Shoppe Keep 2 - Reel Big Kris

Shoppe Keep 2 devlog is back, 1.5 months of "silence" if you arent a tester on Steam. Showing off an overhauled Architecture, a huge changelog that is too big to fit into a devlog, UI Upgrades for NPC Interactions and more!

New Architecture

One of the biggest pushes in SK 2 that differs from SK 1 is that we increased our art team, and it shows, oh boy it shows. During prototyping stages we required some buildings for the village/harbour/random stops and of course the town. Given that the town will and does grow, it must represent that visually, so our buildings evolve, get better, bigger. From the images you can tell that we have sorta poor low level straw/wood buildings at first, then they evolve into more fancier ones, and this wont be the end, we want to add at least 1 more level in the future, maybe more! Not only did we change the main architectural look of the buildings, we dedicated time into making as many variations as possible. You will find some similar buildings, But not in the same occurrence as you did in the earliest versions. Crafter buildings are getting the same treatment as well, and after they are done we will be remodelling the Management house and of course - the shop itself.

New NPC Interaction

NPC's were great and all, they have their uses, but the UI Lacked something. Now when interacting with an NPC your camera will pan near their faces, they will TRY to lip sync their greeting text (Still need to voice the lot) and have a full screen UI for you to play with. The information part shown in the image above lets you pick some topics that they can tell you about, and or actions! For example this Unique NPC That will randomly come into the Inn once you have purchased in, will sell you the possibility to once again own and control Helper Bots!

Before this NPC's did notreally tell you what you were buying, just the icon and a name, but did you need more? We think you did. Now information pops out once you click on an item.

The quest UI for an NPC was the most dreadful we had yet, and we are very happy that this now changes! With a similar pop out on click you can read up on the quest, what it's rewards are and of course accept it!

More Map Icons

For some slice of life especially for the players that will be out there hunting, we added map icons for all spawners, so now you know where to go in order to get some Wolf, Goat, Crab or Spider loot!


Crabs, yes crabbies. These lil fellas are our second neutral creature. They will not attack unless provoked, and beware - they have a bit more armour than the other creatures, so they will be harder to take down.
In order for the player to see a use in hunting these creatures, we have created a bunch of items that are crafted from the loot you gain. At the moment you require a special craft book to make these items, and we are yet to figure out the best way or place to grant players them, but they are in the game and looking fine!

Cave (Work In Progress)

Since the very first prototype of the terrain we wondered how with the current technology can we carve into the mountains or go underground, finally we found the solution, and this is just a Work In Progress entrance into the mountain, what such entrances will contain is up for debate, but we already have plans for one of the other 2 zones we have left that will feature such entrances that will hopefully make your town and your shop more profitable!


So yeh.....SK1 had them, SK2 prototyping phases did not. It would just not feel correct without being able to fling out a dead customer who maybe might have said that this item was too overpriced.

World Economy

Back in SK1 we enabled gathering of information what items were sold, and we saw millions of items selling worldwide by our players, and some were not so happy about it, so we turned it off. Now we offer a toggle in the options menu Once on - we will only be receiving what item was sold during the day in a palyers play trough (Or multiplayer match), no other info is being gathered. This is in order to start manipulating customer wants and margins on a world scale. If players worldwide will start selling a particular item more than some other items, the demand will change, and it will influence how much customers are willing to pay for them, as well as letting us create unique world events, by playing the market. This unlocks a lot of community possibilities, and we will work closely with the community to make this feature as useful and fun as possible.

No images for this, but We made it so anyone that has a Twitch channel can input their info into the game and once someone types into the Twitch chat while the streamer is playing SK2, their name will be added to the customer name list, and the Streamer will start seeing their viewers appear as customers in game

Much Much More
The reason why devlogs seemingly halted is because during the past few months we opened up our game to Testers that were giving us invaluable information and feedback, we were deep into polishing up the game, offering quality of life changes and just trying to make sure its enjoyable, fun to play, and has no game breaking bugs. Other reason is we are getting ready for EGX Rezzed 2018 in London next month, so if you are up for a meet, come visit us there! We will be offering a taste of SK2 multiplayer there.
But just in case some might think we are slacking off, here is a changelog that we were pushing to our Testers almost every other day. Some might not make sense, some might, but still, we are happy with the progress being made, and we arent stopping.

As always - Stay tuned!


