Sep 7, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

In today’s episode we’ll be talking about Smoky’s and Striker’s balance and other changes, we’ll be also telling you about mobile version invites and announcing Tanker’s Day holiday.

Check out V-LOG 184 right below!
Tanker's Day 2018
Tanki Challenge Submissions
Question of the Week Submissions
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

With the morning restart tomorrow, 02:00 UTC September 6th the long-awaited improvements will come to Matchmaking, Smoky and Striker will receive balance changes, and other, smaller changes will be added to the game.
Let’s go over all parts of the update:
Matchmaking Improvements

  • Matchmaking will find battles for solo players faster, and the prediction accuracy for the wait time will increase. Situations where the actual waiting time is much longer than the estimated wait time will disappear. 
  • Rank limits will be added to Battle Groups: all players in the group must be 5 ranks below or above the group’s creator.
    • Example: if your rank is Third Lieutenant, players in your group can be from Warrant Officer 1 to Lieutenant Colonel.
  • Friend List:
    • When a friend is playing in a MM battle, next to their name in the Friend List will be written “In battle”.
    • When a friend is in a battle group, next to their nickname in the Friend List will be added “In battle group”.
    • Now it will be possible to invite friends into battle groups even if they are in battle at that moment. If the player agrees to join the group, they will leave battle and join the battle group.

PRO-Battle List Changes

  • Next to custom battle names in Battle List you will now see the names of maps, so it will be easier to find your favorite map.
  • Battles in the list will be sorted by the time of creation, in a descending order. This way, the new battles will always be at the top of the list.

Turret Balance Changes

Smoky will become more viable in a long range fight. To do this, we will slightly increase its critical damage and the maximum hit range, and significantly increase turret’s effectiveness at middle-to-long range, so the damage fall off will be noticeably weaker and will start at a longer range than now.

Missile-launcher turret will receive a small improvement to the target acquiring time and the speed of rockets. The changes will affect the higher modifications the most.

Other changes

  • Added option to receive gifts from players that are not in your Friend List. To enable the option, please go to Settings.
  • The “Battle!” button in the Battle List renamed to “Matchmaking”.
  • Small changes to Matchmaking configurations for maps.
  • The first “wave” of supply drops in battles will begin to drop significantly later than now -- close to 2 minutes after the battle starts, and not in about 40 seconds.
The full list of changes can be found in Patch Notes #525.
Launch the game on September 6th and share your thoughts on the update in this thread!
Aug 31, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

There’s only 1 week left before tankers meetup in Krasnodar, and 1 week until the special “Tanki in Krasnodar” kit will be removed from the Shop.
Guests of the event will be able to participate in multiple giveaways and win real prizes from Canyon and Prestigio brands, but for everyone who purchased the kit a special giveaway will be held on September 13th to split the special crystal prize pool already at 45,620,000!
Purchasing the kit, you get the following:
  • “Picnic” paint;
  • 10 containers;
  • 300 batteries.
  • Chance to win millions of crystals
With each purchased kit the special crystal fund is increased by 20,000 crystals, and with every 500,000 crystals in the prizepool the number of winners is increased by 1. After the tankers meetup, on September 13th, during a livestream we will run the special giveaway.
You can track how big the prize pool is on the special site.
Don’t miss your chance to become a crystallionaire and good luck!
Aug 31, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

A new wave of TO Mobile invites and rewards went out, check your email for the code!
We also remind you that every new player in TO Mobile gets an exclusive news alert, so if you want to make sure you were invited for the test in the last wave, please check the game for the following announcement:

And if you are not a tester yet, apply for TO Mobile using the instructions here.
Today we have also sent a new wave of rewards for tankers who played TO Mobile for at least 10 hours and sent their feedback or bugs through the special form in the invitational email. Make sure to fill the form weekly to get containers!

Resources Download Error
We also have good news for players who were affected by the resources download error! A new fix was just released for the Mobile version, and to make sure your app is properly updated we recommend to do the following in a few hours:
  • Go to your device Settings
  • Find Tanki Online
  • Choose to clear the cache
  • Delete TO Mobile App
  • Download the app again
This should fix the error and get you back in action in a comfort of a portable device.

Good luck on the battlefield and we hope to see everyone in TO Mobile very soon!
Aug 31, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

In today’s episode we’ll be talking about what GS is and why it was needed. We’ll also be covering tankers’ meetup in Krasnodar and telling you about international tournaments.

