Mar 19, 2019
SCUM - Sippy

Hey, everyone! It’s Father’s Day here in Croatia, so go hug your dad or your daddy, either will work!

We have a tiny little baby hotfix for you today:

  • We fixed the doors that couldn’t be opened (bathroom stalls, the coal mine elevator etc.) - if you run into any others please report them to us!

  • We fixed the client crash that was occurring due to a drone bug, so now everything should go back to normal.

Thanks for reading, talk to you soon!

Love, Baby J
Mar 18, 2019
SCUM - Sippy

Another Monday, another update from us, so you guys can be in the loop of what's cooking in the Gamepires' crocpot.

We have lots of new things coming up over the next few weeks. Let's talk about some of them down below!

Female characters

  • Got some fresh new info on the female characters as well, the art team is working hard to adjust all the clothing for the female body, and that's a lot of work - here you can see some classic SCUM clothing!


  • We've mentioned before that we plan on adding more military taunts, and here you can see some of them.

    No one can match my pew pew fingers


    You talking to me boi?

    Whoa, I have no eyes


  • We've made some progress with the bases regarding building and shaping them up to be a home sweet home.

  • But keep in mind that base building won't replace fortifications. Fortifications will still be the main way to secure a building and the base building will be a way to enhance and double protect your fortified building with different types of walls and watchtowers.


    • Yes, yes we know, it's not cool that everyone is bald all the time, so here's some neat cuts that will make all the puppets go crazy for you, stud.

    Okay, I'm all out of pictures for the art part, but I still have things that we can talk about!


    • Right now we are working on redesigning the car sounds and adding the suppressed weapon fire. We're also working hard on getting back the radio we had before. For now, it looks good, and who knows, besides awesome music maybe you will hear something intriguing.

    New points of interest.

    • As you already know, we've recently added some 20ish new islands around the main island, so now we're working on the underwater caverns to go with our maritime theme. However, before we add that to the game, we still need to finish up the sailing and diving skill.

    Now it's time to talk about the programming background and what's going on there.

    Base building

    • Let's talk about the base building first - the system will work in a way that you'll be able to use blueprints and build up your base in a lego style way.

      Each beer crate is 1 base segment, and you will be able to stack them to your liking.

      For safety, we emptied all crates

    Respawn system

    • For the moment we're still playing around with different options, but for now, this is the plan: adding cooldowns to respawn options that we already have. Cooldowns will differ depending on how precise they are. For now, it would look like the shortest cooldown would have "Random" > "Sector" > "Shelter" > "Squadmate". Also, the idea is to disable respawn on squadmate if he is in combat.

    Thanks for dropping by and reading our little weekly update, stay tuned for more news coming later this week!

    Love, Sippy Boy
SCUM - Sippy
Hello everyone, here we are with a new hotfix for this week. Those damn doors are tricky! We've fixed most of the bigger bugs with them, but some edge cases may still appear, so thanks for bearing with us and, by all means, do report them if you see them!

Let's get into the notes!


We're adding two different bird species for you guys to practice your aim on. If you manage to take them down, you might get yourself a nice lunch!


[Community Request] We made lockpicking even harder to pull off and increased the rarity of lockpicks.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed character creation where the character disappears during animation.

  • Fixed the bug where examining an item that isn't craftable wouldn't work.

  • Fixed the bug where some food items would spawn with 0 durability.

  • Fixed the bug with windows on airfield where some windows wouldn't be completely covered up with fortifications.

  • Fixed the bug where double clicking food from the vicinity wouldn't pick it up.

  • Fixed the bug where food items would be incorrectly considered as cooking, causing weird behavior such as their durability decreasing fast.

  • Possible fix for syncing initial doors & fortifications state. We're still figuring this out, so make sure to let us know if you run into anything weird.

  • Fixed an issue where vegetation would penetrate through buildings and fences.

  • Fixed a bug when you started SP and MP game it would always be night.

