World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral


In early February, we announced our plans for 2022. Over the months since our previous publication, many of our ideas have been implemented. More information about future changes to World of Warships is now available and some details have changed. It's high time we shared our development plans for the second half of 2022!
    Please note that all the information contained in this document is preliminary. Any changes and new features that we announce may be adjusted several times during tests. During each of those testing rounds, we'll carefully consider your feedback and opinions. Now, let's get down to the details! To reveal the information, click on the respective blocks.

What's Already Done

Pan-Asian cruisers are now available to everyone, and Early Access to Italian destroyers will also end soon.

A new nation has been added to the game—Spain. The first representative is Canarias.

X Grosser Kurfürst and X Khabarovsk were replaced in the Tech Tree with X Preussen and X Delny. Also, the testing of superships Condé, Annapolis, Zorkiy, Yamagiri, United States, Eagle, Satsuma, and Hannover was finished, and they were added to the branches of their respective nations.
Game Events
We celebrated Lunar New Year.

Players had a chance to try out Dirigible Derby and fight in the Savage Battle on the Flooded City map.

Construction of Atlântico has started on the already familiar Clydebank Dockyard.
Significant visual improvements have been implemented. Snow, ice, and sand on maps have become more realistic and spectacular, the ice build-up effect has appeared on ships and is visible in battles on snow-covered maps, and shadows on maps and ships now look more realistic.

A number of visual effects have been updated, and we're continuing to rework maps and Ports to bring them up to HD quality. By the way, we've released a Hot Fix episode covering our work on the World of Warships graphics. You can watch it here.

We've also disclosed the item drop chances for all containers. Check them out here.
Spring 2022

French Cruisers
Update 0.11.4 kicks off Early Access to new French ships VIII Cherbourg, IX Brest, and X Marseille. The cruisers are armed with large-caliber guns mounted on their bows. Their long reload time is partly compensated for by the Main Battery Reload Booster consumable. The ships are capable of achieving high speeds with the help of the improved Engine Boost consumable that is typical for French ships. The armor of the new cruisers ensures good protection of their citadels against medium-caliber AP shells, but they are quite vulnerable against HE and SAP shells.
Arms Race in Random and Co-op Battles
Arms Race was first introduced into the game quite a long time ago—as a separate test mode initially, and then as a format for several Ranked Battles seasons later. In Update 0.10.10, it returned as a separate battle type featuring various changes and improvements. It received positive feedback from players and demonstrated good statistics. The next stage of the Arms Race development will be its introduction to Random and Co-op Battles.

Arms Race will be available only in battles where the highest ship tier is IX or X, as well as in battles with superships. It will also be available only on these eight maps: Northern Waters, Sleeping Giant, Loop, Warrior's Path, Mountain Range, Land of Fire, Islands of Ice, and Hotspot. With the addition of the new mode to Random and Co-op Battles, Epicenter will be disabled.
Summer 2022

British Battleships
Great Britain—one of the mightiest naval powers in the world—is expecting reinforcements. The branch of British battleships will feature warships that are historically classified as battlecruisers.

The new Tier III–VI ships were actually built in real life. The new ships of higher tiers were created based on Royal Navy projects from the first half of the 20th century.
    More details about the concept and settings of the new British battleships are available in the Development Blog.
Game Events
Sea Battle
We strive to delight you with new and interesting activities. Sea Battle is one of them. It's inspired by a classic game that you're probably familiar with.

You'll need a special resource—Passes—to participate. Passes can be earned by completing combat missions.

When playing Sea Battle, you'll be competing against AI. Destroying ships and winning battles will bring you rewards. These rewards can include special themed resources, e.g. Tokens for Early Access to ships, or other in-game items. Before starting or during playing, you can press the "Finish battle automatically" button for the AI to finish the battle instead of you. Battle results will be displayed on the screen, and you'll receive any due rewards. You can pause the battle at any time and return to it later without losing your progress.
New Iteration of Convoy
Convoy was first introduced to the Live Server as a separate battle type in Update 0.10.8. It received positive feedback from players, and we're happy to announce that we'll soon launch the second iteration of this battle type.

