Nov 6, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.9

Additions :
  • All previous saves will be deleted due to the new Objective System (work in progress, not accessible in this update).
  • New objects (new total is 158)
  • New craft recipies (new total is 57)
  • New researches (new total is 270)
  • Decorations added in R05 - cabins
  • FX added in corridors
Improvements :
  • Main menu buttons stingers are now placed in the 3d space.
  • Changed the "screen freeze" sound and sound system for when temperature is low.
  • When a room containing a Research Panel or a Craft Panel spawns in double, the panels will only exist in one of them.
  • Death screen font changed
Bug Fixes :
  • Missing mesh of teleporter at T|-01 sector 5 has been corrected.
  • Little door unwrap corrected.

Demo available on Steam.
Nov 6, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.9

Additions :
  • All previous saves will be deleted due to the new Objective System (work in progress, not accessible in this update).
  • New objects (new total is 158)
  • New craft recipies (new total is 57)
  • New researches (new total is 270)
  • Decorations added in R05 - cabins
  • FX added in corridors
Improvements :
  • Main menu buttons stingers are now placed in the 3d space.
  • Changed the "screen freeze" sound and sound system for when temperature is low.
  • When a room containing a Research Panel or a Craft Panel spawns in double, the panels will only exist in one of them.
  • Death screen font changed
Bug Fixes :
  • Missing mesh of teleporter at T|-01 sector 5 has been corrected.
  • Little door unwrap corrected.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 30, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.8

Additions :
  • New sound for meteore impacts (event).
  • New stingers for craft, launch research and research finished.
  • New stinger for when you are under 25% health. This one will loop until you feel better...or you are dead.
  • New stinger for when you walk in fire.
  • New Air Recyclers sounds
Improvements :
  • When a research is launched or paused, the needed objects will not be displayed anymore.
  • Changed the way the main menu stingers are played.
  • Updated lightings in rooms R29
  • Scraper States displayed on top of Garbage Cans have been changed to look less like interactable holograms.
  • Scraper States are now displayed on top of Garbage Chutes too.
  • Changed all main menu stingers. You can now play piano if you wish, by aiming at the buttons.
  • Rebaked lightings of R06, R08, R14, R27, R29, R31, R42, R59 and all corridors.
  • VSync and texture quality options rewrited without caps.
Bug Fixes :
  • Animation speed of the arm displaying the panel RoomStat will now be as intended.
  • Added missing collider in T|02 door.
  • Container of holomap in R54-Communication room cannot be opened anymore from afar.
  • Reflection Probe of R14-Secondary Lab will no longer interact with the teleporter walls.
  • Breaches will now repair and disappear as intended.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 30, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.8

Additions :
  • New sound for meteore impacts (event).
  • New stingers for craft, launch research and research finished.
  • New stinger for when you are under 25% health. This one will loop until you feel better...or you are dead.
  • New stinger for when you walk in fire.
  • New Air Recyclers sounds
Improvements :
  • When a research is launched or paused, the needed objects will not be displayed anymore.
  • Changed the way the main menu stingers are played.
  • Updated lightings in rooms R29
  • Scraper States displayed on top of Garbage Cans have been changed to look less like interactable holograms.
  • Scraper States are now displayed on top of Garbage Chutes too.
  • Changed all main menu stingers. You can now play piano if you wish, by aiming at the buttons.
  • Rebaked lightings of R06, R08, R14, R27, R29, R31, R42, R59 and all corridors.
  • VSync and texture quality options rewrited without caps.
Bug Fixes :
  • Animation speed of the arm displaying the panel RoomStat will now be as intended.
  • Added missing collider in T|02 door.
  • Container of holomap in R54-Communication room cannot be opened anymore from afar.
  • Reflection Probe of R14-Secondary Lab will no longer interact with the teleporter walls.
  • Breaches will now repair and disappear as intended.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 23, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.7

