SURV1V3 - Curs0

Hi guys,
latest update bricked Big Bird trial... we apologize for the inconvenience. :gun_pistol:

But now, our best trial is back!
Wanna play it? Just grab your tablet, select Trial mode and start it!

Thanks to taeralis for reporting!

SURV1V3 - Curs0

Hey Survivors!

This is another quality release!
We're releasing more than 25 bug fixes and tweaks.
On top of this, we're proud to announce that the pump shotgun is finally here!
This is one of the most requested feature since early access release... hope you'll like it!

Pump shotgun
Shotguns have always been part of the zombie killing / survival games... this is definitely true.
Supernova tactical shotgun is going to be one of the most amusing, satisfying and powerful weapons available in SURV1V3 :gun_pistol: ENJOY!

Spanish localization
Spanish localization for subtitles, tablet and options menu is completed!
Thanks to Souls Alive for his quick job! :inflammable_barrel:
(if you have any feedback on localized content, just drop us a line!)

Hit Direction Markers
You got killed by a crawling zombie because it wasn't clear from where you got hit until it was too late? We added a thin marker that should help you! :gas_jerrycan:

Just grab a shovel around and get smashing some brains! Ready?

Map Key
A map legend is now included, accessible directly from your tablet (click help, between back and zoom buttons). It will give you basic information needed for the map to make sense.

We're also releasing a number of bug fixes that should solve all reported problems (characters collisions, gun fire effects, crashes, ...). :drill_picklock:
Check full list below!


New features & tweaks:
- weapons: new supernova tactical shotgun
- melee weapons: shovel should be a melee weapon
- localization: spanish localization
- tablet: adding map key to explain map icons
- tablet: renaming "help" section in "extra" and adding collectibles section (to show unlocked ones)
- graphics: hit directions markers
- graphics: change main map sign color so text is more readable
- weapons: suppressor shouldn't reduce relative stopping power

Fixed bugs:
- inventory: player can grab some objects from cases without opening it
- graphics: hanging npc are stuttering in main menu map
- Sewers: some duplicate props in Survive mission
- gameplay: cloth material shouldn't stop bullets
- subtitles: fixed some typos and completed some missing translations
- options menu: very small unreadable text on some options descriptions
- weapons: pressing both eject mag and remove attachment buttons at the same time makes the gun bug out
- graphics: fix some objects collisions and grip points
- Santa Carla: some doors don't close
- Hell Street: players can enter a garden going out of map
- main menu map: you can get your player stuck in the boxes
- characters: collisions on some characters are not completely aligned (resulting in false bullet hits)
- weapons: fire effect is not aligned with gun/rifle muzzle
- graphics: camera blood fade effect freaks out when player is hit many times in a short amount of time
- core: rare crashes
- steam: steam stats can be messed up
- multiplayer: splash map shouldn't be listed as an available session while searching for a multiplayer session
- gameplay: falling in the water should kill player

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

SURV1V3 - Curs0
Good news Survivors!

Having completed chapter 2, we're now taking a little break focusing on game polishing and bug fixing, just before starting chapter 3 development.

Brightness setting
Game adjust brightness depending on used HMD (for most important model). Some users, however, asked for a more brighter game... :gun_pistol:
Brightness setting is finally here: just go to options sign, select video section and adjust brightness... please don't abuse it ;)

German localization
German localization for subtitles, tablet and options menu is completed!
Thanks to FireWaran for his valuable help! :inflammable_barrel:

Grab function redesign
Grab function has been totally redesigned:
- precise grab > hand will always grab nearest object
- walls > player won't be able to grab/drop objects through walls
- world interaction > grabbing or dropping something won't close or open case/doors accidentally
- underbarrel attachments > toggling lasers or flashlights is way easier now, just touch it with you fingers and press trigger. :gas_jerrycan:

We're also releasing a number of bug fixes that should solve all reported problems (4 players lobby is available finally, steam stats, crashes, ...). :drill_picklock:
Check full list below!


New features & tweaks:
- graphics: brightness setting
- localization: german localization
- Sewers: light system enhancement to fix low frame rate on specific areas
- audio: game won't mute anymore all of its audio output when it doesn't have windows focus
- weapons: reducing bloom effect and horizontal recoil
- inventory: player should not be able to grab/drop objects through walls
- zombies: all helmets/hats/accessories can be detached from zeds
- Prologue: adjusting texts for some signs

Fixed bugs:
- inventory: grabbing objects function wasn't selecting nearest actor - grab function redesign
- inventory: grabbing a magazine inside a case can sometimes close the case simultaneously
- multiplayer: 4th player can't join lobby
- multiplayer: session's players counter doesn't update sometimes
- weapons: flashlight/laser under the barrel very hard to turn on and off
- crash: a crash can occur when a player joins while another player is opening a door
- Prologue: during tutorial you're able to pick up 2 (even 3) tablets. However, once picked up you can't put them down
- tablet: completing chapter 2, tablet shows "chapter -1" when trying to play in story mode
- steam: kills and weapon stats are not updating

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

SURV1V3 - Curs0
"In a hundred yards or so there's a waste water tunnel that goes outside” (Jeremy Stanford)

Hi there survivors!
chapter 2 is completed finally!
Listening to community feedback, we're also deploying a tons of new tweaks, enhancements and bug fixes.
Thanks to you all for supporting us!