Battles will utilize a 12 vs. 12 format with Tier VIII–X ships. The maps and routes have been updated—you can expect two or even three convoy routes on the map, with one or more destination points. This will increase gameplay variety for both the escorting and attacking teams, as well as offer new tactics. Along with this, we'll decrease the number of ships in Convoy respectively for each route so as not to complicate the task for the attacking team and to avoid performance issues in battle.

We've also prepared various interface improvements, updates to tips, and other changes to help players take their bearings in the new battle type.
Return of Puerto Rico
The Dockyard with VIII Atlântico won't be the last one this year. The next opportunity to build a ship will come at the end of summer. This time, we'll return the pioneer of the Dockyard— X Puerto Rico.

The first Dockyard with X Puerto Rico was very complicated and not the most successful from the perspective of its design and mechanics. We've taken all of our mistakes into account and reworked the event design. As all subsequent iterations—starting with VIII Odin—demonstrated, the Dockyard in its current format has become a full-fledged part of our game and works well. On top of that, many players have been asking when we are going to bring Puerto Rico back to the game. That's why we've decided to put Puerto Rico back on the stocks—we see it as an excellent opportunity to rectify our early mistakes with this feature. It also means that you'll be building a Tier X ship, which hasn't happened since the very first Dockyard. Those who didn't manage to build the ship in the New Year Update 0.8.11 or started playing the game later will now have a chance to do so. Obtaining the ship will be much easier than the first time, but it won't be possible to finish the construction for free, same as with previous ships at the Dockyard.
    Players who already have X Puerto Rico in their Ports but still build her at this Dockyard will be provided with compensation. We plan to give such players the opportunity to select a bundle with one of the following resources: Doubloons, Steel, Coal, or Research Points. The amount of whichever resource is in the bundle will be enough to obtain any Tier X ship currently available for purchase.
Return of Operations
As a result of the changes to aircraft carriers in Update 0.8.0, many AI-related internal tools became outdated. Adjusting aircraft carriers controlled by AI became hard or even impossible. For this reason, some Operations were temporarily removed from the game. We are currently actively working on aircraft carriers' AI to bring some Operations (e.g. Cherry Blossom, Hermes, and The Ultimate Frontier) back to the game.
Personal Challenges
Personal Challenges are a rather easy but interesting activity that allow you to achieve results playing your favorite ships and get rewards for this. They also encourage you to research new ship branches.

Future updates will bring new iterations of Personal Challenges with a number of improvements. More "type–nation" categories will be added for completing challenges, including Early Access ships. New mission conditions will be introduced: earning ribbons or XP; dealing damage. It will be possible to style Personal Challenges for themed events like New Year's Night, Clash of Courage, and their analogs. We'll also improve the interface to make it more informative.
Return of USS Black and Website Minigames
A special event is planned for June during which you'll be able to obtain USS IX Black and earn various themed rewards. The event is going to be accompanied by a web campaign that will allow you to choose your own path through the Pacific theater of World War II in 1944 on a special map and build a career for your own Commander. As a reward for completing the campaign, you'll receive a U.S. Commander with 12 skill points. You can distribute some of the skill points by making choices right on the campaign map.
    With the introduction of the Pan-Asian cruiser branch, we've added a special minigame to publications dedicated to ships coming to Early Access. Play, familiarize yourself with new ships, remember them, and get special achievements! We're going to add such minigames to articles about each new ship branch in our game.
New Map: The Faroe Islands
The visual style of The Faroe Islands map was selected by players back in fall 2021, and the map is currently in the final stages of its preparation. We plan to release it to the Live Server with Update 0.11.5.
Changes to the Containers Tab
The cargo ship feature is currently very limited—players can only see the total number of containers they possess. This is particularly inconvenient for those who store lots of containers. To address this issue, we're going to improve the system for storing containers on the cargo ship and make it more informative.

