SCUM - Sippy

Hello you beautiful people, here we are once again with some new additions!

But before we get into the notes we just want to announce that with this patch we will wipe everything besides the things you have on your character. Due new features and mechanics that we will add through time.

As you know last week we were away so this wont be the biggest patch we delivered, but lets get into what will drop!


  • Boom goes the dynamite, here they are. Some new challenges to aspire, and make sure we will add more of them as time passes! For now, we will just share the icons, and we will leave the rest for you guys to wonder!


  • The new rifle MK-18 is a fully automatic rifle with single, and fully automatic firing mode that uses a M16 clip filled with 5.56x24mm cartridge. It has a built in rail so you can attach sights and scopes without a rail, and it can be found in military areas.

V3 Holographic Sight

  • A new addition to the sight family, the new V3 sight can be mounted on any rail and offers high-end accuracy. It can be found in military areas.

Improvised Bed

  • An improvised bed that can be used as a shelter for respawn but is more compact and easier to craft.


  • A new place of happiness and joy, go and have fun!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when arrows would disappear form quiver when prisoner would equip/unequip clothes

  • Fixed bug with switching camera on compound bow while aiming

  • Fixed a bug where an owned radio's mesh would appear after hiding & unhiding the prisoner

  • Blueprint crafting will now correctly take individual ingredients' usage rules (use, destroy) into account

  • Fixed a bug where cutting a bush would crash the server.

  • Fixed an issue where cargo drops would drop too rarely in SP.

  • Fixed bug that allowed prisoner to sprint while aiming bow.

  • Fixed the bug where people would duplicate items through events.

QoL Additions

  • In this patch we are removing the posibilty to put chests in rocks or accessing chests in rocks

  • Lockpicking difficulty was increased.

  • We added more songs to our radio so enjoy!

  • Allowed admin drones to open and close doors (even when locked).

  • Drone is now invisible to other players while in silent mode.

  • Drone top speed was increased.

  • Added map HUD while playing as a drone.

That's it for today's patch notes, but that's not all, kids! Here's a brand new page of our Friday SCUM comic! If you missed the previous ones, here they are: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

SCUM - Tena
Hey, lovelies!

You’ve probably realized we didn’t have any posts on Steam last week - that’s because the whole team went to Reboot Develop in Dubrovnik, Croatia, so this week we’ll have a special edition of our Developer Update where you’ll get to see what we did there!

Reboot Develop is a conference for games industry professionals ran by a small team of local industry veterans. Several of us in the office have previously worked at Reboot as games journalists in Reboot magazine or as organizers of the conference, and the fact that the local industry is so small and we’re all friends means we wouldn’t miss it for the world. This year’s edition was its 6th and the conference was rebranded into Reboot Develop Blue - the reason for that is that it’s expanding to Canada in October (Reboot Develop Red) and we can’t be more proud of our friends and ex-coworkers. Reboot Develop has quickly become everyone’s favorite conference - you get to stay in a 5-star hotel and hang out with industry celebrities, the coast is beautiful, and everyone is drunk and very friendly. What’s not to love?

Day 0 - Wednesday

Dubrovnik is around 600 km (373 miles) away from Zagreb. For our American readers that’s a short stroll down the street, but for our spoiled European asses that’s like FAR. The good flights we wanted were mostly booked months in advance, so we decided to make a road trip out of it. One group rented a van and several groups went by cars.

No, we call it Venice because it pisses Dini off and that's always fun.

I was in the group with Josip and Ivona ("The Meme Team™ rides together and dies together" was the reasoning), and our designated driver/babysitter/the voice of reason was Andrej. Our trip there was literally the most fun road trip I’ve ever been on - we had cake for breakfast, visited Josip’s mom in his hometown for lunch, and danced in our seats all the way there. We were absolutely sober the whole time and didn’t do anything stupid even once. Hi, mom!

This was very obviously The Fun Car. Fight me.

The van group was the only other that wanted to share their photos, but unfortunately they don't know how to take them. Apparently they had a bunch of booze in the van, so at least you can see them the same way they saw the world. Blurry af.

Day 1 - Thursday

We got up for breakfast totally not hungover and then went to the opening ceremony - a welcome greeting from Reboot’s CEO Damir was followed by a performance from a Finnish band National Nightmare and a keynote from Hidetaka Miyazaki and Fumito Ueda.

