Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

We continue working on the big update which is going to add revolutionary improvements to already great Leagues Editor.

Today, I want to tell you about one more feature which we started working on.

Soon, you will be able to edit weather in any country. Do you want to create eternal winter? Want to change the frequency of heavy rains? Want to change an existing country with an average weather on a new one with hot weather?

It will be possible soon:

Eventually, we want to give you the same possibilities we have ourselves when editing leagues. But at the same moment, we want to create a very useful interface. Also, we are changing the data structure so the game can take the outer data from the modifications.

Current status of the development of the new features
At the moment, we are still developing the new features I have told you the last week.
In around 1-2 weeks we are going to update the Beta with these two features.

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Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

On this week we didn't update the Beta because there were quite hard features to develop.

But I want to tell you a bit about these features. I'm sure that players who love developing and editing the leagues will be glad to hear what we are working on.

Changing the number of the teams

We want players to be able to edit the number of teams in every league. The minimum number of the teams will be 8 (10 for Premier league). The maximum number - 20.

Now, it will be possible to create more realistic championships. Also, there will be a space for experimentation with league formats.

However, the general rules of the tournaments will stay untouched. I.e. no matter how many there are teams in the leagues, the teams will continue to participate in the Prestige, National and continental cups.

Changing the names of the tournaments

Many players asked us about that. And finally, we have decided to do it.

The main complexity is in taking to account all the forms different languages can use the tournament names in. So we remake all the texts, search for tournaments names, and create special editing sheets for every language. It will be very easy for English, but significantly harder for German or Russian, for example.

But when we finish this features, you will be able to rename every tournament. I'm sure it will make the playing experience much more realistic.

Btw, when testing this feature we used some weird names for the tournaments just to be sure that everything works as expected even in the weirdest cases. It was very funny to see how these names in the game. Just look at the screenshot:

When will it be possible to test the new features?
We really hope to release them into the Beta in around 2-3 weeks. Despite they are partially working in the internal builds, we don't want to release them not finished.

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Oct 26, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

We continue working on the Autumn update. Its main goal is to make our modifications support significantly better. It is very powerful even now. But new features and usability improvements will give you much more possibilities.

You can see what's already done by changing the branch to Beta. We are updating the branch once per 2 weeks.

Today we have launched the new Beta update.

- now, you can copy/paste the whole teams;
- now, you can generate the teams with a set power;
- in the single-player campaign, we added the descriptions of what happens when the ball is spinning.

  • Added the possibility to copy/paste the whole teams. Now, you can copy a team from some modification, and paste it to another modification.
  • Now, you can see the power of the teams in the League Editor.
  • Now, you can see the power of the teams in the Team Editor.
  • Added a new tab where you can generate the team of set power. IMPORTANT! The changed power can be experienced only in the Sandbox mode.
  • When you are editing any characteristics, you can press TAB to jump to the next characteristics. It allows for significantly faster editing.
  • The first click on any characteristics selects the text of this characteristics. Therefore, the following typing of any character clears the previous text. It allows you to edit the characteristics faster. Because earlier, you had to delete the old data first, and only then - add a new data.

  • When FTG makes any calculations players see a spinning ball. We added the textual explanations of what happens at these moments. So now, you will know what the game is doing.
  • In the slot of the last played campaign we added an Info button.

  • Fixed the font problem in with some characters in the Romanian names.
  • Aggressive tackle didn't increase the Tackles counter. Fixed.
  • In a very rare situation, when a footballer scores a header after intercepting the opponent's lofted pass, the game counts it as a Header. It used to be just a goal.
  • Fixed the crash which happened after editing the birth date in the already published modification.

If you have a feedback, comments or problems regarding the Beta, if you like or dislike something you can write about it in the forum:

Also, you can discuss the Beta in our Discord channel:

If you create a unique modification with the new features, don't hesitate to write about it. If there will be 3-4 such modifications, I'll mention them in our news.

Is there something in this update you were waiting for?
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

In the previous news I have told that we are going to add the possibilities to make the modifications more unique.

Today, we open the Beta access to all who want to see these possibilities. Also, there are other improvements which you might like.

Click on Football, Tactics & Glory in your Steam library with the right mouse button. Select “Properties”. In the appeared window open the last tab and select “beta - autumn update”.

- Many new possibilities in the Leagues Editor;
- Improved 60 and 90 actions modes;
- Added 3 new countries. Updates the clubs from the most famous European leagues + USA.

