Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Just to give you a little idea on what we are currently working on:

0.5 will bring 50 unlockable accessories that can be bought with the new currency: Paw-Coins. Paw-Coins are gained by playing the minigames. (There is NO REAL MONEY involved!)
The accessories are things like: different hats, crowns, necklaces, and also some costumes for the kitten.
The update will also introduce a whole new kitten. The new model is much more detailed than the older one.

As a glimpse of what is coming, see this:

Getting there is more work than one might think. This is how we rig the different colliders we need:

And this is what the desk looks like, when creating a new kitten that shall look like the old one but also has its own character:
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Just to give you a little idea on what we are currently working on:

0.5 will bring 50 unlockable accessories that can be bought with the new currency: Paw-Coins. Paw-Coins are gained by playing the minigames. (There is NO REAL MONEY involved!)
The accessories are things like: different hats, crowns, necklaces, and also some costumes for the kitten.
The update will also introduce a whole new kitten. The new model is much more detailed than the older one.

As a glimpse of what is coming, see this:

Getting there is more work than one might think. This is how we rig the different colliders we need:

And this is what the desk looks like, when creating a new kitten that shall look like the old one but also has its own character:
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Hi all,

we are so excited to announce that we just launched "FusionPlay - Heroes" on Kickstarter. If you are confused what "mobile NFC card game" means, just have a look at our kickstarter site:


Help us creating a whole new gaming genre by supporting us on Kickstarter. This is what FusionPlay is made for: combining the real world with the digital one.

As we bring a real world plushy and a VR game together with Konrad the Kitten", we combine real playing cards with a digital app in "FusionPlay - Heroes"

PS: Don't be worried about the little Kitten. We have great plans for it as well!

Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Hi all,

we are so excited to announce that we just launched "FusionPlay - Heroes" on Kickstarter. If you are confused what "mobile NFC card game" means, just have a look at our kickstarter site:


Help us creating a whole new gaming genre by supporting us on Kickstarter. This is what FusionPlay is made for: combining the real world with the digital one.

As we bring a real world plushy and a VR game together with Konrad the Kitten", we combine real playing cards with a digital app in "FusionPlay - Heroes"

PS: Don't be worried about the little Kitten. We have great plans for it as well!

Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Hi fellow feline fans,

we have an exciting announcement for you:

In exactly one week, on May 15th, our first game will be launched on Kickstarter. We are creating a whole new gaming genre by introducing the first mobile NFC card game of the world. That means, it is a game with physical cards, each containing an NFC-chip. These playing cards communicate with your smartphone via Near Field Communication. The combination of real playing cards and smartphone app enabled us to create this patented, one of a kind gameplay.

Now you surely ask: "Why is this the first game? What is with Konrad the Kitten?"

The truth is: Konrad the Kitten was always our second game. We started working on the cute little kitten last year. (In the beginning it was a personal project I created for my girlfriend, then I could convince my boss to make it become a real game.)

Our first game is "FusionPlay - Heroes", which is in the making since 2012. It took until 2016 that all work was done and a partner was found, that is capable of producing the NFC cards at an affordable price tag. Now the time has come, that we start a revolution in the world of card games.

If you want to know more about the game, you can find pictures and information here:

Now some words of excuse:
Although the "FusionPlay - Heroes" team is a separate team and nearly all of the game design work on it has been done before Konrad the Kitten, my support for the Kickstarter Campaign was needed and took much more time than I expected. Originally it was never planned to release "FusionPlay - Heroes" during the Early Access phase of Konrad the Kitten. But sometimes things just don't work as they were planned.

Because of that we need to postpone the next "Konrad the Kitten" release by about a month. I hope you will understand and won't be too angry about me. But be assured: delaying it won't sacrifice any of the planned features. We even enlarged the 0.5 release and added one important new thing: a new kitten :)

Kind regards,
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
Hi fellow feline fans,

we have an exciting announcement for you:

In exactly one week, on May 15th, our first game will be launched on Kickstarter. We are creating a whole new gaming genre by introducing the first mobile NFC card game of the world. That means, it is a game with physical cards, each containing an NFC-chip. These playing cards communicate with your smartphone via Near Field Communication. The combination of real playing cards and smartphone app enabled us to create this patented, one of a kind gameplay.

Now you surely ask: "Why is this the first game? What is with Konrad the Kitten?"

The truth is: Konrad the Kitten was always our second game. We started working on the cute little kitten last year. (In the beginning it was a personal project I created for my girlfriend, then I could convince my boss to make it become a real game.)

