Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

For about 9 months, we have been working on a huge free add-on that expands your editing capabilities of game countries, leagues, teams and football players. On June 18th we will make this add-on available to everyone.

In the meantime, we are releasing the latest beta update. It includes quite a lot of significant improvements.

  • New penalty mechanics!
  • New match interface. You will have to get used to it for some time, but then - you will like it. It's not only more beautiful, it also contains some tiny usability improvements.
  • Now you can edit goalkeepers' kits! (You asked us for this for a long time)
  • Now you can remove the countries from your continent at the start of a new campaign. You can even leave only your only country. It's very useful if you play the modifications like this: But it's also helpful if you want to create a series of the modifications where you change only a few countries and play only with them. So you won't depend on the number of countries which already exist in the game.
  • Translated the game to all supported languages (thanks to everyone who helped us with the translation!!! It was a big help:cannonshot:).
  • Added a big amount of new elements for the crest editor (increased the number of images from 36 to 109).

We have not had time to add tutorials and update footballpedia for the new mechanics, so I will briefly explain it here:
  • Now you choose from 6 zones instead of 3.
  • Now there is a chance to miss the goal.
  • When performing the penalty you will see the probabilities of hitting the goal.
  • The probability will depend slightly on the Control attribute. Therefore, the game will automatically choose the players with high Control.
  • When you play as a goalkeeper, you will see the forward's probabilities of hitting the goal. They will be shown by the forward's back.
  • The goalkeeper-AI tends to jump into those parts of the goal where the attacker is more likely to hit.
  • Similarly, the forward-AI tends to kick in the zones where his chances to hit are better.

In this add-on, no additional changes to the penalty mechanics are planned. But in the future will consider the possibility to add the choice of a penalty taker.


  • [New] Revamped the interface of the kits and crests editors. Now they look like the face editor.
  • [New] Added two new haircuts. Here's one of them:
  • [Improved] If you edited the kit in the leagues editor, the footballer who demonstrated the kit was random. Now it will be a footballer from the edited team.
  • [Fixed] If you remove all footballers from the team, and then start adding new footballers, the button "Remove" disappeared.
  • [Fixed] When you uploaded the list of the names for the first time, the list didn't save.
  • [Fixed] When you uploaded the list of the names to Australia and Canada, the names didn't appear in the leagues.

  • [Fixed] Informational panel didn't appear after pressing Ctrl.
  • [Fixed] Removed the second squad from the Specialization tab in the substitutions.

  • [Improved] - In the substitutions screen we added the possibility to make subs for both teams (earlier only active team might substitute footballers).
  • [Fixed] - the game crashed in some cases after choosing a team for hotseat.

  • [Improved] - significantly improved the poses of the footballers in the team photo. Now the photos will be more diverse.
  • [Improved] - a small "plus" which added money in the Mogul mode is made brighter (more visible).
  • [Improved] - for many countries we updated the logotypes, kits and colours. Also, changed the positions of the top teams in Premier league.
  • [Fixed] - sponsors didn't pay money for promoting from the league and for taking the first place in the league.
  • [Fixed] - after promoting from the group stage in the continental cup your next opponent might be the team which played in your group. It wasn't realistic.
  • [Fixed] - if you changed the kit for the home team before a match, the stadium and fans changed their colours as well. It wasn't realistic.
  • [Fixed] - if a footballer possesses several classes, his colour in the substitutions might not correspond to the colour of the currently selected class.
  • [Fixed] - in some cases, universal class AI-players might learn the same skill into different slots.

We plan to release the Beta to the official release on the 18th of June. So if you haven’t launched Beta yet, it’s best to wait until the big launch.

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Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Every campaign in Football, Tactics & Glory develops differently. Every time you create your club you live a totally new story. You will meet new challenges, you will form a new team, you will get close to the new footballers. You will feel something personal in relationships with your club.

In our Discord server, players write their stories, tell about problems, about wins and defeats, about their tactics.