It's time to face another mission! (chapter 2, mission 5)
Like any good final mission, a big, bad boss is waiting for you: hope you will enjoy it, good luck!

This is the last mission of chapter 2... say goodbye to the sewerage system, chapter 3 will take place in open air ;)

Ready? :gun_pistol:

4 players coop
This was possible since game launch thanks to a bug allowing players to join full lobbies. Bug is fixed now, but you can still enjoy whole game in 4 players!
To change default limit (3 players) go to game settings (main options sign at game start) and set "4 players coop". :inflammable_barrel:

We added a "very low" graphics detail setting for very low-end hardware.
This should also help players having a GPU with less than 4 gigs (BETA).

Many users reported this: teleport was actually changing player yaw according to pad/stick orientation. We changed this default behavior: teleport doesn't change player yaw by default. Actual teleport behavior can be set with a specific options in controls section.

Private Lobbies
Do you want to play with your friends, avoiding casual players joining your lobby?
Just set a password using your tablet (click on Session, than Session Password).
Session password can be changed real time, no need to restart the session.

Even more realistic weapons
Recoil has been significantly reduced and tweaked per weapon for more realism. We also added an options to grab magazines from your weapon, without releasing them immediately to the ground. To enable it, please go to main map options sign, section grip, and change clips release option to realistic. :gun_pistol:

A new achievement
When the darkness comes, a light appears...

Damn bugs..
We're also releasing a number of bug fixes that should solve all reported problems (ineffective drill, choppy subtitles when moving your head, ...). Check full list below! :gas_jerrycan:


P.S: we started game localization process, if you're interested in helping the Devs, just follow instructions here.

New features & tweaks:
- story mode: chapter 2 - mission 5, SURVIVE
- multiplayer: 4 players coop
- multiplayer: private lobbies
- graphics: bullet holes decals lifespan increased by 250%
- core: added game build version to options menu
- menu: saving settings in options menu will also bring main menu back, giving some visual feedback that settings has been saved
- tablet: renaming some misleading menu entries (Lobby>Session, Change Map/Mission>Change Mode/Mission)
- multiplayer: adding a notify message when a player leave the game
- drill: drill logic has been ported client side for best experience
- gameplay: player max transportable weight has been increased by 50% (and speed reduction factor updated accordingly)
- controls: pad/stick dead zone option
- controls: teleport won't change player yaw by default. Actual teleport behavior (teleport and change yaw simultaneously) can be set with a specific options in controls section
- performances: reducing texture streaming pool size and texture anisotropic sample count for medium and low graphic detail settings
- controls: magazines are 4 centimeters / 1.6 inches higher in modeled hand to avoid moving one controller into the other while reloading
- graphics: adding "very low" graphics detail setting for very low-end hardware
- gameplay: area to pick up items is 50% bigger
- backpack: inventory screen is no more strictly pinned on players HMD
- weapons: general recoil tweak for more realism
- controls: options to grab a magazine from your weapon, without releasing it immediately to the ground
- weapons: magazine in/out animations polishing

Fixed bugs:
- multiplayer: joining a story session after a checkpoint has been reached, client will spawn with no inventory
- multiplayer: players can join full lobbies
- drill: a bug is causing drill to not be effective if starting to use it while bit is already colliding with lock to break
- tablet: grabbing tablet while having other hand in a fist, won't let player interact with tablet touch screen
- tablet: session list page browsing is bugged and it's not showing all sessions available
- subtitles: some misspelling should be fixed
- gameplay: dying while disguised with zombie stew, player respawns still disguised
- core: fixing some rare crashes
- graphics: subtitles are really choppy when moving your head
- graphics: subtitles should be readable also when rendered over transparent surfaces or through walls
- graphics: zombie stew camera effect is choppy when moving your head
- weapons: dancing/flying gun after drop
- weapons: M233 scope shouldn't be compatible with XM8 rifle
- weapons: water shouldn't stop bullets

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

"You'll breath fresh air very soon...!!” (Jeremy Stanford)

SURV1V3 - Curs0
Happy new year Survivors!

Having an hard work during holidays (thanks to our families for their patience and support), we're glad to announce one of the most quality-impacting release so far!

Almost no new content or features this time!
This is a quality release with tons of tweaks&fixes.

