Oct 2, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.4

Additions :
  • Tooltips of saves are now displaying the correct percentage for hunger/thirst/moral/oxygen.
  • When a room is invisible, it will update its stats only once every second instead of every frame. It is a big optimization when there are a lot of problems in the ship (like a full floor on fire).
Improvements :
  • Research and Craft Panels Updated
  • New Alarm sounds.
  • Rebaked lights for R05, R22 and R42
  • Post effects are now desactivated during Splash Screens
  • Buttons of main menu are now all highlighted as intended
  • Buttons of Research and Craft panels are now highlighted as intended
  • All UIs will recalculate their positions for all screen size and ratio
  • Antialiased texts are now a lot more clear from afar
  • Dirt Textures added in R42 and all Storage Bays
  • RoomStat layout updated
  • Texture of the cold atmosphere FX updated
  • The weight carried by the player is now calculated every second instead of every frame
  • Sparadrad sound a lot less agressive.
Bug Fixes :
  • Because of some changes in the ways saves are serialized, all saves will be deleted on first launch.
  • Corrected some negative scale colliders.
  • Heat effect will no longer make anything disappear (UI or Decals).
  • Security added to be sure all lightprobes are correctly rotated inside the rooms.
  • Highlited buttons will no longer "loose focus" and will stay highlighted as long as they should.
  • Save icon is now scaled as intended.
  • Breach tutoriel panel will now always appear with correct rotation.
  • Decoration flickering at T|00 fixed.
  • All colliders with negative scales have been fixed.
  • Screen resolution and full screen options are now saved and loaded as intended.
  • End of day panel appearing during a single frame when launching a new game should not occur again.

Demo available on Steam.
Oct 2, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.4

Additions :
  • Tooltips of saves are now displaying the correct percentage for hunger/thirst/moral/oxygen.
  • When a room is invisible, it will update its stats only once every second instead of every frame. It is a big optimization when there are a lot of problems in the ship (like a full floor on fire).
Improvements :
  • Research and Craft Panels Updated
  • New Alarm sounds.
  • Rebaked lights for R05, R22 and R42
  • Post effects are now desactivated during Splash Screens
  • Buttons of main menu are now all highlighted as intended
  • Buttons of Research and Craft panels are now highlighted as intended
  • All UIs will recalculate their positions for all screen size and ratio
  • Antialiased texts are now a lot more clear from afar
  • Dirt Textures added in R42 and all Storage Bays
  • RoomStat layout updated
  • Texture of the cold atmosphere FX updated
  • The weight carried by the player is now calculated every second instead of every frame
  • Sparadrad sound a lot less agressive.
Bug Fixes :
  • Because of some changes in the ways saves are serialized, all saves will be deleted on first launch.
  • Corrected some negative scale colliders.
  • Heat effect will no longer make anything disappear (UI or Decals).
  • Security added to be sure all lightprobes are correctly rotated inside the rooms.
  • Highlited buttons will no longer "loose focus" and will stay highlighted as long as they should.
  • Save icon is now scaled as intended.
  • Breach tutoriel panel will now always appear with correct rotation.
  • Decoration flickering at T|00 fixed.
  • All colliders with negative scales have been fixed.
  • Screen resolution and full screen options are now saved and loaded as intended.
  • End of day panel appearing during a single frame when launching a new game should not occur again.

Demo available on Steam.
Sep 25, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - pHxs /Nosound