That's Damir over there on that stage. You can't really see him, but he's there. He's always there.

After that was over, everyone went on to do their own thing. Some people got coffee, some went to other talks, some just walked around and mingled, and some got drunk. I’ll tell you a little story and you can guess for yourself which group I was in.

A random photo from breakfast that I'm only posting because Dobrila looks cute and she's not here to murder me.

I was flipping through the conference booklet and saw that Eugen Harton, the DayZ project lead was gonna have a talk soon, so I was like “Hey guys, you know what would be cool? If we went to that and just sat in the front row. Like, let’s just sit there and stare.” I was fully prepared that people would just say no. However...


Eugen was a champ, though - he was obviously confused when we walked in, but he didn’t let it show and it turned out to be fun and educational. Props for that!

Eugen, if you're reading this, we need you to know we were just being funny and we respect you and your company. Also, sorry about that one Reboot Develop years ago when I told you my name was Svetlana, tried to get you drunk at 9AM and talked to you exclusively in Serbian. Love you!

Our very own Pong and Andrej had a panel immediately after, so we had to run. The panel turned out to be very us - they thought they were gonna have a moderator, but apparently not, so it was just them and their mic. Pong covered everything, from the history of SCUM to what he had for breakfast, while Andrej was trying not to fall asleep, and then they switched. Like I said, it was very us and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

Did I lie? I did not lie. They're the best, though.

The Reboot Develop football tournament was taking place later that evening, so we had to get ready for that. We had previously made a team and applied officially, and even made cute football uniforms for everyone - we changed into those, took our flares, smoke bombs and brass knuckles and went merrily on our way. Just kidding, we only brought a bunch of alcohol. We played two games, one against Cecil United which we won 8:0 (lol), and the other against SpecialEffect which we won 3:1. That meant we were through to the finals taking place the next day.

Sorry, Rami. Sports, right?

The football victory meant we had to celebrate, so we went to the “pool party” that was moved to an underground garage because of bad weather, got extremely drunk and then died.

And then there were the ones who only pretended they died. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.

Day 2 - Friday

We rose from the dead around noon the next day. Well, I did, as well as a bunch of others, but apparently some nerds went to the morning panels/talks. I still can’t decide if that was brave or stupid.

I mean, that's fine I guess?

We went to lunch at the hotel and then went networking around the conference - what that means is you run into an industry person you know and ask them if they wanna do shots. They always do, so you do that. Rinse and repeat. Then they bring a friend who is an industry celebrity, so you get flustered and starstruck and ask if they wanna do shots, too. They do, so you do it again, exchange business cards, and say you’re gonna catch up over email because you’re too drunk to have a productive conversation. They feel the same, so it’s all good.

A selfie part of the team took while networking with each other.

The girls were also networking with each other.

The football tournament finals were happening that evening and we were all excited. First we played against Bongfish, the main sponsor of the whole conference. We won, but unfortunately we don’t remember the score - the players were, well, playing, and the spectators were too drunk to remember. Then we played against Croteam and lost. It still hurts too much to talk about this, so that’s the only info you’re getting. Silver is okay, too, I guess. It’s fine. We’re not salty. We most definitely did not key their cars after the game.

Later we went to another party and died again.

If this picture doesn't warm your heart just a little bit then you don't have one.

These look pretty nice, too. Sure, a gold trophy would've been nicer, but these are okay, too. No, really, it's cool. We're not mad.

Day 3 - Saturday

The last day of the conference was pretty weird. By that point I had slept for like 6 hours in 3 days, so I made the adult decision to try and make it through the day and then go to sleep at a normal time that night. If anyone saw a manic girl running around the beach at 6AM flashing crazy eyes at the seagulls, that was me, sorry about that. I spent the whole day in a sleep deprivation-induced haze, so I honestly have no idea what everyone else did that day. Apparently some people were sober enough to actually show up in public. It was really bizarre.

Some of them spent the whole conference Slav-squatting by the trashcans and no one knows why.

The best thing ever happened on that Friday, though. Ivona wanted to check out the sauna and, as she was walking into the spa area, she saw Josip sitting alone in the kiddie pool, very obviously under the influence of something. "Why are you in the kiddie pool, Josip?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer. He looked at her absolutely confused and said "Isn't this the jacuzzi?" This has already become a meme around the office and it will be told through the generations, so it was only fair you heard it as well. Sorry, Josip, love you!

