Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars,

We're back to bring you your monthly update!

Oval Track

You can now build an Oval Track for your students to use when doing PE! This is the first of three major Exercise facilities we’re hoping to add to the game in the coming months.

Object Rotation Arrows

This is a quality of life feature we should have added a long time ago, but only managed to make time for now (sorry, folks!) but we hope you’ll agree that it really makes a huge difference. This update did come with an issue that we explain below.

NOTE: Part of the reason we delayed implementing this is because we had to update the orientation of objects to be consistent across the board. This means that rotation of some objects in existing save files will change. The new rotations might also cause overlap with other existing objects so they may be removed. A common occurence of this is the Teacher's Table. You may need to rebuild such objects. The following are the objects whose orientation were changed:

- Admin Table
- Big Window
- Clinic Bed
- Clock
- College Degree
- Fan
- Hand Sanitizer
- Kitchen Sink
- Motivational Poster
- Sink
- TrashCan
- Window
- Teacher's Table (formerly Office Table)

Your existing save files will still work, but you will probably want to dismantle and place the objects again if they look out of place. The image above shows a hand sanitizer that was affected by this update. This is a one-time change that should not affect future updates.

Bowel Movements

We added a bowel need satisfy our quota for toilet humor in the game. Students now have a bowel need which requires them to go to a cubicle to relieve themselves. If the student cannot find a toilet cubicle they will find a bush and take a poo there.

Safety in (Monitor) Numbers

Students now have a safety need. Students will feel less safe when there are many delinquent students, they are bullied, or they use a damaged object. To increase the feeling of safety, you can hire more monitors or try to reduce the number of delinquent students by hiring counselors.

Monitors Can Now Scold

In larger schools, the sheer amount of delinquent students creates a bottleneck for your principal as they scold each and every delinquent. This also created other problems with regards to delinquent students failing because they lost so much time out of class everytime they had to be hauled to the principal’s office by a monitor.

To counter this we have given the ability for monitors to scold so they save time from having to drag the student to the principal’s office. For now this is a test feature, and if it works out we will likely make it into a research item.

Programmable Hotkeys

Another long-requested quality of life feature, you can now assigned hotkeys as you like. Note that the mouse buttons are locked to certain actions.

Known Issues:

There is a visual bug where sick students seem to jump out of bed every few seconds. We're aware of this and working on a fix for the next update.

Bugs Fixed:

-Basic Facilities Should Be Requirement for Cook
-Zone appears behind bushes and trees
-Wall outline not complete is tutorial
-Motivation bar appears and updates during build phase
-Tutorial continues when starting a new game after quitting the tutorial
-Info toast of the buttons on the settings appears behind UI
-School year calendar interacts with pause/unpause
-Student walking through walls
-Students keep going through staff only doors and get stuck in room
-Game crashes halfway through loading
-Game freezes constantly every 15 to 39 minutes
-Problematic students sometimes race each other in occupying seat in Principal's Office.
-Disable Staff Hire Button in Staff Panel When Staff Not Yet Researched
-Getting stuck on Cloning students when loading an old save file or starting a new game.
-Tooltip for Unresearched Object Shows Missing Text
-Number of Students Set in Admissions Panel Not Being Saved
-My students are glitching through the wall.
-Do Rowdy in special classroom

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars,

We have a much smaller update this month that we wanted to push out as we try to stick a regular schedule of monthly updates. Expect a much larger update next month, but for now we hope you like these small additions.

Added New Decorative Plants

We wanted to give you more ways to bring color to your school! Decorative plants like the Maple Tree, Azalea Bush, and Sakura tree are now unlockable in the research screen.

Hand Sanitizer

The hand sanitizer object lets your students address their hygiene needs without having to go to the bathroom!

Updated UI

We made multiple UI updates that should make your playing experience much better, like moving tabs to the side for staff population. We also added a motivation bar to the HUD so that it’s easier for you to see when your students are getting low on motivation.

Remove Zone Button

This is something that we probably should have done a long time ago (sorry folks!) but have finally added to the game. A super easy way to remove zones!

Known Issues

We are aware of an issue in which students will sometimes be able to get in a room with a staff only door, but then can't get out (darn those sneaky kids!). We're currently working on a fix, but in the meantime the workaround is to set the door to "all" so that they can get out.

