Nov 5, 2018
Capsa - Vetron

This update introduces some improvements to homes such as addition of ability to spawn at your home, permissions to restrict access and some additional beach shack color variants to choose from.

We've also added some Fireworks near Mataara for a limited time for Fifth of November.

Patch Notes:

  • Added Pink, Purple and Yellow variants for the Beach Shack.

  • Added lighting to all homes that automatically comes on at nighttime.
  • Added fireworks in the bay near Mataara, visible from Tori, Katara, Rawhiti, Whare Whiti, Tiata, Mowhiti and many other locations. These will remain present for a short time for the fifth of November commemorations.
  • Added additional camp to Mataara and removed one that wasn’t situated well.

  • Added spawn to respawn menu that allows players to spawn at their homes.
  • Added permissions to homes that allows players to deny entry to people not on their friends list entry to the home itself.
  • Added permissions to vehicles that allows players to restrict access to only people on their friends list.
  • Added patio firepit to San Francisco Homes.
Nov 2, 2018
Capsa - Vetron

This update is fixes to various issues reported and some background changes to customization systems.

Patch Notes:

  • Added polka and stripe pattern for all home types (internal walls).
  • Fixed an issue with how the female jumper sits on the character.
  • Fixed an issue with camera rotation buttons in character editor.

  • Fixed a collision issue in church area.
  • Fixed heat distortion issue with some candle particles.

Item Store
  • Added wallpaper patterns for homes to item store.
Nov 1, 2018
Capsa - Vetron
This update adds a few more improvements to character customization menu, with on-screen buttons to focus, and rotate camera. There are also a few fixes to various reported issues.

Patch Notes:

  • Added on-screen buttons to allow to move camera left and right and zoom in / out in character editor. Will roll this out to other editors in the future.
  • Added changes so camera in character editor is always in focused mode by default.
  • Added additional camera options to character editor so you can either focus on face or zoom to whole body.
  • Added few changes to default male outfit selection, players will now spawn for the first time with a colored hoody rather than the long-tshirt option.
  • Added few tweaks to default morph targets applied onto characters by lowering the age slider by default.
  • Fixed ‘breast size’ option (that didn’t do anything) showing up for male characters.
  • Fixed an issue relating to moving with ws keys in character editor.

  • Added additional horse spawn to Kura near front of the school building.
  • Fixed some decals not showing up in catacombs area.
  • Fixed claim node on camps a little low to the ground.

  • Fixed an issue relating to the orientation of some orange hidden items.
Oct 31, 2018
Capsa - Vetron

This update we've done some general customization improvements and expanded one of the ingame areas. For customization we've added illumination when in the character editor so you can customize when at night, we've fixed a couple color options not working and included an improved male skin texture.

An expansion to the whakatupu area on island of Atahua is included, plus several new hidden items to discover.

There are also various new things on the item store, some of which are shown below:

Patch Notes:

  • Added reworked Male character skin.
  • Added a light to character editor so can see what you are customizing at night.
  • Fixed an issue where skin color and lipstick color wasn’t updating.
  • Fixed an issue with male pumpkin mask alpha.
  • Fixed naming issue with male pumpkin mask and alice bands.

  • Added expansion to whakatupu area.

  • Added hidden items to Whakatupu and Papa Taunga areas.
  • Added achievments for hidden items.
  • Added title unlocks for hidden item acheivments.

Item Store
  • Added black horse skeleton pattern.
  • Added Halloween clothing patterns bundle.
  • Added Halloween cat themed clothing patterns bundle.
  • Added airless tires bundle.
  • Added neon road tires bundle.
  • Added offroad tires bundle 2.
Oct 28, 2018
Capsa - Vetron

For this Halloween themed update we're running a Pumpkin Hunt event in the Kura area, which has been considerably expanded. The goal is to locate the 40 hidden purple pumpkins and there's some neat rewards up for grabs. Check out the below image for the progression tree:

We have also set up an official discord which can be located here, given there are around 40 pumpkins to find, why not work together to collect them all!

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where Color presets wasn’t working correctly.
  • Added Pumpkin Mask set as unlockable reward item.
  • Added Pumpkin Alice Band set as unlockable reward item.

  • Added significant expansion and improvements to Kura area. Changes include additional pathways, a dock with boat spawn, a church, lighting improvements and expansion to cave area. There is lots of Halloween pumpkin décor added around also.

  • Added pumpkin hunt gameplay to Kura area.
  • Added achievements related to finding pumpkins.
  • Fixed a performace issue relating to chat message widgets.
Oct 24, 2018
Capsa - Vetron

This upate consists of a few fixes that were reported to us yesterday, please let us know if you encounter any further issues.

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue relating to skylight at 10:00 time, which had effected look of some buildings.
  • Fixed a color issue relating to water based on some skylight settings.

