The Black Death - [SIG]Dmitri

To submit your nominations please go HERE:

Greetings Players,

As you know, The Black Death has been in development for a while, and we were lucky to have so many talented and motivated players helping us in our work. Our team has been seeking for ways to say thank you to the community, and a couple of months ago we asked you to fill a special form providing your details, which we would then review and choose those who we thought deserved to receive a Gold name in game. However, we quickly realised that it would be unfair for us to fully control this process, and we wanted to give you a chance to endorse those who you think have put a significant contribution to the development of The Black Death.

This is why we decided to keep the best ideas while bringing some innovation to the rewards process. Today we would like to give YOU the opportunity to nominate your fellow players for the prestigious Founders title and a Gold name in game. That’s right, it is now you, the community, who will be choosing the Founders. We are still going to play a part in this, but it will be limited to making the final decisions on the top nominations, and those will be based completely on your feedback.

The Founders title and a Gold name will be given as a reward to those awesome players who have participated in The Black Death community in various ways, including guiding new players, reporting bugs, actively participating in the forums or giving us gameplay suggestions. These players can be easily distinguished from other community members.

These are the rewards that the Founders will get:

  1. Gold name in game (Steam account specific)
  2. Gold status on our official Discord
  3. Entry on the Founders’ list on our website

Here is why someone might be nominated:

  • Actively participating in discussions in the forums and Discord, beyond the average player
  • Helping new users, writing guides and hosting events
  • Reporting bugs in a timely manner, leading to solutions
  • Always being polite and constructive, be it in game or on the forums
  • Long-term and passionate supporter of The Black Death, spreading the word about the game online and offline


  • You cannot nominate yourself, but you can nominate multiple players.
  • All nominations must have a description for why this particular player is nominated. Nominations without descriptions will not be considered.
  • We will be reviewing all nominations, and we will be fairly easy in giving out the rewards, provided that good reasoning for nominations is given by other players.
  • We will be using Steam forums to collect nominations.
  • You will have two weeks to submit your nominations. We will not accept submissions after that period.

To submit your nominations please go HERE:
The Black Death - Dmitri

To submit your nominations please go HERE:

Greetings Players,

As you know, The Black Death has been in development for a while, and we were lucky to have so many talented and motivated players helping us in our work. Our team has been seeking for ways to say thank you to the community, and a couple of months ago we asked you to fill a special form providing your details, which we would then review and choose those who we thought deserved to receive a Gold name in game. However, we quickly realised that it would be unfair for us to fully control this process, and we wanted to give you a chance to endorse those who you think have put a significant contribution to the development of The Black Death.

This is why we decided to keep the best ideas while bringing some innovation to the rewards process. Today we would like to give YOU the opportunity to nominate your fellow players for the prestigious Founders title and a Gold name in game. That’s right, it is now you, the community, who will be choosing the Founders. We are still going to play a part in this, but it will be limited to making the final decisions on the top nominations, and those will be based completely on your feedback.

The Founders title and a Gold name will be given as a reward to those awesome players who have participated in The Black Death community in various ways, including guiding new players, reporting bugs, actively participating in the forums or giving us gameplay suggestions. These players can be easily distinguished from other community members.

These are the rewards that the Founders will get:

  1. Gold name in game (Steam account specific)
  2. Gold status on our official Discord
  3. Entry on the Founders’ list on our website

Here is why someone might be nominated:

  • Actively participating in discussions in the forums and Discord, beyond the average player
  • Helping new users, writing guides and hosting events
  • Reporting bugs in a timely manner, leading to solutions
  • Always being polite and constructive, be it in game or on the forums
  • Long-term and passionate supporter of The Black Death, spreading the word about the game online and offline


  • You cannot nominate yourself, but you can nominate multiple players.
  • All nominations must have a description for why this particular player is nominated. Nominations without descriptions will not be considered.
  • We will be reviewing all nominations, and we will be fairly easy in giving out the rewards, provided that good reasoning for nominations is given by other players.
  • We will be using Steam forums to collect nominations.
  • You will have two weeks to submit your nominations. We will not accept submissions after that period.

To submit your nominations please go HERE:
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #61!

For this weeks Dev Blog we are taking a sneak peek look into our brand new Siege Machines, important details about V0.26 including when to expect the update, our planned server wipes and info on how to download and access the Beta branch.

Dev Update: Siege Machinery Teasers!

We hope you have been enjoying our teasers for our new Building System that is coming in V0.26, more details on when to expect V0.26 are in the next section of this Dev Blog. This week we wanted to show you all what we have also been working on, along side our new Building System, in the form of brand new Siege Machinery, it’s time to get Medieval!

We have three different machines that you will be able to build in The Black Death, these are the Trebuchet, Catapult and Ballista. Each of these feature their own unique animations for firing and reloading as well as having physics too.

These machines will be perfect for assaulting enemy bases and structures that have been built by players from our new Building System. If you see a castle style wall, hacking away at one with your sword just won’t do, one of these machines however would be perfect for the job!

First up we have the Trebuchet. This is it’s firing animation, see how this also has physics on some of it’s elements. Trebuchets were often used to fire objects at and over castle walls. These were much easier to reload than catapults.

This is the reloading animation for the Trebuchet, it may seem slow to wind, but there is a lot of power behind that swing.

Secondly we have the Catapult. This one has a much faster firing speed and animation. Catapults would often fire things such as large rocks, pots of fire, arrows and more at castle walls.

This is the reloading animation for the Catapult. This is faster than the Trebuchet, but does not pack as much power behind its throw, as such it can be reloaded quicker for a faster attack.