Bug fixes and updates:

  • Updated research data to move money manager up and to adjust placement of faculty lounge research
  • Show Sick Students in Clinic Reports
  • Fixed wrong movement positions where agents are able to pass through walls
  • Return Office label when an accountant is fired
  • Added average student motivation display
  • Updated Research data to add Landscape Architect info
  • Added distance checking for love interest availability
  • Fixed Research sprite bug
  • Added total seats in student info toolbar
  • Set color to red when hovering on zone to be removed
  • Fixed bug where game does not continue when Principal's office at Day 9 and ending school year
  • Fixed delivery and garbage truck positioning bug
  • Added notification when there is no delivery zone
  • Fixes to bugs caused by Remove Zone selector
  • Added Accountant in Staff Population Panel
  • Used red background for negative build selectors like Demolish, Dismantle, Remove Zone, etc.
  • Changed width of motivation bar in main HUD and adjusted tabs in Staff Population Panel
  • Fixed bug where Hire button in Reports panel doesn't work
  • Tweaked the time to hold button for transferring students
  • Fixed average motivation showing zero when one of the year levels has no students
  • Fixed Hire New button does not work on the Staff Population window when Staff is on Page 2
  • Implemented Staff Population HUD Hover accountant icon count
  • Fixed Science Lab is missing in the Special Rooms tab in Zones
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hello Scholars,

The latest update is here, bringing a little love for Valentines. We've added some quality of life improvements, the Accountant Staff, and couple more things for you guys!

Student Relationships

Students will now have a chance to have crushes and either be rejected or find true love! Either effect will have a corresponding effect on motivation. This is the start of more interactions between students, making your school more lifelike. We will explore more of these interpersonal relationships in the future, let us know if you have any suggestions for these in the comments.

Basic Tutorial

A basic tutorial is now available for players who are trying these kinds of games for the first time. The tutorial will be developed much further in the future. Experienced players can skip the tutorial.

Students/Staff Now Enter and Exit on Either Side of the Road

Students and Staff now enter and exit from either side of the road. This mean that you can no longer simply build your school out from the lower right side (as I did) since you need to think about staff and students coming in from the other side of the road. You also need to make sure to keep an eye on where your truants are trying to escape!


You now need to hire an accountant in order to access bank loans and cashflow, and access different research items. We will be developing the accountant staff further into the future.

Note: The accountant staff uses the same type of office as the principal and the guidance counselor.

Transferring Students Between Classrooms

Transferring students between classrooms used to be a huge chore. We've made it so that you can easily transfer students between classrooms of the same year level by clicking on the reports menu.

New Music Instruments

Previously, the students in the Music Room would only play the guitar or the piano. Now they will play a bunch of different instruments like the violin, tuba, trumpet, and more!

Known Issues

Sometimes students may not be attending class even though they should be. Saving and reloading the game usually fixes the problem.

Sometimes students will love themselves (ie their partner is missing). It's sad, but we're still trying to fix it.