-5 new hair styles (Untextured)
-3 new beard styles
-Enemies have their own footstep sounds
-Enemies have ambience sounds
-Crab new sounds
-New Health display for customers/mobs
-Updated character select/edit/delete buttons and visuals
-Keybindings in options display icon for the set button
-Save and go back button visual update for better visibility
-Equiped ring trinkets appear on the first person right hand index finger
-Customers stop interacting with the player down from 5 units to 2 units distance
-Steam Inventory, Receive a Cosmetic Chest or Cosmetic Key, both are redeemed when customising the player(NO REAL MONEY IS NEEDED, just playtime)
-Customers ragdoll
-Timed deliveries 5 Seconds with countdown visual on the lower end of player UI in the top left
-Updated Steam 500 mun inventory redeem at the accountant
-Can set keybindings back to default in the control section
-In depth Graphical settings
-Level 2 Equipment at level 2 town
-Mouse smoothing improvements
-Unity launcher hidden by default, use Shift when launching to open it up.
-Hidden healing visual when loading up game
-Text while loading should be seen more clearly
-Hit your character in customisation by clicking on his chest
-More work done on mouse smoothing
-Item visuals in the description rotate slower
-Left alt replaced with G for opening up Emotes and Chat choice
-Confirmation dialog pops up when unlocking skills/upgrades
-New tip pops up when selling a first item for a player, tells where to withdraw the money.
-Ability to look all the way up or down
-Jumping stamina drain reduced from 20 to 5
-Furniture Z button fixed after loading up a game after closing the last one
-Modified Tax Treshold calculation
-LOD Dithering
-Window mode toggle properly shows on/off
-Resolution shows last selected res
-Invert mouse toggle added
-More folliage
-Performance upgrades
-Reduced sprint FOV
-Thieves wont steal if a player is near them
-Default crest hidden if a world save is present
-Static purchasable items from dispensers show information about the item.
-Modified customer/projectile collision
-Splash screen upgrade
-On death a chance to loose a random equipped item - thread lightly!
-Customers will randomly throw trash (10% chance) in the shop requiring cleanup
-Each trash object reduces Shop interest for customers by 5%
-Fixed master volume reducing each time you load the game
-Customers wont buy items from a furniture piece that is below 30% of durability, and will kick it because they hate it
-Inspect Right hand held weapon with Middle Mouse Button
-Name tags scale down the closer the player is
-Camera pans and rotates to face the NPC which is being interacted with
-BASIC lipsyncing for interactable npc's
-Fangs agro drop distance lowered
-Fixed enemy death - Sound changes caused this.
-Reduced weapon swing stamina cost from 15 to 5
-Customers dont walk on you anymore
-Option to opt into the World Economy (At the moment, it will track sold item sales as well as let us manipulate item margin multipliers)
Will introduce global events when we agree on a good direction ith this, for the time being it is a nice way to track what users are selling.
-Returned shadows to the world!
-Fixed crosshair animation
-Plants grow far slower now
-NPC Faces appear on UI(Needs more work)
-Fixed World Economy second launch bug
-Modified you sure panel text
-MMO name explanation added
-Smaller character Button
-Bigger required character text
-English language should auto refresh with new values
-Mouse Smooth renamed to Mouse Smoothing
-Character name when deleting him wont appear in brackets
-Added a None scar to customisation
-Camera defaults itself if turned off by other means from npc talk
-Centered Accountant UI
-Left Control does not auto aim you up/down
-Modified wind grass bending
-Character notifies himself when blacksmith/cook/alchemy is unlocked/upgraded
-Maximum of 12 crafting actions can happen at once for any given craftable type.
-Crafting more than 1 of the same item at once instead of two separate items will craft each at 80% of their required time.
-Camera should default itself in any situation after talking to an NPC, notify me if it does not.
-Cave prototyping started
-New Early Access watermark
-New sliding canvas faders functional
-New Level 1 architecture
-Started creating new NPC Interaction UI
-Start Goal went from 50 to 100
-Made broom/hammer autoequipped on start
-New quest after buying a pedestal to place them at shop
-Water daily quest unlocks after completing the chest order quest
-Cook unlock quest opens up after tax quest is complete
-New questchain to get players up to speed
-Level 2 town architecture added
-Scytche became a medium sized item (Can be placed on tables now)
-Blacksmith wood quest reduced from 20 to 9, to make it less a hassle
-Father Eduard receives a new dialog talking about etherals and their worship site, mentioning that the last time they were saw is when the town flew red flags. (A hint that once the town is level2, something may be found at their worship site)
-Furniture vendor received a dialog that explains his stock will increase as the town gets upgraded.
-Town management values should show exact values
-Furniture vendor received armor stand as another new buildable at level 2
-Blacksmith at level 2 now offers a hat rack.
-New small wolf spawner added near old fang spawn
-New crab spawner added to a small pond near town
-Wolfs will spawn without Fang being killed
-Creature spawners shown off on world map
-World map icons maximum size reduced
-Cook level 2 architecture update
-Attack stamina drain increased from 5 to 10
-2 new skills added to combat tree (Reduces stamina drain on attack)
-Updated quest giving and quest information display in NPC UI
-NPC facing issue fixed
-Modified scrollbar ui
-Alchemy level 2 architecture upgrade
-Blacksmith level 2 architecture upgrade
-Small emote when selecting char
-New view outside window on the main menu
-Order delivery time incresed from 5 seconds to 20
-3 new Business branch skills dealing with delivery time
-Few new skin customisations added
-Updated npc ui buying
-Steam Lobby UI received a refresh button
-Steam Lobby UI receives a dropdown to pick public/private lobby (Private lobby does not show up in the -browser, but can be joined by "Join game" via Steam, or the lobby creator can invite players via Steam)
-Windowed mode toggle shows On/Off correctly
-Blacksmith Level 1 architecture upgrade
-Cooking Level 1 architecture upgrade
-No longer able to get locked Steam Inventory hair from randomisation
-Name plates on NPC/Players will turn off at distance
-Fixed client disconnect destroying host
-Enemy spawners cant be used for fast travel
-Quest bars should spawn closed in NPC UI
-Items that cant be sold will grind up to 0 mun's
-Character name limited to 16 characters
-Water delivery visual/audio feedback on delivery
-Audio feedback on resource hit (Sounds WIP)
-Quest button should not be interactable if NPC doesn't have quests to offer
-Smoother light movement Client Side
-Item drop client sync increased
-Crafting item input reset to 1 when opened
-Mouse drag wont affect scroll list in the Inventory
-Iron Set Vitality increased

Shoppe Keep 2 - RapheePlays

Shoppe Keep 2 devlog is back, 1.5 months of "silence" if you arent a tester on Steam. Showing off an overhauled Architecture, a huge changelog that is too big to fit into a devlog, UI Upgrades for NPC Interactions and more!