Check out V-LOG 183 right below:
Video of the Week Submissions
Question of the Week Submissions
Aug 20, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

We all love summer, and each summer day is in itself a perfect reason to have tons of fun and enjoy the warm weather outside. That’s why we’ve decided to bring the sunny mood from the streets and beaches into Tanki Online!
So what awaits you in the game from 02:00 UTC August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th?
Thematic decorations and gifts, Double Battle Funds, Gold Boxes that will drop 5 times more often, discounts in the Garage and in the Shop, Special Offers, new animated paint and stars that fall from the sky!
Let’s go down each point.

Thematic decorations
During 6 days of the celebration you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of an elusive summer vacation with the following decorations in the game:
  • holiday paint with special texture (available only during the celebration, cannot be bought);
  • thematic billboards on all maps;
  • special parachutes for supplies;
  • thematic flags in CTF;
  • thematic Gold Boxes and their drop zones;
  • thematic gifts.

Star Week
What the most famous natural phenomena of August? Stars traveling across the night sky, correct! From 02:00 August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th the stars will also fall in Tanki!
For the duration of the holiday we will return stars into the game — the special resource that many remember from the last War event.
Play in Matchmaking battles, earn stars and get cool rewards, among which are containers and the new animated paint “Fall leaves”!

Find more details on the event here.
Double Battle Funds
For the duration of 6 days, from 02:00 UTC August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th, funds in all Matchmaking (non-PRO) battles will be increased by 2 times! This means that you’ll earn twice the crystals for every battle finished!
Use this opportunity to warm up before the coming Fall.
Gold Boxes will drop 5x more often!
From 02:00 UTC August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th in all Matchmaking, non-PRO battles Gold Boxes will drop 5 times more often! Who’s gonna be the quickest?
IMPORTANT: In PRO-battles Gold Boxes will remain as usual and drop at the usual rate.
Titan ХТ
It’s about time for one more completely new XT-skin, and this time it’s for a hull.
Welcome Titan XT! After server restart on August 21st this skin will be available for purchase in the Shop, and it will also be added to containers.

Smoky XT skin will be removed from the Shop and you’ll be able to find it only in containers.
While on a vacation or on summer break many find plenty of time for shopping. Don’t miss your chance to do the same in Tanki and save with big Summer Sale!
02:00 UTC August 24th — 02:00 UTC August 25th:
  • –30% discounts in the Shop. Discounts apply to crystals, Premium, kits and paints. 
02:00 UTC August 25th — 02:00 UTC August 26th:
  • –30% discounts in the Garage. Discounts apply to turrets, hulls, modules, paints, alterations and supplies.
02:00 UTC August 26th — 02:00 UTC August 27th:
  • MicroUpgrades. MU steps — 30%, SpeedUps — 50%.
IMPORTANT: discounts do not apply to drones, batteries, gifts, PRO Battle Pass, containers, Gold Boxes, clan license, Rename Pass, Special Offers in the Shop and the smallest packs of crystals and Premium.
Special Offers
From 02:00 UTC August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th 2 new Special Offers will be added to the Shop, one of which will contain animated paint “Mount Fuji”.
Special Offer #1
  • new animated paint “Mount Fuji”
  • 15 containers
  • 25,000 crystals

Special Offer #2
  • 5 containers
  • 300 of each supply (except Gold Boxes and batteries)
  • 100,000 crystals
Launch the game, don’t miss the star hunt and have an awesome time with friends in Tanki!
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

What the most famous natural phenomena of August? Stars traveling across the night sky, correct! From 02:00 August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th the stars will also fall in Tanki!
For the duration of the holiday we will return stars into the game — the special resource that many remember from the last War event.
Play in Matchmaking battles, earn stars and get cool rewards, among which are containers and the new animated paint “Fall leaves”*!
  • 100 stars — 1 container;
  • 200 stars — 2 containers;
  • 300 stars — 3 containers;
  • 400 stars — 4 containers;
  • 500 stars — 5 containers;
  • 700 stars — animated paint “Fall leaves”.