It's quite interesting to read these stories. Also, they might be useful for novices because they show how experienced players build their clubs, what priorities they have, what tactics they use etc.

Here's a short preview of how it looks:

Visit our Discord server. In the "Personal stories" category you will find the current stories. Also, if you want to tell about your way to success, ask to open the personal channel. I'll create it shortly.

Btw, earlier our players wrote their personal stories in Steam forums. I wrote about the most interesting stories here:

Play. Create. Win!

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
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Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

We continue adding new content to our huge free update which currently is in Beta stage. Its goal is to significantly improve the editing possibilities.

For a long time, modders asked us to add new colours and new types of shirts. We've heard you ;) In the last Beta update, we've increased the number of colours from 10 to 100, and the number of shirts from 30 to 82.

  • Increased the number of shirts from 30 to 82. We tried to implement the most used shirt images so you'd be able to recreate your favourite clubs. Few old shirt images were changed to make them fit organically to the new ones.
  • Increased the number of the colours from 10 to 100. Now, every colour has 10 shades.


  • [NEW] - Added a new screen which allows changing some game world settings before the start of a new campaign. There, you will be able to change the rating of the countries, rename tournaments and change the starting year.
  • [NEW] - Added a new tab to the Rename Tournaments screen. There you will be able to change the names of the tabs "Leagues", "Cups", "Continental Cups", "Countries". It might be useful for those players who create special sets of modifications where instead of Countries you use regions, lands, states etc.
  • [Improved] - Added the button "Rename Tournaments" on the main modification screen.
  • [Improved] - Significantly improved the Faces Generator. Now, there will be more diverse faces (fewer chances of having too similar faces). Some faces in the already started campaigns might change.
  • [Fixed] - If you changed the starting year, some messages showed the wrong year.
  • [Fixed] - In some cases, when you changed the power of the teams, at the start of a new campaign the power was wrong.

  • [NEW] - В результатах совместной игры добавили статистику по лучшим футболистам.
  • [Fixed] - Removed the hot seat message which mistakenly was shown in the single-player campaign when you switched between default and tactical views.
  • [Fixed] - In some cases, the penalty conditions worked wrongly in the hot seat mode.
  • [Fixed] - In some cases, in hot seat mode, the logotypes of the chosen teams were displayed wrongly.

  • [Improved] - At the end of a season, you will see the stage you reached in the cup (win, finals) instead of fake place (1st place, 2nd place).
  • [Improved] - The goalkeeper model is made less "fat".
  • [Improved] - Improved the heavy rain effect when the camera is zoomed.
  • [Improved] - Removed rewarding sounds, which were played when you opened Specialization screen to upgrade a footballer. They were annoying.
  • [Fixed] - In the previous update, money for reaching high stages in the tournaments weren't paid.
  • [Fixed] - After goals scored from free kicks, the celebration animations didn't start.
  • [Fixed] - Disabled the celebration animations after missing the goal.
  • [Fixed] - Removed the demonstration of the yellow cards earned in the previous matches.
  • [Fixed] - Team photo was saving with the wrong aspect ratio.


Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - winter update”.

The access to the Beta is opened for everyone who owns the game.

While default version is polished and without known bugs, the Beta has new features but there might be bugs, crashes, bad or absent translations, other issues. We try our best to keep Beta as polished as possible, but it's Beta after all.

By the links, you can find the features which were added to the Beta:

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

For a long time, you have been able to play hot seat matches in Football, Tactics & Glory. The problem was that you could just play single matches. If you wanted to recreate the World Cup or any other tournament, you just couldn't do it.

The game didn't give you the possibility to gather friends, create a tournament, choose favourite teams, set the rules, and find out who is the best tactician.

In the last Beta update, you will be able to do all of that.


  • Now, you can create a hot seat tournament with different rules for any number of players.