Players will be able to view the numbers of each container type they have and open containers only of a specific type. We're adding information about container names and their descriptions, as well as an option to get information about the drop chances of container items.

We initially planned to finish this feature in spring, but tweaking it and testing the reworked cargo ship requires more time. That's why the changes to the Containers tab will be implemented in one of the summer updates.
Training Missions for New Players
Helping new players master the key principles and mechanics is a very important part of the game development. For this purpose, we're adding a set of simple missions to World of Warships. These missions will gradually focus on different game mechanics. This will help inexperienced players get their bearings in World of Warships, acquire basic skills through playing, and receive small rewards for this. Each mission will have its own set of tips that will enable players to better navigate in the game.

This is another feature that we've postponed to summer because we needed more time to finalize the design of these missions.
Separation of Exterior Elements and Economic Bonuses
We're working on the separation of exterior elements and economic bonuses, as well as on updating the latter. These changes will enable you to select economic bonuses and camouflages separately, and they will simplify the process of managing economic bonuses. We'll do our best to make the transition from the old system to the new one as comfortable as possible, as well as to conserve the current state of the game economics (prices and earnings). Cumulatively, players won't lose in profitability and will earn even more in some situations.
    This large-scale change will be implemented in one of the summer updates or in the early fall. All essential information is published in the Development Blog.
Changes to the Battle Camera
The quality of textures and effects is an essential part of the game, but the way players see World of Warships is no less important. Not long ago, we announced a new stage of testing battle camera settings. Its results were positive. Some minor tweaks are still required, and after that, we'll implement these changes on the Live Server.
Independence Day: Update of U.S. Destroyer Models
In summer, we traditionally celebrate U.S. Independence Day. You can expect to see loads of themed content. Updating the models of U.S. destroyers will also be dedicated to this holiday. This work will span two updates. First, we'll update the models of researchable Tier VII–X destroyers. Second, we'll turn to the models of researchable Tier II–VI destroyers and VII Sims, which we started working on concurrently with the researchable ships.
Fall 2022

New features and improvements that we plan for fall are at the preliminary design stage, so we don't have many details to share with you. We'll cover the most important things.
Japanese Light Cruisers
By fall, we'll have added Japanese Tier V–X light cruisers for testing. Their concept is in development, but we can already safely say that all ships of the branch will have 610 mm torpedoes at their disposal, and their torpedo launchers will have wide aiming angles. As for their main batteries, the Tier V and VI ships will have 152 mm guns, the Tier VII ship will have 155 mm guns, and high-tier cruisers will carry 150 mm dual-purpose guns.
Anniversary and Improvements of Battle Performance Bonuses
We're going to celebrate World of Warships' Anniversary—our beloved game is turning seven! Players can expect loads of themed rewards and interesting activities.

Naturally, festive bonuses for battle performance will also be available. Many players have very extensive Ports, and getting rewards for battle performance on each ship can be very difficult and time-consuming. To deal with this, we plan to rework the battle performance bonus system. Players with many ships in their Ports will be able to receive rewards from several ships per battle.
For Halloween 2021, we brought back themed Operations Saving Transylvania and Sunray in the Darkness. As the statistics showed, players were enthusiastic about their return—Nightmare Operations appeared to be much more popular than the standard ones. This year, we plan to add Saving Transylvania and Sunray in the Darkness as part of the Halloween activities again. Besides that, we are considering the possibility to additionally bring back another once very popular themed Operation—Terror of the Deep—featuring submarines!
New Map
In addition to The Faroe Islands and continuation of reworking maps and Ports to bring them up to HD quality, we plan to start working on one more new map. It's currently at the preliminary design stage. We promise to disclose details later when we're ready.
    We'll keep releasing special videos of the Waterline series once per quarter! We'll share new information and our plans for the upcoming 6 months with you, as well as explain why we make any changes to the already announced plans. Stay tuned!
World of Warships Team
Apr 29, 2022
World of Warships - Lisa 莉莎 WOWS