Our first game is "FusionPlay - Heroes", which is in the making since 2012. It took until 2016 that all work was done and a partner was found, that is capable of producing the NFC cards at an affordable price tag. Now the time has come, that we start a revolution in the world of card games.

If you want to know more about the game, you can find pictures and information here:

Now some words of excuse:
Although the "FusionPlay - Heroes" team is a separate team and nearly all of the game design work on it has been done before Konrad the Kitten, my support for the Kickstarter Campaign was needed and took much more time than I expected. Originally it was never planned to release "FusionPlay - Heroes" during the Early Access phase of Konrad the Kitten. But sometimes things just don't work as they were planned.

Because of that we need to postpone the next "Konrad the Kitten" release by about a month. I hope you will understand and won't be too angry about me. But be assured: delaying it won't sacrifice any of the planned features. We even enlarged the 0.5 release and added one important new thing: a new kitten :)

Kind regards,
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
We've decided to postpone the lighting optimizations to 0.6. Instead we focus on improving the minigames and adding localisation.

Major Features

Texts overhaul:
* Font system changed: All texts are now crisp and clear
* localisation framework implemented
** We implemented a framework to make the game localizable.
** First localized language: German (we added this as test for the localization framework.)
** further languages will follow in version 0.6 (Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, Simple Chinese)

Minigame overhaul - optimizing, partially redesigning minigames for more fun
* General:
** We want minigames to be more challenging, more accessible and more fun.
** All minigames are now based on points. Each 100 points reward 1 heart
** Whenever you receive points, this is shown above the cat.
** Minigame descriptions have been adjusted.

* Mouse minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted to underline the chaotic character of this minigame by adding mice with different speed and value. To add some challenge, we created the traps that catch away the mice and also stun your kitty if you hit them.
** now has 4 types of mice:
** fatty mouse is slow and scores 10 points
** normal mouse is ... normal... ;) and scores 20 points
** quick mouse is very quick and scores 30 points
** supermouse is extremely quick and rare, but scores 50 points
** mousetraps catch mice and also stun Konrad for a short time if he hits them
** The area where the player is sitting is now blocked for the mice. So they won't run inside the player anymore.

* Parcous minigame:
** Redesign intention: The original version was to hard for beginners and too easy for experienced players. So we wanted to make it more accessible without making it easier in general.
** new Layout makes it easier to reach the rings
** rings now come in different sizes - difficult areas use larger rings (to not demotivate)
** all ring group segments were adjusted and rebalanced
** new ring group segment with just 2 tiny rings
* Tea Party minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted the game to become more fun and more speedy.
** All destructible elements were adjusted in point value and weight
** it's now easier to throw down the larger elements but they score less points
** You can now clear the table multiple times. The table lays itself after being cleared.

* Fish minigame:
** Redesign intention: Unlike the Mouse minigame, this one should be more about reaction. Wait until the fish come -> quickly react and catch it. But don't catch it, when it's a piranha ;)
** Fishes now come in random sizes between 100% and 200%
** the larger the fish the slower it jumps (and scores less points)
** additionally there is a koi, scoring lots of points but jumping vertically (hard to catch)
** Be aware of piranhas and don't touch them! They reduce your score by 50 points
** We tweaked the river, so the water is floating along it.

* crab minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted this to become a typical "whack a mole" game with a special challenge (Steven) distracting you.
** crabholes have been replaced
** crabs are now "waiting" after crawling out of the hole. But you can only hit them, when they are outside.
** the black crab scores additional points but is quicker.
** there can now be multiple crabs at the same time
** The seagull "Steven" watches the crabs. If you accidentially touch steven, he'll land and scare away the crabs.

* Collision detection redesigned
** Separate colliders: for triggering actions (Triggercapsule), physical collisions of the cat (skeleton colliders) and interactions with the paw (for minigames).
** Colliders now also sync proper with animations.