  • Updated the design of all the screens of the Leagues Editor. Now, it looks much nicer.
  • Now, you can change the flag of the country. It will allow you to create new countries or regions.
  • Now, you can upload the text file with the list of the names. It will allow you to make your country more unique. You won't depend on the names which already exist. You can add more.
  • Now, you can edit the clubs' abbreviations which are shown into the matches. Moreover, you can change them not only on the Leagues Editor but also in the already started campaigns.
  • Now, you can change the footballer's day and month of the birth in the Team Editor.
  • Now, you can rotate the face of the footballers in the Team Editor without opening the Faces Editor.
  • Now, if your modification contains changed flags, it will be tagged "Flag" in the Steam Workshop. If you uploaded the new names, it will be tagged "Names". It will allow an easier search for such modifications.
  • Fixed the problem which appeared when you subscribed to 50+ modifications.
  • The Faces Generator learned to generate eyes within the wider range of settings. As a result, there will be a bit more diverse faces.

  • Added the messages when there is not enough Money/Glory for a purchase/contracts etc.
  • Added the possibility to see the energy and change a class on the following screens: Contracts, Training, Specialization, Specialization in the subs.
  • Now, if a cup match ended with the series of penalty, we show the penalties results on all the screens where you can see the match results (earlier, you could see only the match results).
  • Now, when you switch the tabs in the Management screen, the list of footballers tries to keep its position (earlier, it automatically scrolled to the top).
  • Added the possibility to change the class before starting the Online/Hot seat match.
  • In the Specialization screen after the match there wasn't a possibility to scroll with up/down keyboard buttons. Added.

  • Now, in the 60/90 actions modes, other clubs play the matches with the higher number of actions as well. As a result, the match results will be less realistic, however, there will be more competition in the top-10 lists. Now, your club will earn the full amount of Glory for having the footballers in these lists (removed the penalty which has been added in the previous updates).
  • Increased the probability of appearing the universal classes from the Youth Academies (in your team and in the AI teams).
  • Now, if you purchased a footballer, you won't be able to sell him in the same transfer window.
  • Now, the cup finals happen in the neutral stadiums. The clubs earn the half of the ticket sells.
  • Now, at the start of a campaign, players get younger footballers.

  • Added new countries: Peru, Colombia, Paraguay.
  • Updated the teams in the following countries: Germany, England, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, USA.
  • Added many new names to the Slovenian names.

  • Enabled the sounds of kicking the ball in the Main menu (where the footballers are passing the ball to each other).
  • One of the musical tracks has being stopped in the middle. Fixed.
  • Fixed minor AI bugs in the matches.
  • Fixed the problem with saving the changes of the names/attributes of other clubs in the already started campaigns. Earlier, if you renamed the club and left the game, it might not save.
  • If a player opened Select a Sponsor-->Tables-->Team-->Kit Editor, the game crashed. Fixed.

The current beta version of the Autumn update is almost final. The only thing it lacks is translation to all supporting languages.

However, there is one feature we really want to add. It's a possibility to change the names of the leagues. For example, you could change the name from "Premier league" to "Serie A" or "Galactic league" :)

The problem is that the names of the tournaments are "baked" into mails, messages and interfaces. Moreover, the names are used in different cases which is almost no problem for English but very problematic for other languages. Therefore, currently, we are trying to figure out how we can solve the problem.

Currently, we think that it's fine to give to the players to change the leagues' names in different cases. For example:
- Galactic league
- [in] Galactic league
- [from] Galactic league

We didn't decide if this feature will be done. Therefore, if you love to change the leagues by your tastes, write, please, if you 'd like to have this possibility.

If you have a feedback, comments or problems regarding the Beta, if you like or dislike something you can write about it in the forum:

Also, you can discuss the Beta in our Discord channel:

If you create a unique modification with the new features, don't hesitate to write about it. If there will be 3-4 such modifications, I'll mention them in our news.

And finally, the traditional question: what do you like the most from the new features/improvements?
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

The main improvements of the next update are related to the Leagues Editor.

We are going to improve the convenience of changing the footballers' characteristics, improve graphics, add the possibility to change some new characteristics like birth date or short names of the teams.

There will be many small but neat improvements.

However, there will be a big improvement.

Big improvements
From time to time I find new interesting modifications. Here are a few examples:
Also, sometimes players say that they would like to add to the game some countries which are impossible to add because they do not exist. For example, Czechoslovakia or USSR.

The problem with the examples above is that the game world around your fictional league is real. So it's harder for you to believe in it. Moreover, after a few years, the old footballers with fictional names will leave football, but new footballers will have generic names so your league will become generic.

To help you with these problems we decided to implement the following features:

1) You can change the flag icon of your country. If you do so, your country will be named after the name of the modification.
2) You will be able to upload the text file with the list of the names for your country.

These two features will give you a lot of new possibilities.

On the screenshot below you can see two new buttons in the Leagues Editor:

In this modification, I uploaded the text file with the animal names. Now, every new footballer will be named after an animal.