  • Fixed a bug for prisoner not being kicked out of event properly if the player logs out during the event end countdown, resulting in equipment being lost and prisoner rejoining the server naked

QoL changes

  • [Community Request] You can now play as a drone in SP - while in the main menu press Ctrl+D

  • [Community Request] You can now toggle HUD and lights while playing with the drone. Toggle HUD (H key) toggle lights (X key)

SCUM comic!

That's it for the patch notes, but wait, that's not all. Down below you can find the 2nd page of our SCUM comic! If you haven't read the first part yet, make sure to check it out here. The comic is made by our art queen Ivona on a weekly basis and will be out every Friday, so make sure to let us know what you think!

Thanks for sticking around and talk to you soon!

Peace out, Sippycup
SCUM - Tena
Hey, lovelies!

I hope you liked our last week's Developer Showcase where you met Ivona, our 2D artist, and got a chance to see what she's been working on! This week you're meeting Dini, our lead programmer, who I talked to about what he's up to, what's already been done, and what he's planning on doing in the future.

Here's Dini wearing his favorite salad-colored shirt and looking like a nice person. If you're sick of the salad jokes, I'm sorry, but you're weak and you wouldn't survive a day in our office.

The first thing he said to me was that we already wrote about the car physics before, so he shouldn't have to do anything again and I should just leave him alone to stare at his code, which is like, okay, nerd, but you do that all day long anyway and you need to change it up a bit. I promised you Dini and Dini you will have, so I took one for the team and dragged him out of his lair.

Some of the new and improved car physics we talked about the last time have already been implemented. The car's center of gravity now shifts depending not only on the number of people sitting in the car, but also depending on the side they're sitting on. The car will also react to the items you put in the trunk. That means you'll be able to see the weight pushing the tires down, but you'll also feel it while driving the car - the more people or stuff you have in the car, the harder the car will be to handle.

Spot the difference, we'll wait.

Next up on his task list is the driving skill and it's going to work something like this: if you suck at driving, you're doomed, basically. Just kidding! It's going to work like this: if your driving skill is low, you'll take longer to accelerate and your top speed will be lower. Your car might even stall or completely stop! After that's done, Dini is going to be reworking the damage system, which we also mentioned before. The way things are now, the car takes the same amount of damage no matter where you damage it. He says he wants to improve the system in a way where the car will react differently depending on the place you shot at - if you shoot at the car's engine, it will take a lot more damage than if you just shoot at a window. If you shoot a tire, it should obviously go flat. If you get a flat tire, you need to be able to fix it, so Dini will make that possible as well. He says that pretty soon you'll have a basic repair system where you'll be able to repair different types of damage with different types of materials.

Can he fix the emptiness inside his soul, though?

He also wants to introduce claiming and locking the vehicles, as well as lockpicking and hotwiring. The issue with this is that right now we're still reworking the house claiming system and trying to find out what the best way to do that would be, so the whole car claiming system will have to take that into account because it's going to work on the same principle. We're also introducing car fueling and that's gonna be Dini's job as well. And last but not least - proper vehicles need to come with proper vehicle sounds. It seems pretty simple, but if you take into account that different materials make different sounds and think about all the sounds a real car makes, whether it's the wind, or the tires on concrete, grass or sand, you'll soon realize that it's harder than expected.

That's all for today - I'll talk to you again next Wednesday when we have another Developer Showcase coming out, but make sure to stay tuned on this Friday as well because good things come to those who wait! Please also make sure to tell Dini how much you love his salad in the comments down below!

Love you!

SCUM - Sippy
Hello our beloved Scummunity! We hope you all had some good time with our last week's patch, so today we wanted to do a small recap of the patch and show you some WiP content!

Recap/short Q&A

We noticed there were some common questions people have asked repeatedly, so we'd like to make a mini-FAQ just to answer those for you guys.

  • There are so many new islands and no boats! When are the boats coming?