Lastly, we have the Ballista. This has a much faster fire rate than the Trebuchet and Catapult! You would not want to walk in front of one of these when it was active! These are great for a constant barrage in an attack.

V0.26 Update Information & Planned Full Server Wipes

When will V0.26 be making it’s way to the Live servers?

We are going to be aiming to have V0.26 releasing into a Live status onto our Official Servers on Friday 30th March. This is not set in stone as we cannot plan for issues that may arise on the day of the updates release.

If this date changes we will be sure to post announcements around our Steam forums and social platforms to ensure that everyone is up to date with the status of the release of V0.26.

Why are the wipes happening?

Due to the updates and fixes for our V0.26 update we will have to perform server wipes for all of our official servers (including the EU Mega Server). These wipes are necessary for the new updates and fixes to take effect and in particular the new Building System.

Our new Building System is a complete overhaul and rework of our previous Player Housing system, and as such player and housing data will be completely different as the systems have change drastically.

This also ensures that we can have a clean slate with less errors, issues and bugs from the outset of our new V0.26 update.

What is being wiped, and which servers are affected?

The wipe will clear ALL character saves and ALL Housing Saves on ALL official servers. This includes all unlocked recipes, un-spent skill points, held items, Gold, any owned Houses including Storage Chests and also Player owned Kingdoms.

This will essentially “reset” all our Servers back to a clean slate, and also helps to ensure a minimal amount of errors, issues and bugs.

If you have played on a Community hosted server (which would be any Server that is NOT in our Official SIG Server List) these MAY need updating by the server owner, although this could be done automatically if they are paying for the Server, they will need to check with their hosts!)

You can see the full list of our Official Servers over here on our Steam forums: SIG Official Server List

Announcing The Introduction Of A North American Mega Server

When we announced our Europe Mega Server originally we were met with an overall good response from the community in their wishes to have one setup for The Black Death.

Since then we have been taking your suggestions, feedback and requests onboard for another Mega Server. We have been discussing this internally in the office and as a team we have decided to announce that we will be opening a North America Mega Server in the near future.

We are in contact with a server provider in getting this setup, when the server is official up and running we will have a formal announcement on our news platforms.

How To Download Our Beta Branch & Send Bug Reports

As always, if you do find any bugs or issues when playing on our Beta Test Server please fill in a Bug Report over on our Google Bug Form , every bug counts! When submitting bugs make sure to always select the Beta option in the drop down when playing on the Beta branch that looks like this “Version V0.26 (Beta)”.

To download our Beta branch follow these steps:
  • Make sure The Black Death is closed and not running.

  • Go to your Steam Client and navigate to your Steam Games Library.

  • Right click on “The Black Death” and select “Properties”.

  • Navigate to the far right tab that reads “Betas” and select it.

  • Using the drop down menu, select “Beta – Beta test branch” and select Close.

  • In a few moments Steam should start to download the Beta branch of The Black Death.

  • To switch back to The Black Death “Live” build. Simply follow steps 1 through 5 and then select “None – Opt out of all beta programs”

To ensure that The Black Death is kept up-to-date before other games, select the “Updates” tab. Then click on the drop down menu and select “High Priority – Always auto-update this game before others”.

Take a look at the image below. If the title is missing the [beta] you have the “Live” branch installed.

Beta Playthrough Survey

There is now a Google Form that will appear in your web browser once The black Death has been closed after playing. This form will only load in your browser if you have been playing on the Beta branch.

If you have been playing on our Beta branch, when you have finished your play session and have closed The Black Death, a Google Form should open in your default web browser. This is designed to help us gather feedback from your play session on the Beta, and to help us get a clear impression of your thoughts after playing. We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Thank you in advance for your submissions.

If for some reason the Google Form does not load in your web browser, or if you accidentally close it, here is a link to the form.

The Black Death Beta Playthrough Form

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and we will see you next time!

// The SIG Team

To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #61!

For this weeks Dev Blog we are taking a sneak peek look into our brand new Siege Machines, important details about V0.26 including when to expect the update, our planned server wipes and info on how to download and access the Beta branch.

Dev Update: Siege Machinery Teasers!

We hope you have been enjoying our teasers for our new Building System that is coming in V0.26, more details on when to expect V0.26 are in the next section of this Dev Blog. This week we wanted to show you all what we have also been working on, along side our new Building System, in the form of brand new Siege Machinery, it’s time to get Medieval!

We have three different machines that you will be able to build in The Black Death, these are the Trebuchet, Catapult and Ballista. Each of these feature their own unique animations for firing and reloading as well as having physics too.

These machines will be perfect for assaulting enemy bases and structures that have been built by players from our new Building System. If you see a castle style wall, hacking away at one with your sword just won’t do, one of these machines however would be perfect for the job!

First up we have the Trebuchet. This is it’s firing animation, see how this also has physics on some of it’s elements. Trebuchets were often used to fire objects at and over castle walls. These were much easier to reload than catapults.

This is the reloading animation for the Trebuchet, it may seem slow to wind, but there is a lot of power behind that swing.

Secondly we have the Catapult. This one has a much faster firing speed and animation. Catapults would often fire things such as large rocks, pots of fire, arrows and more at castle walls.

This is the reloading animation for the Catapult. This is faster than the Trebuchet, but does not pack as much power behind its throw, as such it can be reloaded quicker for a faster attack.

Lastly, we have the Ballista. This has a much faster fire rate than the Trebuchet and Catapult! You would not want to walk in front of one of these when it was active! These are great for a constant barrage in an attack.

V0.26 Update Information & Planned Full Server Wipes

When will V0.26 be making it’s way to the Live servers?

We are going to be aiming to have V0.26 releasing into a Live status onto our Official Servers on Friday 30th March. This is not set in stone as we cannot plan for issues that may arise on the day of the updates release.