Captains! Take part in our activity to win easy prizes—guaranteed!
How to Enter:
  • Leave a comment under this news post before the event ends.
  • Play the game and complete Operation Aegis with any number of Stars. The more Stars you accumulate over any number of completions, the more gifts you'll get!
  • Guaranteed prize: 200 Community Tokens.
  • Prizes for:
    • 10–16 Stars accumulated: 1x More Resources container
    • 17–24 Stars accumulated: 2x More Resources containers
    • 25+ Stars accumulated: 2x More Resources containers + 1 Steam container
  • Superprize for five random players with 25+ Stars accumulated: Premium Ship VIII container
  • Participants are scored based on the number of total Stars obtained over any number of completions during the event.
  • The superprize winners will be picked at random from the pool of participants with 25+ Stars accumulated.
  • Any comments that break the discussion rules may be deleted, and players that post such comments may be excluded from participating in the event.
  • We will announce the results in this thread on May 4. Prizes will be awarded within a week.

We wish you good luck and following seas!

World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral


To participate, select "Public Test" in the Game Instance menu of the Wargaming Game Center. Join in for piles of rewards! Earn Community Tokens and exchange them for containers, permanent and expendable camouflages, and other valuable items.

With Update 0.11.4, we're adding lots of new features including Arms Race in Random and Co-op Battles, improvements to the Minimap, and further updates to submarines. Take a look at the Developer Bulletin, and welcome to the Test! See you on the Public Test Server!

Round 2 Schedule
Starts: Thu. 28 Apr. 18:30 CEST (UTC+2)
Ends: Thu. 05 May 07:30 CEST (UTC+2)

Commanders, thank you for participating in the first round of Public Test for Update 0.11.4! Your feedback helps us to improve the version and fix errors. Check out the changelog and join the second session of the Public Test!
Important: The second session will be live until: Thu. 05 May 07:30 CEST (UTC+2)

After analyzing their combat effectiveness, we’re reducing the survivability of submarines in Update 0.11.4 with the following changes:
  • The damage radius of ship-dropped depth charges has been significantly increased: 450 to 800 m.
  • Increased the damage dealt by airstrike depth charges in the outermost part of their damage radius.
  • The minimum airstrike depth charge drop distance for battleships has been changed to 500 m, like cruisers.
New mechanics for displaying the source of enemy sonar pings
In the Public Test for Update 0.11.4, we tested a change to the sonar ping visual effect from enemy submarines: instead of displaying the ping itself in real time, an effect is played on the water surface near to where the ping was emitted.

The new effect was supposed to make it easier to find the source of the ping. If the submarine emitting the ping is undetected, the effect is displayed at a certain distance from the submarine in order to give the submarine a chance to avoid taking damage.

After the Public Test, we got a lot of feedback about this new effect. Mainly:
  • The effect disappears too quickly and is difficult to notice.
  • The effect is often displayed too far from the submarine to determine its actual location.
Therefore, we are introducing the following changes to this mechanic:
  • Increased the time the effect remains visible to 5 seconds.
  • The distance at which the ping from the emitting submarine is displayed has been halved.
Removal of the possibility to remain constantly between two depth states by quickly tapping the dive and surface buttons
In Update 0.11.4, we removed the possibility of walking the line between two different depths while enjoying the benefits of both. The characteristics of periscope depth are now maintained between the depths of 0 and 15 m. The 15 m depth mark will be the border between periscope and maximum depth states. We also changed the possible depth limits for maximum depth to 30 m and 60 m.

Other submarine changes
We made adjustments to the captain skills for submarines, you can find all information about this change in our Development Blog.