A picture of Baby J thinking about his life choices.

People went to a supersecret Polish party that night that everyone was invited to and then died. I went to sleep like I said I would and didn’t die this time. Then I woke up at 4AM because I went to sleep too early, went down to the hotel lobby to see who’s up because I was lonely, met some cool Serbian dudes, got drunk and died.

Day 4 - Sunday

Just kidding! I didn’t die because I didn’t even go to sleep. The conference was over, so we had to check out and go home. Andrej told us to meet him in the lobby before breakfast, so I just skipped over there and pretended I just woke up. Sorry, Andrej, now you know! We checked out of the hotel, got in the car and immediately fell asleep.

I don't have any photos from Sunday because everyone was either hungover or driving, but have this one of us watching a football game because it looks cool.

Jokes aside, the whole trip was a great experience - we got to bond with each other, meet some wonderful people, go to some amazing talks, and learn new things from people we look up to. We’ve already bought our tickets for next year, so if you’re thinking about going, do it, and we’ll see you there!

Love you and talk to you REALLY soon! ;)

SCUM - Sippy

New Monday, new update, time to show all of you beautiful people what's cooking behind doors!

So last week we focused mostly on catching and solving bug issues that came with the archery update, but we have some interesting things nonetheless!

Row row row your boaaaaaat

  • The work on rowing animations is in full swing, as we know you want to get to all those islands as dry as possible!

Quad bike

  • This is still really fresh and early in the works, but we wanted to show it to you guys.

Under construction

  • We are fixing some buildings that were left forever unfinished (insert early access joke), but it's fun to shoot from them.

  • We are also making final preparations to start working on an Observatory.


  • Again, some progress on the female characters.

Comic preview

  • Here is a small snippet of the comic you will get on Friday!


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a ragdoll bug where on event exit you would be able to loot your body again and gain double items.

  • Fixed a bug where it was sometimes impossible to fill water bottles. (probably affected other things such as lighting a fire)

  • Fixed a bug where a chicken would give 2 guts instead of 1.

  • Fixed a bug where Logitech Illumination would get stuck on red flashing.

QoL additions

  • Added missing descriptions on compound bow sights.

  • Lowered car sounds a bit.

Love, BB Sipps J
SCUM - Sippy
Hey, everyone!

It's your fave devs bringing you a brand new update and a brand new comic page! You already got a hotfix this past week, as well as several blog posts, so the next person who tries to spin the story into anything other than us working like crazy gets the same treatment our Goran got this morning.

Driving skill

This is how it works now:

  • All existing characters will have No Skill level by default.

  • Driving skill affects: time it takes to turn on the engine, chance for engine stutter when trying to drive vehicle from rest, chance for engine stutter when shifting to higher gear, chance for engine to turn off after stutter, top speed, time it takes to change gears and ability to steer properly.

  • As you level up your skill the chance of car problems gets lower.

  • Also we updated car sounds to better sounding versions.


  • Our radio is finally done! Now you will be able to find it in 2 ways. One is to find a radio in the world and carry it around, the other way is to find a car because each car has its own radio. The radios scattered around the world sound as crappy as you would expect them to sound. The car radio sounds as good as you would expect it to sound. Realism, friends!

  • Car radio controls:
    J - Turn on/off radio
    Ctrl + J - volume down
    Shift + J - volume up

  • For now you will hear some promos for our events, and have different types of cool music to listen to. These are still mostly placeholders because we have some cool plans for it in the future.

    If you are a musician who would like to have your music in the game, or you have a small underground indie band you would like to support this way, please send an email to tena at gamepires dot com for more info!

  • Guess who your radio host is! That's right, it's our John Dick, who else would it be?

Blast from the past.

  • Old remnants from a war long forgotten, wonder what can you find there.


We have some more taunts coming your way! This time we will mix it up, so now you have both casual and military taunts!

  • Casual taunts.

  • Military taunts

  • Also you can bind military taunts to the F keys for more easier usage through the options menu.

Loot rework

We did a small rework on how loot spawns, so now abundant loot is abundant and rare loot is rare, most of the abundant loot can be used for crafting to get better gear. In all we are trying to expand the time you need to get high end gear, but also to make ti feel more rewarding.