Additional bugs fixed and design adjustments
  • Fixed returning students tooltip
  • Fixed bug with school ranking acheivements
  • Used weights when determining students per year level
  • Internal memory optimizations
  • Disable cashflow during build phase
  • Updated weights for interested students
  • Fixed Food Ingredients entry carrying over to next loaded game
  • Remove loan entry in cashflow when loading a new file
  • Fixed data loss bug
  • Added "Total" Column to Admissions Panel
  • Optimized zone tiles display
  • Rebalanced Graduate Pedigree ranges
  • Fixed year-end exam results student number bug
  • Fixed labels in reports and main HUD to accommodate Spanish words
  • Fixed bug where monitors can't take students to Principal's Office when the office has no empty tile
  • Fixed bug where students don't go to school as quickly as it can when there are more students
  • Fixed bug where space bar is not working at times
  • Fixed crash happening in older CPUs
  • Implemented basic gameplay tutorial
  • Implemented Accountant staff
  • Sorted staff selectors by use instead of alphabetically. Enabled paging.
  • Removed Trash Dumpster from default map
  • Removed Trash Dumpster as requirement for Garbage zone
  • Optimized sprites used for floors
  • Changed trash dumpster capacity
  • from 10 to 50
  • Changed dirt levels
  • Changed build selectors to be selected on pointer down instead of on click
  • Fixed cancellation bug where priority highlights are erased when right clicking
  • Implemented Basics tutorial
  • Optimized implementation of grids internally
  • Fixed bug where workers are not reserving the correct tasks
  • Allow fired unique teachers to be hired again
  • Removed Dumpster as requirement for Garbage zone
  • Fixed bug where janitors attempt to bring trash bag to a full garbage zone with no trash dumpster
  • Students can now hangout in classrooms
  • Fixed save/loading of accountant
  • Fixed bug in schedule panel where Recess and Lunch can't be moved properly
  • Optimized character shadows
  • Tweaked delinquency
  • Made balancing in computer lab, library, and music room behaviours
  • Lock bank loan and cashflow after tutorial sequence
  • Agents can now go home or enter from the left side of the map
  • Allow building on Delivery zone
  • Added various music instruments when students are in Music Room
  • Don't show classroom in reports when its requirements are not yet met
  • Use '+' Key for Zoom In and '-' key for Zoom Out
  • Fixed durability checking bug when in first build phase
  • Tweaked learning
  • Animated notifications
  • Added penalty on student grants
  • Fixed bug where vice versa route is not followed

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, we're back with our last update of the year! This update brings achievements, student admissions, bank loans, and more!

Achievements :

Note: The implementation of the achievements is such that some of your past achievements will be recognized by the games, and others will not. This was done so that you don't accidentally “achieve” an achievement without intending to, which would ruin the fun.

Achievements have now been added to the game. We're excited by this and put a lot of work into thinking about how to make the achievements an interesting aspect of the game. You can check the achievements by going to the settings menu or by buying a trophy case object and clicking on it.

We're still thinking of other achievements to add and how to make them relevant to the game so if you have ideas feel free to write them in the comments!

Note : The cafeteria and vending machine series of achievements lists the requirements as 10,000 "amount". That should actually be $10,000. This will be updated soon.

Student Admissions:

You will now have to choose how many students to accept during the build phase of the school year. This means that you will no longer be forced to accept students at the start of the school year. However, your performance is now more important than ever! Your school evaluation at the end of the year will decide how many students will be interested in joining your school the next school year, so there's more pressure to get up those rankings.


This one is a long requested addition. You can now prioritize tasks for workers and janitors. Workers will prioritize build tasks and janitor will prioritize dirt to clean up, wherever you decide. Take note that similar to routing, you will need to research these.

Bank Loans:

Running out of money? You can now take out a loan with the bank in case you are running out of money. But make sure to keep track of the interest payments!

New Research Items:

We've added quite a few new research items! Improve your staff's speed or range, or research some cost-saving measures to help you with your budget. If you're feeling desperate, you can even sell naming rights to your school!

Continue Game:

A player requested that we add ad button to easily continue the last saved game, which made total sense! So now there is a continue game button in the main menu.