* Calibration optimization
** changed look of shown playarea during calibration
** added check of playareasize -> if it's too small, a warn board notifies you

* Updated to Unity 5.5.3

* some internal code cleanup

* Fixed need value (size of the need sphere) displayed wrong after an urgent need was fulfilled.
* Fixed orientation of playarea sometimes calculated wrong for oculus (when using 3 sensors).
* Fixed world position offset set wrong when the playarea was rotated.
* Fixed a bug in Parcours-Minigame that sometimes highlighted multiple rings at the same time.
* Fixed flickering in empty progress bars.
* Fixed environment animations sometimes becoming stalled. (Like the parrot in the bathroom.)
* Fixed sand castle sometimes restoring itself during the action.
* Fixed energy bar being shown when the fortune wheel was spinning or cat sitting on AppExit button.
* Fixed pressing a button during minigame flipping the cat (in hand mode).
* Fixed "hold cat like this" hint sometimes not vanishing.
* Fixed collectible hearts colliding with the cat-UI.
* Fixed begging animation of cat not stopping when removing it from the AppExit button.
* Fixed waiting time before leaving app sometimes being skipped.
* Fixed Fortune Wheel becoming huge in some very rare cases.
* Fixed empty energy bar shown during minigame in some very rare cases.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
We've decided to postpone the lighting optimizations to 0.6. Instead we focus on improving the minigames and adding localisation.

Major Features

Texts overhaul:
* Font system changed: All texts are now crisp and clear
* localisation framework implemented
** We implemented a framework to make the game localizable.
** First localized language: German (we added this as test for the localization framework.)
** further languages will follow in version 0.6 (Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, Simple Chinese)

Minigame overhaul - optimizing, partially redesigning minigames for more fun
* General:
** We want minigames to be more challenging, more accessible and more fun.
** All minigames are now based on points. Each 100 points reward 1 heart
** Whenever you receive points, this is shown above the cat.
** Minigame descriptions have been adjusted.

* Mouse minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted to underline the chaotic character of this minigame by adding mice with different speed and value. To add some challenge, we created the traps that catch away the mice and also stun your kitty if you hit them.
** now has 4 types of mice:
** fatty mouse is slow and scores 10 points
** normal mouse is ... normal... ;) and scores 20 points
** quick mouse is very quick and scores 30 points
** supermouse is extremely quick and rare, but scores 50 points
** mousetraps catch mice and also stun Konrad for a short time if he hits them
** The area where the player is sitting is now blocked for the mice. So they won't run inside the player anymore.

* Parcous minigame:
** Redesign intention: The original version was to hard for beginners and too easy for experienced players. So we wanted to make it more accessible without making it easier in general.
** new Layout makes it easier to reach the rings
** rings now come in different sizes - difficult areas use larger rings (to not demotivate)
** all ring group segments were adjusted and rebalanced
** new ring group segment with just 2 tiny rings
* Tea Party minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted the game to become more fun and more speedy.
** All destructible elements were adjusted in point value and weight
** it's now easier to throw down the larger elements but they score less points
** You can now clear the table multiple times. The table lays itself after being cleared.

* Fish minigame:
** Redesign intention: Unlike the Mouse minigame, this one should be more about reaction. Wait until the fish come -> quickly react and catch it. But don't catch it, when it's a piranha ;)
** Fishes now come in random sizes between 100% and 200%
** the larger the fish the slower it jumps (and scores less points)
** additionally there is a koi, scoring lots of points but jumping vertically (hard to catch)
** Be aware of piranhas and don't touch them! They reduce your score by 50 points
** We tweaked the river, so the water is floating along it.

* crab minigame:
** Redesign intention: We wanted this to become a typical "whack a mole" game with a special challenge (Steven) distracting you.
** crabholes have been replaced
** crabs are now "waiting" after crawling out of the hole. But you can only hit them, when they are outside.
** the black crab scores additional points but is quicker.
** there can now be multiple crabs at the same time
** The seagull "Steven" watches the crabs. If you accidentially touch steven, he'll land and scare away the crabs.

* Collision detection redesigned
** Separate colliders: for triggering actions (Triggercapsule), physical collisions of the cat (skeleton colliders) and interactions with the paw (for minigames).
** Colliders now also sync proper with animations.

* Calibration optimization
** changed look of shown playarea during calibration
** added check of playareasize -> if it's too small, a warn board notifies you

* Updated to Unity 5.5.3

* some internal code cleanup

* Fixed need value (size of the need sphere) displayed wrong after an urgent need was fulfilled.
* Fixed orientation of playarea sometimes calculated wrong for oculus (when using 3 sensors).
* Fixed world position offset set wrong when the playarea was rotated.
* Fixed a bug in Parcours-Minigame that sometimes highlighted multiple rings at the same time.
* Fixed flickering in empty progress bars.
* Fixed environment animations sometimes becoming stalled. (Like the parrot in the bathroom.)
* Fixed sand castle sometimes restoring itself during the action.
* Fixed energy bar being shown when the fortune wheel was spinning or cat sitting on AppExit button.
* Fixed pressing a button during minigame flipping the cat (in hand mode).
* Fixed "hold cat like this" hint sometimes not vanishing.
* Fixed collectible hearts colliding with the cat-UI.
* Fixed begging animation of cat not stopping when removing it from the AppExit button.
* Fixed waiting time before leaving app sometimes being skipped.
* Fixed Fortune Wheel becoming huge in some very rare cases.
* Fixed empty energy bar shown during minigame in some very rare cases.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
"The Shed"
The settings menu now has a new home: "The Shed". Finally we are happy the way it looks and fits into the game world.