Logitech LED Illumination

  • We added support for Logitech LED Illumination, so your keyboards, headsets and speakers can scream SCUM as well!

    This one will be in the menu

    This one will be once you enter the game

    This will be a red flash once the player is injured, the red flash is also sent to the headset and speakers if possible.

Chests in rocks

  • We found the fix for chests in rocks, but if we add it now every chest that is in a rock won't be accessible.

    So we are giving you time until the next patch to get all your lot from those chests to a safe place, as from the next patch you wont be able to place chests in rocks or access them.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a chest without durability couldn't be destroyed.

  • Fixed a bug regarding item spawning that caused possible server crashes.

  • Fixed a bug where backpacks were clipped to the chest while climbing ladders. We also introduced the bug where in the first person view the camera is a bit offset while climbing ladders, but hey, we're working on it!

  • Fixed a bug where if you had a quiver equipped, after relogging the quiver would drop to the ground.

  • Fixed a bug when a player was killed its ragdoll would pop around.

That's it for today's patch notes, but that's not all, kids! Here's a brand new page of our Friday SCUM comic! If you missed the previous ones, here they are: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

SCUM - Tena
Hey, everyone!

We have a special treat for you today - you get to meet Kristian, our Quality Assurance Lead AND you also get a hotfix, so don't ever say we don't love you!

"Can you please not look like you're posing for a stock photo?" "Is this better?" "No, it still looks like a stock photo." "Okay, I don't care, just do it already."

Kristian is one of the newest additions to our team, but we go way back and you'll learn all about it because I love embarrassing people online. I met Kristian back in 2011 during a game of League of Legends. I was a games journalist in a previous life and he was a 15 year old games fanboy - I was playing with some friends, when all of a sudden a message popped up in the in-game chat. It went something like "OMG TENA ARE YOU THE TENA? I'VE READ ALL YOUR COLUMNS OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH". The columns objectively sucked, but he was a sweet baby and it was cute.

A few years later I attended an industry conference - it was the 1st edition of Reboot Develop, the conference that would become the biggest and fanciest one in this part of Europe in just a few years, and lo and behold, Kristian was there - the only attendee who wasn't part of the industry yet. A kid who saved his own pocket money so he could buy an expensive event ticket to meet his industry role models and hopefully one day work with them. It was heartwarming and everyone remembered him.

An exclusive photo of our quarterly performance reviews

He says the first game he ever played was Kula World on PS1, and right now he likes RPGs and survival games. He has dabbled in programming since high school, went on to study computer science at the same college our technical director Andrej went to, and then finished not one, but two courses at Machina, a local gamedev academy - one in Unreal, and one in C++. After that he stayed in Machina for a year and worked as their CM. He knew what he wanted and went after it hard, which is exactly the kind of attitude we were looking for. Today I asked him why he wanted to get into gamedev so bad. He said that video games gave him a sense of comfort and security growing up and he wanted to do the same thing for someone else. And you know what? I could tell he was being honest.

A picture of Kiki testing my patience instead of the game

His role here at Gamepires is kinda all over the place, like most of ours are, because we all do a bit of everything. He's our dedicated QA guy, but he's also in charge of handling the community side of bugs and bug reports, as well as our 3 student interns who are part-time QA and part-time CM. That means Kristian is the lead of our small QA team, but also part of our bigger marketing team. Still following? Me neither, I just wanted to brag about being his boss, hi mom!

Kristian and his interns just being themselves (loud and disruptive)

His day-to-day life here looks something like this. First he scours our Steam for all the bug reports and reports them in our internal bug tracker. Then he does the same on Discord and Reddit. He'll even join random servers and play on them if he hears something's off - he'll take notes and report everything. By the time he's done with that, we'll already have the first game build of the day to test out, so he'll do that. Over and over again. Then he'll go back to our socials and see if there are any new bug reports to try and reproduce them while he waits for another build to test. It's pretty boring if you ask me, but he seems to enjoy it. He's also a really good ping-pong player, which is also pretty boring, but he seems to enjoy that as well. He's pretty weird, honestly, but we like them weird here.