New Netcode
This is one of the most requested feature so far!
SURV1V3 can be very rewarding when played in coop, but too many logics were implemented server-side, ruining the whole experience while playing overseas in high latency sessions.
From this release, ALL game logic related to players is 100% client-side, resulting in a very smooth experience even when playing with latency over 300-400ms. Hope you will like it!!!! :gun_pistol:

Side note: please remember that you can check session latency while playing from your tablet (Lobby section).

In last release we nerfed a lot all melees, ... yeah right! maybe too much....
We're restoring some of their original power, deadly hits should be easier now! :inflammable_barrel:

Backpack access
Many user were reporting that grabbing melees and accessing backpack was a little confusing.
We are removing grip button as an alternative way to open backpack.
From this release only trigger button will open the backpack.
So, if you want to grab your melee, move your hand above a shoulder and press grip button, if you want to open your backpack, same gesture, but press trigger button. :drill_picklock:
Tutorial has been updated accordingly.

Objects detection area
All detection area to grab/attach/detach from body are doubled.
Grabbing objects and weapons or attaching them to your body should be a lot easier and intuitive now! :gas_jerrycan:

Santa Carla performances
Many users reported some lag/stuttering in Motel area, Santa Carla.
We have changed all lighting system in that area, this should really enhance performances!

Ok ok... we also have a new feature here.
We started localization process and we're delivering italian and french subtitles (thanks to [VR]Hideo for french translation). We're also working on german and spanish (any help is welcome!) :inflammable_barrel:

Damn bugs..
We're also releasing a number of bug fixes that should solve all reported problems (objects falling through map, bricked hungry mission, ...). Check full list below!


New features & tweaks:
New features & tweaks:
- multiplayer: client-side inventory interactions (in order to eliminate lag in high latency sessions)
- melees: restore some power to make them more effective
- backpack: removing grip button as an alternative way to open backpack in order to avoid confusing players - only trigger is now allowed, so players won't grab a melee while opening backpack (and viceversa)
- inventory: all detection area to grab/attach/detach from body are doubled
- Santa Carla: updated Motel lighting to enhance performances
- picklocking: extending the range of where the drill can contact with a door to unlock
- gameplay: decreasing speed reduction effect while crouching
- gameplay: move upward (4 centimeters) rifles attachment point on chest to avoid errors when grabbing clips from belt
- gameplay: add some rifles at gas station in Santa Carla to let players face the horde more easily
- multiplayer: play a message when a new player joins a session
- settings: removed height detail in first boot screen and options menu to avoid confusing players with wrong VR environment setup
- localization: base localization support for tablet and subtitles
- localization: French localization for tablet and subtitles
- localization: Italian localization for tablet and subtitles

Fixed bugs:
- graphics: a bug in level streaming is causing microlag(rift)/loading screen(vive/wmr) on specific maps locations
- gameplay: objects can fall through map after player death
- graphics: red dot weapons is less visible
- Santa Carla: some house internal doors can't be opened
- Sewers: hungry mission - snapping a valve before grabbing all tree valves bricks the mission
- backpack: sometime using any object while backpack is open will cause it to close but player won't be able to open it anymore
- backpack: fixing a bug causing underbarrel laser and flashlight to turn on when grabbed from backpack
- sewers: hungry mission - if player dies inside the gas room, he's not able to fire anymore when respawning
- graphics: dead bodies don't emit blood particles when hit with a melee
- Prologue: tutorial signs explaining ammos/clips interaction are referencing to old, not assisted clips management
- core: crash reporter is back

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

"... talk to you when you’re on the other side!” (Jeremy Stanford)

SURV1V3 - Curs0
Hi guys,

just a little update to release some tweaks&fixes:

- melees: increasing melees durability by 40%
- checkpoints: changing difficulty level will reset current saved checkpoint
- maps: loading is now 100% blocking, no more empty map effect while loading a new map on slow machines

Thanks all for your feedback and... Happy XMAS!!!

SURV1V3 - Curs0
"The important thing now is to go straight for the exit!” (Jeremy Stanford)

Ciao survivors!
we apologize for delayed release but we changed in the course of development phase our original plans.
In order to start working on PVP mode in Q1 2019, we made netcode rework a top priority: we started recoding some core routines and that took some time...
That said, we also worked on some highly requested features and fixed all known bugs!

Netcode rework
Hit detection is now client side authoritative and all weapons/melee/objects logics have been moved client side. What does it mean? This basically means that you can enjoy gun play and melee also on high latency sessions. Playing overseas should be much more rewarding now.
We also fixed tablet lobby menu: all players nicknames are correctly showed as well as their latency (in milliseconds). Host is now able to kick players.
To complete the netcode rework, we're now supposed to move to clients all inventory logic, but this is something we'll address in next release.