  • Fixed WashingDishes animation not rendering
  • Fixed bug where multiple students are using the piano
  • Fixed bug where removing a teacher from a department is not sent to teachers pool
  • Use the orientation of the kitchen sink slot when washing dishes
  • Fixed cases where players can't hire teachers
  • Fixed bugs related to canteen and vending machine cashflow
  • Fixed Worker not saving some properties
  • Added button hover changes to buttons in bank loan
  • Optimized usage of Achievement icon assets
  • Updating Naming Rights research
  • Fixed bug where research complete is called twice
  • Removed Student Limit display
  • Added tooltips in Admission Panel
  • Fixed crash due to nonSteam achievements
  • Internal bug fixes
  • Renamed Routing to Logistics
  • Escape to close Admissions Panel
  • Fixed UI stretching bug and comma separated values
  • Fixed bug where class count uses seat count instead of actual students
  • Implemented 'Priority' Research
  • Clear cafeteria tables on start of school year
  • Fixed bug where door context panel no longer shows
  • Updated playing field to have calisthenics as research requirement
  • Fixed floor tasks are rendered under bushes
  • Changed price of Trophy Case
  • Improved worker AI regarding working on reparing objects to be dismantled
  • Removed student limit in evaluation panel
  • Fixed Bug of interested students not updating properly after loading a file
  • Added black BG in Input Text of Admissions Panel
  • Fixed numbers in Admission Panel to be shown as comma separated
  • Optimized objects and ground sprites (faster and less memory)
  • Agents now attempt to reach unreachable areas so that players can see where they try to go
  • Aesthetic adjustments to achievement panel
  • Added hi res achievement icons
  • Added grants to add normal transfer students
  • Added highlights to Reports Panel tab
  • Workers and Janitors get the earlier tasks if they have the same priority
  • Fixed routing paths shown bug
  • Fixed cancelling dragging bug
  • Fixed auto selection in Hire Teachers panel when moving to different department tabs
  • Implemented prevention of tracking achievements if player is loading the same save file
  • Tweaked student admissions balancing
  • Fixed interested student count
  • Fixed bug where admissions panel remains open when loading another save
  • Fixed bug where Clicking Reports Panel Tab opens Report Card
  • Fixed bug where Student Admission input black background is covering the caret
  • Reverted to using slash in achievement entries
  • Fixed recurring senior grant
  • Added "League" achievements
  • Changed workers building behavior to stick on current task even if a new task is made
  • Fixed inconsistent research items due to new changes
  • Removed student subsidy during build phase
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hi everyone, while we've been busy at work on the game, the updates have slowed down a little bit, and we've noticed some people expressing concern about development. Rest assured we are still fully developing the game, and we have quite a few plans in store for you. We know we've not been as good as giving you guys a roadmap to look forward to, so here is a quick summary of what you can expect from us in the next few months.


As mentioned before, we've been adding Achievements to the game. This is currently in the testing phase, and assuming everything is working well, it should be out very soon.

More Research Items

We're currently adding more research items, including some fun ones to give you even more options with how to upgrade your staff and your school.

Priority Building and Cleaning

A very popular demand that we're happy to finally be able to release soon.

Student Admissions

Once this is implemented you'll now have a lot more control about how many students to accept at the start of the school year.

Bank Loans

Running out of cash? We're working in a way you can loan some money (but mind the interest!)

Student Relationships

This is something we've put off for a while but are actively designing right now. Ideally we'll have this out by Valentine's Day!

Student Dropouts

Some of you have been asking for more of a challenge, well here it is. Soon, students will start dropping out if you manage your school poorly, meaning you lose revenue and prestige!

Room Templates

An easier way to quickly build rooms is something people have been asking for, and we're happy to provide.

Bigger Maps

Another thing a lot of people have been demanding!

There is no fixed timeline for these features because we'll adjust them as necessary, but we wanted you guys to at least know what we're planning for the next few months. We'll do another update like this in the future so that you can all be aware of what we've got planned. That's it for now, back to work!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hi everyone, we're back with an update for you guys. This month's update is mostly based on optimizations and bug fixes, new stuff will be added next month.


Players on 32bit OSes have been encountering problems with the game because of memory issues. We've spent this month focused on fixing those issues, and hopefully brings some optimization fixes to the rest of the game as well. This optimization will render the game in half size for anyone with a 32bit OS, which is a compromise we have to do for older systems. Anyone with newer computers or playing on a 64bit OS should still see the game in full resolution.

More Reports

We've added reports for the Cafeteria, Kitchen, and Clinic to round out our reports panel. These should help you get an idea of which of these are most used, and help with planning for more efficient schools.

New Hairstyles

In the previous update we added new school uniforms for students. In this update, we've added new hairstyles for the students and staff. This should allow for more combinations, and unique looking characters!

Teachers Sorted by Subject Ability

When hiring teachers, clicking on the department tabs will sort teachers by subject ability, with the best teacher located in the upper left position. You can now easily find the best teacher to assign to a department easily.

Spanish, Russian, and French Language mods

Thanks to maxwellnewage, ghost, and haru-dr for the Spanish, Russian, and French language mods respectively. Hope you all can subscribe and help them out!

In Game Feedback Form

We added an in-game feedback form which you can access from the settings menu. This should allow players to give us non bug related feedback much more easily.