Patch note v0.98.3

Additions :
  • A little UI on top of Trash Cans informs the player if the Scraper is ON or OFF
  • New icon for craft item
  • 3 new sounds for objects : Bandage, Oxygen Capsule and Lighter
  • New continuous sound in R29-Electric Accumulator for the desk
Improvements :
  • Research panels updated
  • Option menu updated
  • When option menu is displayed, post effects are desactivated to avoid non-intended behaviour.
  • Wall decoration updated (new assets in T-1/T-2)
  • Added ground lights in R03 (escape pods) and changed colors of older ones.
  • Hunger sound volume now depends on hunger value.
  • Medpod and Bodyscanner now occlude other sounds when used.
  • Camera Headbob now stops smoothly without hiccups.
Bug Fixes :
  • Icon logs won't touch each other anymore.
  • Option windows will not stay in place when you loose/regain focus of the game window. It should now behave as intended.
  • Minimum FOV is now 45 instead of 30
  • Crosshair scale corrected. Should not appear compressed anymore.
  • Research panel in R29 now disappear correctly when the desk close.
  • Heat effect no longer makes crosshair disappear.
  • Dimensions of Reflection Probes of cabins are now precisely the good size, so it will no longer interact with other cabins.
  • Lots of inventory debug. You can now use objects in container even if your inventory is empty, and the sounds played should work as intended.
  • You can no longer display the options menu when you are using bodyscanner or medpod.
  • Tutorial panel for containers now appear at the intended position.
  • Options for Screen resolution and full screen are not saved anymore until a bug is fixed

Demo available on Steam.
Sep 25, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.3

Additions :
  • A little UI on top of Trash Cans informs the player if the Scraper is ON or OFF
  • New icon for craft item
  • 3 new sounds for objects : Bandage, Oxygen Capsule and Lighter
  • New continuous sound in R29-Electric Accumulator for the desk
Improvements :
  • Research panels updated
  • Option menu updated
  • When option menu is displayed, post effects are desactivated to avoid non-intended behaviour.
  • Wall decoration updated (new assets in T-1/T-2)
  • Added ground lights in R03 (escape pods) and changed colors of older ones.
  • Hunger sound volume now depends on hunger value.
  • Medpod and Bodyscanner now occlude other sounds when used.
  • Camera Headbob now stops smoothly without hiccups.
Bug Fixes :
  • Icon logs won't touch each other anymore.
  • Option windows will not stay in place when you loose/regain focus of the game window. It should now behave as intended.
  • Minimum FOV is now 45 instead of 30
  • Crosshair scale corrected. Should not appear compressed anymore.
  • Research panel in R29 now disappear correctly when the desk close.
  • Heat effect no longer makes crosshair disappear.
  • Dimensions of Reflection Probes of cabins are now precisely the good size, so it will no longer interact with other cabins.
  • Lots of inventory debug. You can now use objects in container even if your inventory is empty, and the sounds played should work as intended.
  • You can no longer display the options menu when you are using bodyscanner or medpod.
  • Tutorial panel for containers now appear at the intended position.
  • Options for Screen resolution and full screen are not saved anymore until a bug is fixed

Demo available on Steam.
Sep 17, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - Ɯαß_Hashgrid

Patch note v0.98.2

Additions :
  • Flashlight + input option
Improvements :
  • Lighting improvement still in process.
  • Dirt texture added in R22/R29/R39
  • Minimap updated. It is now more understandable.
  • Decoration assets in the corridor improved.
  • Craft Panel updated.
  • Last research icon updated and added new icon for the craft panel.
  • Safety warning texture added on some machines.
  • Changed Teleport stinger for the 3 central floors (now a little longer).
  • Changed all interfaces behavior to adapt the game for VR. For the moment you should not see any difference when you play on PC (as intended).
  • Changed all lightings (new version of Unity's Enlighten. More optimized).
Bug Fixes :
  • Container of Heater in R42-Temperature control should now work as intended
  • Craft panel titles are now aligned to the left so there will no longer be big spaces if the title is too short.
  • Death screen will correctly unlock cursor.

Demo available on Steam
Sep 17, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.2

Additions :
  • Flashlight + input option
Improvements :
  • Lighting improvement still in process.
  • Dirt texture added in R22/R29/R39
  • Minimap updated. It is now more understandable.
  • Decoration assets in the corridor improved.
  • Craft Panel updated.
  • Last research icon updated and added new icon for the craft panel.
  • Safety warning texture added on some machines.
  • Changed Teleport stinger for the 3 central floors (now a little longer).
  • Changed all interfaces behavior to adapt the game for VR. For the moment you should not see any difference when you play on PC (as intended).
  • Changed all lightings (new version of Unity's Enlighten. More optimized).
Bug Fixes :
  • Container of Heater in R42-Temperature control should now work as intended
  • Craft panel titles are now aligned to the left so there will no longer be big spaces if the title is too short.
  • Death screen will correctly unlock cursor.