  • Fixed an issue relating to youtube videos not playing for some users when played by another player.
  • Fixed an issue relating to footsteps that may of negatively effected performance.
Oct 23, 2018
Capsa - Vetron
For our hundredth update this year we are taking Capsa free-to-play. We’ll be going over again for those who missed it what it will mean regarding changes to game, and what happens when you purchased the game before this period.

If you purchased the game previous to free-to-play, lets start by saying very little will change for you, everything you have unlocked and own will remain unlocked; meaning, you will not lose anything. Free-to-play for us means that while access to the game is free, select items, which for us include some cosmetics and certain vehicles, are not free. We will, at some-point, be doing a ‘starter pack’ for the game and will likely price this similar to the original price Capsa was selling for. A copy of that ‘starter pack’ will be granted to you in addition.

This update primarily consists of back-end changes, and a selection of various fixes to things reported.

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an index issue relating to Go Kart Valve covers.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'no headwear' had incorrect name.
  • Fixed a potenial loop issue when switching colors.
  • Fixed various other minor back-end issues related to customization.

  • Fixed a patch of grass creeping into Mataara bar.
  • Fixed some foliage placement near matara.
  • Fixed some road bumps.
  • Fixed various terrain painting.

  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes see their own wheel become offset under some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue relating to the beachshack not unclaiming correctly.
  • Fixed an issue relating to adminunlcaim commands not working.
  • Fixed an issue relating to houses being recalled incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue relating to houses not having items 1 and 2 on side tables.
  • Fixed an issue where steamcmd dedicated servers couldn't display a country code based flag in the join menu.
  • Fixed default outfit combinations being poor in some circumstances, reworked the list and added some new setups.
  • Fixed VR reset orietnation not working for oculus.
  • Fixed pause menu not opening correctly in vehicles when using VR.
  • Fixed various other VR related issues.

Item Store
  • Added alice bands to item store.
  • Added pontoon boat to item store.
  • Added mako boat to item store.
  • Added thin bikini bottoms to item store.
Oct 21, 2018
Capsa - Vetron
This update introduces a new area to the island of Atahua. We've also added additional super jumps and smash signs to complete inside this area.

There are also a few general environment improvements, such as making the windfarm windmills rotate, and some bunkers, like the one at Taipu having the fans rotate.

Patch Notes:

  • Added new area to the island of Atahua based around farmland and trails to explore.
  • Added improvements to Kapohau so that windmills rotate.
  • Added improvements to Taipu area so that various bunker fans rotate.
  • Added ambient jungle sounds to Atahua island.

  • Added new super jumps, smash signs and a speed trap to the newly added area.
  • Added achievments for the new super jumps, smash signs and speed trap.
Oct 20, 2018
Capsa - Vetron
We’ve added a vehicle and character rewind functionality in this update to help mitigate any frustration for those times on the off-chance you happen to get stuck somehow. Pressing f4 key (can be changed in options) will rewind your movement 3 seconds from current moment in time, where you can resume whatever you were doing. In addition to this we’ve fixed various issues reported.

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue Fuel Tank 6 was labeled ‘none’.
  • Fixed an issue relating to fuel cap not aligning to Gas Tanks 5 or 6.

  • Added character and vehicle rewind functionality, press f4 key to move yourself around 3 seconds back in time. This will help if you get stuck or fall off something, to help mitigate frustration of doing so.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes see another ground vehicle’s wheel become offset.
  • Fixed an issue where camp’s didn’t work in singleplayer and sometimes didn’t load the camera correctly in multiplayer.
Oct 19, 2018
Capsa - Vetron
This update introduces new vehicle-based gameplay with Speed Traps and Smash Signs. We've also increased the item drop pool considerably, including adding a new rarity level. There are also fixes to various reported issues.

Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where the San Francisco could not be painted blue or green.
  • Fixed an issue relating to a tiny white triangle appearing under buggies under some customization combinations.

  • Added additional detail to Hianga area.
  • Added additional detail to the road between Whakarua and Tori.
  • Added camp to whare witi area.
  • Fixed bad vehicle spawn placement in Hianga area.

  • Added Speed Traps, beat the target speed in various locations.
  • Added around 90 new items to the item drop pool, plus a new rarity level 'Epic'.
  • Added Smashable items, use your vehicle to locate and destroy them all!
    Added additional notifications for completing smashable items, super jumps, speed traps, and discovering areas.
  • Added improvements to spawn menu by switching to standard functions handling unlocks as used in character editor menus.
  • Fixed Camp not having correct icon.
  • Fixed some camps not having camp fires.
  • Fixed icon for camp achievements.
  • Fixed an issue where camp couldn’t be unclaimed via chat command /unclaim.