IMPORTANT: prizes in the event are summed up, which means when you reach a specific prize tier, you get that many containers. If you collect 700 stars or more, your final rewards will be 15 containers and the animated paint.
Prizes will be delivered to you automatically, as soon as you earn the required number of stars. We will notify you about the prizes within the game using a special notification.
*new paint will also be added to containers

How to earn stars
The event will be active for 6 days, from 02:00 UTC August 21st till 02:00 UTC August 27th.
To earn stars, you will need to play in Matchmaking battles and play in them actively, until the battle is finished.
Stars are given out the following way:
  • 1st and 2nd place on the winning team, 1st place on the losing team or 1st and 2nd places in solo modes (DM and JGR) — 3 stars;
  • 3rd and 4th place on the winning team, 2nd and 3rd place on the losing team or 3rd and 4th places in solo modes (DM and JGR) — 2 stars;
  • All other places — 1 star, if you were active during the battle.
IMPORTANT: stars are not zeroed out or removed for the full duration of the event. The number of stars earned will be shown in the upper part of the screen, next to crystals.
For the full duration of the event the “Easy Stars” Pass will be available for purchase in the Shop, and it will double the number of stars earned. At the end of the event the pass will be removed from Garages of players who bought the pass.
Join the hunt for stars! Don’t forget to make a wish, and then you might find in containers exactly what you wished for! And the “Fall leaves” paint, which will be given to the most active tanks, will remind you of the coming Golden Autumn.
By the way, during the Star Week you can find even more events in the game, read here.
Aug 10, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.


This week is packed with events -- updates in the game, the end of the War… And we’ve decided that Crazy Weekend will be just the perfect finale!

And to make it even more crazy, during the event you will in the game thematic billboards, special texture for the Holiday paint, thematic Gold Boxes and their drop zones, parachutes, flags, and also 3 gifts which will grant you and your friends extra energy and a good luck!

Here’s what will be waiting for you in Tanki Online from 02:00 UTC August 11th until 02:00 UTC August 13th:


Of course, what weekend can be crazy without sales?

02:00 UTC August 11th -- 02:00 UTC August 12th:
  • -25% in the Shop. Discounts apply to crystals, Kits, Gold Boxes, Premium and paints.

02:00 UTC August 12th -- 02:00 UTC August 13th:
  • -25% in the Garage. Discounts apply to turrets, hulls, modules, paints and supplies.
  • MicroUpgrades. -25% discount for MU steps and -50% discount for SpeedUps.

NOTE: discounts do not apply to drones, batteries, PRO Battle Pass, containers, clan license, Rename Pass, special offers in the Shop, drones and batteries kits, and the minimal sized packs of crystals, Premium and Gold Boxes.

Special Offer

From 02:00 UTC August 11th till 02:00 UTC August 13th a Special Offer will be added to the Shop. The offer includes:

  • 5 containers
  • 300 of each supply (except Gold Boxes)
  • 100,000 crystals.

Don’t miss your chance to save big!

Double Battle Funds

For 2 days straight, from 02:00 UTC August 11th till 02:00 UTC August 13th earn double battle funds in Matchmaking, non-PRO battles! This means you get twice the crystals for each finished battle!

And the most interesting will take place on the fields of tanks battles!

Win containers, days of Premium and the new animated paint “Radioactive jelly”, enter a special giveaway to win one of the 2 Dream Tanks! A Dream Tank is a fully upgrades tank with turret, hull and protection module of your choice, available at your rank.

Details and Prizes

The event will be held from 21:00 UTC August 10th till 21:00 UTC August 12th.

Your goal is to make enough kills in standard, non-PRO battles. The more enemies you destroy, the bigger is your prize:

  • 400-799 enemy tanks destroyed — 3 containers
  • 800-1999 enemy tanks destroyed — 5 containers + 3 days of Premium
  • 2000+ enemy tanks destroyed — 10 containers + 5 days of Premium + new animated paint “Radioactive jelly”.

Your current results you can track on the special site >>here<<. Kills are updated every 30 minutes, so if you don’t see your new kills right after battle, please check back later.

During the first hours after the event is launched, TOP-10 players list on the site will be empty, until 10 or more players destroy 400+ enemy tanks.

Players who complete the kill tiers will be guaranteed to get the prizes detailed above.
Also, among all tankers who destroy 800 enemy tanks or more, we will run a special giveaway for 2 Dream Tanks, and you can read more the giveaway in the full rules.

IMPORTANT: please read carefully the rules of the giveaway, posted below. They contain important information on how to participate in the event and when the prizes are delivered.

2 Dream Tanks

From the list of all participants, who destroy 800 enemy tanks or more we will randomly choose 2 players. Both players will receive a Dream Tank -- any* turret, hull and protection module in the fully upgraded modification available at your rank.

Full list of players who successfully complete kill tiers and the names of the Dream Tanks winners will be published on Tuesday, August 14th.