Localization Tool Improvements

The following improvements were added to the localization tool:

  • Optimization: Lessened loading time for categories with a lot terms
  • Added hotkey: Ctrl+space for moving to the next unDone term

Sneak Peek : Achievements and more Research

Even if it's necessary, we know it's a bit disappointing to not have any fancy new updates. So we want to share that we've been working on achievement for quite some time. Here's a sneak preview to give you some ideas as to what kind of achievements to expect.

We're also planning on some more research items to implemented in the future, to complement the already existing research.

Bug fixes:

- Routing gets cancelled when user switches from Add Route to Complete
-Incorrect layering of some hand items during animation.
- Preview and count get stuck when pressing ESC while building.
- Medicate animation looks wrong on low res
- Head of Cook cannot be seen when carrying supply crate
- Wheels of dump truck and delivery truck are detached on low res build
- Hand sometimes appear small when performing actions
- Janitor is not holding the mop on low res build
- Supply crate appears to held one handed by cook on low res build
- Chalk appears too big and seems to float on low res build
- Fod cauldron seems floating when being carried by cook
- Missing book when students are reading in the library on low res build
- Some scool department bufs when removing teachers

Balancing Changes:

-Some changes to the sickness mechanic to fix the rampant sickness some players are experiencing.

- Delinquent students are now more likely to do their delinquent actions because of lowered starting discipline.

Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone, we're back with a new update! We're starting to get some more feedback on our Test and Candidate Branches so just wanted to do another quick thank you to everyone who is trying out those branches! We've got a couple of big updates for you in this update, so let's get to it.


This update brings research to the game! You can now research upgrades to workers, teachers, and other stuff to improve your school. Certain zones, objects, and staff will also be locked until they are researched. More research items and tracks will be added in the future, so if you have any suggestions, make sure to comment here and in the discussion boards.

Sandbox mode will also have research, but the research will be done instantly instead of having to wait.

Old save files will still work, but some items may be locked and need to be researched before they can be used again.

Selectable Student Uniforms

Selectable student uniforms (including casual wear!) are now added to the game and can be selected in the school settings panel. Unfortunately you will have to start a new school in order to take advantage of this. As with Research, please let us know if you have any special uniform requests, and we'll do our best to add these in the future.

New School settings

You can now adjust littering and (object) durability settings in the custom school screen. Difficulty settings have also been added so you can easily select if you want an easy normal, or hard difficulty.

Routing Range

There was always a lot of confusion as to why staff on routes would sometimes wander off. They were actually being led astray by litter and dirt that was just within their range! To make this clearer, we've added a visibility range for both routed janitors and workers so that it's more clear when and why they are wandering off route. Routing range is only visible when the routing menu is open.

New Blueprint Objects

For the planners out there, we've added a couple new blueprint objcts for you to play with, like the floor, bushes, and trees, as well as updated the wall object to give it a little more depth.

Reports Updates

The new toilet report shows how often toilets are used and how much they cost in upkeep. The sanitation report now shows correct amount of dirt.

This build also includes numerous balancing and bug fixes, which will be detailed in the final update.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed bug where day 1 is skipped when starting a school year at 8:00pm
  • Fixed multiple broken object indicator in one object bug
  • Remember and restore the last time scale when opening modal panels
  • Fixed bug where multiple workers would repair a broken object
  • Added average daily use in toilet report
  • Fixed bug where cancelling a dismantle or destroy gives money
  • Added plus sign when selling and minus sign when repairing objects
  • Fixed cooks not going to another stove when its target stove is broken
  • Students will now bus dishes more instead of leaving them on the table.
  • Close context panels when camera moves
  • Fixed orientation of characters when sitting
  • Fixed bug where loading is stuck in some save files
  • Cook looks for another kitchen sink if the one in its assigned kitchen is not reachable
  • Janitors now prioritize taking trash bags to garbage truck over their needs and other cleaning
  • Remove dirt, pee, and litter whenever an object with physical blocker is built over it
  • Implemented better behaviour for routed Janitors
  • Close object and staff context panel when camera moves or zooms
  • Fixed non routed Janitor cleaning the same tile.
  • Counselor and Principal will now tend to students more
  • Make pee more visible
  • Fixed error when removing Delivery zone

Known Issues

Closing or quitting the game bring up the "...has stop working" warning on Windows. This happens when applying mods as well. This is a known issue and we are trying to sort this out. Don't worry, your mods will work.