If this date changes we will be sure to post announcements around our Steam forums and social platforms to ensure that everyone is up to date with the status of the release of V0.26.

Why are the wipes happening?

Due to the updates and fixes for our V0.26 update we will have to perform server wipes for all of our official servers (including the EU Mega Server). These wipes are necessary for the new updates and fixes to take effect and in particular the new Building System.

Our new Building System is a complete overhaul and rework of our previous Player Housing system, and as such player and housing data will be completely different as the systems have change drastically.

This also ensures that we can have a clean slate with less errors, issues and bugs from the outset of our new V0.26 update.

What is being wiped, and which servers are affected?

The wipe will clear ALL character saves and ALL Housing Saves on ALL official servers. This includes all unlocked recipes, un-spent skill points, held items, Gold, any owned Houses including Storage Chests and also Player owned Kingdoms.

This will essentially “reset” all our Servers back to a clean slate, and also helps to ensure a minimal amount of errors, issues and bugs.

If you have played on a Community hosted server (which would be any Server that is NOT in our Official SIG Server List) these MAY need updating by the server owner, although this could be done automatically if they are paying for the Server, they will need to check with their hosts!)

You can see the full list of our Official Servers over here on our Steam forums: SIG Official Server List

Announcing The Introduction Of A North American Mega Server

When we announced our Europe Mega Server originally we were met with an overall good response from the community in their wishes to have one setup for The Black Death.

Since then we have been taking your suggestions, feedback and requests onboard for another Mega Server. We have been discussing this internally in the office and as a team we have decided to announce that we will be opening a North America Mega Server in the near future.

We are in contact with a server provider in getting this setup, when the server is official up and running we will have a formal announcement on our news platforms.

How To Download Our Beta Branch & Send Bug Reports

As always, if you do find any bugs or issues when playing on our Beta Test Server please fill in a Bug Report over on our Google Bug Form , every bug counts! When submitting bugs make sure to always select the Beta option in the drop down when playing on the Beta branch that looks like this “Version V0.26 (Beta)”.

To download our Beta branch follow these steps:
  • Make sure The Black Death is closed and not running.

  • Go to your Steam Client and navigate to your Steam Games Library.

  • Right click on “The Black Death” and select “Properties”.

  • Navigate to the far right tab that reads “Betas” and select it.

  • Using the drop down menu, select “Beta – Beta test branch” and select Close.

  • In a few moments Steam should start to download the Beta branch of The Black Death.

  • To switch back to The Black Death “Live” build. Simply follow steps 1 through 5 and then select “None – Opt out of all beta programs”

To ensure that The Black Death is kept up-to-date before other games, select the “Updates” tab. Then click on the drop down menu and select “High Priority – Always auto-update this game before others”.

Take a look at the image below. If the title is missing the [beta] you have the “Live” branch installed.

Beta Playthrough Survey

There is now a Google Form that will appear in your web browser once The black Death has been closed after playing. This form will only load in your browser if you have been playing on the Beta branch.

If you have been playing on our Beta branch, when you have finished your play session and have closed The Black Death, a Google Form should open in your default web browser. This is designed to help us gather feedback from your play session on the Beta, and to help us get a clear impression of your thoughts after playing. We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Thank you in advance for your submissions.

If for some reason the Google Form does not load in your web browser, or if you accidentally close it, here is a link to the form.

The Black Death Beta Playthrough Form

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and we will see you next time!

// The SIG Team

To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #60!

For this weeks Dev Blog we are taking another look into our new Building System with some more tasty information for you all along with some juicy new images of examples of what you will be able to build. We also have a new Beta, with info on how to download and access the Beta branch and some Community extras at the end.

Dev Update: New Building System

The New building system has had another revision to improve it's gameplay loop. "buildable land" will be in certain parts of the world and will be easily accessed, you are free to build anything on this land until it has been "claimed" by a player. Their land claim will block any other player within a radius being able to build there, the land claim and it's blocking radius also handles permissions so players can add their friends to the list and let them use their doors and build on their land.

This new revision allows players to use the system quickly and also have longer games of attrition against others or even cooperative build extremely large villages, town and castles since we will be only implementing much larger areas throughout the world that you can build on.

Beta Patch Notes

  • In char create made per profession attribute increase gold colour so they stand out more
  • Pressing quickslot 0 will now cancel a building placement
  • Added time building time remaining under cross hair when crafting
  • Added a pop-up to tell players when they are on buildable ground
  • Added a pop-up to tell players when the object they are trying to build requires buildable ground
  • Made profession increase on attributes in the inventory easier to read
  • Updated version number

  • Fix added to bug that caused players to occasionally be unable to interact with anything in their inventory after levelling up
  • Fixed bug where objects could get profession prefix if you hover from a person the directly to an object
  • Fixed bug which stopped attributes profession increase for mason to not show
  • Fixed selecting Mason profession in character create filling in at the top with “Militia”
  • Fixed misc spelling mistakes
  • Fixed bug with beds to do with the new building which meant players couldn't spawn
  • Fixed a bug that allowed houses to be built on top of houses
  • Fixed collisions to stop preventing walls being built next to walls
  • Fixed collisions to allow building utilities inside houses
  • Fixed collisions to allow cosmetics items to be placed inside houses
  • Fixed collisions for doors so they can be placed in door frames and gatehouses
  • Fixed Gatehouse meshes to allow for doors to be built inside
  • Fixed Pivots so rotations of some objects are lined up correctly
  • Fixed workbench so it can now be placed from the hotbar
  • Fixed so houses now save the correct position after building

How To Download Our Beta Branch & Send Bug Reports

As always, if you do find any bugs or issues when playing on our Beta Test Server please fill in a Bug Report over on our Google Bug Form , every bug counts! When submitting bugs make sure to always select the Beta option in the drop down when playing on the Beta branch that looks like this “Version V0.26 (Beta)”.