Demo available on Steam
Sep 11, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - pHxs /Nosound

Patch note v0.98.1

Additions :
  • End of day countdown music
  • Many new items (new total is 149)
  • New craft recipies (new total is 52)
  • Added some decoration assets on some Walls and junctions of corridors (work in progress)
  • Flashlight (can be activated with G, input option will come next update, work in progress)
Improvements :
  • Craft and Research panels graphics updated.
  • Changed description of many objects of category Materials.
  • Updated FX of main menu buttons.
  • Updated graphics of locked craft panel (no more horizontal lines and changed text).
  • Updated a lot of rooms lightings.
  • Changed volumes of some stingers.
  • Changed bodyscanner message
  • Eggplant description changed
  • Updated and optimized lightings for R05-Cabin
  • Added working tables in R28-Laboratory
  • Added frost FX in temperature control room.
  • Updated glove texture.
  • Layout of R22-Cockpit has changed, and added some holograms
  • R29 - Energy Room now have different specular textures adapted for the new lighting.
  • Room discovery stinger general length corrected to 12 seconds for big rooms
  • Remixed Water recycling room R31 stinger and added waterphone to the mix
  • Medical bay room R09 stinger redone
  • Pression room R39 stinger completely redesigned
Bug Fixes :
  • You can no longer craft during the night.
  • Button new game can no longer be clicked when in the options.
  • New hologram in R22-Cockpit will no longer interfere with Holomap in R54-Communication Room.
  • If leaderboards cannot be found, a message will be displayed on them.
  • Research Energy calculation will be correctly updated when using Lithium Capacitor or Lithium Igniter

Demo also available on Steam.
Sep 11, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98.1

Additions :
  • End of day countdown music
  • Many new items (new total is 149)
  • New craft recipies (new total is 52)
  • Added some decoration assets on some Walls and junctions of corridors (work in progress)
  • Flashlight (can be activated with G, input option will come next update, work in progress)
Improvements :
  • Craft and Research panels graphics updated.
  • Changed description of many objects of category Materials.
  • Updated FX of main menu buttons.
  • Updated graphics of locked craft panel (no more horizontal lines and changed text).
  • Updated a lot of rooms lightings.
  • Changed volumes of some stingers.
  • Changed bodyscanner message
  • Eggplant description changed
  • Updated and optimized lightings for R05-Cabin
  • Added working tables in R28-Laboratory
  • Added frost FX in temperature control room.
  • Updated glove texture.
  • Layout of R22-Cockpit has changed, and added some holograms
  • R29 - Energy Room now have different specular textures adapted for the new lighting.
  • Room discovery stinger general length corrected to 12 seconds for big rooms
  • Remixed Water recycling room R31 stinger and added waterphone to the mix
  • Medical bay room R09 stinger redone
  • Pression room R39 stinger completely redesigned
Bug Fixes :
  • You can no longer craft during the night.
  • Button new game can no longer be clicked when in the options.
  • New hologram in R22-Cockpit will no longer interfere with Holomap in R54-Communication Room.
  • If leaderboards cannot be found, a message will be displayed on them.
  • Research Energy calculation will be correctly updated when using Lithium Capacitor or Lithium Igniter

Demo also available on Steam.
Sep 2, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98

