May 9, 2019
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
Some updates may not look the flashiest, but those are usually the best ones! Because in this update we're bringing you huge performance upgrades and improvements we're sure you'll love.

Performance is King!

With our latest patch we've focused on performance, so whether you have a 2080ti and want to just see as many frames as possible, or you're playing on integrated graphics powered by a potato battery just hoping to run Mad Machines one day, we think everyone will be pleased with this big update. We optimized characters, the biggest rendering drain in Mad Machines, to squeeze out the best performance we can. Our tests estimate players should see up to a 300% performance increase depending on the amount of characters being rendered. We've also taken a look at our netcode and managed to improve game responsiveness on higher ping, allowing you to play around on different servers even easier!

Bug Fixes

We haven't just made the game faster, we've cut out a whole lot of bugs too! After a long and intense battle with the bot overlord that supplies our bots for the games, we've finally managed to convince him to stop sending too many just to annoy us. This means you will no longer get too many bots in a match as a result of squads playing! We've also fixed a plethora of bindings and controller bugs, as well as fixing the overtime stutter problem. Finally, we fixed a bug that caused all players in a match to disconnect to main menu when one player lost internet connection. 

Patch List

  • Huge performance improvements making game run smoother and better on lower end PCs 
  • Player losing connection no longer sends all players back to main menu 
  • New Main menu UI 
  • Stutter in start of overtime fixed 
  • Fixes to input and bindings on controller 
  • Improvements to Lobby UX to show when a player is loading in 
  • Bots training is back in maintenance mode until they are working better 
  • Reward sequence now automatically shows at the end of a match
  • Squad backfilling correctly removes bots now
  • Ball camera improvements 
  • Free camera improvements 
  • Improvements to how responsive the game feels, including with higher pings 
  • UI bug fixes to matchmaking 
  • Kill scroll not resetting on rematch fixed 
  • New default camera settings 
  • Controller default buttons for blocking and forehand swapped

Come talk with us!
Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.
Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Mickey
This Saturday is our 4th weekly tournament with again up to 500$ in prize money! We have decided to go with 2v2 this time. The more players that take part in the tournament, the higher the prize pool goes, so sign up and also tell your friends about the tournament.

You don't need a team to sign up for the tournament. If you are solo just sign up as a free agent and we will find a teammate for you!

Format: 2v2 Double Elimination(If you lose you go to loser's bracket and still have a chance to win the tournament)
Tournament Starts: May 11th at 2 PM EDT/ 8 PM CEST
Server: US-E (unless players mutually agree otherwise)
Prize: Variable prizing based on entry.

12+ players: $150
24+ players: $250
36+ players: $500

Sign up link:

If you have any questions about rules, prizing, or how to sign up, please ask Mickey in our Discord server,
Mad Machines - Mickey
We have tournaments with money prizes happening every weekend. This Saturday we are holding a 3v3 tournament with up to 500$ in prize money! The more players that take part in the tournament, the higher the prize pool goes, so sign up and also tell your friends about the tournament.

You don't need a team to sign up for the tournament. If you are solo or missing 1 from a full team, just sign up as free agents and we will find teammates for you!

Format: 3v3 Double Elimination(If you lose you go to loser's bracket and still have a chance to win the tournament)
Tournament Starts: May 4th at 2 PM EDT/ 8 PM CEST
Server: EU (unless players mutually agree otherwise)
Prize: Variable prizing based on entry.

12+ players: $150
24+ players: $250
36+ players: $500

Sign up link:

If you have any questions about rules, prizing, or how to sign up, please ask Mickey in our Discord server,
Apr 19, 2019
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
You heard that right, we've added a new arena, new goals, and that's right, more balls!

Updated Arena

With all the updates we've been bringing to Mad Machines, we realized that the arena was a little behind! To help fix this, we're bringing you a brand new, beautiful arena that is sure to satisfy all your wishes. As an add on to this, we also redid the goals! You will now experience an arch shaped goal that changes the way you play pretty significantly. While you will have a little less room for a top shelf snipe, you'll have more space for the low shots. This should help make goalies a little bit less powerful while keeping gameplay the same.

Advanced Training

Ever felt like one ball wasn't enough? Two balls is a little better, but why not more?! Well, with the new training options you can have all the balls you'll ever need! Whether you want to slam your balls at your friends or simply have as many balls to play with as possible, you now can! I hope you brought your sack, because it's gonna take a lot to contain this many balls.