    The boats are still in the asset creation and animation phase - we still need to program all the physics and behavior.

  • Will there be a boat that can be made out of materials?

    Yes, for now we plan to have at least one makeshift boat that you can craft for sailing.

  • Some doors are still locked and act weird?

    We are investigating the door behavior and as soon as we have some info we will share it with you guys.

  • Why is lockpicking still too easy?

    Looks like raising the difficulty of picking locks was a good decision, but we still get comments that it's too easy, so please share your thoughts with us on that!

  • The game is still not optimized and I still get lag!

    The main optimization for this patch was to reduce server lag, and in that aspect it went good as we see a lot less lag on our servers than before. This does not affect private servers, as each server can have different parameters that can impact server performance, and those parameters are chosen by the server admin.

  • Some sectors have lost its foliage.

    We are aware of the issue, and are investigating the problem. We are also aware of the foliage that goes into houses and places that shouldn't be.

Work in progress

Okay, time to show you some neat new things we're working on!

  • Driving skill

    I won't spoil too much about that because later this week you'll get a developer interview with the person who works on all vehicles.

  • Boats

    As mentioned above, boats will be added to the game later on, for now we are working on animations and assets for the whole sailing skill. You will be able to craft makeshift boats and use them to get from island to island.

  • Spawning system

    The whole spawning/respawning mechanic will undergo some rework due to all the community feedback that the respawning is a bit clunky. The rework will also include the spawning on teammates action.

  • Achievements

    We talked about this in the past before and we haven't forgotten all the suggestions you guys gave us! We hope it will land in the next patch, but hey, you never know what random meteor can crash in your office, and when.

  • Missions/objectives

    You all have been asking for missions and objectives to do, and that's what we will give you guys. At some point. They are currently under work, there is still quite a lot to do so we can't really say when it will be added into the game.

    For now, each mission will contain several objectives, and to complete the mission you'll need to finish all of them.

  • Cities

    This one is pretty straightforward, the work on city assets is going well, and soon we will have our first real cities and urban areas!

  • Base Building

    Yes, we said it. Base building, this is still big under the microscope, and we are working on it slowly but surely. Here are some snaps of it.

This is it for now, thanks again for dropping by. Leave your comments and thoughts down below, and don't forget to share all your art and screenshots with us on Steam and Twitter under the hashtag #scummunity.

Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress post, and everything that you read here is prone to changes.

The latest patch for open-world survival game Scum adds new areas to the world map, including an extensive underground coal mine and 24 islands off the coast of the main island.

Those new islands are bare for now, "but with time interesting things will pop up on them for you to find", the dev team said in the patch notes.

The underground portion of the coal mine is empty too, but the devs have said that it will be filled soon. It looks pretty deep, judging by the photos below, and has a set of buildings above ground that you can explore. 

The patch also adds the lever-action M1887 shotgun, which fires 12 gauge shells, and new colour variations for the pick-up truck.

It also reworks lockpicking to make it harder to bust open doors. The angle you need to unlock a door is now more precise, and lockpicks only have four uses, with advanced lock picks granting six uses. Screwdrivers, which previously never broke, can now only been used 40 times.

Lastly, the patch disables item storing in world containers, which was causing issues for players. It's a temporary solution to the problem, and you can still store items in chests, on your character and in vehicles.

Oh, and the team will be releasing a new Scum comic every week—you can view a sneak preview of the first one here.

SCUM - Sippy
Here we are again, new week, new patch, new awesome thingies on the horizon!

This week our biggest priority was to handle the issue with storing items into containers. So for now we disabled item storing in world containers (You can still safely store items in chests, your character and vehicle.) more about that you can read up here

Lets start things of with our new nice vacation place, the Coal mine! For now the omnious and dark depths of the mines lay empty, but for how long?

    Here you can see the area that the mine encompasses.This is how deep it goes...for now.

M1887 Shotgun

The M1887 can be your best friend in stick situations, the leave-action shotgun uses 12 gauge shells, and it was used widely on the island by small shop and gas station owners for self defense.