Additions :
  • New Gameplay: craft.
  • New lightings. A lot better (like 4 times harder for your computer) but work in progress to calibrate and optimize this new way of baking lights.
  • New researches and new effect : some researches are needed to unlock some craft panels.
  • Lots of new objects and new object category : Unique
  • When a breach open, debris and scraps can be found in the room.
  • New sound for eating ration packs
  • New stinger for Infirmary
  • Research Icons of R39, R42, R54, R29, R30 and R28 Panel 2.
Improvements :
  • Fire will grow 2,5 times faster
  • Fire will now make you loose life 10 times faster (maximum 25 per second).
  • Fire can now burn you every 5 seconds instead of every 10 seconds.
  • Fire will now increase temperature 5 times faster (0.5 °C per second)
  • Changed repair sound.
  • Acrycine makes you loose life 40% faster.
  • The breathing speed of acrycine has been diminished a little.
  • Base weight you can carry is now 250 (instead of 400)
  • Minimum weight the player can carry is now 100 (instead of 200).
  • Small Vibrating Stick will no longer give cable when placed in the scraper
  • Inputs layout changed : "Take full stack" and "Take half stack" are now placed under "Transfer Object" for easier readability.
  • Changed values for research Decay Prevention. Now uses more Process.
  • Researches buttons can be clicked with either right or left click.
  • Cracks sounds are now played with a lot more delay.
  • Changed some stingers volumes.
  • Little change made to the room Stingers of Electric Accumulator (more electrical feeling) and Cockpit (more clear sound).
  • Hologram FX in Main Menu have been added to the buttons/menus.
  • Changed some texts on Research Panels
  • Added time to teleporters. Now you should not see the level instantiate in front of you.
  • Updated FX of research panel.
  • Changed text on research panel : "Est. time" becomes "Est. finish time".
Bug Fixes :
  • The ":" separating hours and minutes on the Panel Room Stats is now displayed as intended (it was hidden because of a UI bug).
  • Debugged text of malus research. Should now update itself when a research is finished.
  • Debugged Research text. They should not disappear anymore without explainations.
  • The last object of the researches recipies will correctly clean itself when no recipie is displayed.

Demo also available on Steam.
Sep 2, 2016
Drift Into Eternity - We Are Bots Studio

Patch note v0.98

Additions :
  • New Gameplay: craft.
  • New lightings. A lot better (like 4 times harder for your computer) but work in progress to calibrate and optimize this new way of baking lights.
  • New researches and new effect : some researches are needed to unlock some craft panels.
  • Lots of new objects and new object category : Unique
  • When a breach open, debris and scraps can be found in the room.
  • New sound for eating ration packs
  • New stinger for Infirmary
  • Research Icons of R39, R42, R54, R29, R30 and R28 Panel 2.
Improvements :
  • Fire will grow 2,5 times faster
  • Fire will now make you loose life 10 times faster (maximum 25 per second).
  • Fire can now burn you every 5 seconds instead of every 10 seconds.
  • Fire will now increase temperature 5 times faster (0.5 °C per second)
  • Changed repair sound.
  • Acrycine makes you loose life 40% faster.
  • The breathing speed of acrycine has been diminished a little.
  • Base weight you can carry is now 250 (instead of 400)
  • Minimum weight the player can carry is now 100 (instead of 200).
  • Small Vibrating Stick will no longer give cable when placed in the scraper
  • Inputs layout changed : "Take full stack" and "Take half stack" are now placed under "Transfer Object" for easier readability.
  • Changed values for research Decay Prevention. Now uses more Process.
  • Researches buttons can be clicked with either right or left click.
  • Cracks sounds are now played with a lot more delay.
  • Changed some stingers volumes.
  • Little change made to the room Stingers of Electric Accumulator (more electrical feeling) and Cockpit (more clear sound).
  • Hologram FX in Main Menu have been added to the buttons/menus.
  • Changed some texts on Research Panels
  • Added time to teleporters. Now you should not see the level instantiate in front of you.
  • Updated FX of research panel.
  • Changed text on research panel : "Est. time" becomes "Est. finish time".
Bug Fixes :
  • The ":" separating hours and minutes on the Panel Room Stats is now displayed as intended (it was hidden because of a UI bug).
  • Debugged text of malus research. Should now update itself when a research is finished.
  • Debugged Research text. They should not disappear anymore without explainations.
  • The last object of the researches recipies will correctly clean itself when no recipie is displayed.

Demo also available on Steam.