New Architecture

One of the biggest pushes in SK 2 that differs from SK 1 is that we increased our art team, and it shows, oh boy it shows. During prototyping stages we required some buildings for the village/harbour/random stops and of course the town. Given that the town will and does grow, it must represent that visually, so our buildings evolve, get better, bigger. From the images you can tell that we have sorta poor low level straw/wood buildings at first, then they evolve into more fancier ones, and this wont be the end, we want to add at least 1 more level in the future, maybe more! Not only did we change the main architectural look of the buildings, we dedicated time into making as many variations as possible. You will find some similar buildings, But not in the same occurrence as you did in the earliest versions. Crafter buildings are getting the same treatment as well, and after they are done we will be remodelling the Management house and of course - the shop itself.

New NPC Interaction

NPC's were great and all, they have their uses, but the UI Lacked something. Now when interacting with an NPC your camera will pan near their faces, they will TRY to lip sync their greeting text (Still need to voice the lot) and have a full screen UI for you to play with. The information part shown in the image above lets you pick some topics that they can tell you about, and or actions! For example this Unique NPC That will randomly come into the Inn once you have purchased in, will sell you the possibility to once again own and control Helper Bots!

Before this NPC's did notreally tell you what you were buying, just the icon and a name, but did you need more? We think you did. Now information pops out once you click on an item.

The quest UI for an NPC was the most dreadful we had yet, and we are very happy that this now changes! With a similar pop out on click you can read up on the quest, what it's rewards are and of course accept it!

More Map Icons

For some slice of life especially for the players that will be out there hunting, we added map icons for all spawners, so now you know where to go in order to get some Wolf, Goat, Crab or Spider loot!


Crabs, yes crabbies. These lil fellas are our second neutral creature. They will not attack unless provoked, and beware - they have a bit more armour than the other creatures, so they will be harder to take down.
In order for the player to see a use in hunting these creatures, we have created a bunch of items that are crafted from the loot you gain. At the moment you require a special craft book to make these items, and we are yet to figure out the best way or place to grant players them, but they are in the game and looking fine!

Cave (Work In Progress)

Since the very first prototype of the terrain we wondered how with the current technology can we carve into the mountains or go underground, finally we found the solution, and this is just a Work In Progress entrance into the mountain, what such entrances will contain is up for debate, but we already have plans for one of the other 2 zones we have left that will feature such entrances that will hopefully make your town and your shop more profitable!


So yeh.....SK1 had them, SK2 prototyping phases did not. It would just not feel correct without being able to fling out a dead customer who maybe might have said that this item was too overpriced.

World Economy

Back in SK1 we enabled gathering of information what items were sold, and we saw millions of items selling worldwide by our players, and some were not so happy about it, so we turned it off. Now we offer a toggle in the options menu Once on - we will only be receiving what item was sold during the day in a palyers play trough (Or multiplayer match), no other info is being gathered. This is in order to start manipulating customer wants and margins on a world scale. If players worldwide will start selling a particular item more than some other items, the demand will change, and it will influence how much customers are willing to pay for them, as well as letting us create unique world events, by playing the market. This unlocks a lot of community possibilities, and we will work closely with the community to make this feature as useful and fun as possible.

No images for this, but We made it so anyone that has a Twitch channel can input their info into the game and once someone types into the Twitch chat while the streamer is playing SK2, their name will be added to the customer name list, and the Streamer will start seeing their viewers appear as customers in game

Much Much More
The reason why devlogs seemingly halted is because during the past few months we opened up our game to Testers that were giving us invaluable information and feedback, we were deep into polishing up the game, offering quality of life changes and just trying to make sure its enjoyable, fun to play, and has no game breaking bugs. Other reason is we are getting ready for EGX Rezzed 2018 in London next month, so if you are up for a meet, come visit us there! We will be offering a taste of SK2 multiplayer there.
But just in case some might think we are slacking off, here is a changelog that we were pushing to our Testers almost every other day. Some might not make sense, some might, but still, we are happy with the progress being made, and we arent stopping.

As always - Stay tuned!