To download our Beta branch follow these steps:

  • Make sure The Black Death is closed and not running.
  • Go to your Steam Client and navigate to your Steam Games Library.
  • Right click on "The Black Death" and select "Properties".
  • Navigate to the far right tab that reads "Betas" and select it.
  • Using the drop down menu, select "Beta - Beta test branch" and select Close.
  • In a few moments Steam should start to download the Beta branch of The Black Death.
  • To switch back to The Black Death "Live" build. Simply navigate to "Properties", "Betas" and then select "None - Opt out of all beta programs"

To ensure that The Black Death is kept up-to-date before other games, select the "Updates" tab. Then click on the drop down menu and select "High Priority - Always auto-update this game before others".

Take a look at the image below and match it to The Black Death in your Steam Games Library If the title is missing the [beta] you have the "Live" branch installed.

Beta Playthrough Survey

There is now a Google Form that will appear in your web browser once The black Death has been closed after playing. This form will only load in your browser if you have been playing on the Beta branch.

If you have been playing on our Beta branch, when you have finished your play session and have closed The Black Death, a Google Form should open in your default web browser. This is designed to help us gather feedback from your play session on the Beta, and to help us get a clear impression of your thoughts after playing. We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Thank you in advance for your submissions.

If for some reason the Google Form does not load in your web browser, or if you accidentally close it, here is a link to the form.

The Black Death Beta Playthrough Form

Community Extras

Request A Feature Form Reminder

Our Request A Feature form is our new streamlined way of receiving community suggestions and feedback on our current systems and features in game. The data from our Trello Board has been saved and added to the sheet that is linked to our new form.

If you would like to submit a request for a feature or a suggestion for a current feature in The Black Death, please fill out the embedded Google Form over on our website here Dev Blog #60: Dev Update, Beta Patch Notes, Beta Branch Info & Community Extras

If you cannot see the form over on our Dev Blog, you can use the link below.

Request A Feature For The Black Death

New Steam Forum Sticky - Helpful Links

We have a new Steam forum sticky post with all of our social links, community, news, features, technical help links and more. This is a good one to have in your bookmarks if you want a quick and easy place to have all our sites handy. Be sure to share this with your fellow adventurers!

Social, Community, News, Technical Help & Official Guide Links!

New Player Written Book

We have received a new player written book, a big thank you to Lapin_r for sending this in to us, it's a great read for sure and we can't wait to get this in game for you all to find and have a read yourselves. It is a guide book about the Plague and is also written in character based on the time period of The Black Death itself. Keep an eye out for this one in a future update!

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and we will see you next time!

// The SIG Team
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #60!

For this weeks Dev Blog we are taking another look into our new Building System with some more tasty information for you all along with some juicy new images of examples of what you will be able to build. We also have a new Beta, with info on how to download and access the Beta branch and some Community extras at the end.

Dev Update: New Building System

The New building system has had another revision to improve it's gameplay loop. "buildable land" will be in certain parts of the world and will be easily accessed, you are free to build anything on this land until it has been "claimed" by a player. Their land claim will block any other player within a radius being able to build there, the land claim and it's blocking radius also handles permissions so players can add their friends to the list and let them use their doors and build on their land.

This new revision allows players to use the system quickly and also have longer games of attrition against others or even cooperative build extremely large villages, town and castles since we will be only implementing much larger areas throughout the world that you can build on.

Beta Patch Notes

  • In char create made per profession attribute increase gold colour so they stand out more
  • Pressing quickslot 0 will now cancel a building placement
  • Added time building time remaining under cross hair when crafting
  • Added a pop-up to tell players when they are on buildable ground
  • Added a pop-up to tell players when the object they are trying to build requires buildable ground
  • Made profession increase on attributes in the inventory easier to read
  • Updated version number

  • Fix added to bug that caused players to occasionally be unable to interact with anything in their inventory after levelling up
  • Fixed bug where objects could get profession prefix if you hover from a person the directly to an object
  • Fixed bug which stopped attributes profession increase for mason to not show
  • Fixed selecting Mason profession in character create filling in at the top with “Militia”
  • Fixed misc spelling mistakes
  • Fixed bug with beds to do with the new building which meant players couldn't spawn
  • Fixed a bug that allowed houses to be built on top of houses
  • Fixed collisions to stop preventing walls being built next to walls
  • Fixed collisions to allow building utilities inside houses
  • Fixed collisions to allow cosmetics items to be placed inside houses
  • Fixed collisions for doors so they can be placed in door frames and gatehouses
  • Fixed Gatehouse meshes to allow for doors to be built inside
  • Fixed Pivots so rotations of some objects are lined up correctly
  • Fixed workbench so it can now be placed from the hotbar
  • Fixed so houses now save the correct position after building

How To Download Our Beta Branch & Send Bug Reports

As always, if you do find any bugs or issues when playing on our Beta Test Server please fill in a Bug Report over on our Google Bug Form , every bug counts! When submitting bugs make sure to always select the Beta option in the drop down when playing on the Beta branch that looks like this “Version V0.26 (Beta)”.

To download our Beta branch follow these steps:

  • Make sure The Black Death is closed and not running.
  • Go to your Steam Client and navigate to your Steam Games Library.
  • Right click on "The Black Death" and select "Properties".
  • Navigate to the far right tab that reads "Betas" and select it.
  • Using the drop down menu, select "Beta - Beta test branch" and select Close.
  • In a few moments Steam should start to download the Beta branch of The Black Death.
  • To switch back to The Black Death "Live" build. Simply navigate to "Properties", "Betas" and then select "None - Opt out of all beta programs"

To ensure that The Black Death is kept up-to-date before other games, select the "Updates" tab. Then click on the drop down menu and select "High Priority - Always auto-update this game before others".