"I'm into sports, but not like actual sports, just their weird table versions. Honestly I'm not into sports at all, I just like feeling like I work in a mobile gamedev startup. Sometimes I cry into my nougat cappuccino, but then I say the word 'synergy' over and over again and it makes me calm down."

Since Kristian is in charge of bugs and the patch we published on Friday created a lot of them, we'll use this opportunity to publish a hotfix and hopefully squash as many of them as we can. If we fail at that or create some more, make sure to blame Kristian! Just kidding, please report them through the appropriate channels, thank you.

Here's a list of what we've fixed (Hotfix v.

  • Fixed a bug where spawn rates were drastically reduced.

  • Cargo drop now has the correct green smoke effect when dropping.

  • Fixed aiming down the sight on TEC01 shotgun.

  • Fixed an issue when climbing ladders with a backpack that would make the backpack clip through your chest.

  • Reduced the amount of strength required to handle some bows

  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't shoot the compound bow in first person, but it would put you in third person instead.

  • Fixed a bug where a bow would lose all durability after shooting once from it.

  • Feathers now spawn in rural areas as well and you can obtain them by chopping up birds. (seagull, crow, chicken)

  • Made crafting recipes for Improvised quiver, and animal skin quiver.

  • You can now properly craft arrow tips and arrows as well.

  • P223 scope now has correct zoom.

  • Red dot sight now doesn't write any data on the sight. (It was the overlay from the ACOG).

  • Fixed a bug where the archery skill would appear twice.

  • Fixed a bug where you could use ingredients to craft blueprints from a long distance.

  • Fixed a bug where "Spawning on Squadmate" didn't show up.

  • Fixed some models where the player would clip through the roof.

But that's not all! We're also including a big anti-cheat update!

That's all for today's Developer Update, my lovelies! Stay tuned for Josip's Friday post, and I'll see you next Wednesday!

Love, Tena
SCUM - Sippy

Hello our lovely #scummunity, oh boy do we have a nice little surprise for you all. It starts with an A and ends with "rrow in the knee" (And no, 2012 is not calling for their joke back).

Jokes aside, the time has finally come to welcome the archery skill to the SCUM family, and we're eager to show you what we have for you!


  • Archery is a skill of shooting from bows. There are different types of bows players will be using in the game. Depending on the type, bows are divided into: recurves (one piece bow), takedowns (limbs can be changed and removed, when disassembled it can fit in the backpack), compounds and crossbows. Because crossbows perform more like rifles they will be handled separately.

  • All bows also have different poundage. The poundage (it's common to use the pound sign – # – to indicate pounds, so 40 pounds would be represented as 40#), or draw weight represents the force required to hold the string stationary at full draw. Draw weight is used to define the power of the bow. For pulling the bow string player uses both strength and technique. While strength is related to his attribute, technique is related to his skill.

    For now we have 3 types of bows: Compound bow, Improvised bow, and Recurve bow.

    Compound Bow

    • The compound bow will have a draw weight of 60#, you can attach to it sights, stabilizers , and the silencer.

    Improvised Bow

    • The improvised bow is the most basic bow in the game, you can craft 4 versions of it with different draw weights: 20#, 25#, 30#, 35#. You can attach the silencer to it.

    Recurve Bow

    • The recurve bow is the middle ground when it comes to bows, it has most versions of draw weight: 40#/50#/60#/70#/80#/90#/100# and you can attach the silencer on it.

  • If the player doesn’t have sufficient strength or skill he/she will not be able to pull the string all the way. In the following table you can see how strength relates with specific draw weight.

  • Archery skill level influences both how long player can hold the bow steady in full draw and gives additional bonuses. Here is a bonus that archery skill gives to player’s strength.

  • The initial time for holding the bow steady in the full draw is shown in the table below.

  • If character’s Strength DW + Skill DW > Bow’s Poundage (DW) then character will be able to draw that bow in full draw position, but if his strength is below the value of strength that can hold that bow steady, he will get penalties. For each 10# over what player’s strength can handle, player will get -1 second penalty to hold that bow steadily. That parameter is not fixed and it should change along with player’s strength (meaning that it can have a decimal value). For each 10# less than what player’s strength can handle player will get +1 second bonus.

    Example 1 - Let’s say the player has Archery skill level ADV+ and STR 5 he can hold 100# in full draw for 8 seconds (10 – 2 seconds penalty because of his strength can hold 80# bow and he is trying 100# bow).

