Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, there's no getting around it, we done fucked up. Some of you might have noticed that jacksepticeye did a video on Academia : School Simulator. That boosted our player base, and we wanted to make sure that the large influx of new players had a better experience by pushing out a balance update. Unfortunately what seemed like a simple update introduced a whole new set of unforeseen issues like the game refusing to launch and crashing for various reasons. We've been spending the past couple of days trying to sort out those issues, but in the end we realized it's gonna take a lot longer than we expected. So we're going to make some changes to the builds.

In retrospect, we already had a system where we pushed our changes to a candidate branch first for testing before releasing the default build to everyone else. That's what we should have done, and that's what we're doing now. So we're rolling back the default build to build 0064, and moving the latest build 0070 to the candidate branch. What does this mean for you?

If you are playing build 0064:

Build 0070 game saves will no longer work, but older saves should be fine.

You will also lose these balance updates:
- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam (which should now have build 70):

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

There will always be issues like this in Early Access games, but clearly this is something that we had control over. We humbly apologize to anyone whos game experience was ruined by our mistake. It breaks our hearts when we hear that someone's first experience with our game is of it simply refusing to launch and just crashing. In the future, we will be more careful when updating the builds to make sure that you no longer have to experience these issues. Hope you guys understand, and look forward to a new build at the end of the month!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, there's no getting around it, we done fucked up. Some of you might have noticed that jacksepticeye did a video on Academia : School Simulator. That boosted our player base, and we wanted to make sure that the large influx of new players had a better experience by pushing out a balance update. Unfortunately what seemed like a simple update introduced a whole new set of unforeseen issues like the game refusing to launch and crashing for various reasons. We've been spending the past couple of days trying to sort out those issues, but in the end we realized it's gonna take a lot longer than we expected. So we're going to make some changes to the builds.

In retrospect, we already had a system where we pushed our changes to a candidate branch first for testing before releasing the default build to everyone else. That's what we should have done, and that's what we're doing now. So we're rolling back the default build to build 0064, and moving the latest build 0070 to the candidate branch. What does this mean for you?

If you are playing build 0064:

Build 0070 game saves will no longer work, but older saves should be fine.

You will also lose these balance updates:
- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam (which should now have build 70):

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build

There will always be issues like this in Early Access games, but clearly this is something that we had control over. We humbly apologize to anyone whos game experience was ruined by our mistake. It breaks our hearts when we hear that someone's first experience with our game is of it simply refusing to launch and just crashing. In the future, we will be more careful when updating the builds to make sure that you no longer have to experience these issues. Hope you guys understand, and look forward to a new build at the end of the month!
Jan 13, 2018
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, as mentioned previously we are currently getting our new programmers up to speed! In the meantime, here's some balance changes that will hopefully make it easier to run your school.

We lowered the probability you'll get delinquent students, and increased movement speed for the students and some staff so they can get move between the school much more quickly. We'd love your feedback on these changes.


- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.
Jan 13, 2018
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, as mentioned previously we are currently getting our new programmers up to speed! In the meantime, here's some balance changes that will hopefully make it easier to run your school.

We lowered the probability you'll get delinquent students, and increased movement speed for the students and some staff so they can get move between the school much more quickly. We'd love your feedback on these changes.


- Lowered delinquency probability for students
- Lowered probability of students making dirt
- Students get more food from eating
- Increased movement for students, teacher, and janitor
- Janitor will now come to school earlier, and leave school much more later in the day
- Increased temporary discipline bonus delinquents get from being scolded by the principal to lessen repeat instances of rowdiness and bullying.
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, just wanted to write you all a short message thanking each and everyone of you for supporting us in the first few months of Early Access. It's been a learning process for us at Squeaky Wheel, and while it has been a little rough at times, I think we are finally starting to get a good rhythym. It has really been humbling for us to see how much you guys are invested in the game, and really inspires us to keep working hard on the game.

I know that some of you are impatient. You see all the possibilities that the game might become and you can't wait to get there. We're impatient too, and that's why we're in the process of signing on a couple of developers to help us improve the game at a much quicker pace. You guys are the reason we could afford to hire on more help, so for that you have our gratitude.

That said, I have to beg your patience again in the coming month. Starting January, we will start the onboarding process as we loop in our new developers and Marnel catches them up on the code in the game. That, along with bugfixing, will probably take up most of January. We're gonna try to see if we can add the Guidance Counselor by end of January, but no promises! If all goes well, starting February we will be running at full blast.

