trading functionality has been restored.

- Earth Spirit: Fixed an issue with Refreshing Rolling Boulder while already rolling.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed refreshed Boulder Smash causing units to teleport.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed a smashed Stone Remnant that got gripped still applying damage and silence to units in its old path.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed Magnetize and Rolling Boulder not applying their debuffs to magic immune enemies.
- Ember Spirit: Fixed Flame Guard doing damage in too slow of intervals.
- Ember Spirit: Fixed some cases where Searing Chains could do less damage tickets
- Storm Spirit: Fixed Storm Spirit not showing the minimap while in Ball Lightning.
- Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism ghosts attacking Attack Immune targets.
- Meepo: Fixed clones not gaining XP.
- Rubick: Can no longer steal Stone Caller.
- Fixed legacy_mode_quick_cast interaction with items to test.
- Fixed a crash when using Keeper of the Light in last-hit practice games.
- Fixed Wisp subtitles.
- Reduced Stone Remnant model size

- Fixed the lava trail effect not having a name and having the wrong color values at default.
- Fixed missing Tabard of the Crested Cannoneer from Sing's Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer Set. Users that have already purchased this set have been granted the missing item.
- Fixed health bar in HUD sometimes being invisible at match start.
- Fixed an issue with Quick Buy for Coaches and Spectators.
- The Inscribed, Autographed, and Ascendant qualities will only be applied to items that have no other quality and will be removed when the item is hammered.
- Qualities that got into a weird state from gems (like missing genuine tags) will be restored this afternoon.
- Heroic items will now display their tournament properties correctly.
- The lava trail unusual effect should now have its correct appearance as well as an effect name.


- Increased the drop rate of special rewards given for killing higher levels of Roshan to 33% per level.

When you start Sugar Rush (Phase 2):
- All heroes are upgraded to level 25.
- Your gold now counts up at 1000/sec.
- Pudge's Flesh Heap is reset to 1.
- The timer to fight Roshan doesn't start until he either takes damage or 5 minutes have elapsed.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 11/15/2013

- Reduced fade to black time to 0.3s to better hide enemy movement when playing with "mp_forcecamera 2".
- Buy Time now lasts the entire Warmup period.
- Fixed the Defuse Kit making a pickup sound that everyone could hear when walking over it.
- In official competitive mode players now accumulate end of round money even if they are disconnected at the moment when end of round money is awarded to their teammates.
- In official competitive mode players who disconnect from the game server while alive are treated as having committed suicide and don't receive end of round money for that round.


- Mirage improvements based on pro feedback
-- Raised skybox ceiling around T spawn
-- Rebuilt red building in T spawn to give more room for grenade throws
-- Fixed a bug where Ts could see into Bombsite A without exposing themselves
-- Added collision on tall box near CT stairs to prevent players getting onto it
-- Fixed a bug where a player could get onto boxes near ladder room alone
-- Added wider cover in mid, T side
-- Made CT sniper window in mid taller
-- Removed gaps where players could see through scaffolding in Bombsite A
-- Fixed various spots where you could see through crates in Bombsite A
-- Made it possible to shoot through a crate in Bombsite A
-- Smoothed out movement inside Palace
-- Added wider windows in Bombsite B apartment
-- Fixed a bug where a player could stand on the wall outside B apartment
-- Removed dark door underneath Bombsite B apartment
-- Added pretty flowers

- Nuke
-- Fixed invisible I-beam collision in hut/lobby

- Inferno
-- Made railings on balcony near Bombsite A and CT spawn easier to see through

- Fixed the overhead Freeze Time icons not updating frequently enough to catch certain equipment changes.
- Fixed the Freeze/Invuln Time color correction being wrong if the Invuln Time was shorter than the Freeze Time length.
- Fixed Achievement icons not appearing when it displayed Achievements earned in the previous round.
- Fixed map selection button becoming inactive when Workshop maps are being updated.
- Added Inventory error message when Steam cannot access your items.
- Added item image to Delete Item confirmation.
- Contracts
-- Fixed not auto-scrolling away from a blank item list.
-- Fixed being able to submit without signing.
-- Fixed signatures being offset from the mouse cursor.

- Reduced duration of red player damage effect.
- In GOTV the kill camera now orients so both the killer and victim are visible.
- Fixed spectator navtext no longer wrapping.

- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Menus, Overview Map, Graphs, etc. now work when the demo is paused.
-- Improved seeking with less particle effect, sound, and HUD spew.
-- Demo Timescale slider now goes up to 10x.
-- Added buttons to directly set demo timescale to 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 4x speeds.
-- Fixed Stats Graph round columns not resetting correctly when rewinding a demo.
-- Removed demoui2.
- Fixed color of weapon names not matching the actual rarity of the weapon.

- Added server convar sv_matchend_drops_enabled for suppressing item drops at the end of tournament matches, play time is still accumulated by players and items will be awarded at the next opportunity.
- Using the game_round_end to force a specific winner now consistently increments the round number (you must still use the game_score entity to set the appropriate team score).
- Fixed a case where CT coaches would get locked into 3rd person.

- Cached inventory icons are regenerated if Texture/Shader Detail is increased using the Options menu.

- Updated the version of for Linux dedicated servers to require Glibc 2.11.
- Linux dedicated servers now upload core dumps out-of-process and more reliably.
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Added new series of Chemistry Sets
  • Added "Collector's" item quality. "Collector's" items are created by completing special Chemistry Sets.
  • Added a server cooldown period for Eternaween votes
  • Spooky Keys are now regular keys
  • Fixed seeing the fire texture on The Maniac's Manacles, PY-40 Incinibot, The Parasight, and The Foul Cowl in DirectX 8
  • Fixed some Halloween spells not working during Eternaween
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • The Grandmaster will now update its model based on the owner's current kill streak
  • Removed the requirement for SSE2 that was introduced during a previous update
  • Updated The Jupiter Jumpers so they can be equipped with the Mantreads and the Gunboats
  • Halloween event notes:
    • The Eternaween server enchantment can now be used to call a server vote to enable Halloween items on that server for a two-hour period
    • Fixed an exploit in Helltower caused by attempting to change teams while in hell
    • Updated Halloween spells so that the effects will only be visible during Halloween/Full Moon events. Spells will not be removed from the items they have been applied to.
    • All Halloween event items have automatically expired except the Spooky Crate and the Pile Of Curses, which will automatically expire tomorrow.