  • You can create different tournament types: a league, a playoff tournament, groups + playoff;
  • For every tournament type, you can change different settings (for example, 1 or 2 matches, how many teams promotes from the groups etc);
  • You can use the teams from the modifications;
  • You can use automatic team selection which allows you to select only the teams of a set power;
  • You can control any number of teams in the tournament. If you wish, you can control every team. If you wish, you can control only one team;
  • At the end of tournament, there is an interesting statistics. Btw, we are thinking about adding such statistics to the single player campaigns. Write in the commentaries if you like the idea.


  • Now, at the start of a new campaign, you can set the starting year.
  • Now, you can rename already started tournaments. Just press the Gear icon and go to the renaming screen.

  • Finished adding new sounds. Now, the game gives you better feedback of clicks, hovers etc..
  • Slightly improved design of the following screens: Face editor, Club attributes, Team photo.
  • Added a message about purchasing a footballer from the Compare screen.
  • In the message about purchasing a footballer, the players were in a white shirt (instead of their current team's shirt). Fixed.
  • Now, on the Opponent screen, the tactical view will be selected by default.

  • Allowed to add a heavy rain at Winter in the Weather editor.
  • Added the possibility to copy the tournament names and paste them in other modifications. It's very useful if you want to use the same continental tournaments in many of your modifications.
  • Now, the tournament names in the Tournament Names Editor can be longer on 5 characters.

  • Changed the general look of the pitches. Now, they are more realistic.
  • Changed the camera in the kick off animations to make the footballers look closer.
  • Removed some "belly" from the footballers :)


Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - winter update”.

The access to the Beta is opened for everyone who owns the game.

While default version is polished and without known bugs, the Beta has new features but there might be bugs, crashes, bad or absent translations, other issues. We try our best to keep Beta as polished as possible, but it's Beta after all.

By the links, you can find the features which were added to the Beta:

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Despite we the gameplay has a higher priority for us, we also want the game to look attractive. After all, when you see something you can believe in, you feel more connected to what happens in the game, to your footballers, and to your team. Thus, the graphics support the emotions.

Therefore, two years ago we created our very powerful Faces editor. Therefore, one year ago, we created the animations of goal celebrations (which allowed us to show the faces closer). And therefore, the last few months we have been working on creating beautiful grass.

There are still some problems to be solved. For example, the grass is not very correctly displayed on the kick off and penalties. Anyway, now, playing in beta, you can forget about the blurred green texture, which was just ugly.

And most importantly, when we add such features, we do it as a part of some bigger plan. For example, we want you to be able to watch replays, control the camera freely so that you can feel your players better.

Creating faces was the first step to this. Creating 3D grass was the second one. Thanks to your support, we will continue moving forward in making the great football experience which no other game provides.


  • Now, you can see realistic grass when the camera moves closer to the pitch. Depending on the weather and the level of the stadium, the pitch will be either beautiful, dirty or snowy.

We are aware that some players play on weak computers. Therefore, we have provided an option to disable 3D grass. The picture will look much worse, but better than it was all the time before.

Known issues:
- In most cases, the colours of the grass will differ from the grass you see at a great distance.
- During the kick off the grass looks blurry.
- During the penalty, interface elements intersect the goalkeeper. Also, the grass is blurry.

All of these problems will be fixed in further beta updates.


  • Fixed the crash when a player created more than 20 teams in a league.
  • Removed the possibility to create an odd number of the teams in a league.
  • Fixed the problem which made the Team Editor show the default faces of the selected country instead of the custom set of faces.

  • Fixed the bug which sometimes affected the AI to return to the default defensive position and therefore to open the space for the opponent's Cannon Shot.
  • Added new set of sounds for testing purposes. They are not final.


Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - winter update”.

The access to the Beta is opened for everyone who owns the game.

While default version is polished and without known bugs, the Beta has new features but there might be bugs, crashes, bad or absent translations, other issues. We try our best to keep Beta as polished as possible, but it's Beta after all.