Once the Guidance Counselor has been added that will finish the first major mechanic added to the game! When we're done we will release a new poll for you all to vote on. While we may not always reply on the discussion board, rest assured that we are keeping an eye on the comments and using them as the basis for what to prioritize in the game.

Lastly, I'd like to make a small request of you all. Tagging the game and upvoting current tags helps get Academia : School Simulator in front of people who might be interested in it. We'd definitely appreciate it if you could tag the game for us based on what you think is appropriate.

Thanks again guys. We hope you have great holiday season, and we're looking forward to working on the game with you all in 2018!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo
Hey everyone, just wanted to write you all a short message thanking each and everyone of you for supporting us in the first few months of Early Access. It's been a learning process for us at Squeaky Wheel, and while it has been a little rough at times, I think we are finally starting to get a good rhythym. It has really been humbling for us to see how much you guys are invested in the game, and really inspires us to keep working hard on the game.

I know that some of you are impatient. You see all the possibilities that the game might become and you can't wait to get there. We're impatient too, and that's why we're in the process of signing on a couple of developers to help us improve the game at a much quicker pace. You guys are the reason we could afford to hire on more help, so for that you have our gratitude.

That said, I have to beg your patience again in the coming month. Starting January, we will start the onboarding process as we loop in our new developers and Marnel catches them up on the code in the game. That, along with bugfixing, will probably take up most of January. We're gonna try to see if we can add the Guidance Counselor by end of January, but no promises! If all goes well, starting February we will be running at full blast.

Once the Guidance Counselor has been added that will finish the first major mechanic added to the game! When we're done we will release a new poll for you all to vote on. While we may not always reply on the discussion board, rest assured that we are keeping an eye on the comments and using them as the basis for what to prioritize in the game.

Lastly, I'd like to make a small request of you all. Tagging the game and upvoting current tags helps get Academia : School Simulator in front of people who might be interested in it. We'd definitely appreciate it if you could tag the game for us based on what you think is appropriate.

Thanks again guys. We hope you have great holiday season, and we're looking forward to working on the game with you all in 2018!
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey Everyone we're back with a final update for 2017! First things first, we've added a new staff, the Monitor. Right now the Monitor acts as a deterrent for bullying. If a monitor spots a bully in the halls of the school, they'll drag the bully all the way to the principal's office to be told off!

In the future the Monitor will also keep an eye out for truants and possibly other bad behavior (any suggestions?). The Monitor's standard behavior is to patrol the cafeteria, but you can also route the Monitor to check out specific areas for bullying.

NOTE: Bullying may be unbalanced at the moment, so let us know what you think and we'll adjust the balancing as soon as we can.


To aid in identifying delinquent students, we've added some UI changes to identify them. Delinquent students will now be tinted red, and if you click them to open the student profile, you'll see there is now a new classification called "traits". For now, traits only mark out delinquent students, but in the future students will acquire both positive and negative traits.

Build Tabs

We also added a some UI/UX improvements. We noticed that the build items were starting to add up, so we have them in tabbed form now.


We've added a calendar. It's a minor UI improvement that only shows you the current and last day in the school year. But in the future it will include other important dates like when a health inspector might show up at your school.

New Build Objects

There's a few new build objects like colored walls, colored carpets, and fence doors that were requested by folks.

We were hoping to get the guidance counselor out as well, but a couple of urgent bugs got in the way. Speaking of which, from now till January we will be focusing almost exclusively on bughunting and fixing.



Monitor Staff
Rude students will tease in class (effect is same as rowdy students)
Added Traits


Tinted Students
Show traits in student profile
Tabbed Build Items


colored walls
colored carpets
Fence Door
Staff Fence Door


Fixed newly hired teachers not teaching after being assigned to a classroom
Optimized character drawing
Fixed certain save files not loading
Adjusted balance for rowdy students (less rowdy students)
Principal stays in place more to scold more students
Reduced wait time of student in principal's office
Students no longer eat during class time
Fixed Too many heap sections game crashing bug
Student prioritizes detention over needs (stays in detention instead of going out to eat)
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey Everyone we're back with a final update for 2017! First things first, we've added a new staff, the Monitor. Right now the Monitor acts as a deterrent for bullying. If a monitor spots a bully in the halls of the school, they'll drag the bully all the way to the principal's office to be told off!