Additions :
  • New gameplay system : Ingame events. These events will only occur during the day. 13 different events for now, and only 3 are positives!
  • New musics and music system.
  • New stingers for the main menu buttons.
  • New stinger when you DIE.
  • New sound (baby cry) when your moral is at zero.
  • New sound for the Screen Frost Effect (work in progress).
Improvements :
  • Lightings updated in Main Scene and in rooms R03, R05, R06, R09, R14, R27, R28, R29, R30, R31, R39, R42, R54 and R56
  • When a research is finished, the logs will display the room in which it was finished.
  • Pressure machine now has some moving UI. Work in progress.
  • Roomstat graphics updated
  • Texture added in R42/R29 on the ground to guide the eye of the player towards machines
  • Layout updated and chairs added in R54
  • Typo of the option menu unified and updated
  • Breaches are being lighted correctly. Work in progress.
  • Animation of the arm displaying the panel RoomStat will now be a little faster when releasing.
Bug Fixes :
  • Reflection Probes orientations will now be corrected as intended when a room rotates.
  • Removed blocking collider in R39
  • Occlusion colliders fixed in T|01
  • Breaches will no longer desactivate when they are occluded.
  • Tuto breach will now be placed at the correct position.
  • Added missing collider in T|00 and T|-01

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 23, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.7

Additions :
  • New gameplay system : Ingame events. These events will only occur during the day. 13 different events for now, and only 3 are positives!
  • New musics and music system.
  • New stingers for the main menu buttons.
  • New stinger when you DIE.
  • New sound (baby cry) when your moral is at zero.
  • New sound for the Screen Frost Effect (work in progress).
Improvements :
  • Lightings updated in Main Scene and in rooms R03, R05, R06, R09, R14, R27, R28, R29, R30, R31, R39, R42, R54 and R56
  • When a research is finished, the logs will display the room in which it was finished.
  • Pressure machine now has some moving UI. Work in progress.
  • Roomstat graphics updated
  • Texture added in R42/R29 on the ground to guide the eye of the player towards machines
  • Layout updated and chairs added in R54
  • Typo of the option menu unified and updated
  • Breaches are being lighted correctly. Work in progress.
  • Animation of the arm displaying the panel RoomStat will now be a little faster when releasing.
Bug Fixes :
  • Reflection Probes orientations will now be corrected as intended when a room rotates.
  • Removed blocking collider in R39
  • Occlusion colliders fixed in T|01
  • Breaches will no longer desactivate when they are occluded.
  • Tuto breach will now be placed at the correct position.
  • Added missing collider in T|00 and T|-01

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 16, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.6

Additions :
  • New lightings. Not really a novelty, more a general rollback in quality, but it does resolve all our lightings problems.
Improvements :
  • Added sound and log message when trying to repair an already repaired breach.
  • Descriptions of Oxygen Capsule, Lithium Igniter and Lithium Capacitor have been shortened.
  • Research "Launch" button now plays a sound when highlighted.
  • Opacity of confirmation screens has changed.
  • Craft panel in R56 has changed orders to put "Filtering Mask" and "Clean Filtering Mask" next to each other.
  • Changed materials of breaches for some rooms.
  • Resized sliders in Gameplay options.
  • Air recyclers plants will no longer cast or receive shadows.
  • Repair Audio volume augmented
  • Repair Breach animation works as intended (animation, fx and sound).
  • Real time shadow quality option is now saved and loaded.
Bug Fixes :
  • Craft panel : number of objects refresh as intended.
  • Crosshair now open as intended when aiming at UI buttons.
  • Breach cannot be repaired multiples times during repair animation.
  • Button sounds should now play as intended.
  • Button will no longer loose highlight when hovering for too long.
  • Added missing wall collider at T|-01
  • Added missing door collider at T|00
  • Doors now have a security to be sure they are unoccluded after a teleportation.
  • Resolution dropdown in Graphics options will now display the current resolution by default.
  • Black background in breaches should not appear anymore on top of the breach.
  • Red lights of Circuit Breackers are now placed as intended in R21, R25, R30, R31, R56 and R59
  • Lights of Water Recycling rooms now all have the correct voice helper (telling you it's a light when you aim at it and press the "Voice Tuto" key).
  • No more options for "Baked shadows quality" due to a technical issue.
  • Breach Repair will now consume ressources as intended.
  • Some dirt decals have been moved by a millimeter to avoid flickering.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 16, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.6

