Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - (Alice O'Connor)

As Rainbow Six Siege continues smashing through its third year of contents updates, Ubisoft have shown off the two new characters coming in its next big patch, Operation Grim Sky. The fella known as Maverick has a blowtorch to cut wee holes in walls, while Clash is a London rozzer armed with an electrozapping bulletproof shield. Arriving alongside them is a new version of Rainy day in Hereford at an SAS training facility. And you can see all of that in a new video below.


Counter-Strike 2 - (John Walker)

The grim effects of the Steam Summer Sale are finally wearing off, and we’ve got a bunch of new entries this week! Along with, of course, the usual hoary old guard of dreary regulars. So hold my hand as I guide you through the most exciting article of your life.


Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege

Earlier this month, Ubisoft shared the first details of Operation Grim Sky, Rainbow Six Siege’s next season. Today, full details of its third campaign have been revealed from this weekend's Paris Major—including more on its new operators Maverick and Clash, and its reworked Hereford Base training camp map

As outlined in the five-minute short above, Maverick is known as the American spook who "went native". A hard-breacher and member of The Unit, his Suri Torch blow lamp lets him burn through surfaces "at an almost inaudible level", says Ubisoft, including reinforced walls. Which is surely great news for those players keen on horizontal shooting.  

Clash, as we learned earlier this week, is an ex-Scotland Yard officer. She can look a wee bit like System Shock's Shodan, and is the first defender to come equipped with a shield. During my short hands-on time with the new operatives—more on that this coming week—I struggled to work out a strategy for taking Clash on. Her shield not only nullifies head-on offence, you see, but also emits bolts of electricity which prevent you closing in from the wings. Needless to say, I copped a few fatal charges along the way.  

With this in mind, I reckon Clash marks a good starter operative for players learning the ropes. Siege now has 40 playable characters, each with their own respective repertoires of special abilities. There's therefore more scope to get overwhelmed than ever. Tooling yourself up with an electro-shield, however, is sure to help reduce newb anxiety.  

Elsewhere, Grim Sky implements modifications to address weapon sights misalignment, and includes adjustments to Operator Idle Pick. 

Expect Grim Sky to feature on PC test servers tomorrow, August 20. No concrete live date as yet, but Ubi says it's "available in September". If the developer follows previous Siege season launches, that might be September 3 or 4. Watch this space. 

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege

Sometimes a detailed breakdown of our performances in competitive games can reveal important things about our playstyle that we might not have noticed. In the case of stats in Rainbow Six Siege, there are so many variables to a match that it’s important to know which operators you truly excel at and where your strategy could use some work. There are a few helpful options for Siege stats, so let’s break down what they are and how they differ.

How do these sites work?

There are four main resources for statistics in Siege: one built by Ubisoft themselves, and three built by third parties. The official one is simply called Rainbow Six Siege Stats. It’s accessed pretty easily from the Siege website, but you’ll have to log in through Uplay first.

R6Tab and R6Stats are third-party sites put together by dedicated fans. No login information is needed—you simply search for any player's record using their in-game name. There is one other resource, Rainbow Six Siege Tracker. This site is a part of the Tracker Network, which has dedicated sites for most of the popular competitive games right now. Each site also works for any player across PC, Xbox One, and PS4. 

What Siege stats website is best?


At the rate that the site is growing, R6Tab feels poised to become everyone’s go-to stat resource for Siege. R6Tab is a brand-new site that takes up the mantle of Siege’s previously best resource for stats, R6DB. After its closure in August, R6Tab founder Nader Halim wanted to fill the void and expand on R6DB’s limited feature set. In the weeks since the site’s launch, over 750,000 players have been added to the site’s database. The big feature here that R6Tab currently does best is its leaderboards. This is useful for yourself, but also when looking up other players to see just how hopeless your efforts were to beat them. Among the top tier of players, the leaderboards are fun for bragging rights, but it only shows players who have used the site, so it’s not a perfect representation.

Right now, a stats page for R6Tab is still in development, but Halim plans to replicate all of R6DB’s features with even loftier goals for the future of the site. “We're planning on making this a community site where players will soon be able to open accounts, follow other players, track their daily stats, discuss various topics, and rate and report players.”