-5 new hair styles (Untextured)
-3 new beard styles
-Enemies have their own footstep sounds
-Enemies have ambience sounds
-Crab new sounds
-New Health display for customers/mobs
-Updated character select/edit/delete buttons and visuals
-Keybindings in options display icon for the set button
-Save and go back button visual update for better visibility
-Equiped ring trinkets appear on the first person right hand index finger
-Customers stop interacting with the player down from 5 units to 2 units distance
-Steam Inventory, Receive a Cosmetic Chest or Cosmetic Key, both are redeemed when customising the player(NO REAL MONEY IS NEEDED, just playtime)
-Customers ragdoll
-Timed deliveries 5 Seconds with countdown visual on the lower end of player UI in the top left
-Updated Steam 500 mun inventory redeem at the accountant
-Can set keybindings back to default in the control section
-In depth Graphical settings
-Level 2 Equipment at level 2 town
-Mouse smoothing improvements
-Unity launcher hidden by default, use Shift when launching to open it up.
-Hidden healing visual when loading up game
-Text while loading should be seen more clearly
-Hit your character in customisation by clicking on his chest
-More work done on mouse smoothing
-Item visuals in the description rotate slower
-Left alt replaced with G for opening up Emotes and Chat choice
-Confirmation dialog pops up when unlocking skills/upgrades
-New tip pops up when selling a first item for a player, tells where to withdraw the money.
-Ability to look all the way up or down
-Jumping stamina drain reduced from 20 to 5
-Furniture Z button fixed after loading up a game after closing the last one
-Modified Tax Treshold calculation
-LOD Dithering
-Window mode toggle properly shows on/off
-Resolution shows last selected res
-Invert mouse toggle added
-More folliage
-Performance upgrades
-Reduced sprint FOV
-Thieves wont steal if a player is near them
-Default crest hidden if a world save is present
-Static purchasable items from dispensers show information about the item.
-Modified customer/projectile collision
-Splash screen upgrade
-On death a chance to loose a random equipped item - thread lightly!
-Customers will randomly throw trash (10% chance) in the shop requiring cleanup
-Each trash object reduces Shop interest for customers by 5%
-Fixed master volume reducing each time you load the game
-Customers wont buy items from a furniture piece that is below 30% of durability, and will kick it because they hate it
-Inspect Right hand held weapon with Middle Mouse Button
-Name tags scale down the closer the player is
-Camera pans and rotates to face the NPC which is being interacted with
-BASIC lipsyncing for interactable npc's
-Fangs agro drop distance lowered
-Fixed enemy death - Sound changes caused this.
-Reduced weapon swing stamina cost from 15 to 5
-Customers dont walk on you anymore
-Option to opt into the World Economy (At the moment, it will track sold item sales as well as let us manipulate item margin multipliers)
Will introduce global events when we agree on a good direction ith this, for the time being it is a nice way to track what users are selling.
-Returned shadows to the world!
-Fixed crosshair animation
-Plants grow far slower now
-NPC Faces appear on UI(Needs more work)
-Fixed World Economy second launch bug
-Modified you sure panel text
-MMO name explanation added
-Smaller character Button
-Bigger required character text
-English language should auto refresh with new values
-Mouse Smooth renamed to Mouse Smoothing
-Character name when deleting him wont appear in brackets
-Added a None scar to customisation
-Camera defaults itself if turned off by other means from npc talk
-Centered Accountant UI
-Left Control does not auto aim you up/down
-Modified wind grass bending
-Character notifies himself when blacksmith/cook/alchemy is unlocked/upgraded
-Maximum of 12 crafting actions can happen at once for any given craftable type.
-Crafting more than 1 of the same item at once instead of two separate items will craft each at 80% of their required time.
-Camera should default itself in any situation after talking to an NPC, notify me if it does not.
-Cave prototyping started
-New Early Access watermark
-New sliding canvas faders functional
-New Level 1 architecture
-Started creating new NPC Interaction UI
-Start Goal went from 50 to 100
-Made broom/hammer autoequipped on start
-New quest after buying a pedestal to place them at shop
-Water daily quest unlocks after completing the chest order quest
-Cook unlock quest opens up after tax quest is complete
-New questchain to get players up to speed
-Level 2 town architecture added
-Scytche became a medium sized item (Can be placed on tables now)
-Blacksmith wood quest reduced from 20 to 9, to make it less a hassle
-Father Eduard receives a new dialog talking about etherals and their worship site, mentioning that the last time they were saw is when the town flew red flags. (A hint that once the town is level2, something may be found at their worship site)
-Furniture vendor received a dialog that explains his stock will increase as the town gets upgraded.
-Town management values should show exact values
-Furniture vendor received armor stand as another new buildable at level 2
-Blacksmith at level 2 now offers a hat rack.
-New small wolf spawner added near old fang spawn
-New crab spawner added to a small pond near town
-Wolfs will spawn without Fang being killed
-Creature spawners shown off on world map
-World map icons maximum size reduced
-Cook level 2 architecture update
-Attack stamina drain increased from 5 to 10
-2 new skills added to combat tree (Reduces stamina drain on attack)
-Updated quest giving and quest information display in NPC UI
-NPC facing issue fixed
-Modified scrollbar ui
-Alchemy level 2 architecture upgrade
-Blacksmith level 2 architecture upgrade
-Small emote when selecting char
-New view outside window on the main menu
-Order delivery time incresed from 5 seconds to 20
-3 new Business branch skills dealing with delivery time
-Few new skin customisations added
-Updated npc ui buying
-Steam Lobby UI received a refresh button
-Steam Lobby UI receives a dropdown to pick public/private lobby (Private lobby does not show up in the -browser, but can be joined by "Join game" via Steam, or the lobby creator can invite players via Steam)
-Windowed mode toggle shows On/Off correctly
-Blacksmith Level 1 architecture upgrade
-Cooking Level 1 architecture upgrade
-No longer able to get locked Steam Inventory hair from randomisation
-Name plates on NPC/Players will turn off at distance
-Fixed client disconnect destroying host
-Enemy spawners cant be used for fast travel
-Quest bars should spawn closed in NPC UI
-Items that cant be sold will grind up to 0 mun's
-Character name limited to 16 characters
-Water delivery visual/audio feedback on delivery
-Audio feedback on resource hit (Sounds WIP)
-Quest button should not be interactable if NPC doesn't have quests to offer
-Smoother light movement Client Side
-Item drop client sync increased
-Crafting item input reset to 1 when opened
-Mouse drag wont affect scroll list in the Inventory
-Iron Set Vitality increased