    Example 2 - Let’s say the player has Archery skill level ADV and STR 3 he can’t hold 100# in full draw, but he can hold 80# for 3 seconds (6 – 3 seconds penalty because of his strength can hold 50# bow and he is trying 80# bow).

    Example 3 - Let’s say the player has Archery skill level Basic and STR 5 he can’t hold 100# in full draw, but he can hold 80# for 5 seconds (4 seconds because of Basic skill level +1 second bonus because sum of his strength and Skill bonus is 90# which by 10# > than 80#).

  • We are adding quivers as well, and here is how they will work. There will be 3 types of quivers: Improvised quiver, Animal skin quiver and Military quiver

    Improvised Quiver: Can hold up to 1 type of arrow, and durability is low.

    Animal Skin Quiver: Can hold up to 2 types of arrow, medium durability.

    Military Quiver: Can hold up to 3 types of arrow, highly durable.

    If you have a quiver equipped and pick up an arrow it first goes into the quiver and if the quiver is full it will go into the next empty space slot if possible.

    You can also carry a quiver and backpack together.

  • There will be various attachments that you will be able to put on your bow. For now we have: sights, stabilizers and a silencer.

    Stabilizers will help you out in stabilizing your bow and calm your hand so the arrow spread is much smaller, there are 2 stabilizers, a professional one and an improvised one.

    Sights will help you to zero in better on your target - there are 3 sights with the same quality, but different amount of zeroing points. The one pin sight is attached by default on the compound bow.

    Silencer will mask down the snapping sound that the bow makes once it's released and the string collides with the bow limbs. For now there is only 1 type of silencer that you can find.

Please keep in mind this is the first iteration of the archery skill and bugs and issues are possible to happen, if you encounter any please do send us a bug report on our steam forums!

Red dot

  • The classic attachment used on various guns. You can attach it to any rail, and the M16, TEC01 490 can carry it without any rail.

Fire modes

  • YES WE HEARD YOU, LIKE, REALLY WELL, THE FIRST 12967198264783 TIMES, but yeah we should have added this a bit sooner, but you know how it is in gamedev. All in all, now you can see in what fire mode you are on each weapon through the quick access bar.

Damage Indicator.
  • We added a small damage indicator that will appear when you need patching.

Respawn Timers

  • A big issue was when squads were repsawning for an infinite amount of time, so we added respawn timers this is how they will work.

    Random respawn: 25 FP and has no respawn timer or cooldown.

    Sector respawn: 50 FP with an initial cooldown of 15 seconds and increases for 15 seconds for each consecutive use. Time needed for the cooldown to get back to 15 seconds is 60 seconds of wait time, and each time you use it, those 60 seconds get multiplied by 1.25 that way the cooldown reset time will never be lower than the respawn timer itself.

    Shelter respawn: 75 FP with an initial cooldown of 30 seconds and increases for 30 seconds for each consecutive use. Time needed for the cooldown to get back to 30 seconds is 120 seconds of wait time, and each time you use it those 120 seconds get multiplied by 1.5.

    Squad respawn: 100 FP with an initial cooldown of 60 seconds and increases for 60 seconds for each consecutive use. Time needed for the cooldown to get back to 60 seconds is 180 seconds of wait time, and each time you use it, those 180 seconds get multiplied by 2.

Underwater caves

  • Who doesn't love some underwater exploring?


  • Just as a small fashion update we added a new line of beanies.

Supporter Pack Update

  • We added a new action that all the supporters can use, and that's whistling. If you use it to coordinate military ops, or just want to tell that cute guy that you like him, all up to you!

Bug smashing

  • Fixed the bug with doors staying closed.

  • Fixed a bug with clients crashing if admin drone was active on server.

  • Possible fix for wrong kind of respawning while entering or exiting events.

  • Fixed underwater fog bug when resolution scale is not 100.

  • Fixed heat sources being shared between singleplayer profiles.

QoL additions

  • Respawn on squad now disabled if all members are dead or if any squadmate is in combat.

  • Failing lockpicking will correctly give a small amount of experience now.

  • Failing lockpicking will cause a loss of 1 fame point.

  • Lowered Spawn rate on Cargo drops. (Once per hour with an 10min before notification)

  • Added engine sound to admin drone. Gets turned off when entering silent mode.