We advise you to go to Task Manager and end the academia.exe process if this happens to you.

Mac users are reporting having an issue running mods. We are communicating with Steam on this issue, because everything is working on our end, but there seems to be something wrong when subscribing to mods from Steam.

Some visual issues with the routing range.
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone, I'm sure we've all had a great teacher that has impacted our live in a meaningful way. To celebrate World Teachers' Day, we're taking 25% off the game. Unfortunately we weren't able to schedule a sale on Steam in time, so we're doing this sale through our Humble Widget. Don't worry, all humble widget sales come with a Steam key!

Edit: Our Steam rep came through and the sale has is now on Steam, woo!

Access the Humble Widget here:

In addition to giving you 25% off, we're also giving 25% of our profits from this weekend to a program called Teach for the Philippines! You can find out more about them and possible donate to them here:

Thanks everyone, and look forward to an update coming soon!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone we're back with an update at the start of the month and we're moving the Test branch to both Candidate and Default. Thanks again to everyone that helped us out by trying out the Test branch. We could always use some more help though, so if you want to get the latest updates but are willing to deal with bugs, please do sign up for the Test branch!

New Special Teachers

Some of you may have noticed that our trading cards featured notable historical teachers. We were able to finally get them in the game! The teacher stats are still randomly assigned, but you can now select people like Plato, Charles Babbage, and our national hero, Jose Rizal.

We've also tweaked the teacher stats a little bit to make finding just the right teacher just a little bit more challenging.


This is something folks have been demanding for a while now, but finally you can earn a little extra income for every use of the vending machine or cafeteria.

We've also updated the UI a little bit so you can now check your daily spending by clicking on your money on the top panel of the screen, instead of listing all your expenses on the whole screen like we used to.

Sanitation Reports

The player can now see some dirt related information through the sanitation reports tab, which can be accessed through reports. Check how much dirt is actually in your school, and also see which trash cans are always full so you can place a couple more.

We've also updated the Delinquency reports screen to show you how long a student has been in counseling.

Special Rooms

Your special rooms have been oddly unused during class hours, but that's all changing now! Special rooms will now be used during class hours. Only one class can use a special room at any given period. Classes nearest to the special room will be prioritized. and they will take turns using the special rooms. Classes held in special rooms will give students more learning, which gives you an additional incentive to build them.

Note : Classes will have priority over special rooms during free time, and most special rooms will now have a chalkboard as a requirement.

Varied Paintings

Similar to the variable snacks coming from the vending machine that we shared last update, new paintings can now be created when the students are painting in the art room. Can you recognize the paintings?

UI Updates

You can now see the number of available chairs per year by hovering over student icon. Now you can easily tell when you don't have enough chairs for your students!

Dismissal/Detention has been added to scheduling, to show you when students are going to detention.

Added don't show again checkbox to instructions at start of game.

Tooltips have been added to school evaluation to explain how the school is graded.

New Grants

We added a couple of new grants to help explain the usage of the worker routes and the playing field.

  • Slightly reduced chances of objects losing durability
  • Some dirt and hygiene related balancing to reduce sickness

Known Issues

If you are having trouble loading a save file, especially a large school, please try restarting the game and loading it again. We're investigating the problem but it seems some save files will randomly have trouble loading, but then work fine the next time.

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed bug where Delinquency grade was wrong.
  • Students not going to clinic - increased priority of students going to clinic
  • Janitors are ignoring their routes - reduced janitor range to reduce chance
    of them being distracted by litter.
  • Workers are not building when assigned to route - this is expected behaviour but we added text to the worker route info box to explain this.
  • Daily spending assertion error on load
  • Minor grammar error in delinquency tooltip - changed settings to setting for the delinquency tooltip on the school creation screen
  • Disciplinary action grant unlocked without completing prerequisite grant - fixed by setting the right parent grant.
  • Only 2 paintings are being completed in the art room - fixed by adding the new paintings
  • Road can be deleted by right clicking
  • When there are no garbage in garbage area notification say 'you have no dumpsters in garage area' - fixed typo
  • Principal can't find office and not being assigned to office
  • User gets stuck when they start the school year minutes before the day ends
  • School timer stops when the user clicks the Start School Year button on Year 2 before the day ends
  • Clicking on the Notification for a Broken Object Moves the Camera to a Random Place
  • The "Start School Year" button remains green after firing the Principal
  • Fixed some issues where player is unable to load save files
  • When unticking the Detention Room checkbox, the Schedule does not update accordingly
  • Students sometimes stuck in principal's office - fixed by prioritizing going home over going to the principal's office
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone, we are moving the candidate build to the default build today and are excited to share some new mechanics with you. Thanks to everyone who tried out the Test and Candidate builds and helped us find some bugs! We're hoping this update should be relatively bug free *finger crossed*.