Shoppe Keep 2 - Reel Big Kris
Good day Keepers old and new,

Here comes another Dev Log! We will be slowing down on dev logs for a little while as we will not be new developing new features over the next few coming weeks. Instead we're going to be working on polishing up what we already have and will be bringing on some testers and a special press preview very soon. We hope that those of you who join us during this time will help us with much needed feedback to make the game the best it could possibly be when we launch in Early Access in a few months

Anyway, on to today's dev log!

Character Customisation

As the character creator preview is live right now.. we thought we should talk a little bit more about customization for the full game of Shoppe Keep 2.

When you create a new character button, a character will appear with randomized features like the eye/ hair/ skin colour etc. This is just to show you what kind of character can be made, you'll be able to adjust each of these to your liking. We are creating a few variations of underwear and even socks. But there are also scars, tattoos and body hair!

As development continues, we will be rolling out more customisation options and would love to hear what you'd like to see as an option for your keeper.

The character that you create will be able to visit any world, however equipment, skills and items are tied to each individual world. SO if you join a friends game, you're helping them to build their shop, you won;t be able to take items and move them into your game. The reason for this is so that we can make sure that games are balanced and provide a fun progressive experience.

At any time, if you feel that your character could do with a makeover, you can edit their appearance at any time in the main menu.

Blacksmith Level 2

Upgrading your blacksmith crafter to level 2 will create an additional house full of export crates of items. Ther will also be three creates outside which will give daily quests which will require you to craft low/medium/high wuality crates of gear at the blacksmith. You'll be able to export these for monetary gains daily!

Bank Mun Information

All the proceeds from sales are put into the vault which can be found inside your management house. However, instead running to talk to Gill the lovable banker, you can just open up your inventory and be greeted with the information there!. On the left you will see the money currently in the vault, while on the right is the amount you are currently carrying. Keep in mind that any time you die, Father Eduard will resurrect you but incur a cost! That cost is a percentage of the money that you were carrying in your pockets when you last died. So keep your money safe by putting it in the vault!

Stat List

Shoppe Keep 2 will allow players to equip a vast majority of the items in the game and will see users benefiting from switching their gear. Each item will have its own stats, some will help with combat,m others with mobility and there are also items that will help you with shop keeping. You'll be able to see a real time representation of your stats in your inventory UI.


We currently have a bunch of consumable items in the game, some of which are crafted by the cook. Consuming some of these items will grant you back some health or stamina. Of course there are also some negative effects (don'y eat a fire ember unless you want to burn your insides out!)... But there are also some potions which introduce buffs which increase charisma or armor rating


Buffs are fun, but sometimes you might want to kick back and open a cold one with the boys. Some consumables will debuff you a tad and increase your drunkenness. Drinking too much and you're probably gonna have a bad time!

Price Gun Increase

The price gun is controlled by merely scrolling with the mouse wheel, it's very tactile, something I've enjoyed using myself to edit fine prices. However, as the game ramps up in prices over time you'll probably find yourself experiencing carpal tunnel! But now, by pressing the + and - keys, you can increase how much you are adjusting the price with each single mouse scroll.

More life to customers

Customers will no longer walk straight to your items int he shop and leave. In fact they may decide to perform other actions, they may wave to other NPC's or even have a short chat. More actions will be added to make the world feel much more alive.

Main Menu

We must have changed the Main Menu in Shoppe Keep 1 dozens of times, But we've been working on presenting the menu in a much better light. The 3d background changes based on the options you select on the menu. Even this gif is already out of date as we now have the current character that the player has selected appearing on the far right!

That's it for this weeks blog. Make sure to add the game to your wish list to be kept up to date with all news. We'll be contacting closed alpha testers soon so also keep an eye on your emails!
Shoppe Keep 2 - RapheePlays
Good day Keepers old and new,

Here comes another Dev Log! We will be slowing down on dev logs for a little while as we will not be new developing new features over the next few coming weeks. Instead we're going to be working on polishing up what we already have and will be bringing on some testers and a special press preview very soon. We hope that those of you who join us during this time will help us with much needed feedback to make the game the best it could possibly be when we launch in Early Access in a few months

Anyway, on to today's dev log!

Character Customisation

As the character creator preview is live right now.. we thought we should talk a little bit more about customization for the full game of Shoppe Keep 2.

When you create a new character button, a character will appear with randomized features like the eye/ hair/ skin colour etc. This is just to show you what kind of character can be made, you'll be able to adjust each of these to your liking. We are creating a few variations of underwear and even socks. But there are also scars, tattoos and body hair!

As development continues, we will be rolling out more customisation options and would love to hear what you'd like to see as an option for your keeper.

The character that you create will be able to visit any world, however equipment, skills and items are tied to each individual world. SO if you join a friends game, you're helping them to build their shop, you won;t be able to take items and move them into your game. The reason for this is so that we can make sure that games are balanced and provide a fun progressive experience.