Halim has been hard at work cranking out new features for the site on a near-weekly basis. A recently added button allows player to pull of a list of other players with a similar ranking. Just added this week is a tool that lets players upload a screenshot of their in-game scoreboard and automatically search and find the stats for each player. The site has a Discord bot that can be installed on any server to look up a player’s profile with a simple chat command. Halim is also working on an official mobile app for iOS and Android. The dedication to the project and diligent development cycle has made R6Tab feel like the natural home for stats in Siege in a short amount of time.


By pure coincidence, R6Stats is also in the middle of a rebirth. The site has been around since the early days of Siege, but its developers stopped updating it around the time of Operation Velvet Shell in 2017. After radio silence for over a year, R6Stats V2 surprise launched last month, and it’s looking pretty great. Feature-wise, R6Stats has a similar offering as R6Tab. It does already allow favoriting players, has graphs mapping out your K/D, and has an app released for iOS and Android, all features that R6Tab has promised in the future. The app is a great resource for stats on the go, but the performance is sluggish and the ads are somewhat intrusive, so buy the pro version if that’s a dealbreaker.

The most interesting thing going for R6Stats is the seasonal stats section, which lays out detailed overviews of your performance in the current and past season with more detail than the other sites. Comparing your win/loss ratios and max MMR ranks for each season is a fun way to see how your skill has evolved over time. The team behind R6Stats has committed to new additions and updates to the site this time around, so let's hope that sticks.

Ubisoft’s official tool

Ubisoft’s official stats tool isn’t as fancy as its competition, but it’s perfectly acceptable. It’s simple, functional, and easy to use, but the tool clearly doesn’t see much maintenance and hasn’t added any new tools over time. It does offer one neat stat breakdown not found anywhere else: you can see detailed stats for each type of weapon to see which ones you excel at. Apparently I should stay away from shotguns.

You can also see how many times you’ve used your gadget with each operator, which breaks down differently for each op. For instance, it tracks how many Rook plates you’ve provided to teammates or how many tracking assists you’ve received while scanning footprints as Jackal.

Tracker Network

Tracker Network’s Rainbow Six Siege Tracker provides a lot of the same functionality as what we’ve already listed here, but with a presentation that isn’t quite as elegant. Even in its new relaunched state following Operation Grim Sky’s release, I spotted several inconsistencies in the info. It’ll get the job done, sure, but it’s the tools dedicated to Siege that will likely add new and better features going forward.

What statistics are tracked?

Each site handles its stats a little differently, but some things are consistent. The most basic stats that you’ll find are you win/loss ratios, kill/death ratios, and how those stats break down across all the game’s operators. The official Rainbow Six Stats showcases your most played operators in an especially flashy way, seen below.

Other important pieces of info can be found on all four sites, like headshot counts, accuracy ratings, melee kills, etc. But there’s also a lot of small things different about them that could make one more useful than another for you. For example, R6Tab and R6Stats have leaderboard features that allows you to rank yourself and players encountered against the best in the world.


For a long time, Siege’s stat offerings felt really sparse. It would be nice for Ubisoft to throw more effort behind its own stat tracking resources, but dedicated fans are doing great work regardless. R6Tab is still a new site, but it has already proven to be a powerful tool. The R6Stats relaunch has the site in a great place and has its own neat features, but it’s hard to say how dedicated development will be moving forward. For now, you’re bestoff using a combination of R6Tab, R6Stats, and the official Ubisoft tool for the best representations of your skill. 

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Valve
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Aug 16, 2018
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_F4nch

Maverick is known for his precise work and keen mind, yet he remains an enigma within Rainbow Six.

He was investigating the case of a missing reporter when he himself went MIA. The Unit had no means of communicating with him. Maverick re-emerged two years later with enough intel to dismantle a major insurgency operation. No one knows what really happened to him during those two years, but he’s been seen carrying a D.I.Y. blowtorch ever since, one that can make holes in metal surfaces. On the field, he’s found multiple uses for it, including but not limited to making murder holes. It takes a patient and fast Operator like Maverick to hold those angles.

Maverick’s expertise and his list of successful missions became the stuff of legend among Intelligence Collectors, gaining the attention of Rainbow Six.

It takes someone with exceptional intelligence, a deep understanding of human behavior, and high adaptability to one’s environment to do what he does. The one person who still does it best is Erik “Maverick” Thorn.

Visit our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel on August 17-19th for Maverick’s full reveal during the first ever Six Major in Paris.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_F4nch

Creating new doors in walls is core to the destructible strategy in Siege. Creating new walls, new windows, and actual new doors is core to Map Buffs. The Level Design team is constantly looking at ways to iterate on maps in small, focused updates through what we call Map Buffs. Introduced for the first time in Operation Para Bellum with the Map Buff of Clubhouse, we wanted to revisit the philosophy of these decisions, as they will be a key feature in the future.