Other changes
  • The bonus for strengthening the current and maximum combat capability of aircraft carrier squadrons in the Arms Race has been increased from 10% to 17%.
  • The setting "Transmit exact position in the square" is now enabled for all players by default.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the selected prime time in Clan Battles was reset in some cases.
  • Fixed incorrect descriptions of superships in the port.
  • Fixed a bug due to which an empty field appeared in the team list when activating voice chat.
  • Now, when the Enter key is pressed quickly in the "Exit Battle" dialog box, the player exits the battle, and the client closes in the "Exit Game" dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug due to which in some situations in battle it was impossible to use an airstrike.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the client to crash when opening dialog boxes.
  • Fixed bugs in the armor of VIII U-190.
  • Fixed a bug due to which submarines displayed the wrong torpedo speed after picking up power-ups.
  • Fixed a bug with the missing horn on the "Japanese Castle" camouflage for VI Fusō.
  • Fixed a bug due to which ship names on the minimap could overwrite ship icons when minimap rotation was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with the position of the fort icon after the destruction of the ship.
  • Made balance changes to VIII Chkalov, X Petropavlovsk, X Yueyang, X Des Moines and other ships. See our Development Blog for details.
Combat Missions and Rewards
By progressing through combat missions on the Public Test Server, you can earn Community Tokens. Community Tokens can be exchanged for various rewards in the Armory, including rare permanent camouflages, containers, and other in-game items. All details about Community Tokens are available in a dedicated article
    The rewards for activities on the Public Test Server may differ from those on the Live Server.
Earn 250 Base XP in a single battle in Random or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 100 Community Tokens
Earn 1,000 Base XP in Random or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 200 Community Tokens
Earn 8,000 Base XP in Random or Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x Wargaming container
Earn 8,000 Base XP playing Tier X submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1,000 Community Tokens
Fight five Random Battles playing Tier IX or X ships, or superships, and deal at least 50,000 damage in each battle.

Reward on the Live Server: 500 Community Tokens
Cause 700,000 damage to enemy ships or ensure that 250,000 damage is dealt due to your spotting of enemies in Random or Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 450 Community Tokens
Earn 500 Base XP playing Tier VI ships in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier VI submarines
Earn 500 Base XP playing Tier VI submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier VIII submarines
Earn 750 Base XP playing Tier VIII submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier X submarines
    Each Wargaming container drops 1 day of Warships Premium Account, 3x Papa Papa signals, and 3x Juliet Charlie signals.

Starting Bonuses
  • The research prices for ships and ship modules will be substantially discounted.
  • You will be able to reset Commander skills free of charge.
If you're joining the Public Test for the first time since Update 0.11.3, you'll be awarded the following additional bonuses:
  • At the start of the Public Test, every participant will have all researchable Tier VI and VIII ships, helmed by Commanders with 19 skill points, credited to their PT accounts.
  • 500,000,000 Credits; 30,000 Doubloons; 250,000 Coal, and 90 days of Warships Premium Account.
  • 50 signals of all types (except for special signals) will also be added to your PT account.
    If you played at least one battle on the Public Test Server during the 0.11.3 Public Test, your account will be copied from the Live Server to the Public Test Server.
How to Participate
Apr 25, 2022
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral

In this episode, we'll tell you about London in the mid-nineteenth century.

The city center, divided by the River Thames, is full of unique structures and objects. The Port has been in our game for many years, but it gets updated regularly and cheers us all with its new colors.

You'll see famous London bridges, magnificent palaces, and some not-so-obvious niceties of the British capital.

    We've already told you about the Port of Marseille. You can read the article on our website and watch a video about the main seaport of France.

    Did you enjoy the video? Subscribe to our channel to stay tuned for new episodes!
Subscribe to the channel

In reality, the port on the bank of the River Thames has existed since the moment London was founded by Romans in the 1st century. In the present day, skyscrapers of the financial center have grown in the place where the old docks used to be, but the port still remains one of the largest in Great Britain.