Since we launched early access, this is the most requested feature.
Checkpoints are finally here! Mission is now typically split in 1 or 2 checkpoints.
When a checkpoint is reached a sound is played with a "saving game" subtitle. Quitting the game you'll be able to restart last mission from saved point.
No checkpoints for hardcore gamers playing the game at Nightmare difficulty level. :inflammable_barrel:

Melee refactoring
Melee weapons have been completely redesigned.
First of all they are totally client side authoritative: this means no lag at all when playing as a client.
We also totally redesigned hit logic: damage is now proportional to weapon momentum when hitting zeds, "hand shaking" won't cause almost any damage.
Melee weapons have now a total durability and will break after a certain usage amount.
Last but not least... a well placed hit with a slash-melee weapon can behead a zombie!

Hungy story mission
It's time to face another mission! (chapter 2, mission 4)

When this whole mess started, many people thought about hiding in local sewers along with the soldiers, to avoid the virus... food supplies were not short, but the survivors were hungry... soon enough there wasn't enough food and things escalated quickly, rations stealing increased and the soldiers had to lock the thieves in the deeper sewers. At that point the stronger ones started to...

Ready? :gun_pistol:

Damn bugs..
We're also releasing a number of bug fixes that should solve all reported problems (WMR hands offset, players falling through Sewers map, some rare crashes, ...). Check full list below!


P.S: we started game localization process, if you're interested in helping the Devs, just follow instructions here.

New features & tweaks:
- story mode: chapter 2 - mission 4, HUNGRY
- gameplay: checkpoints
- gameplay: melee refactoring
- multiplayer: client-side authoritative melee, firearms and objects use (in order to eliminate lag in high latency sessions)
- core: Unreal Engine 4.21 porting (with round robin occlusion culling on!!!)
- Santa Carla: zeds will have less chance to spawn with dismembered limbs
- Prologue: level refactoring with dead bodies and zeds outside main road
- multiplayer: adding player latency in lobby menu
- zeds: new zombie prey model

Fixed bugs:
- controls: real life hand and vr controller are now aligned for WMR systems
- zombies: fixed a bug causing zombies to start to fly begin killed (lol)
- multiplayer: doors & cases state (open/close) is now correctly replicated to all clients on late joins
- multiplayer: explosive tanks now disappear also on clients
- weapons: glass should not block bullets
- graphics: explosive bullets don't cause anymore flickering dismembered bones
- Sewers: fixed a bug causing player to randomly fall through map
- multiplayer: lobby menu's kick and leave buttons now work as expected
- multiplayer: lobby menu is now showing all players nicknames
- core: fixed some rare game crashes

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

"... talk to you when you’re on the other side!” (Jeremy Stanford)

SURV1V3 - Curs0
Hi guys,

thanks to new crash reporter we were able to find a crash affecting backpack and collectibles.

This little hotfix should resolve the issue. :drill_picklock:

See you!


EDIT: we're releasing game multiple times to solve as many crash problems as we can :)
SURV1V3 - Curs0
Hi guys,

while completing checkpoints and mission 4 implementation we're still focused on enhancing and tweaking what we released so far.

In order to better investigate crash problems, we're adding a centralized reporter that will help us analyze any crash users may report in future.

In case you have a crash Unreal Engine Crash Reporter window will show up:
1- note your LoginID (this will help us in searching your report)
2- just provide information about what you were doing when crash occurred
3- press "send and close" and contact us (steam forum / discord channel)

SURV1V3 - Curs0
"Abandon all hope, you who enter here”

Welcome back survivors,
it's time to face DEEP mission! (chapter 2, mission 3)

You’re about to get in an underground area where there is no signal. This means that the map’s GPS won’t work and also the radio won’t work too,
Your goal is to go through all of the undergrounds and get out on the other side, possibly alive...

We also release a number of bug fixes and enhancements, check list below!

Good luck! :gun_pistol:

ps: mission 4 and 5 will be released in coming weeks. We also started CHECKPOINTS (!!!) development.

pps: do you like the new mission? let us know commenting below or drop us a line in discussion section!

New features & tweaks:
- gameplay: Deep mission
- zombies: new zombie torso and zombie prey models
- zombies: added sewers new civilian zombie models to Santa Carla
- ai: zombie can eat dead bodies
- performances: massive CPU and GPU performance boost
- zombies: max speed reduced by 7%
- splash map: beretta M9 pistols on crossroad barrel have now infinite ammo and underbarrel laser on by default, in order to easier interactions with menu

Fixed bugs:
- zombies: wrong hit boxes with some zombie models
- ai: zombie navigation tweaks to avoid running in circles
- ai: zombies falling through map occasionally
- controls: hand becoming non functional in high latency multiplayer sessions
- gameplay: fight together boss can't be glitched anymore

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

"... talk to you when you’re on the other side!”