At any time, if you feel that your character could do with a makeover, you can edit their appearance at any time in the main menu.

Blacksmith Level 2

Upgrading your blacksmith crafter to level 2 will create an additional house full of export crates of items. Ther will also be three creates outside which will give daily quests which will require you to craft low/medium/high wuality crates of gear at the blacksmith. You'll be able to export these for monetary gains daily!

Bank Mun Information

All the proceeds from sales are put into the vault which can be found inside your management house. However, instead running to talk to Gill the lovable banker, you can just open up your inventory and be greeted with the information there!. On the left you will see the money currently in the vault, while on the right is the amount you are currently carrying. Keep in mind that any time you die, Father Eduard will resurrect you but incur a cost! That cost is a percentage of the money that you were carrying in your pockets when you last died. So keep your money safe by putting it in the vault!

Stat List

Shoppe Keep 2 will allow players to equip a vast majority of the items in the game and will see users benefiting from switching their gear. Each item will have its own stats, some will help with combat,m others with mobility and there are also items that will help you with shop keeping. You'll be able to see a real time representation of your stats in your inventory UI.


We currently have a bunch of consumable items in the game, some of which are crafted by the cook. Consuming some of these items will grant you back some health or stamina. Of course there are also some negative effects (don'y eat a fire ember unless you want to burn your insides out!)... But there are also some potions which introduce buffs which increase charisma or armor rating


Buffs are fun, but sometimes you might want to kick back and open a cold one with the boys. Some consumables will debuff you a tad and increase your drunkenness. Drinking too much and you're probably gonna have a bad time!

Price Gun Increase

The price gun is controlled by merely scrolling with the mouse wheel, it's very tactile, something I've enjoyed using myself to edit fine prices. However, as the game ramps up in prices over time you'll probably find yourself experiencing carpal tunnel! But now, by pressing the + and - keys, you can increase how much you are adjusting the price with each single mouse scroll.

More life to customers

Customers will no longer walk straight to your items int he shop and leave. In fact they may decide to perform other actions, they may wave to other NPC's or even have a short chat. More actions will be added to make the world feel much more alive.

Main Menu

We must have changed the Main Menu in Shoppe Keep 1 dozens of times, But we've been working on presenting the menu in a much better light. The 3d background changes based on the options you select on the menu. Even this gif is already out of date as we now have the current character that the player has selected appearing on the far right!

That's it for this weeks blog. Make sure to add the game to your wish list to be kept up to date with all news. We'll be contacting closed alpha testers soon so also keep an eye on your emails!
Shoppe Keep 2 - Reel Big Kris
Hello Keepers,

We've just released an app which will let you see a little bit of the customization options available in Shoppe Keep 2. By no means is it representative of the number of items or the amount of customization available when Shoppe Keep 2 launches. There will be many more new items to wear of course!

One of those items may be the golden Keeper outfit.

Yes, the golden keeper outfit! Anyone who downloads the Shoppe Keep 2 Character Creator Preview (which is free by the way) will be able to turn their traditional black keeper garb into a fabulous golden five piece suit (with top hat)

Additionally, anyone who shares their creations via the hashtag #WeAreKeepers will be entered into a competition where they could win a model of their own creation. Details below:

So there we go! the Character Creator preview is now live and you can download it here!
Shoppe Keep 2 - RapheePlays
Hello Keepers,

We've just released an app which will let you see a little bit of the customization options available in Shoppe Keep 2. By no means is it representative of the number of items or the amount of customization available when Shoppe Keep 2 launches. There will be many more new items to wear of course!

One of those items may be the golden Keeper outfit.

Yes, the golden keeper outfit! Anyone who downloads the Shoppe Keep 2 Character Creator Preview (which is free by the way) will be able to turn their traditional black keeper garb into a fabulous golden five piece suit (with top hat)

Additionally, anyone who shares their creations via the hashtag #WeAreKeepers will be entered into a competition where they could win a model of their own creation. Details below:

So there we go! the Character Creator preview is now live and you can download it here!
Shoppe Keep 2 - Reel Big Kris
Hello Keepers!

We're back in full swing, Shoppe Keep 2 has been played and tested internally by the dev team for hundreds of hours, soon we will be letting a small batch of alpha players join in and help us bash out a few bugs that we missed and add in some quality of life additions prior to the early access launch this April. Now, let's get into the features of this weeks dev log.


Sometimes you may run out of containers (Chests which can store a number of objects) and carrying too many items can weigh you down (You can become over encumbered if you hold too many items at once!)...Well have no fear, may we introduce the more lean little brother of the original Shoppe Keep grinder! The machine will grind up items that you offer it. the machine will reimburse you 25% of their worth (which can be upgraded via unlocks!)

Trash Cans

We'll no longer see high value items in trash cans. Instead if you happen to lose all of your wealth be it by a complete disaster or a penalty for a daily quest, you are able to shift through the trash cans and try to secure some additional Muns!


Wood Dirt and Ore! Wood and Ore is scattered around the world and can be harvested. Harvesting a resource has a chance to yield an additional item that can be useful! Dirt patches can be dug up to reveal collectibles that we have yet to decide upon. More resources will be introduced as new zones open up.