Other Improvements

As always, we've refined ball control even more! Since this is literally the main part of the game, we're always tinkering with it and trying our best to make it as perfect as possible. We've also added back bots training so you guys can go nuts and practice on your own! So take to the arena, fight off some bots, and learn the new goals because there's a lot of competition rising in Mad Machines! 

Patch List

  • New arena 
  • New goals
  • Advanced Training: Added BALLS
  • Bots updated for better ball play (more to come)
  • Bots Training is back
  • More refinements to ball control
  • Even more UI fixes

Come talk with us!

Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.

Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
This week we are bringing you some big changes to the game to simplify our no mag play.


After weeks of thinking about how to bring no mag into a better place, we have decided to remove the health systems. All combat now takes away stamina instead of health, making the game more about a single economy and less to worry about. This greatly simplifies things and allows players to focus more on scoring. As a result of this overdrive is no longer in the game.

Removing Confusion

After a long time we noticed players were confused as our casual and competitive modes featured two separate rule sets. To fix this we have removed the ultimate ability from casual, making it 100% no mag, and making it identical to the competitive mode. 

Monetization Changes

After taking a look at how we were releasing items to you guys we decided we weren't happy with the season pass model. To fix this, we have decided to remove the season pass systems currently in place, and move towards a different monetization plan. Don't worry, if you purchased the season pass already you will still receive all of the content you paid for. We will be keeping Mad Machines as a free to play game, but we will also be adding a "Full" version of Mad Machines at the cost of $9.99 USD or 7.99€. If you have ever purchased ANY carbyne or DLC you will automatically have access to this new "Full" version of Mad Machines. The full version of Mad Machines will have access to customization, the competitive queue, arena skins/mood, and advanced training options. This will not take effect until tomorrow when we release a quick hotfix enabling this.

Full Patch Notes

  • Health removed, combat now removes Stamina
  • Magnet Ultimate has been removed
  • Casual and Competitive modes now follow the same rule set.
  • Spikeball damage now results in a stun
  • New Basic and Full version
  • More speed, including a speed burst option done by double tapping shift
  • More ramp and wall optimizations
  • Better Bots
  • Ball Cam fix

Come talk with us!

Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.

Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
Holy smokes, last time there was a patch this big it was fixing a hot air balloon. We've got tons to share with you guys so come check everything out below!

Wall Riding??

Yep, we did that. Ever gone for a ball up high and thought "man I wonder if I could just ride the wall to grab that thing?" Well, now you can! We're super excited to see what crazy plays you guys can make happen with this, so jump in the arena, ride some walls, take some clips, and share them in our discord! Speaking of showing off, keep reading until the last paragraph to learn about some awesome events we have going on and coming up!

De-emphasizing Magnet Play

We've been watching you guys, like a lot, like you should probably get a restraining order. Okay maybe not that much, but we've been looking at how you guys play Mad Machines, how beginners play, and most importantly how people who hate Mad Machines play (although hard to do that one since they don't play for very long). After a lot of watching and a lot of internal discussion we have decided to make a drastic change. Magnet is no longer an ability you have 24/7, but is now an "ultimate" you get by earning match points.

You will now see that your magnet has a timer, and that it needs to be charged before you gain access to the magnet. The magnet will passively charge, and when you reach 100% it becomes available for use. This charge can be sped up by picking up blocks from the ground, or by being healed by your goalie. The magnet will only drain when the ability is actually in use, and does not need to be turned on/off unless you want to save it for later. You can turn the magnet on and off with the M key (by default). You can only use your ball abilities when you have the ball magnetized, and they work as they have in the past. When a player dies however, their magnet charge will be reset back to 0. These changes will work their way into the competitive and casual queues, as well as host match. Host match now only has two game modes, a competitive based mode with the old magnet system, and a competitive based mode with the new magnet ultimate system. We believe this change, while huge, will help new players understand the game better, make it more challenging, and give advanced players even more room to grow and learn the game.

Other Improvements

We hear ya, waiting 10 minutes to play a 5 minute match is frustrating to say the least. To help combat this problem we've lessened the time it takes for search parameters to expand in our casual queues. This means the game will start looking for players of different skill groups faster, and hopefully will reduce queue times for many of you. In a similar vein, when we decided to change the magnet system into what we've done now, we realized that bumping and dribbling the ball with no magnet was incredibly frustrating. To remedy that we have changed how you bump the ball, cleaned up movement mechanics even more, and created some new interactions that should make it feel a lot better to do.