In the screenshot below you can see the flag in the top right corner. Earlier, you would see here the English flag:

And here you can see how your country looks among other countries (imagine you combine different fictional mods for every country how cool would it be):

Now, imagine the possibilities!

You can create your football universes. You can re-create the football worlds of the past. You can create the world which consists of the characters from your favourite games. You can create the countries which consist of famous composers or scientists :)

Even if you don't want to create anything fictional, you can improve the list of the surnames for the countries which you think lack of the different names.

Final Notes

In a few weeks, we are going to open the access to the beta version. So you will be able to create some new modifications or update your old ones.

The launch of the Autumn Update is planned to the end of October.
Aug 31, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

On the last week, half of our team have visited Gamescom. It was an interesting experience. I'll write some thoughts about our participation there.

- Many people stopped near our booth trying to figure out how strategy can combine with football. When I explained some basic rules, people had a lot of interest because they have not seen anything similar before.

- It was great to see a spark in the eyes when players figured out that skills allow prolonging a turn from 3 to 4 and more actions.

- It was a lot of pleasure when some of the players which played 50 and more hours in FTG, came to us to say "Hi!" or to thank for the game. Showcasing the game in such a huge exhibition is hard. And when our fans come and say good words, it added some energy :)

- We created special magnets which would recall players about our game. Players who won a match on the stand could choose the magnet. When our experienced players came to us, I played personally against them. Even though I won the match against them, they were awarded the magnet anyway. I really wanted to make a good surprise for our fans.

- We had 10 diiferent magnets: Cologne, Dortmund, Munich, Berlin, Gelsenkirchen, Leverkusen, Barcelona, West London, Paris, Torino. The most popular magnets were Cologne and Dortmund. The least popular - Berlin :) If we visited Gamescom again, I'd change Berlin for Frankfurt.

- Our console publisher prepared energetic drinks with FTG print. Some players were lucky enough to buy the game's key with the big discount and with the drink at the same moment :)

- It was a pleasure to see many grown-up gamers (30+ yo). These players were more interested in our game than the younger ones. Btw, write, please, in the comments, how old are you. I'm 36 ;)

- Players visit Gamescom for big AAA titles. But it was great that there were a lot of players in the indie zone as well. I like the fact that all German visitors could speak English even a bit (most of them spoke English very well though).

We have returned home and started working on the Autumn update. Starting from the next week, I'll be telling you what new features will come. :cannonshot:
Aug 16, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

Hi everyone!

We are lucky enough to be selected by Indie Arena Booth to showcase our game at one of the biggest game conventions in the world - Gamescom!

So if you are going to visit it, come to our stand, take part in the competitions and win souvenirs from Football, Tactics & Glory.

We will be there for all 5 days. So if you want to say "Hi!", find us in the hall 10, stand 020G.

Will be glad to meet you there ;)

Aug 9, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

  • Changed the graphics of the calendar
  • Now, you can see the details of your match if you hover on the matchday on the calendar (earlier, you had to click on the matchday)
  • Now, when you click on the previous match days, you will see the results of the all matches at this day
  • In this window, you can click on any club to open the club's screen
  • Significantly improved the information about your campaign in the main menu. Now, when you click on the "i" button on the main menu, you will see all the settings of your campaign
  • Added Serbia
  • Improved different aspects of the simulation to make the general world development more realistic
  • Now, at the start of the new campaign, you will have 2 more players in your team
  • Now, in the first 2 seasons, the sponsors won't propose the conditions about the Cup tournament
  • Tiny usability improvements in the online game

  • Fixed some simulation bugs which made the game to crash in some rare instances
  • Fixed the blurry logo on the team photo
  • Fixed the stylistic mistakes in the Ukrainian localization

Thanks, everyone for your Steam reviews, feedback on the forum, Discord, Twitter, messages about the bugs, praises and support. We read all your messages. And we are glad so many players support us.
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

In the recent Summer Update, we significantly improved some aspects of the bots' clubs development. However, the price for it was a slowdown in the world simulation.

Depending on how your world generated, some players might experience a significant loss of the simulation speed.

Therefore, we urgently began to look for an opportunity to speed up the simulation without significantly simplifying internal calculations. And our brilliant programmer did it.

The game became 10 times faster!

Depending on how your world generated, you can experience 5-10 times simulation speed increase.

Additional notes

Due to a temporary slowdown in the simulation, we were able to detect a bug, which in rare cases led to crashes and damaging saves. For a long time, we could not find it. It turned out that during the simulation, some players very quickly clicked in different places on the screen (because it was boring to wait). Clicks on some elements (like the calendar) led to the mentioned problems.

Slowing down the simulation allowed us to understand where the players clicked :)

As a result, we found and fixed our nightmare :cannonshot:

Along with the corrections, we have slightly simplified the Normal and Easy modes, increasing the starting number of footballers.