Here is an example of the Clubhouse Map Buff where a connector was added to the second floor to bridge the two structures.

After two years, some maps or parts of maps in Siege can feel stale. As players and playstyles evolve, there are also areas of certain maps that lack competitiveness. This can make a map unbalanced or even just not fun to play.

The philosophy of the Level Design Team when creating Map Buffs is to give maps new life while improving the competitiveness. The team builds onto the existing structure and flow of the map that improves on these qualities without completely changing the experience of the map. This is where Map Buffs differ from Map Reworks.

Here is an example of the Clubhouse Map Buff where a connector was added to the second floor to bridge the two structures.

Map Buffs are surgical and limited changes are focused purely on gameplay. These are more rapid iterations on a map that require reduced workload on the art team. They aim to offer a few critical improvements to competitiveness, mainly more viable objectives. The Level Design team looks at the objective pick rate in Ranked and Pro League and attempt to redistribute it more equally with these buffs.

In the future, we plan to introduce Map Buffs on a more regular basis. They all will not be as robust as the changes made to Clubhouse, but they will be focused on the philosophy outlined above.

For more information on the upcoming season, follow Rainbow Six Siege on Twitter and Facebook.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege

Update: Maverick has been officially revealed, and the leaks and rumors have been confirmed. As you can see in the teaser above, he indeed uses a blow torch, though rather than breaching the wall in this case, he creates a horizontal slit which he can shoot through. His bio indicates that while creating "murder holes" is one of his talents, his blow torch has other uses, too. Maverick’s full reveal will take place during the Six Major in Paris, which begins tomorrow and runs through the 19th.

Our original story, in which fans dug up his name a bit early, follows below.

Original story (Aug 14): Following the official reveal of Rainbow Six Siege’s newest defender, Clash, fans have already been digging for even more info. And thanks to their tenaciousness, we now know the likely name of our new blow-torched attacker: Maverick.

There are already a few things that are adding credence to this theory, the main one being video tags that can be found in the reveal video for Clash on Ubisoft’s YouTube channel. As you can see below, “new operator maverick” is embedded in the video’s keywords for anyone to see. Well, not anyone—YouTube hides these tags on the normal video page, so they’re only visible when viewing the page source in another tab.

Maverick’s mention sits right next to other keywords that we would expect, like “new operator clash” and “hereford base,” so this seems pretty cut and dry. But for good measure, clever redditor veolicitycontrol noticed that trying to open the page for “maverick reveal” on the Siege website doesn’t simply redirect back to the main site like other bogus URLs. Instead, it hits a 404 and stays there, suggesting the page may exist and just isn’t visible yet.

We know from leaks back in May and the Operation Grim Sky reveal that Maverick is an attacker from the Delta Force who will carry a blow torch gadget. This likely means he’ll be Siege’s third hard breacher alongside Thermite and Hibana, an addition players have wanted for a long time. Ubisoft will probably officially unveil Maverick’s name sometime this week, leading up to the full gameplay reveal on Sunday during the Six Paris Major.

"Future changes will include elements that will make Thatcher stronger, but we needed this interaction in place before we can begin working on those."


Ubisoft has also released a new Designer Notes blog post detailing a few small operator changes before going into Grim Sky. The most interesting change will be coming to Thatcher—his EMP grenades will no longer destroy cameras, only disable them temporarily. “This is a small part of a larger project that we are working on, but have too many dependencies on current systems to implement this at the same time as the rest of the changes. Future changes will include elements that will make Thatcher stronger, but we needed this interaction in place before we can begin working on those,” the post states.

Valkyrie’s throwable cameras, bulletproof cameras, Maestro’s Evil Eye turrets, and the default map cameras all apply here. Right now, this comes across as a simple nerf, but Thatcher isn’t typically used to destroy cameras in the first place. His EMP grenades are most commonly used to safely destroy Bandit's batteries and Mute’s jammers to free up a wall for hard breaching. The nerf is in line with what Ubisoft designers said last month during a Reddit AMA, admitting that they weren’t satisfied with how the EMPs leave little room for counterplays. 

After feedback that Twitch’s shock drones were too hard to hear even in a quiet room, Ubi will be making them a bit louder when moving around in Grim Sky. If this nerf is as slight as they make it sound, it shouldn’t change up Twitch’s playstyle too much, but it’s important to know for the Twitch mains out there who might not notice they’re suddenly making more noise when trying to stealth around.