In the future the Monitor will also keep an eye out for truants and possibly other bad behavior (any suggestions?). The Monitor's standard behavior is to patrol the cafeteria, but you can also route the Monitor to check out specific areas for bullying.

NOTE: Bullying may be unbalanced at the moment, so let us know what you think and we'll adjust the balancing as soon as we can.


To aid in identifying delinquent students, we've added some UI changes to identify them. Delinquent students will now be tinted red, and if you click them to open the student profile, you'll see there is now a new classification called "traits". For now, traits only mark out delinquent students, but in the future students will acquire both positive and negative traits.

Build Tabs

We also added a some UI/UX improvements. We noticed that the build items were starting to add up, so we have them in tabbed form now.


We've added a calendar. It's a minor UI improvement that only shows you the current and last day in the school year. But in the future it will include other important dates like when a health inspector might show up at your school.

New Build Objects

There's a few new build objects like colored walls, colored carpets, and fence doors that were requested by folks.

We were hoping to get the guidance counselor out as well, but a couple of urgent bugs got in the way. Speaking of which, from now till January we will be focusing almost exclusively on bughunting and fixing.



Monitor Staff
Rude students will tease in class (effect is same as rowdy students)
Added Traits


Tinted Students
Show traits in student profile
Tabbed Build Items


colored walls
colored carpets
Fence Door
Staff Fence Door


Fixed newly hired teachers not teaching after being assigned to a classroom
Optimized character drawing
Fixed certain save files not loading
Adjusted balance for rowdy students (less rowdy students)
Principal stays in place more to scold more students
Reduced wait time of student in principal's office
Students no longer eat during class time
Fixed Too many heap sections game crashing bug
Student prioritizes detention over needs (stays in detention instead of going out to eat)
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone we're back again with a hotfix and bullying! A few of you were reporting crashes with build 0057, so hopefully this hotfix (build 0061) should address most of those. We've been developing delinquency since the last build, and the big addition in this update is bullying and teasing. Bullies will target their victims during free time (Recess and Lunchtime).

Some students will now tease other students during class time.

Bullying was supposed to be counteracted by the new Monitor staff, but
we're not quite done with that yet because we wanted to push out this
hotfix. Rest assured work on the Monitor and Guidance Counselor is
proceeding now.

NOTE: For bullying to appear in the game, you will need to start a new school. Your old 0057 save files will still work, but no bullies will show up. If you don't want to deal with bullies yet until we release the new staff that's totally fine. We are putting this in the candidate build for now so that anyone that doesn't want to lose their schools can skip it.

As a reminder:

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam:

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build



Added Bullying
Added Teasing (Teachers will send teasing students to the principal)

Bugs Fixed

Fixed memory leak that caused games to crash in build 0057
Academia : School Simulator - ryan.sumo

Hey everyone we're back again with a hotfix and bullying! A few of you were reporting crashes with build 0057, so hopefully this hotfix (build 0061) should address most of those. We've been developing delinquency since the last build, and the big addition in this update is bullying and teasing. Bullies will target their victims during free time (Recess and Lunchtime).

Some students will now tease other students during class time.

Bullying was supposed to be counteracted by the new Monitor staff, but
we're not quite done with that yet because we wanted to push out this
hotfix. Rest assured work on the Monitor and Guidance Counselor is
proceeding now.

NOTE: For bullying to appear in the game, you will need to start a new school. Your old 0057 save files will still work, but no bullies will show up. If you don't want to deal with bullies yet until we release the new staff that's totally fine. We are putting this in the candidate build for now so that anyone that doesn't want to lose their schools can skip it.

As a reminder:

To access the Candidate Branch on Steam:

1) Go to your game library and right click on Academia School Simulator
2) In the pop up window, find and click on Properties.
3) In the properties window, click on the Betas Tab
4) Under Enter beta access code to unlock private betas type :
5) Click on "check code"
6) Under "Select the beta you would like to opt into" click on the dropdown
menu and click on "candidate"
7) You should now have access to the latest candidate build



Added Bullying
Added Teasing (Teachers will send teasing students to the principal)

Bugs Fixed

Fixed memory leak that caused games to crash in build 0057