Admin commands

  • We added admin commands for the new respawn system, events and cargo drops.


    RandomLocationPrice - Fame Points required for respawning at random location

    SectorLocationPrice - Fame Points required for respawning at a certain sector

    ShelterLocationPrice - Fame Points required for respawning at shelter

    SquadLocationPrice - Fame Points required for respawning at squadmate

    RandomInitialTime - Initial wait time before 'Random' respawn option becomes available

    SectorInitialTime - Initial wait time before 'Sector' respawn option becomes available

    ShelterInitialTime - Initial wait time before 'Shelter' respawn option becomes available

    SquadInitialTime - Initial wait time before 'Squadmate' respawn option becomes available

    RandomCooldownTime - Penalty wait time applied to 'Random' respawn option after each use

    SectorCooldownTime - Penalty wait time applied to 'Sector' respawn option after each use

    ShelterCooldownTime - Penalty wait time applied to 'Shelter' respawn option after each use

    SquadCooldownTime - Penalty wait time applied to 'Squadmate' option after each use

    RandomCooldownResetMultiplier - Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Random' respawn option

    SectorCooldownResetMultiplier - Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Sector' respawn option

    ShelterCooldownResetMultiplier - Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Shelter' respawn option

    SquadCooldownResetMultiplier - Amount of time required for the penalty to reset for 'Squadmate' respawn option


    TimeBetweenEventsMin - Minimum time between each world event

    TimeBetweenEventsMax - Maximum time between each world event

    CargoDropFallDelay - Delay between the cargo drop notification and it actually appearing

    CargoDropFallDuration - Amount of time the cargo drops spend falling

    CargoDropSelfDestructTime - Amount of time before the cargo drop self-destruct countdown is initiated after it lands

Known issue
  • TEC01 490 shotguns down the sight aim is slightly off, we will fix it as fast as possible.

You brave souls who stuck through the whole patch notes, here is a little treat for you our #4 comic page! Just in case you missed the previous ones check them out here:

Page #1
Page #2
Page #3

And our newest addition!

That's it for today, folks!

Love, Sippycup Punanisnatch

SCUM - Tena
Hey, everyone, I hope you missed me!

New week, new developer showcase - this Wednesday you're meeting Dobrila, our Junior Programmer, who you've asked for, so we're obliging because we're nice like that.

A script kitty in a sea of code monkeys. A baby hacker and the 3rd Charlie's Angel. A real life Disney princess with 8 years of karate training.

Dobrila is a computer science student in her final year of school studying for her Master's degree, which is pretty impressive in and of itself even if she wasn't working full-time. She's only been with us for several months, but she's blended in perfectly, so now we're just waiting on her to write her damn thesis, so we can give her the forever-contract and make her sign it with blood.

Dobrila casually doing some analogue programming before running off to our yoga class

We sat down for a chat and I asked about her list of tasks to see if there's anything fun I could write about. Honestly, I have no idea. Aside from the fact that she speaks l1k3 7h15 irl, I've soon come to realize that she gets to do the stuff no one else wants to do. She says she doesn't mind too much though, because apparently she likes boring stuff and coding is fun. This is an obvious lie, but our bosses are reading this, sup Dini & Pong, love ya.

Her first task here was to overhaul the way in which we saved the event statistics. That's the official answer. The unofficial answer is that she created it from scratch. We didn't have a base before and now we do. I asked why we even need one, but it's a secret. I know, but you don't. HA HA. No, really, I can't tell you because it would spoil your fun, but you'll find out eventually.

She hates having her pictures taken as much as I hate taking pictures, so it worked out perfectly!

Dobrila begged me not to write about this next part because she's shy about it, but I feel like great things should be talked about, so I'll just ignore her pleas. She started her programming adventure when she was 8 years old. She went to a fancy elementary school with a good computer science program and she fell in love with the code. She took part in various competitions throughout her primary education and then in high school decided she wanted to try and get into game development. She got into the computer science program at one of the best universities in the region and also enrolled into Machina, a privately-owned local gamedev academy. Her mentor there was Dini, who had decided it was a good idea for him to moonlight as a C++ teacher for some reason - she was invited for an interview, aced her tests and the rest is history.