Take a look at the image below and match it to The Black Death in your Steam Games Library If the title is missing the [beta] you have the "Live" branch installed.

Beta Playthrough Survey

There is now a Google Form that will appear in your web browser once The black Death has been closed after playing. This form will only load in your browser if you have been playing on the Beta branch.

If you have been playing on our Beta branch, when you have finished your play session and have closed The Black Death, a Google Form should open in your default web browser. This is designed to help us gather feedback from your play session on the Beta, and to help us get a clear impression of your thoughts after playing. We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Thank you in advance for your submissions.

If for some reason the Google Form does not load in your web browser, or if you accidentally close it, here is a link to the form.

The Black Death Beta Playthrough Form

Community Extras

Request A Feature Form Reminder

Our Request A Feature form is our new streamlined way of receiving community suggestions and feedback on our current systems and features in game. The data from our Trello Board has been saved and added to the sheet that is linked to our new form.

If you would like to submit a request for a feature or a suggestion for a current feature in The Black Death, please fill out the embedded Google Form over on our website here Dev Blog #60: Dev Update, Beta Patch Notes, Beta Branch Info & Community Extras

If you cannot see the form over on our Dev Blog, you can use the link below.

Request A Feature For The Black Death

New Steam Forum Sticky - Helpful Links

We have a new Steam forum sticky post with all of our social links, community, news, features, technical help links and more. This is a good one to have in your bookmarks if you want a quick and easy place to have all our sites handy. Be sure to share this with your fellow adventurers!

Social, Community, News, Technical Help & Official Guide Links!

New Player Written Book

We have received a new player written book, a big thank you to Lapin_r for sending this in to us, it's a great read for sure and we can't wait to get this in game for you all to find and have a read yourselves. It is a guide book about the Plague and is also written in character based on the time period of The Black Death itself. Keep an eye out for this one in a future update!

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and we will see you next time!

// The SIG Team
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Hello adventurers and welcome to Issue #6 of our Community Showcase!

Our Showcase featured image this week is from Steam user EK.i ¦ Aleysiia !

Every other Friday we will be taking a look at what you, the Community have been getting up to in the world of Mercia. Grab your favourite hot drink and pull up a chair next to the fire and join us for Issue 6 of our Showcase.

Steam Community Gallery

Here’s a selection of 7 screenshots picked from our Steam Community hub!

Credit goes to:

1. Daemon

2. UK Mikeyboy

3. Corndoggss Gaming

4. SVK_Ronin

5. Caffeine

6. Murky

7. Zillah

Content Creators Corner

In this issues Content Creators Corner we feature Mr.Feudal, Orion71 & The MMO Grinder!

Mr.Feudal - The Black Death Gameplay | Four friends try to find a cure!

"Welcome to the Black Death, a game where the plague has gripped 14th century Europe and it's up to Revi, Jack, Charles and myself to find a cure... Whoever trusted us to find a cure is gonna be sorry because we can't even find our own goddamn way!"

Mr.Feudal on YouTube

The Black Death (ORION71) - The black death game play clips i put together

Orion71 on YouTube

MMO Grinder Sidequest: The Black Death (Early Access Impressions)

"Brought to you by the magic of poor hygiene and Yersinia pestis, the Black Death is also a new survival multiplayer game in early access published by Green Man Gaming. In a preview episode written and edited by Dreskar (so go ahead and flip out over 720p until he gets a new monitor) he takes a look at a game where you survive through one of the darkest times in human history! (Graphic gore warning, unless you're into that sort of thing)"

The MMO Grinder on YouTube

New Community Roleplaying Server! - Valenor RP

Community member Microsoft Word/Uncle Rosko is the owner of a server known as Valenor RP and is looking to recruit new members into the ranks! This one welcomes new players to the world of Mercia and also those who enjoy RP, please be respectful to community servers who have their own rules and terms.

"Hello everyone, I'm the owner of a server called Valenor RP. We are currently opening our server to the public but will lock it to whitelisted individuals when our forums and ruleset is laid out, we would love to have you join us and would love to see the diverse roleplay people bring together. Our server currently holds up to 15 players however, if we get bigger I will absolutely upgrade the server slot maximum much higher.

We look forward to seeing you in Mercia, long live Mercia.

We have a minimalistic discord right now and a teamspeak

Teamspeak: PRIVATE ATM

- Uncle Rosko"

Original Steam Forum Post - New Roleplaying Server - Open Beta

New Player Story - The Death Riddled Story of Randal Bennett

Randal Bennett worked as an apprentice doctor under the supervision of a wealthy physician. Fleeing his native country due to a wildfire of violence and rioting incurred by the madness of the flagellant movement, Randal found himself soon enough in the anarchic land of Mercia, whose woes were no more nor less than the surrounding countries.

As Randal Bennett witnessed the cities become cesspools of death and madness he hurried to writing his former mentor, asking for a generous loan to quote "Give me a roof and some work, far far away from the stricken towns and villages where I may keep myself at a safe distance from the pox." Adding to his letter a few pages of research from his journal, the painstakingly detailed notes ending with "...And I think its the rats. Stay away from the rats. Stay safe and god bless."