Business: Inn

Upgrading your cook to level 2 will change his house into a makeshift inn, customers will be able to relax, grab a drink and order food. For this to be a profitable business venture, you'll need to hire a few helpers (but not helper bots!). You can hire a Sous chef and a preparer from the resume list available to you, keep in mind that you will be paying them every day! However the higher the quality of the food that they offer means that the revenue the inn will generate will be matched. Some of the employees will not offer a great quality but will be much more affordable!

Here is a concept image of the changes that should happen to the cook from level 1 to 2:

Weekly Events

The message board in Shoppe Keep 2 (not the forums on Steam, but an in game message board!) will give you the latest news within Customerania. Some events can be quite beneficial while others will be a hurdle for shoppe keepers. As an example, one of the events would tell you that a table has crushed a famous person in their home due to its shoddy workmanship, this will cause all customers to be afraid of tables and will mean that they will refuse to buy anything from a table. So if your shoppe has plenty of tables, you'll need to remove them and reorganize the shoppe. Events are created to keep people on their toes, provide better judgement on stock rotation but will also introduce some small parts of lore.

Trading Cards, Achievements

Steam will be our core platform, it makes distributing builds far easier than if we were to use any other method. Steam keys will be available from other digital stores too however! But as all of our players will be playing on Steam we have already created our first pack of Trading Cards, backgrounds, achievements, emoticons, badges and so on. However due to Steam being suffocated by some games that are using the trading card system for profit, we may not be able to launch with these until shortly after release. Either way, they've been created and we'll keep you posted on when they will be available.

Context Sensitive UI

We will be looking to add a context help button to most of the UI's. Pressing it will open up a tips/tricks information that may include a video and a brief explanation on the current UI panel and how to use it.

Armor Sets

here are just a few of the armor sets that you'll be able to buy/craft/loot/find and sell for profit! Keep in mind that the world is full of adventurers who either can't decide or enjoy changing their class. So you may see an iron clad warrior come in and decide to start a career as a mage.

That's the end of this weeks dev log! if you want to stay up to date, make sure to add the game to your wish list!
Shoppe Keep 2 - RapheePlays
Hello Keepers!

We're back in full swing, Shoppe Keep 2 has been played and tested internally by the dev team for hundreds of hours, soon we will be letting a small batch of alpha players join in and help us bash out a few bugs that we missed and add in some quality of life additions prior to the early access launch this April. Now, let's get into the features of this weeks dev log.


Sometimes you may run out of containers (Chests which can store a number of objects) and carrying too many items can weigh you down (You can become over encumbered if you hold too many items at once!)...Well have no fear, may we introduce the more lean little brother of the original Shoppe Keep grinder! The machine will grind up items that you offer it. the machine will reimburse you 25% of their worth (which can be upgraded via unlocks!)

Trash Cans

We'll no longer see high value items in trash cans. Instead if you happen to lose all of your wealth be it by a complete disaster or a penalty for a daily quest, you are able to shift through the trash cans and try to secure some additional Muns!


Wood Dirt and Ore! Wood and Ore is scattered around the world and can be harvested. Harvesting a resource has a chance to yield an additional item that can be useful! Dirt patches can be dug up to reveal collectibles that we have yet to decide upon. More resources will be introduced as new zones open up.

Business: Inn

Upgrading your cook to level 2 will change his house into a makeshift inn, customers will be able to relax, grab a drink and order food. For this to be a profitable business venture, you'll need to hire a few helpers (but not helper bots!). You can hire a Sous chef and a preparer from the resume list available to you, keep in mind that you will be paying them every day! However the higher the quality of the food that they offer means that the revenue the inn will generate will be matched. Some of the employees will not offer a great quality but will be much more affordable!

Here is a concept image of the changes that should happen to the cook from level 1 to 2:

Weekly Events

The message board in Shoppe Keep 2 (not the forums on Steam, but an in game message board!) will give you the latest news within Customerania. Some events can be quite beneficial while others will be a hurdle for shoppe keepers. As an example, one of the events would tell you that a table has crushed a famous person in their home due to its shoddy workmanship, this will cause all customers to be afraid of tables and will mean that they will refuse to buy anything from a table. So if your shoppe has plenty of tables, you'll need to remove them and reorganize the shoppe. Events are created to keep people on their toes, provide better judgement on stock rotation but will also introduce some small parts of lore.

Trading Cards, Achievements

Steam will be our core platform, it makes distributing builds far easier than if we were to use any other method. Steam keys will be available from other digital stores too however! But as all of our players will be playing on Steam we have already created our first pack of Trading Cards, backgrounds, achievements, emoticons, badges and so on. However due to Steam being suffocated by some games that are using the trading card system for profit, we may not be able to launch with these until shortly after release. Either way, they've been created and we'll keep you posted on when they will be available.

Context Sensitive UI

We will be looking to add a context help button to most of the UI's. Pressing it will open up a tips/tricks information that may include a video and a brief explanation on the current UI panel and how to use it.

Armor Sets

here are just a few of the armor sets that you'll be able to buy/craft/loot/find and sell for profit! Keep in mind that the world is full of adventurers who either can't decide or enjoy changing their class. So you may see an iron clad warrior come in and decide to start a career as a mage.