Additions :
  • New lightings. Not really a novelty, more a general rollback in quality, but it does resolve all our lightings problems.
Improvements :
  • Added sound and log message when trying to repair an already repaired breach.
  • Descriptions of Oxygen Capsule, Lithium Igniter and Lithium Capacitor have been shortened.
  • Research "Launch" button now plays a sound when highlighted.
  • Opacity of confirmation screens has changed.
  • Craft panel in R56 has changed orders to put "Filtering Mask" and "Clean Filtering Mask" next to each other.
  • Changed materials of breaches for some rooms.
  • Resized sliders in Gameplay options.
  • Air recyclers plants will no longer cast or receive shadows.
  • Repair Audio volume augmented
  • Repair Breach animation works as intended (animation, fx and sound).
  • Real time shadow quality option is now saved and loaded.
Bug Fixes :
  • Craft panel : number of objects refresh as intended.
  • Crosshair now open as intended when aiming at UI buttons.
  • Breach cannot be repaired multiples times during repair animation.
  • Button sounds should now play as intended.
  • Button will no longer loose highlight when hovering for too long.
  • Added missing wall collider at T|-01
  • Added missing door collider at T|00
  • Doors now have a security to be sure they are unoccluded after a teleportation.
  • Resolution dropdown in Graphics options will now display the current resolution by default.
  • Black background in breaches should not appear anymore on top of the breach.
  • Red lights of Circuit Breackers are now placed as intended in R21, R25, R30, R31, R56 and R59
  • Lights of Water Recycling rooms now all have the correct voice helper (telling you it's a light when you aim at it and press the "Voice Tuto" key).
  • No more options for "Baked shadows quality" due to a technical issue.
  • Breach Repair will now consume ressources as intended.
  • Some dirt decals have been moved by a millimeter to avoid flickering.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 10, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.5

Additions :
  • New system of breaches. Much more realistic, but lighting is work in progress. All previous saves will have to be deleted.
  • New stinger at the beginning of a new day. This stinger is different in function of your health compared to the previous day. There are 4 states : good, bad, better or worse.
  • All saves will be deleted on first launch because of incompatibility.
  • New icon added for crafted item.
Improvements :
  • Changed open/close door sounds.
  • Changed Medpod sound : now only one sound and it is completely different.
  • Ingame events now have an IconLog.
  • If an ingame event cannot be done, it will be randomly replaced by another one. Only if none is available will it be discarded.
  • Alarm sounds occlusion will take a little more time (0.2 second to 0.5 second)
  • Updated sound of closing door and big alarm.
  • Unification of the fonts of every interactable interface.
  • New assets added for decoration in multiple rooms.
Bug Fixes :
  • Breaches selection for opening is now randomized as intended.
  • Leaderboard light distance much smaller
  • No more spam of the UI sound when aiming at a button.
  • Research panels should now update texts as intended.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 10, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.5

Additions :
  • New system of breaches. Much more realistic, but lighting is work in progress. All previous saves will have to be deleted.
  • New stinger at the beginning of a new day. This stinger is different in function of your health compared to the previous day. There are 4 states : good, bad, better or worse.
  • All saves will be deleted on first launch because of incompatibility.
  • New icon added for crafted item.
Improvements :
  • Changed open/close door sounds.
  • Changed Medpod sound : now only one sound and it is completely different.
  • Ingame events now have an IconLog.
  • If an ingame event cannot be done, it will be randomly replaced by another one. Only if none is available will it be discarded.
  • Alarm sounds occlusion will take a little more time (0.2 second to 0.5 second)
  • Updated sound of closing door and big alarm.
  • Unification of the fonts of every interactable interface.
  • New assets added for decoration in multiple rooms.
Bug Fixes :
  • Breaches selection for opening is now randomized as intended.
  • Leaderboard light distance much smaller
  • No more spam of the UI sound when aiming at a button.
  • Research panels should now update texts as intended.

Demo available on Steam.