physic objects
We started toying around with some physical objects. You can find them in the shed and just throw them around. Don't expect too much, it's just a little gimmick. We are thinking about extending this in future versions.

Start button
When starting the game, you will no longer be presented with the settings menu. Instead you will be in the start-menu. This just contains the start button and a short explanation how the calibration works. The start button performs a quick calibration and then transports you directly into the warp-zone.

The point of view
The game has been redesigned to be played in a way, that the kitten always looks towards you. This is necessary to enhance the visibility of the controller to the VR-System. (Otherwise the head of your plushy might hide the controller.)

In Plushy-Mode the game shows you a hint of how to hold the cat. In Hand-Mode, the kitten is automatically attached to the controller in a proper way. Also, when playing a minigame, the kitten is flipped by 180° to look away from you although you hold it vice versa. Sounds strange but works fine.

Player range optimisation
The positions of all objects were changed so that they are closer to the player and easier to reach. You should now be able to comfortably reach all interactive objects from the seating position. This also avoids constantly popping up the Chaperone system in small play areas.

All collectibles (hearts & unlock medal) will now automatically float into an area in front of the player. So they won't be hidden behind you anymore.

Hand-Mode enhanced
In Hand-Mode there are now dedicated anchor points for each object. So when you place the kitten it will automatically snap to a point where it looks, best performing its action.
Also in Hand-Mode, you now see a hand model instead of a controller. Additionally the size of the kitten is always normal size in this mode.

Enhanced objects
The Rubber-Pool at the beach was completely redesigned. (Just looked to bad.)
We also enhanced the water in all water related objects.

Oculus enhancements
Screen fading (when changing areas) now also works for the Oculus version.
We fixed the laggy / stuttering fishes in fish minigame.

And more minor stuff
The physical behavior of the Fortune Wheel was adjusted to have more randomness and also stop quicker.
Also lots of other minor enhancements and bugfixes.
Konrad's Kittens - FusionPlay - Konrad
"The Shed"
The settings menu now has a new home: "The Shed". Finally we are happy the way it looks and fits into the game world.

physic objects
We started toying around with some physical objects. You can find them in the shed and just throw them around. Don't expect too much, it's just a little gimmick. We are thinking about extending this in future versions.

Start button
When starting the game, you will no longer be presented with the settings menu. Instead you will be in the start-menu. This just contains the start button and a short explanation how the calibration works. The start button performs a quick calibration and then transports you directly into the warp-zone.

The point of view
The game has been redesigned to be played in a way, that the kitten always looks towards you. This is necessary to enhance the visibility of the controller to the VR-System. (Otherwise the head of your plushy might hide the controller.)

In Plushy-Mode the game shows you a hint of how to hold the cat. In Hand-Mode, the kitten is automatically attached to the controller in a proper way. Also, when playing a minigame, the kitten is flipped by 180° to look away from you although you hold it vice versa. Sounds strange but works fine.

Player range optimisation
The positions of all objects were changed so that they are closer to the player and easier to reach. You should now be able to comfortably reach all interactive objects from the seating position. This also avoids constantly popping up the Chaperone system in small play areas.

All collectibles (hearts & unlock medal) will now automatically float into an area in front of the player. So they won't be hidden behind you anymore.

Hand-Mode enhanced
In Hand-Mode there are now dedicated anchor points for each object. So when you place the kitten it will automatically snap to a point where it looks, best performing its action.
Also in Hand-Mode, you now see a hand model instead of a controller. Additionally the size of the kitten is always normal size in this mode.

Enhanced objects
The Rubber-Pool at the beach was completely redesigned. (Just looked to bad.)
We also enhanced the water in all water related objects.

Oculus enhancements
Screen fading (when changing areas) now also works for the Oculus version.
We fixed the laggy / stuttering fishes in fish minigame.

And more minor stuff
The physical behavior of the Fortune Wheel was adjusted to have more randomness and also stop quicker.
Also lots of other minor enhancements and bugfixes.