Full Patch Notes

  • New magnet ultimate feature
  • Wall riding
  • Host match now has the option to play the new magnet ultimate system, or the old magnet always available system.
  • Fixes and updates to main menu UI/UX
  • Fixes and updates to the shop and workshop
  • Improvements to ball movement and bumping
  • Improved way you can move the ball around to dribble and roll the ball

Upcoming Events

The next few days are an exciting time! We have two large tournaments coming up, as well as a player challenge aimed at showing off these new changes and letting players really dig into them. On March 31st we have a 3v3 tournament with a prize pool of $300 presented by our friends over at Nexus Gaming, and you can sign up for that tournament by clicking here! Following that on April 6th we have another 3v3 tournament with a prize pool of $750 presented by our other friends, Rival Esports. You can sign up for that tournament by clicking here! If you're not quite the tournament type then head on over to our Discord where we have little challenges and fun events almost every week!

Come talk with us!

Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.

This patch obviously features large changes, don't like it? Make it known! Join our Discord and tell us why you do or don't like a new feature or a change. We truly want to make this the best game possible for you guys, so don't hesitate to let us know when we're not doing that.

Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
With another small patch coming your way today Mad Machines is bringing you even more customization options, bug fixes, better controller support, and more!

Arena Themes
Today we are excited to announce you can now select between 4 different arena themes! This allows you to customize the look of where you play, and make the game your own even more. The current choices are Glacier, the default and old theme; Icy, a bright white theme some veteran players may be familiar with; Dark; a blacked out dark theme; and Candy, a colorful pink, purple, and blue candy colored theme. You can choose between these 4 different arenas during the character select screen, and these are 100% client side allowing everyone in the lobby to see what they prefer!

Aim Assist
Our aim assist feature is something we’ve taken a long hard look at. In it’s current iteration we felt it confused players more than help, so we gave it a tune up! It is now much simpler to follow and should confuse new players less. We recommend aim assist for the free movement system, which is the new default system for all input methods. We have removed the auto select feature after realizing that strafe movement only confused new players, and now intend to push strafe as only for advanced players.

Movement Bug Fixes
Speaking of the movement systems, we’ve found a few different small bugs that made our movement system feel very clunky if encountered. These could have been mistaken for intentional design choices, so understandably some new players were turned off by that. Hopefully this corrects that issue and leads to a smoother learning experience for every new player coming into Mad Machines. As we’ve gone along we noticed that the players who can get through the first hour-two hours of gameplay fall deeply in love, and the ones who only play for 15–30 minutes never really find their groove. As a result we are going to spend some time evaluating and cleaning up our on boarding and FTUE to make it as smooth of a learning experience as possible, and really help new players to get through that first hour. As always if you have any suggestions for how to do this, please reach out on our discord server!

Full Patch Notes Below
  • Improvements to aiming and aim assist
  • Camera and movement changes. Default movement is now set to free and auto detection has been removed. Players must now choose which movement system they want to use.
  • Hit aid is always on by default for new players
  • New Map Skins! These are client side and can be selected in the prematch lobby.
  • Agility improvements via bug fixing. We’ve worked out some bugs that made the movement systems feel a little clunky.
  • Fix to PS4 controller
  • Fix to crossbar ball interactions

Come talk with us!
Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.

Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
With our third patch of the week we are bringing you an awesome new beginner feature, UX updates, and bug fixes! If you're a beginning player read ahead to learn all about the new Hit Aid feature that should help all the new players out there.

The All New Hit Aid Feature

Hit Aid is a new magnet augmentation that should make the magnet feel much more natural for newer players. This new feature makes it so that the ball magnet will not turn off until you release an attack, stopping those moments where you turn too fast and lose the ball. This makes some more advanced mechanics impossible meaning more experienced players may not want to use this feature, but it can help everyone! This feature is disabled in the ranked playlists so that everyone is on a level playing field where it truly matters.

Leaderboard Updates

Our leaderboards should now be calibrated to include all your ranked play correctly, so now you can know who is truly the best. The number 1 spot is hotly contested so get to grinding, because how many people will be able to say they were the number one Mad Machines player in the preseason?!

Bug Fixes

As always, this patch comes with general bug fixes so that you guys are playing the best game possible. We've pushed out a lot this week, so hopefully there's tons of new stuff to play around with if you've been gone for a while. You can find our full, more specific patch notes below.

  • Added the new Hit Aid feature
  • Locker section of the shop
  • Leaderboards update to include correct ranked sorting and using correct ranking setup
  • Update to UX for unlocking ranked play with new pop up
  • General UI fixes and updates
  • Jumping while strafing movement bug has been fixed
  • "No one playing" information not updating on the game mode selections
  • Info button in MP mode buttons fixed
  • New sounds

Come talk with us!
Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.
Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
Happy patch day everybody! With this update we are planning on bringing you a large amount of optimizations and improvements to the entire user experience.