Running his own plot of land outside of Raven's Reach has been profitable, the educated doctor able to employ workers and sell goods from the safety of the countryside. In a letter to his mentor, he states "While the black death itself hasn't corrupted my body, I have dealt with many a brigand on these roads. The roads are unsafe here, murderers and thieves have lined the fences with skulls of their victims. Rumors of cannibalism in the wilderness. Keep guards at hand but don't trust them either. Wolves have more loyalty."

In a hidden piece of the letter, folded inconspicuously backwards reads:
"I hope that you understand, but my faith in the church has waned. God has forsaken us, or, more horrendously: perhaps he never was with us. No loving God would watch his children burn like this. I will continue to do my duty in the good fight against pox and plunderers.

Day 22
" Since I first came to Mercia. Things were much worse economically than I expected. Many farmers are dead, burned in piles of bodies four or five high. The conditions in the city get filthier every day. I cannot go among the townsfolk without the herbs inside the plague mask. Everyone is suffering and I must keep my head high. A peddlar of opium supplied me with the knowledge of the Poppy's natural environs as well as a sample of the medicine. I have found this to be sufficient in alleviating suffering patients.

I have made a deal with some of the hidden bandits in the area to smuggle the product into the cities. Lord knows the suffering need it."

Day 24
"A servant of mine, sick with the pox was sent away back to the city. In the process I have contract a cold but I do not think I have the plague. I've decided to rest until my condition improves."

Day 26
"The presence of human waste and incredibly unclean standard of living seems to be an attractor to the rodents that are no doubt responsible for the pox. I will try to submit my findings to the authorities of the Church and the royalty but by the look of things nobody is working together on this terrible miasma.

I do believe that the plague -does- spread through the effect of miasma, the spiritually toxic vapour which is present but invisible around the sick. That is why the herbs in the mask drive away its influence. My survival is a testament to this theory of understanding the Black Death's spread."

If you would like to send us your Black Death stories you can find all the information over on our sticky post on the Steam Forums here:

Stories Of Mercia: Write A Story For A Book In The Black Death!

Dev Blog Reminders

Just as a reminder, If you would like to see what we are working on our Dev Blogs are the best place to go! Our most recent Dev Blog #59 gives a focus on the Community and Dev Blog #58 shows off a teaser on our new Building System!.

Our latest Dev Blogs can be found at the links below:

Dev Blog #59: PCGamesN Interview, Official Steam Guides, Request A Feature Form, & Wiki Revival

Dev Blog #58: Updated Profession System, New Attributes System & New Building System Teasers

If you would like to send us your videos, screenshots, fan art, blogs and other creations just drop us an email at and you could be featured in our Showcase.

That’s all for this week, we look forward to your submissions and we will see you in Mercia!

// The SIG Team


To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Hello adventurers and welcome to Issue #6 of our Community Showcase!

Our Showcase featured image this week is from Steam user EK.i ¦ Aleysiia !

Every other Friday we will be taking a look at what you, the Community have been getting up to in the world of Mercia. Grab your favourite hot drink and pull up a chair next to the fire and join us for Issue 6 of our Showcase.

Steam Community Gallery

Here’s a selection of 7 screenshots picked from our Steam Community hub!

Credit goes to:

1. Daemon

2. UK Mikeyboy

3. Corndoggss Gaming

4. SVK_Ronin

5. Caffeine

6. Murky

7. Zillah

Content Creators Corner

In this issues Content Creators Corner we feature Mr.Feudal, Orion71 & The MMO Grinder!

Mr.Feudal - The Black Death Gameplay | Four friends try to find a cure!

"Welcome to the Black Death, a game where the plague has gripped 14th century Europe and it's up to Revi, Jack, Charles and myself to find a cure... Whoever trusted us to find a cure is gonna be sorry because we can't even find our own goddamn way!"

Mr.Feudal on YouTube

The Black Death (ORION71) - The black death game play clips i put together

Orion71 on YouTube

MMO Grinder Sidequest: The Black Death (Early Access Impressions)

"Brought to you by the magic of poor hygiene and Yersinia pestis, the Black Death is also a new survival multiplayer game in early access published by Green Man Gaming. In a preview episode written and edited by Dreskar (so go ahead and flip out over 720p until he gets a new monitor) he takes a look at a game where you survive through one of the darkest times in human history! (Graphic gore warning, unless you're into that sort of thing)"

The MMO Grinder on YouTube

New Community Roleplaying Server! - Valenor RP

Community member Microsoft Word/Uncle Rosko is the owner of a server known as Valenor RP and is looking to recruit new members into the ranks! This one welcomes new players to the world of Mercia and also those who enjoy RP, please be respectful to community servers who have their own rules and terms.

"Hello everyone, I'm the owner of a server called Valenor RP. We are currently opening our server to the public but will lock it to whitelisted individuals when our forums and ruleset is laid out, we would love to have you join us and would love to see the diverse roleplay people bring together. Our server currently holds up to 15 players however, if we get bigger I will absolutely upgrade the server slot maximum much higher.

We look forward to seeing you in Mercia, long live Mercia.

We have a minimalistic discord right now and a teamspeak

Teamspeak: PRIVATE ATM

- Uncle Rosko"

Original Steam Forum Post - New Roleplaying Server - Open Beta

New Player Story - The Death Riddled Story of Randal Bennett

Randal Bennett worked as an apprentice doctor under the supervision of a wealthy physician. Fleeing his native country due to a wildfire of violence and rioting incurred by the madness of the flagellant movement, Randal found himself soon enough in the anarchic land of Mercia, whose woes were no more nor less than the surrounding countries.

As Randal Bennett witnessed the cities become cesspools of death and madness he hurried to writing his former mentor, asking for a generous loan to quote "Give me a roof and some work, far far away from the stricken towns and villages where I may keep myself at a safe distance from the pox." Adding to his letter a few pages of research from his journal, the painstakingly detailed notes ending with "...And I think its the rats. Stay away from the rats. Stay safe and god bless."