By the links, you can find the features which were added to the Beta:

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

If you love to edit the game so it fits your tastes, if you love to create your own leagues, you will love this update. Because it adds great improvements to our Leagues editor.

To the huge amount of currently existing features we add the following new possibilities:
  • The possibility to change the number of leagues from 1 to 5.
  • The possibility to change the number of teams in every league.
  • The possibility to set the face types for every country.

Also, we made the following less noticeable improvements:
  • Added generators of the faces of different nationalities in the Faces editor.
  • Added the buttons for a random haircut/beard in the Faces editor.
  • Added the new Greek names.
  • Added the possibility to see the modification's tags directly in the game.
  • Fixed the problem with the modification's flag. Now, it won't skew.
  • Added three new countries: Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.
  • Changed the UI sounds (temporarily).

Now, you can make any league much more similar to the real one.

For example, in English Premier League there are 20 teams but in Championship, there are 24 ones. You can easily recreate these leagues in the updated Leagues editor.

Moreover, if you want to keep only these two leagues in England, you can delete the bottom 3 leagues.

The trash icon (which allows you to delete a league) is shown only on the lowest league. It's important because the connection between leagues should be kept. You can delete all the lowest leagues up to the Premier League. Also, you can add leagues until there are five ones.

In addition to realistic leagues, you can also experiment with other formats, creating your own fantasy leagues. For example, you can create a country with three leagues each of which consists of 10 teams.

Or, for example, there's another way of using the new possibilities:
  • take the countries from America and change every country to the regions of your own country. Here's what I'd make for Germany:
  • instead of Brazil you can create Bavaria; instead of Canada you can create Branderburg, instead of Mexico - Bremen, instead of USA - Hesse etc.
  • in every region you can leave only Premier league which consists of 10-12 biggest cities from the region.
  • best teams will play in the "continental cups" which you already can rename to Germany cup.

You already have the possibility to upload the unique flag for every region, you already have the possibility to upload the list with the surnames which fit every region, you already can set the power for the teams.

In this way, you can create your own unique world which is interesting to watch for. Once you finished creating the leagues, start a new campaign with these leagues and start playing. The world will live, the clubs will develop.

It's something no other game provides.

Despite there are wide editing possibilities, there has always been one limitation which didn't allow you to customize the game completely to your liking.

In my previous example, this limitation would not allow me to create the German leagues. Because, in Bavaria, there would be Brasilian faces, in Bremen - Mexican faces etc.

So, there appears our second big features of the new update - the possibility to customize faces for every country individually.

There are many presets already, therefore, you will have what to choose from.

However, let the names of the presets not limit you. For example, faces from the preset 'Britain' can be used in any other country, because the world is wide and diverse.

Usually, the best way to set the faces is to use many different presets. However, every preset should have its own probability.

Try, experiment!

Can't wait to see what interesting leagues you can create with the new tools.


Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - winter update”.

The access to the Beta is opened for everyone who owns the game.

While default version is polished and without known bugs, the Beta has new features but there might be bugs, crashes, bad or absent translations, other issues. We try our best to keep Beta as polished as possible, but it's Beta after all.

By the links, you can find the features which were added to the Beta:

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Steam compiled a list of the best games that left Early Access in 2018. Our Football, Tactics & Glory got to this list!

Thanks, everyone, for your support, purchases, Steam reviews, feedback on the forum! We see that you love the game, and so we continue improving it even though it is already released.

Wish you a very happy New Year!!! :cannonshot:

PS We really wanted to update the Beta before New Year. There are a few very 'tasty' new features for the Leagues Editor which we finished and almost polished. However, it appeared that there are few critical bugs which we won't be able to fix by the holidays. So we had to postpone the Beta update to January :( Anyway, these new features will bring a new life to the modifications. So it's worth waiting for those who loves creating something new.
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Now, in the beta version, you can change the weather conditions for any country and in every city.