Don’t miss the crazy weekend!

*available at your Rank on the day of the rewards

Event Rules

  • The event prizes cannot be exchanged for crystals or other in-game items.
  • If you already have the event paint, there is no compensation.
  • You can receive the prizes only for the highest completed kill tier, for example, destroying 2000 enemy tanks or more during the event you will get 10 containers, 5 days of Premium and 1 paint.
  • Kills can be done with any equipment.
  • KIlls are counted only if they were made in Matchmaking, non-PRO battles.
  • Matchmaking, non-PRO battles are the battles you can join from the game mode buttons in the Lobby, and to open the Lobby from Battle List press on “Battle!”.
  • The event is active from 21:00 UTC August 10th till 21:00 UTC August 12th.
  • The winners of the Dream Tanks giveaway will be chosen using a random number generator and the prizes will be delivered on Tuesday, August 14th.
  • The players who win Dream Tanks will be contacted by the community manager to collect their prize specifications.
  • Event prizes (containers, days of Premium and the paint) will be delivered within 48 hours after the event ends.
  • Premium time on accounts will be activated at the moment the prizes are delivered.
  • All the results of the event will be published on Tuesday, August 14th.
Aug 10, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

In today’s episode we’ll be talking about how the War ended, discussing the latest updates in the game and sharing the winners of the Tanki Craft contest.

Check out V-LOG 181 right below!
Video of the Week Submissions
Question of the Week Submissions
Aug 8, 2018
Tanki Online - Tanki Online Europe Ltd.

Tankers, the War is over!
The global event “War: Domination” has culminated in the Lion’s victory! Second place was taken by the Bears with 207 points, and the third by the Wolves with 201 points.
The War lasted for 10 turns. In the beginning the territories were captured in unison, but oh what drama was waiting around the corner!… After the first regional fights Bears seized the leadership, and Lions moved to the third position. Nobody was taking them seriously, which proved to be a fatal mistake in the end. Next came 2 more turns, during which Lions have captured the first place and rushed to victory. Astonishing play!
We congratulate the Lions faction with victory! You’ve performed a colossal task and showed a truly united and powerful team play.
20 containers were already added to the winners’ accounts, and the animated paint will be given out in the next 48 hours. We remind you, that the necessary requirement to get the rewards was to complete 6 turns or more during the event.

But that’s not all of the gifts!
The best players chosen by the number of stars earned during the event will get a unique Legacy set of skins for Viking and Thunder. There are 30 tankers like this -- 10 from each faction. With these skins your tank will look exactly like the old Tanki graphics from 2012.
NOTE: Legacy skins for Top-10 players of each faction will be sent within 48 hours.

Find the full lists of Top-10 players for each faction below.
  • S-U-N-S-H-I-N-E — 3063 stars
  • Ivar — 2420 stars
  • lullmax — 2108 stars
  • C-R-U-E-L — 1925 stars
  • Primogenitz — 1921 stars
  • One_DoW — 1897 stars
  • 9I_Online — 1882 stars
  • MJRM — 1879 stars
  • Contain — 1877 stars
  • Eazy_Money — 1872 stars
  • lll — 3900 stars
  • Lamb0rghini1 — 2420 stars
  • LIJ-A-M-A-N — 2282 stars
  • Marekos1111 — 2253 stars
  • kevsy — 2034 stars
  • vitalik1105 — 1990 stars
  • lnception — 1949 stars
  • Octopus — 1940 stars
  • CmPeMuTeJIbHblu — 1922 stars
  • Force — 1903 stars
  • F16 — 2789 stars
  • Boris4311 — 2280 stars
  • Exceptional — 2235 stars
  • GOIOVIN — 2160 stars
  • Unique — 2096 stars
  • pro_artur_super — 2030 stars
  • hasanov — 2008 stars
  • Pakistani — 1902 stars
  • 6.B.6 — 1831 stars
  • Flack.JK_B_TAHKE — 1777 stars
In addition to congratulating top players, we want to share War statistics with you.
  • 217,000 players entered the event by purchasing the Distributor paint;
  • 113,000 tankers completed 1 turn or more by voting and confirming it;
  • 10,200,000 stars were earned by all participants in the War combined;
  • 4,300,000 containers were collected at the end of the event by players.
Impressive numbers, wouldn’t you say?
Thank you, everyone, for playing the War! You’ve made it an especially cool event.
Tell us what you think about the event in this thread and see you in the next War!