Running his own plot of land outside of Raven's Reach has been profitable, the educated doctor able to employ workers and sell goods from the safety of the countryside. In a letter to his mentor, he states "While the black death itself hasn't corrupted my body, I have dealt with many a brigand on these roads. The roads are unsafe here, murderers and thieves have lined the fences with skulls of their victims. Rumors of cannibalism in the wilderness. Keep guards at hand but don't trust them either. Wolves have more loyalty."

In a hidden piece of the letter, folded inconspicuously backwards reads:
"I hope that you understand, but my faith in the church has waned. God has forsaken us, or, more horrendously: perhaps he never was with us. No loving God would watch his children burn like this. I will continue to do my duty in the good fight against pox and plunderers.

Day 22
" Since I first came to Mercia. Things were much worse economically than I expected. Many farmers are dead, burned in piles of bodies four or five high. The conditions in the city get filthier every day. I cannot go among the townsfolk without the herbs inside the plague mask. Everyone is suffering and I must keep my head high. A peddlar of opium supplied me with the knowledge of the Poppy's natural environs as well as a sample of the medicine. I have found this to be sufficient in alleviating suffering patients.

I have made a deal with some of the hidden bandits in the area to smuggle the product into the cities. Lord knows the suffering need it."

Day 24
"A servant of mine, sick with the pox was sent away back to the city. In the process I have contract a cold but I do not think I have the plague. I've decided to rest until my condition improves."

Day 26
"The presence of human waste and incredibly unclean standard of living seems to be an attractor to the rodents that are no doubt responsible for the pox. I will try to submit my findings to the authorities of the Church and the royalty but by the look of things nobody is working together on this terrible miasma.

I do believe that the plague -does- spread through the effect of miasma, the spiritually toxic vapour which is present but invisible around the sick. That is why the herbs in the mask drive away its influence. My survival is a testament to this theory of understanding the Black Death's spread."

If you would like to send us your Black Death stories you can find all the information over on our sticky post on the Steam Forums here:

Stories Of Mercia: Write A Story For A Book In The Black Death!

Dev Blog Reminders

Just as a reminder, If you would like to see what we are working on our Dev Blogs are the best place to go! Our most recent Dev Blog #59 gives a focus on the Community and Dev Blog #58 shows off a teaser on our new Building System!.

Our latest Dev Blogs can be found at the links below:

Dev Blog #59: PCGamesN Interview, Official Steam Guides, Request A Feature Form, & Wiki Revival

Dev Blog #58: Updated Profession System, New Attributes System & New Building System Teasers

If you would like to send us your videos, screenshots, fan art, blogs and other creations just drop us an email at and you could be featured in our Showcase.

That’s all for this week, we look forward to your submissions and we will see you in Mercia!

// The SIG Team


To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #59!

We had some bad snow over the weekend, but it appears to have all melted here now, Spring will be on it's way soon!

This week we will be taking a look at our Interview with PCGamesN, our new Steam Quick Start Guide and Advanced Guide, a reminder on our Request A Feature Form and more!

For this weeks Dev Blog we wanted to have a focus on our Community and what we have been working on for you all outside of the game as well as in game. We wanted to streamline our communications with the Community and work together in making The Black Death better every day.

We have been reading through all of your requests together as a team and we have been working on a lot of things that you have requested. We are also planning on doing more of these in the future for our updates too.

PCGamesN Developer Interview

It may be a little bit on the late side, but we wanted to share with you our Interview we did with PCGamesN on how we simulate the Plague using the Unreal Engine 4 to create The Black Death. Click on the link below the image to read on!

Making it in Unreal: how The Black Death's developers simulate the plague

Official Steam Guides for The Black Death

[SIG] Dmitri and [SIG] Emily have been busy working on an Official Guide for The Black Death. This started out as the [/b]Beginner's Guide[/b] but there was so much information and images we decided to split this into two separate guides. These are both now known as the Quick Start Guide and [/b]Advanced Guide[/b]. The links below under the Steam hub screenshots will take you directly to our new guides.

Please note that these guides will be further developed and updated as new additions and changes are made to The Black Death. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact one of our Community Managers at and

The Black Death: Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start Guide is designed to help you make your first steps in the dangerous lands of Mercia. Every section here represents a step that you should take, starting from spawning at the Freeman's Port and ending at building your first house. This guide should easily occupy you for at least a couple of in-game days. Enjoy!

The Black Death Advanced Guide

This tutorial is designed to guide you through the basics of the game, occupying you from the moment you spawn into the starting area of Freeman's Port, to learning how to survive, building your first house all the way up to pillage areas and more!

Request A Feature For The Black Death

Welcome to our new Request A Feature Form for The Black Death. Here you can send your suggestions in to the team and we will review them along with your feedback on our current in game features. This form directly links to a Google Sheet when a new submission is sent to us. Please note, we have not closed our TBD Trello Board this is still viewable but no further comments or submissions can be made. Thank you to everyone who sent in a submission to our Trello Board, all of the information has now been moved to the Google Sheet linked to the new Google Form.

We wanted to create a more streamlined way that the community can send in requests and suggestions to our current features. Much like our Bug Form, which is also linked to a Google Sheet, this will allow us to keep track of requests better than a board system.

Also, we have gathered every Suggestion from our Trello Board, Forums, Discord, Emails, and some older Google Docs and Sheets we had and have and added them to the Request A Feature Form to ensure that everyone's suggestions are kept in one place.

If you would like to request a feature for The Black Death or suggest an improvement for an existing feature please fill out the form at the link below.