Pick up truck variations

Just to spice things up a bit we added more color variations to our pick up truck, also enhanced some of the details on it.

    Here you can see how some of the details looked before and after.

Also next week we will talk a bit more about handling vehicles in SCUM, and how does it work. We did some reworking on our whole pyhsics system, and we can't wait to share all the info with you guys!

20+ New Islands

Yup, you read it right, we added 24 new smaller islands all around the big island. For now they are still bare but with time interesting things will pop up on them for you to find out!

Lockpick rework.

We made little changes to lockpicking and how it works. We had a feel it was too easy to break a lock down, so we made it little harder:
  • Reduced the angle needed to unlock a door successfully.

  • The screwdriver has now 40 uses, before you could it use indefinitlley

  • Normal lockpick uses reduced to 4, and added an advance lock pick with 6 uses.

Server admin commands.

We added 3 more commands for you guys so you can customize your server even more.

  • AllowSectorRespawn

  • AllowShelterRespawn

  • AllowSquadmateRespawn

With this you can control how respawning works.

Bug fixes and other goodies.

  • Adjusted third person clipping prevention for crouch stance.

  • Bugfix for players dying when climbing windows.

  • Fixed placement of fortification blueprints being placed wrong sometimes.

  • Maximum resolution scale is now 200%

  • Small improvement for DLSS.

  • More .ini file restrictions.

  • More server optimisations by reducing count of replication objects.

  • Fixed a bug where the player could not level up awareness in multiplayer

  • Fixed a bug where cargo drop would drop multiple cargo drops.

In case you get a problem of connecting to a server, please keep in mind from the moment of the patch deployment that the servers can take up to 60 minutes to update!

Now that the patch notes are out of the way, we have a treat for you!
Down below you will find the first page of our new weekly comic series that will help you understand SCUM's lore even better! A big thank you to our Ivona - you are a star!

That's all for now folks - see you next week!

Love u, Sippy Boy Sipmaster
SCUM - Tena
Hey, lovelies!

I've had this idea that I wanted to try out for a while, so let me share it with you and see how you like it. You might remember the 3-month roadmap post where I talked to the devs to see what they're working on. Well, we need to go DEEPER. I'd like to introduce each and every one of our devs, one by one, hopefully on a weekly basis, and talk to them about what they're currently working on.

We're going to start with Ivona, our one and only 2D/concept artist, because she's the only one I could talk into doing this on such a short notice. By the way, for the best possible experience you should listen to this song while reading this post. This is her theme song and if she has access to a computer, she will play this song on that computer whether you like it or not, so it's best to just embrace it.

Here she is, the art mom, queen of weird dances, and a Slenderman impersonator.

Ivona has been with Gamepires for around 6 months. A fun fact is that she graduated and got hired here literally 2 days later - she was that good. We didn't have an actual 2D artist before her and most of the art we needed before was done by Pong, our creative director, so she took over all of that so he can concentrate on his actual duties.

Up until now, she has done a bunch of cool stuff - she has made some new tattoos, our first Steam trading cards, visuals for our booths at expos, our first concept art etc. She has recently started working on more lore-related art - you might have seen some drafts of the NPCs we published in one of our previous posts, so without further ado, you can see the upgraded versions down below, along with some commentary from the artist herself.

Ivona: These are some possible variations of TEC1 workers' uniforms. I wanted to keep them simple, but recognizable, and I tried to find the colors and shapes that will emphasize function over form. They are manual laborers, so it only makes sense.

Ivona: These are the TEC1 scientists where each color represents a specific ward. I wanted them to look futuristic and science-y, but still be reminiscent of the past fashion trends.

Ivona: These are the male managers/white collars. The concept I was going for here is vanity. These guys are very vain and for them image is everything, so I tried to communicate that through their clothes, which are very fashionable for that same purpose.