That's the end of this weeks dev log! if you want to stay up to date, make sure to add the game to your wish list!
Shoppe Keep 2 - Reel Big Kris

Right off the bat! Before we start I would love to send you guys over to Steam and try out in a little under a couple of weeks our free SK2 Character creator for a chance to win a 3d printed SK styled character of your creation! This is just a small taste of how customisation your own character in Shoppe Keep 2 can look like, choose from skin/eye/hair color, beards, tattoos, body hair, underwear and socks! We added a small SMALL portion of items to dress up (Keep in mind in the current game state we have over 260+ Items currently in the game used by npcs/players/ordered/sold/crafted/looted/gained as rewards and so on and on. Ehem, so now, off to our devlog!


If you're playing alone, sometimes it's not quite enough to just see your character portrayed in the inventory screen. Emoting will push the camera to a third person view where you'll be able to see your character performing an emote! Gaze upon the glory of your equipped items!

Better yet, you might want to visualize your emotions or thoughts with other players online by performing a gesture or action. Right now we have a work in progress of the wave implemented but an emote menu and more emotes are planned for the future.


We did have preset male and female characters as well as a business logo. Each time you created a new one, it felt a little dull. Even more so when you can customize your skin, eye and hair colour, hair style, tattoos, underwear and even your socks! Some players might miss out on the customization options available so when creating a brand new character, the game will randomize the look of the character when it loads up. If you're not happy with what the game has set, just customize it yourself! We have even randomized the business logo when creating a new shoppe, once again, if you don;t like what the game randomly assigned, you can customize and design your own logo.

Customer names

Customers are people too. They have first and last names and you, using the powers of txt file editing will be able to manipulate the names of customers in the game world. You'll be able to change the first and last names to allow for your friends, your family or your cat to have their name in the game.

Additionally we also have an MMO code which changes all customer names into complicated MMO style names. It's working, though we have not yet added setting choices in the game. We'll also be looking at adding a unique API to let streamers modify the customer names in real time as viewers join their streams.


Shoppe Keep 2's world will be filled with NPC's that will give you quests. On accepting a quest, it will appear in your tracker and you'll be able to choose which one you want to track and display in the UI and choose which ones you want to hide in order to prevent clogging up your screen with information.

Quests range from the classic "kill X creatures" but can also include hiring crafters, talking to particular NPC's crafting items delivering items and more. Some of which may be daily quests and additional activities which the player can do during the slow beginnings of the game and will even allow the player to receive rewards that may not be available any other way.

Business Names

Creating your logo and business name is not just a fancy way of distinguishing data in the main menu (I mean it is that too!) but within the game world you will see your business name and logo appear within the game via signs like the management house but also as a wall decoration for your shoppe.

That is it for today, don't forget to follow the development closely on Twitter @strangefiredev, and wishlist it on Steam!
Shoppe Keep 2 - RapheePlays

Right off the bat! Before we start I would love to send you guys over to Steam and try out in a little under a couple of weeks our free SK2 Character creator for a chance to win a 3d printed SK styled character of your creation! This is just a small taste of how customisation your own character in Shoppe Keep 2 can look like, choose from skin/eye/hair color, beards, tattoos, body hair, underwear and socks! We added a small SMALL portion of items to dress up (Keep in mind in the current game state we have over 260+ Items currently in the game used by npcs/players/ordered/sold/crafted/looted/gained as rewards and so on and on. Ehem, so now, off to our devlog!


If you're playing alone, sometimes it's not quite enough to just see your character portrayed in the inventory screen. Emoting will push the camera to a third person view where you'll be able to see your character performing an emote! Gaze upon the glory of your equipped items!

Better yet, you might want to visualize your emotions or thoughts with other players online by performing a gesture or action. Right now we have a work in progress of the wave implemented but an emote menu and more emotes are planned for the future.


We did have preset male and female characters as well as a business logo. Each time you created a new one, it felt a little dull. Even more so when you can customize your skin, eye and hair colour, hair style, tattoos, underwear and even your socks! Some players might miss out on the customization options available so when creating a brand new character, the game will randomize the look of the character when it loads up. If you're not happy with what the game has set, just customize it yourself! We have even randomized the business logo when creating a new shoppe, once again, if you don;t like what the game randomly assigned, you can customize and design your own logo.

Customer names

Customers are people too. They have first and last names and you, using the powers of txt file editing will be able to manipulate the names of customers in the game world. You'll be able to change the first and last names to allow for your friends, your family or your cat to have their name in the game.

Additionally we also have an MMO code which changes all customer names into complicated MMO style names. It's working, though we have not yet added setting choices in the game. We'll also be looking at adding a unique API to let streamers modify the customer names in real time as viewers join their streams.


Shoppe Keep 2's world will be filled with NPC's that will give you quests. On accepting a quest, it will appear in your tracker and you'll be able to choose which one you want to track and display in the UI and choose which ones you want to hide in order to prevent clogging up your screen with information.

Quests range from the classic "kill X creatures" but can also include hiring crafters, talking to particular NPC's crafting items delivering items and more. Some of which may be daily quests and additional activities which the player can do during the slow beginnings of the game and will even allow the player to receive rewards that may not be available any other way.

Business Names

Creating your logo and business name is not just a fancy way of distinguishing data in the main menu (I mean it is that too!) but within the game world you will see your business name and logo appear within the game via signs like the management house but also as a wall decoration for your shoppe.

That is it for today, don't forget to follow the development closely on Twitter @strangefiredev, and wishlist it on Steam!