It's not just a cosmetic change because the weather affects gameplay.

After you selected the country you are going to edit, click on the button "Edit Weather".

In the opened screen, you can set the weather which will prevail in every month.

Setting time of the year (Winter, Summer etc) affects how the stadium looks in the chosen month. For example, if you set "Winter" for March, it means that you will see snow around the stadium in March.

Also, for every month you can set how often there will be an abnormal weather (heavy rain, snowfall, heat). The number means the probability of the abnormal weather.

Many of you wrote that they would like to see the weather to be different for every city, not the same for the whole country. Because, for example, North and South of Italy or France have different weather conditions. In some regions, there aren't snowfalls, but in some - there are often hot days.

Therefore, now, you can set the weather not only for the whole country but for every city (club) as well.

Go to the "Weather in cities" tab, set the weather conditions and give a name to this preset. For example "Eternal heat" or "no anomalies". After that, you can use this preset for other cities as well.

Now, you will be able to make the weather more realistic for every country. In some cities, there will more rainy than in others. In some cities, there will be hotter or snower. And that's all inside one country.

Btw, could anyone say in which countries which exist in our game, there are most of all different weather zones?

Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - autumn update”.

The access to the Beta is opened for everyone who owns the game.

While default version is polished and without known bugs, the Beta has new features but there might be bugs, crashes, bad or absent translations, other issues. We try our best to keep Beta as polished as possible, but it's Beta after all.

By the links, you can find the features which were added to the Beta:

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Nov 30, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

In today's Beta update, we don't add anything special. Just finished the localization of the feature which allows you to rename the tournaments the way you like. Added German, Italian, Chinese, Korean and other languages.

Sounds like a tiny thing, however, it's a very thorough work. Because every language needs an individual approach.

For us, it's very important to know if the renaming feature works well. Therefore, if you rename the tournaments in your modifications, write us, please, on the forum if everything works fine in your language.

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
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Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Today, we have updated the Beta-version of the upcoming big update which will significantly improve our Leagues Editor.

The main addition to the Beta is the editor of the tournament names. Currently, it supports only three languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.

You are allowed to change the names for all in-game tournaments: leagues, domestic and international cups.

It would be interesting to know if it's easy for you to find the button which opens the screen of renaming tournaments. We believe it's pretty obvious but we'd rather listen to your feedback.

You can edit the names in different languages. Therefore, if players play your modification in one of the supported languages, the tournament names will be understandable for them. Otherwise, they will see the default names.

The main idea of this and other new features which we are currently working on is to give you the possibility to create realistic football leagues. We are sure that changing the names of the tournaments will increase the immersion.

Additionally, there are the following improvements:
  • Added hints to all elements of the Leagues Editor.
  • Sometimes, when you generated a team with some power, the resulting power was half-star higher or lower. Fixed.
  • Great guys from the studio "Only Sound" started experimenting with the UI sounds. We added some new sounds to the game. It's only a first iteration so there will be changes to them.

Steam started the Autumn Sale and its traditional Steam Awards event.

Many of you wrote to us that Football, Tactics & Glory became your favourite game (or one of the favourite games). For us, It's a big pleasure to know. Because it means that we created something valuable and unique.

We would be grateful if you vote for FTG in any category which you think the game fits in. I personally nominated it to the Game of the Year. Despite developing it for many years already, I still have a lot of fun playing it.

You also can nominate our team in the nomination Best Developer award. Just write Creoteam in the search field which appears after the nomination.

Btw, if you don't want to miss the news about our game, subscribe to Creoteam's page in Steam.

Write "+1" in the comments if you nominated us ;)

Forum - the main hub for the discussions
Creoteam's page in Steam - subscribe to get news about all FTG news directly in Steam
Twitter - here, we publish short news, screenshots etc
Discord - good place to discuss the game
Facebook - only news
Youtube - our videos
Reddit - news and discussions