Ivona: The male executives are all dressed very flashily - if you look closely, you'll notice the gold details, expensive watches and nice shoes. Obviously, the mood here is money.

Ivona was just giggling at this one, so I'll tell you about it. The TEC1 low level security outfits were very obviously inspired by Ivona's thirst for people in uniforms. She can't even be in the same room with someone wearing a uniform without giggling, blushing and making sex jokes. Whether it's military uniforms, police riot uniforms or even club security uniforms, the thirst is real and unquenchable.

Ivona: I did a LOT of iterations for these hazmat suits, some of which you can see on SCUM's Twitter (@scumgame). These two made the final cut, along with several other ones, and I wanted to show them because I was going for a more advanced look than the usual hazmat suits irl. That's why they have these little gadgets and gear on them.

Ivona: I can't talk about this one yet, so I'll just leave it here as a teaser and let you guess what it is.

I hope you liked the idea of this, but if not, that's okay, too, because we have another post ready to be published by Friday that you might like a bit better. ːsteamsaltyː If you liked the post, then good for you and thank you! We have another one coming up next week where you'll meet Dini, his salads and car physics.

Love you all and talk to you soon!
Mar 4, 2019
SCUM - Sippy

Hello our lovelies, come take a cookie and a cup of tea, relax and listen to what we have to say today!

Later this week we will have a patch ready for you guys. It's gonna have all sorts of awesome things, from weapons to a new place, and some neat optimizations that we will talk about today.

We're temporarily disabling storing items in anything that is NOT a chest. We found out it takes up a lot of performance and clogs the server up, which can cause many things:

  • Random player teleporting.

  • Random car teleporting.

  • Falling through the ground, player and vehicle.

  • Vaulting and respawning issues.

  • Even more abnormal puppet behaviour.

  • You missing that sweet headshot that should have hit.

A few examples of where you won't be able to store items anymore

We don't plan to remove the storing system, we're working to fix that issue as we speak, and hopefully we'll have it back in no time!

So, what does all that mean?

  • A new patch coming soon!

  • More content!

  • Removing the storing possibility from non-chest containers.

  • More optimizations and a better experience for everyone.

  • If you don't want to lose all your stored items, make sure to put them in a crafted chest or car!

That's it for now, thank you for dropping by and we hope you all enjoy this almost springtime! See you soon with some spicy news!

SCUM - Sippy

Let's start this off with a famous quote. "Another one!"

We bring you some more goodies that we had prepared for you! Also shoutout to everyone who reads these and plays our game, we love you and appreciate you <3.

Let's get into the nooootess!


  • A new beautiful location for you guys to explore and roam about. Check the pics below!

New wheels

  • We've added a new vehicle. This baby boy can fit up to 6 people and has more storage than the SUV. Be careful though, as it's bigger and heavier it needs more skill to drive it as well!

  • We also improved car physics, which means better handling and less sliding.

Bug fixes.

  • Fixed exploits for server bombing with chat messages.

  • Fixed the exploit where people were spamming locks on doors and could easily unlock them that way.

  • Fixed door issues that showed up in last patch.

  • Fixed issues with window climbing and vaulting making you stuck.

  • Fixed double spawn screen that appeared on joining server with a dead character

  • Fixed a bug where ESC key would not work until you respawned.

  • Fixed a bug where there was no prisoner in the character creation mugshot

  • Fix for cargo drops sometimes dropping in unintended locations in singleplayer.

  • Fixed bug where weapon magazines and scopes would stay visible when the prisoner is hidden.

  • Fixed bug with prisoner getting hidden in first person view.

  • Fixed a lockpicking exploit with certain types of keyboards

QoL additions

  • Adjusted armor calculation and fixed the bug that caused helmets to protect from headshots a bit too well.

  • Starting lockpicking will now take the screwdriver in hands.

  • Adjusted the transition between the prone and crouch actions (eating, cutting etc.), so it blends in better, and is not snappy.