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In World of Warships, the London Port first appeared in Update 0.5.16. Our developers and artists have reproduced its real terrain in the game with great accuracy, and the architectural landmarks have been recreated to match their real-world versions down to the tiniest detail. But we do sometimes also give full play to creativity and imagination so as to make the most out of the benefits a virtual world has to offer and create exceptional events and memorable celebrations. World of Warships celebrated the New Year of 2022 precisely in the London Port.

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London in game
London on map
Apr 22, 2022
World of Warships - Lisa 莉莎 WOWS


We’re holding a special and easy-to-enter giveaway—5 lucky winners will be picked at random.

How to participate:
  1. Click here
  2. Click the Like button
  3. Then leave a comment—and that's it!
  • Winners will be picked at random from the pool of participating unique users—only one comment per user will be taken into consideration.
  • Any comments that break the discussion rules may be deleted or excluded.
The prize:
  • 1x Premium Ship VIII container
We wish you good luck and following seas!

World of Warships - Lisa 莉莎 WOWS

If you like reading our news on Steam, it’s likely that you’ve already subscribed. But if you haven’t yet — there’s an even more pleasant reason to do so now!

Each month our subscribers will get some goodies, and they might be different each time! We’re going to send out a Steam container today (for those already subscribed) and at the end of the month too, which contains:
  1. In the first slot:
    • 5x Steam camouflage patterns:
      • +75% ship XP per battle
      • +75% Commander XP per battle
      • +75% Free XP per battle
      • –3% to the ship's detectability range by sea
      • +4% to the dispersion of shells fired by the enemy at your ship
    • or 10,000 Free XP
    • or 1 day of Warships Premium Account
    • or 250 doubloons
  2. In the second slot: 5x signal flags (Zulu, Zulu Hotel, or Papa Papa)
  3. In the third slot: 5x signal flags (Juliet Charlie or November Foxtrot)
To subscribe, click the "Follow" button
If you wish, you can also:
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral


To participate, select "Public Test" in the Game Instance menu of the Wargaming Game Center. Join in for piles of rewards! Earn Community Tokens and exchange them for containers, permanent and expendable camouflages, and other valuable items.

With Update 0.11.4, we're adding lots of new features including Arms Race in Random and Co-op Battles, improvements to the Minimap, and further updates to submarines. Take a look at the Developer Bulletin, and welcome to the Test! See you on the Public Test Server!
Round 1 Schedule
Starts: Thu. 21 Apr. 18:30 CEST (UTC+2)
Ends: Tue. 26 Apr. 07:30 CEST (UTC+2)

Combat Missions and Rewards
By progressing through combat missions on the Public Test Server, you can earn Community Tokens. Community Tokens can be exchanged for various rewards in the Armory, including rare permanent camouflages, containers, and other in-game items. All details about Community Tokens are available in a dedicated article
    The rewards for activities on the Public Test Server may differ from those on the Live Server.
Earn 250 Base XP in a single battle in Random or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 100 Community Tokens
Earn 1,000 Base XP in Random or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 200 Community Tokens
Earn 8,000 Base XP in Random or Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x Wargaming container
Earn 8,000 Base XP playing Tier X submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1,000 Community Tokens
Fight five Random Battles playing Tier IX or X ships, or superships, and deal at least 50,000 damage in each battle.

Reward on the Live Server: 500 Community Tokens
Cause 700,000 damage to enemy ships or ensure that 250,000 damage is dealt due to your spotting of enemies in Random or Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 450 Community Tokens
Earn 500 Base XP playing Tier VI ships in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier VI submarines
Earn 500 Base XP playing Tier VI submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier VIII submarines
Earn 750 Base XP playing Tier VIII submarines in Random Battles.