At the moment, Dobrila is working on implementing achievements into the game. You're getting them really soon, but the first batch will only have 10(ish) of them just to test them out and see how you guys feel about them. The whole process was honestly very straightforward. She sent us a huge list of achievements she thought would be cool to have in the game, Josip and I are supposed to write the funny names and descriptions, Ivona is drawing the icons, and then Dobrila does her black magic and actually programs them into the game. Easy-peasy.

Here's some achievement icons. Dobrila didn't make these, but they're vaguely related and it's still better than screenshots of code.

That's it for today's Developer Showcase! Show some love to our Dobrila in the comments down below and I'll see you again next Wednesday! Josip will talk to you before that, on Friday, when you'll get to read the next page of our comic and you might also get something else. You know I can't tell you, but I'll never stop teasing.

Instead of the usual "Love, Tena", I'm leaving you with a goodbye message from Dobrila!
Mar 25, 2019
SCUM - Sippy

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our new presentation of features and mechanics that we plan to introduce into our video game over an unknown course of time, and this is the last time I'm constructing this vast visual field of information after a pleasant tea party with an eloquent 8-year-old.

So, shall we begin?

A new interesting POI that will be a nice event place to duke it out, and an overall simple but interesting location. This is just 1 building, and you can expect more of those.

New additions to the weapon family.

MK-18 will be a fully automatic rifle with single and burst fire modes as well. The mag it uses is from the M16 and 5.56 cal ammo.

The RPG doesn't need any introduction, load, aim, pew.

Water collector, the idea is when it rains it collects water, what a shocker.

Hair growth.

Hair is coming along nicely, we are looking at several hair and beard styles once its done.


Yup, the archery skill is finally here, and boy oh boy do we have all sorts of awesome mechanics here. But that one I will cover in the next patch notes and for now have these few snippets scratched off the surface.

And this is it for today folks thanks for dropping by, and stay tuned for more news!

Love u, Sippy Seep Sipp
Mar 22, 2019
SCUM - Sippy
Hello, everyone!

Here's a little Friday update from your favorite devs! ːsteammockingː

We don't have a patch for you today because we've been working on some more complex stuff that take longer than a week to implement, but we still wanted to talk to you and show off the new page of our SCUM comic.

In case you missed the previous ones, you can find the first page here and the second one here.

All of us at Gamepires wish you a great weekend!

Love, Baby J Sipps
SCUM - Tena
Hey, everyone!

Welcome to our weekly Developer Showcase! You've already met a 2D artist and a programmer, so this time you're meeting a 3D artist - Gabriel!

Gabriel is a junior and has only been with us for a short while. Before joining us he freelanced for a while, dabbled in programming, and worked on some indie projects, but his main expertise are buildings and architecture, so it made sense to task him with creating a bunch of urban assets for the upcoming cities.

Left: Gabriel not building a building. Right: Gabriel building a building.

We talked a bit about his process and how he creates all the assets from scratch (apparently all our artists do, who would've thought). He says he finds his inspiration on Google Maps - he finds random Croatian streets and buildings on Street View and uses those to make his models look realistic. Most of the buildings you can see down below are situated in the Croatian city of Osijek. I asked if he has any family there or something, but he said he just liked the buildings, which makes sense because Osijek is a beautiful city.

If you're from Osijek and you're the first person to PM me with the exact address of this building, I'll send you a SCUM T-shirt. GO.

I asked him about fortifying the urban assets and how those will work with the tall urban buildings and found out something really cool. Apparently you'll be able to fortify the whole uppermost floor, which will work great with the skyscrapers he has on his task list in the next few weeks. We don't have any visuals for those yet, but you'll see them in one of our Work-In-Progress posts as soon as they're ready. In the meantime, take a look at some other urban assets he's working on.

He also showed me this cool WW2 bunker he's working on, together with this fancy cannon. Remember those new islands we have and how tragically empty they are? Well, we're going to repopulate them and this is going to be one of the assets. We won't tell you its role or the context, but you'll be able to find out for yourself soon enough anyway!

Today's post was short, but I hope it was sweet as well. Josip will talk to you again on Friday when you'll get to see the 3rd page of our SCUM comic (1,2), and I'll see you again on Wednesday for a brand new Developer Showcase. If there's a specific developer you'd like to read about next, let us know in the comments!

Love, Tena