Cutting it down.
We are really excited to announce that we have managed to cut the game's overall size in HALF. That's right, Mad Machines now only requires 3.5 GB compared to our previous 7 GB. Along with this massive size decrease you should see significantly reduced loading times. Enjoy the new super quick, super small Mad Machines! We hope this improves issues for players with slow or old hard drives by a considerable amount.

Helping out the elderly drives.
In addition to that, we've also revamped our lobby and matchmaking systems to accommodate for players who load a little slower. You will notice the regular lobby is now only 30 seconds long, but when a player is joining we have added a 60 second extra timer that will wait for them, meaning you now have a total of 90 seconds to load into the game.

Goal plates are back baby!
After a lot of community feedback and a lot of monitoring on our end, we have decided to add goal plates back into the quick play mode. We initially removed them as we thought new players just weren't really understanding the system and found it frustrating, but after watching players at various events and monitoring feedback in our Discord server, we realized that the goal plates are too cool to not have! Our veteran players have been asking for this for a while, so we're extremely happy to say that goal plates are back baby!

Here's a full list of the changes and bug fixes.
  • Game reduced from 7 GB to 3.5 GB
  • New matchmaking systems
  • Goal plates are back in quick play!
  • General rebalancing to work better with every mode having goal plates. Spikes now stay out for less time, but players hit the ball harder/faster to compensate.
  • Small improvements to the User Experience. We're constantly looking for ways to make your life easier, so we've simplified some menu processes. 
  • Fixed a few small bugs in the workshop.

Come talk with us!
Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.
Mad Machines - Hero Blocks
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your support with last week's Free to Play launch. It was certainly a busy week, with some of the team in Katowice that weekend manning the MAD MACHINES booth graciously provided by ESL. It was great to see players new and old try out the game in person, and feedback from this and other events has been vital in our internal balance discussions.

A big thanks to ESL for this MAD setup in Katowice!

On to this week - as promised, we have a bunch more features and fixes for you all!

Customization, Item Unlocks and the Shop

More customization options? We hear you! The Shop is your way of purchasing new cosmetic options for your Machines. There are two ways you can do this: with Metal or with Carbyne.

Metal is currency that you obtain at the end of every match (excluding Custom Matches). Everything you unlock to purchase via levelling up will be available in the Shop to purchase for Metal.

Carbyne is the premium currency within MAD MACHINES. Purchasable with real money through the Shop, you can skip the grind for Metal to purchase your unlockable items directly. You can also purchase all current DLC with Carbyne directly in-game. This includes the limited-time MAD Bundle, containing the Founder's Pack weapons and the prepurchase for the Season ZERO Pass!

We're exploring other ways of rewarding players with additional Metal and Carbyne, so please stay tuned for more information on that in a future update.

For the curious, here's a list of the current textures you can unlock for your Machines and their weapons by levelling up:

Level 2: Uncommon Machine Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 3: Uncommon Machine Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 4: Uncommon Machine Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 6: Uncommon Weapon Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 7: Uncommon Weapon Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 8: Uncommon Weapon Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 17: Rare Machine Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 18: Rare Machine Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 19: Rare Machine Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 21: Rare Weapon Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 22: Rare Weapon Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 23: Rare Weapon Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 26: Epic Machine Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 28: Epic Machine Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 31: Epic Machine Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 33: Epic Weapon Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 36: Epic Weapon Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 38: Epic Weapon Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 41: Legendary Machine Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 42: Legendary Machine Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 43: Legendary Machine Texture (Assassin/Chopper)
Level 46: Legendary Weapon Texture (Support/Ship)
Level 47: Legendary Weapon Texture (Heavy/Train)
Level 48: Legendary Weapon Texture (Assassin/Chopper)

Those that reached these levels before this update will have the textures at and below their level appear in the Shop.

We'd love to see what creative things you can
come up with using the customization system! If you have a customization preset you're particularly proud of, be sure to tweet it to us @Mad_Machines!

Bug-Squashing, Tweaks and Quality of Life

- Goalies can no longer be "pushed around" by other players, or the ball
- Fixes to matchmaking and queue system
- Fixes to the rematch system
- There is more information available to you if you are queueing for a match while playing a single player mode
- Bot improvements
- General UI improvements and tweaks
- General improvements and bug fixing to the backfilling system
- Friends list fixes for the Steam version
- Option to add images in the custom banner (in the special settings menu)
- This is very much an experimental feature, but we hope you have some fun with it! Please note that both settings in the "Special" section will only appear on your client, not for other players.

Come talk with us!

Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.

See you in the arena!