School Maintenance:

The big mechanic this month is maintenance (see above). Certain objects will become damaged over time, and you will need to assign a worker to repair them. You can now also set up routes for workers so that they automatically repair any broken objects they find.


Reports help you understand what's going on in the school. Currently we have classroom reports and delinquency reports, but we will slowly roll out other reports over the next few updates.

Classroom Report and Teacher/Student Ratio:

The teacher to student ratio is now in effect in the game, which means no more giant classrooms! The larger a classroom is the worse the kids' learning will be. You can see this information, amongst other things, in the classroom reports.

Delinquency Report:

The Delinquency Report shows you how many monitors and counselors you have, as well as the different kinds of delinquents. You will also see when delinquent students are currently in a counseling session.

Object Variety:

We're working on having random items come out of objects to add a little visual variety in the game. The first thing we added this to was the vending machine, which should now spew out chocolate and granola bars, sandwiches, and even onigiri!

This will be added to more objects in the game in the near future, like having different musical instruments and different artworks in the art room.


We've added quite a few tooltips now to help you better understand how everything in the game works.

Game Adjustments:

We made a few adjustments in the game, including the following:

- Learning outside the classroom: During class hours, students who go outside the classroom to use the toilet or eat will still get learning points but at a lower rate.

- Faster movement during class hours:During class hours students who go outside the classroom will move faster.

- Faster time: Game time has been returned to 1 minute per game hour.

- Teachers only have one specialty subject:Teachers will have one specialty subject in which they will have a 'high' stat. While the rest of the subjects will have low values.

- Updated utility costs: Electricity and water costs for some objects have been lowered.

- Clicking hire teacher button moves teacher immediately into selected department:Teachers will be automatically assigned to the current selected department, whereas in the past the player needs to click the slot in the department,or else the teacher will be assigned to the teacher pool.

- Increased probability for littering: The chance for students to litter has been slightly increased.

- Lowered probability for delinquent students: Some balancing updates have been made to reduce the amount of delinquent students in the game.

Bugs Fixed:

- Objects became immediately broken at the start of the day
- Unable to create additional Janitor and Monitor Routes
- Exam Results UI is sometimes blank
- Incorrect repair fee for broken objects
- Cooks are glitched stuck on the canteen benches when cleaning up the leftover plates from the tables
- Improveed janitor cleaning
- Sound stop playing when zoning a classroom
- Cafeteria and PE teacher observed as bug (PPA-5281)
- Hire button does not work and can't hire new teachers (PPA-5278)
- Routed workers do not repair almost broken objects
- Repair Button Does Not Appear When Clicking on Broken Objects
- Funds not being deducted after repairing
- Repair Icons Left Even After Dismantling Object
- Black screen after loading a game and going to main menu (PPA-5240)
- Construction workers are unable to repair some broken objects in different zones
- The piano does not appear after placing or building it
- Clicking the broken object notification sometimes redirects to to a vacant tile
- Objects with 2 words are not separated with a space in between on the broken object notification
- User gets stuck on the loading screen after loading a save file, plays a few minutes then loads another save file
- Janitors are unable to clean some pee spots on some toilets and urinals, and they get stuck
- Subject scores on the Report UI can result to negative values
- Durability decreases even before school year is started
- "Electricity" and "Water" texts appear on Zone Edit
- School did not close down on the first day making the school have negative funds
- Almost Broken Object icon does not change to the Broken Object icon when durability reaches 0
- Dirt error when saving and loading a file
- The lower-left part of the close button on the Report Card UI is not responding
- Mac build will not launch.
- Routes from previous game persists when loading or starting a new game

That's it for now, we'll be back with more soon!