Request A Feature For The Black Death

If you head on over to our Website version of this Dev Blog you will see an embedded Google Form of the link above.

The Black Death Wiki Project Revival

We have mentioned it before, but now that we have got our Official Steam guides up and running, one of our main focuses will be on reviving our Wiki.

If you would like to have a look at one of our older posts on the Wiki check it out over here on Steam. The Black Death Wiki - Mercia Needs You!

We have already started to port our Wiki pages over from the older Gamepedia website to our new Fandom Website . All of the images that are on the Gamepedia Wiki have been saved one by one in a folder to preserve them for archiving previous updates, icons and models in game. These may be added as trivia sections to the respective Wiki pages in the future.

Our mission now is to pour information into these pages as well as high quality screenshots and images to revitalise the Wiki into a go-to place alongside our Official Steam Guides. We feel these two will accompany each other nicely for hubs the Community can refer to.

Community Showcase Issue #6 Details

Our Community Showcase makes a return with Issue #6 this Friday. Our Cover Art for Issue #6 is from Steam user EK.i ¦ Aleysiia

Our Showcase features for Issue #6 includes:
  • Steam screenshot gallery picks
  • Content creators corner
  • A new Player story
  • New RP Community Server

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and see you next time!

// The SIG Team


To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming
The Black Death - [SIG] Emily
Greetings citizens of Mercia and welcome to Dev Blog #59!

We had some bad snow over the weekend, but it appears to have all melted here now, Spring will be on it's way soon!

This week we will be taking a look at our Interview with PCGamesN, our new Steam Quick Start Guide and Advanced Guide, a reminder on our Request A Feature Form and more!

For this weeks Dev Blog we wanted to have a focus on our Community and what we have been working on for you all outside of the game as well as in game. We wanted to streamline our communications with the Community and work together in making The Black Death better every day.

We have been reading through all of your requests together as a team and we have been working on a lot of things that you have requested. We are also planning on doing more of these in the future for our updates too.

PCGamesN Developer Interview

It may be a little bit on the late side, but we wanted to share with you our Interview we did with PCGamesN on how we simulate the Plague using the Unreal Engine 4 to create The Black Death. Click on the link below the image to read on!

Making it in Unreal: how The Black Death's developers simulate the plague

Official Steam Guides for The Black Death

[SIG] Dmitri and [SIG] Emily have been busy working on an Official Guide for The Black Death. This started out as the [/b]Beginner's Guide[/b] but there was so much information and images we decided to split this into two separate guides. These are both now known as the Quick Start Guide and [/b]Advanced Guide[/b]. The links below under the Steam hub screenshots will take you directly to our new guides.

Please note that these guides will be further developed and updated as new additions and changes are made to The Black Death. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact one of our Community Managers at and

The Black Death: Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start Guide is designed to help you make your first steps in the dangerous lands of Mercia. Every section here represents a step that you should take, starting from spawning at the Freeman's Port and ending at building your first house. This guide should easily occupy you for at least a couple of in-game days. Enjoy!

The Black Death Advanced Guide

This tutorial is designed to guide you through the basics of the game, occupying you from the moment you spawn into the starting area of Freeman's Port, to learning how to survive, building your first house all the way up to pillage areas and more!

Request A Feature For The Black Death

Welcome to our new Request A Feature Form for The Black Death. Here you can send your suggestions in to the team and we will review them along with your feedback on our current in game features. This form directly links to a Google Sheet when a new submission is sent to us. Please note, we have not closed our TBD Trello Board this is still viewable but no further comments or submissions can be made. Thank you to everyone who sent in a submission to our Trello Board, all of the information has now been moved to the Google Sheet linked to the new Google Form.

We wanted to create a more streamlined way that the community can send in requests and suggestions to our current features. Much like our Bug Form, which is also linked to a Google Sheet, this will allow us to keep track of requests better than a board system.

Also, we have gathered every Suggestion from our Trello Board, Forums, Discord, Emails, and some older Google Docs and Sheets we had and have and added them to the Request A Feature Form to ensure that everyone's suggestions are kept in one place.

If you would like to request a feature for The Black Death or suggest an improvement for an existing feature please fill out the form at the link below.

Request A Feature For The Black Death

If you head on over to our Website version of this Dev Blog you will see an embedded Google Form of the link above.

The Black Death Wiki Project Revival

We have mentioned it before, but now that we have got our Official Steam guides up and running, one of our main focuses will be on reviving our Wiki.

If you would like to have a look at one of our older posts on the Wiki check it out over here on Steam. The Black Death Wiki - Mercia Needs You!

We have already started to port our Wiki pages over from the older Gamepedia website to our new Fandom Website . All of the images that are on the Gamepedia Wiki have been saved one by one in a folder to preserve them for archiving previous updates, icons and models in game. These may be added as trivia sections to the respective Wiki pages in the future.

Our mission now is to pour information into these pages as well as high quality screenshots and images to revitalise the Wiki into a go-to place alongside our Official Steam Guides. We feel these two will accompany each other nicely for hubs the Community can refer to.

Community Showcase Issue #6 Details

Our Community Showcase makes a return with Issue #6 this Friday. Our Cover Art for Issue #6 is from Steam user EK.i ¦ Aleysiia

Our Showcase features for Issue #6 includes:
  • Steam screenshot gallery picks
  • Content creators corner
  • A new Player story
  • New RP Community Server

That’s all for now, thanks for reading and see you next time!

// The SIG Team


To keep in the loop, follow The Black Death on our social and news sites!

The Black Death on Twitter

The Black Death on Facebook

The Black Death on Steam

The Black Death Official Discord

The Black Death Steam Community Hub

The Black Death on Green Man Gaming