Reward on the Public Test Server: Tier X submarines
    Each Wargaming container drops 1 day of Warships Premium Account, 3x Papa Papa signals, and 3x Juliet Charlie signals.
Starting Bonuses
  • The research prices for ships and ship modules will be substantially discounted.
  • You will be able to reset Commander skills free of charge.
If you're joining the Public Test for the first time since Update 0.11.3, you'll be awarded the following additional bonuses:
  • At the start of the Public Test, every participant will have all researchable Tier VI and VIII ships, helmed by Commanders with 19 skill points, credited to their PT accounts.
  • 500,000,000 Credits; 30,000 Doubloons; 250,000 Coal, and 90 days of Warships Premium Account.
  • 50 signals of all types (except for special signals) will also be added to your PT account.
    If you played at least one battle on the Public Test Server during the 0.11.3 Public Test, your account will be copied from the Live Server to the Public Test Server.
How to Participate
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral

    IMPORTANT! Because the update is still being tested, the information in this bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the update is released.
    Please note: The rewards for activities on the Public Test Server may differ from those on the Live Server.

Arms Race in Random and Co-op Battles during the Public Test
Arms Race is a game mode that players are very familiar with. Previously, it appeared in the game as a standalone battle type or as a format in seasons of the old Ranked Battles. We've spent a lot of time improving and expanding this mode based on your feedback and various statistics that we've gathered. It last appeared on the Live Server in Update 0.10.10. During the Public Test of Update 0.11.4, Arms Race will be introduced into Random and Co-op Battles.

Arms Race will be available only in battles where the highest ship tier is IX or X, as well as in battles with superships. It will also be available only on these eight maps: Northern Waters, Sleeping Giant, Loop, Warrior’s Path, Mountain Range, Land of Fire, Islands of Ice, and Hotspot.

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    With the addition of Arms Race to Random and Co-op Battles, we're disabling Epicenter.

    Take part in testing Arms Race in Random and Co-op Battles during the Public Test of Update 0.11.4, and let us know what you think! This will help us decide the fate of this mode on the Live Server, based on your feedback and statistics.

French Cruisers
Update 0.11.4 kicks off an event that puts new French cruisers VIII Cherbourg, IX Brest, and X Marseille right in spotlight! These ships will become available in Early Access on the Live Server only when the update is released. Meanwhile, we invite you to take part in the testing of the event.

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These new ships found their places next to the first branch of French cruisers. The main feature of the new ships is their large-caliber guns (in terms of their class) mounted on the bow. While they reload slowly, this is compensated for by the Main Battery Reload Booster consumable.

The new ships are capable of achieving high speeds with the help of the improved "French" Engine Boost consumable.

Their armor does a great job in protecting them against medium-caliber AP shells, but it's quite vulnerable against HE and SAP shells.

Medium and long ranges are optimal for engagements, but with the help of their 139 mm secondary battery guns with improved accuracy, the new ships can also show their worth in close-range encounters.

Port of Marseille has been updated.

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Italian Destroyers in the Tech Tree
The entire branch of Italian destroyers will become available for players to research with the release of Update 0.11.4. You can learn the details about how to play the new Italian ships in a dedicated article on our website.

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Submarine Improvements
Submarine testing continues. What changed in Updated 0.11.4?
  • Disabled the possibility to launch conventional torpedoes at maximum depth. From Update 0.11.2, conventional torpedoes no longer home in on targets vertically. It became inefficient to launch them from the maximum depth, which is why we've disabled this possibility.
  • Disabled the increased dive capacity depletion rate when a submarine was detected by the enemy. This led to a change in the corresponding Commander skill and upgrades—a modifier for the dive capacity restoration rate has been introduced instead of the modifier for additional dive capacity depletion. Additional dive capacity depletion was very low and also had no impact on the gameplay of submarines. We decided to get rid of it because it was overcomplicated.
  • The effect of the ping moving has been replaced with the effect of its launch, which also shows its direction. If a submarine isn't detected when it's used, the effect is displayed in the direction the sonar ping was emitted within a range of several kilometers. The effect that was previously used was visible and drew attention, but it was hard to understand where it started. The new effect better shows where the sonar ping was emitted from. Players' attention will still be drawn by the hit indication and the sound of any pings that came close. The new effect will help players better understand the locations of undetected submarines so they can attack them with main battery guns and depth charges with improved efficiency.
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Minimap Improvements
To make communication in battle more convenient, comprehensive, and simple, we've updated the Minimap. Added new settings.
  • Show the exact location in the square. When double-clicking the Minimap, the exact spot is shown instead of the overall square.
  • Show object location. When double-clicking an object (ships, bases, forts, armament), the signal on the Minimap is transmitted, similar to hotkeys (F3 or F5).
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Minimap settings consist of two sections: Circle Settings and Other Settings.