Wish you victories! :kickups:
Jul 27, 2018
Football, Tactics & Glory - _K_o_S_

World Cup is ended but we do not stop creating new updates. In this quite big update, we decided to improve some important parts of FTG which you asked us most of all.

Here's a short overview of the improvements:
- Now, you will see the birth dates for every footballer;
- Significantly improved world simulation. Now, the clubs won't become weaker after 15+ seasons;
- Improved balance for 60 and 90 action modes;
- Added Footballpedia to the matches;
- Added the possibility to allow AI teams in the online tournaments;
- Added 4 new counties;
- many other improvements.


  • Added a Date of Birth column in the Contracts screen.
  • A semitransparent bar in this column shows how many time left to the birthdays.
  • Added a Date of Birth field in the Profile screen.
  • Added Next/Previous arrows at the bottom of the Profile screen. They allow you to scroll the list of the footballers without leaving the Profile screen.
  • If there is a match on the last day of a transfer window, you won't be able to start the match until you check out ending contracts.
  • Now, when you select a skill to learn (or to upgrade) you will see a real time of the training. Earlier, it didn't take to account the "Talent" specialization branch.

  • Added a Footballpedia button into the match.
  • When you select an action or skill into a match, press Footballpedia button to instantly open the article about selected action/skill.
  • When you perform a skill of 2nd or 3rd level every dice roll will have the color of the actual roll. Earlier, all rolls had the color of your last roll. This improvement will add a bit of a drama to the matches.
  • Now, the successful headers give 5 specialization points instead of 2.
  • Decreased the pause which appeared when the turnaround animation played in a match. As a result - the controls became more fluent.
  • Now, the situation demonstrated on the gif below ends in a goal. Earlier, GK took the ball and couldn't move. Quite a rare situation though.

  • In the 60/90 action modes, the amount of Glory for reaching Top-10 is decreased
  • In the 60/90 action modes, the amount of xp needed for the next specialization level is increased in 1.25/1.8 times respectively.
  • The starting squad will be on 1-3 years younger in Normal and Easy modes. There will be more younger footballers in Easy mode.
  • In the Easy mode, the costs of the stadium. youth academy, scouts, coaches, skill upgrades are decreased.
  • Starting squad in the Easy mode now consists of 17 footballers instead of 14.
  • Now, in the Normal and Easy modes with enabled Tutorial, the starting amount of money is increased. However, the rewards for the president's tasks are decreased.

  • Added Croatia, Uruguay, Romania, Indonesia.
  • Changed the "fates" of DMs. Now, their main attribute is Defence instead of Pass.
  • Changed the "fates" of the wing forwards. Now, their main attribute is Control instead of Accuracy.
  • Now, in the Windowed mode, the simulation works in the background. Therefore, you can switch to your browser of another application when you see the ball rolling. It will be easier to wait while the game simulates the match results, leveling and transfers of other teams.
  • Improved the Simulation subsystem. Now, the clubs won't become weaker after 15+ seasons.
  • Now, AI clubs will put more players on the transfers. Therefore, there will be more footballers in the paid transfer list.
  • Fixed the lack of footballers of some classes after many seasons.
  • Now, AI clubs will more often put younger footballers in the matches.
  • Changed the Korean names (it appeared that there were a lot of Vietnamese names).

  • Changed the design of the Online play screens.
  • Now, players can choose a kit in the online mode.
  • Added the possibility to add an AI team into the online tournament (it might be useful for the tournaments of 4/8 players).
  • Disabled the possibility to use the Kick out action in the online game.
  • Added the possibility to select a kit before a hot seat match.

  • Added more variety to the turnaround animations in the match.
  • Face generator learned to generate more diverse names for some European countries. The variability of the faces is slightly increased.

  • There was an old icon of the Fan favourites after the match which wrongly said that the bonus = 0.5%. Fixed.
  • In some cases, you couldn't press anything in a penalty. Fixed.
  • Fixed wrong time at the end of the half.
  • Amateur Forward had the motivation last for 6 actions instead of 7. Fixed.
  • Fixed some problems with the wrong update of the injured and booked footballers.
  • Fixed a rare bug which made the tutorial to freeze.
  • Earlier, when you wanted to sell a footballer, you could close the window and open it again. Often, the club where the footballer would be sold, changed. It's a bug. Now, the club won't change.
  • In some cases, the length of the learning skill might be shown as 1y 12m 6d. Fixed.
  • Fixed crashes in some rare cases.

You shouldn't start a new campaign for the changes start working. However, if you continue playing your old campaign, you will notice some changes not very soon. It takes time for the world to recover clubs and born new young players with the new fate.

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Write in the commentaries what an improvement do you like the most?