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Azur Lane
As part of the next stage of our collaboration with Azur Lane, World of Warships will see the addition of:
  • Ships III AL Aurora and IX AL Azuma.
  • The following special permanent camouflages: Azur Lane: New Jersey for IX Iowa, Azur Lane: Formidable for VIII Indomitable, and Azur Lane for VIII Shōkaku.
  • Commanders Bismarck, Zara, Chapayev, Saint-Louis, Formidable, and New Jersey.
  • The Azur Lane — Aurora and Azur Lane — Azuma commemorative flags.
  • The Azur Lane Premium container contents have been updated:

    • 6x Azur Lane — Siren expendable camouflages;
    • one of the following Commanders: Dunkerque, Jean Bart, Saint-Louis, Prinz Eugen, Roon, Admiral Hipper, Bismarck, Littorio, Zara, Shōkaku, Yukikaze, Azuma, Yat Sen, Sovetskaya Rossiya, Avrora, Chapayev, Belfast, Nelson, Hood, Neptune, Formidable, Baltimore, Enterprise, Cleveland, Montpelier, or New Jersey with 10 skill points;
    • 12x special signals of the same type (Basilisk, Wyvern, Hydra, Dragon, Red Dragon, Leviathan, Scylla, or Ouroboros).

    Any Azur Lane Premium containers on player accounts will be updated accordingly with the release of Update 0.11.4.
Details of the collaboration will be announced later.
©2017 Manjuu Co.,Ltd. & Yongshi Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ©2017 Yostar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
World of Warships - WoWarships Admiral

World of Warships is constantly evolving.

Our team works every day to make the game more interesting and attractive. This meticulous work has been transforming our favorite game for many years.

We've made major improvements to the following maps: Tears of the Desert, Trap, Warrior's Path, and Solomon Islands. We've added high-detailed textures and changed the weather, visual effects, and underwater world, as well as carefully worked on many other details.

We've improved how snow and sand are displayed on islands, and we've also added the effect of snow covering ships, depending on the weather.

The camouflages of aircraft now match the ships they take off from. This effect applies to all aircraft types in the game, including aircraft carrier squadrons and fighters, spotting aircraft, and Airstrike flights.

We've reworked the visual component of the underwater world. The ships and underwater landscape now look more natural and picturesque. We've also improved how distant underwater objects are drawn in the Binocular View.

Our efforts to improve the surrounding world did not distract us from the ships—we've made fixes to the textures and geometry of the following: VIII Massachusetts, I Eritrea, IX Friedrich der Grosse, III Valkyrie, VI Dido, X Forrest Sherman, X Grosser Kurfürst, IX Friesland, X Puerto Rico, X Thunderer, X Zaō, X Worcester, III Vampire, I Hashidate, VII Haida, X Somers, VII Nueve de Julio, VIII Orkan, IX Jutland, IX Neustrashimy, V HSF Hiei, VI Karl von Schönberg, V Hill, Eagle.
    If you want to learn more about how our development team works to make World of Warships beautiful, be sure to watch a separate video dedicated to graphics changes.

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Apr 15, 2022
World of Warships - Lisa 莉莎 WOWS

Comment competition — last comment wins!

The basic rules are super simple:
Please do not post several comments in a row—it will not help you win. If a user makes several successive comments, only the timestamp of the earliest one will be counted.

The prize:
  • 1x Premium Ship IX container

After the winner has been determined, the discussion will be locked.