We'll surely have more on Siege's new operators come the Paris Major this weekend.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Ubi_F4nch

We have a few changes that will have an impact on gameplay, but this will not be a major balancing patch. These changes will come with the Y3S3 patch, and will be available on the Y3S3 Test Server.

  • EMP Grenades will now temporarily disable cameras instead of destroying them.
As we noted in a previous AMA, Thatcher’s binary playstyle is somewhat limiting, and we adjusted his gadget to allow for additional creativity, and have a longer lasting impact on the Meta. His EMP grenades will now temporarily disable cameras; this includes security cameras, bulletproof cameras, Maestro’s turrets, and Valkyrie’s cameras. This is a small part of a larger project that we are working on, but have too many dependencies on current systems to implement this at the same time as the rest of the changes. Future changes will include elements that will make Thatcher stronger, but we needed this interaction in place before we can begin working on those.

  • Shock Drone will emit slightly more noise
We will be increasing the amount of noise made by Twitch’s Shock Drone, as player’s had too much trouble hearing the drone even in extremely quiet situations. It is still very discreet, and quieter than other drones. Our goal is to help players that are paying attention be able to pick up on the audio cue from the drone when it is moving.

Weapon Sight Misalignement
  • Weapons will no longer interact with your Field of View
Our recoil system has a flaw affecting automatic weapons that causes bullets to diverge from where the reticle is pointing. A fix will be implemented with the upcoming Year 3 Season 3 patch. This will be done by removing your weapon’s interaction with your Field of View (FOV), and ensuring the reticle will always be in the center of your screen.

Our goal is to offer a clean, tight shooting system that enables our players to showcase their skill, without rewarding players with a headshot when aiming at the torso. We have worked hard at trying to match the unique shooting feel of Siege by firing tens of thousands of bullets and switching back and forth between the two systems, and iterating to bring the new recoils closer to their live counterpart.

The implementation of this change will also be a starting point for a re-evaluation of all weapons. We will share more information about any future weapon changes prior to them being implemented in the live game.

Current Status

Following the changes that Finka experienced in Patch 2.2, we have seen a positive result. As of right now, her Win Delta has dropped to 1.7%, bringing her more in line with other Operators, and her pick rate has slightly increased. We are happy with the result of the changes that were made, but are going to continue to monitor her performance should anything change, as well as keep an eye on how she is performing in Pro League.

Frost and Kapkan
We have seen an interesting increase in the Win Delta for Kapkan and Frost in the last few weeks. They have each shifted from a Win Delta of approximately -3.0%, to nearly 1.0% each. We aren’t sure why this happened, but to the dedicated Frost and Kapkan mains out there, keep doing great things. We see you.

Tune-in for the reveal of Y3S3 Operation Grim Sky on the Rainbow Six Twitch Channel on August 17 - 19th during the first ever Six Major in Paris.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege

The slow, steady rollout of the next season of Rainbow Six Siege, entitled Operation Grim Sky, continued today with a teaser introducing one of the game's two new operators: Morowa "Clash" Evans, a defender who bears an uncanny resemblance—at least for a brief, flashing second—to Shodan, the infamous AI villain of System Shock.

Clash, a Scotland Yard crowd control specialist, is the first Rainbow Six defender with a shield. And not just a shield, but a massive, transparent, person-height shield with a built-in taser. And not just a taser, but a howling Tesla coil, basically, that looks like it's cranking out enough juice to drop six men and the elephant they rode in on.

A native of England, Clash served with the Territorial Support Group during the 2011 riots, before earning a spot in Specialist Firearms Command, the branch of London's Metropolitan Police Service that provides armed response capability. Her shield, the Crowd Control Electro Shield, is actually a DIY rig put together by Twitch and Mira. 

"Clash is the perfect Operator to handle this new gadget and weapon because she understands mob behavior and she pioneered snatch squad tactics, not to mention her experience as a riot officer," Ubisoft said in her character announcement. "She knows exactly when and where to deploy this shield to deny entry and slow down her opponents." 

Clash, and all of Operation Grim Sky including the reworked Hereford Base map that we checked into last week, will be fully revealed on August 19 during the Six Major in Paris. And in case you missed it, this weekend is a fine time to find out what Rainbow Six Siege is all about: From August 16-20 it'll be free to play on Steam

And in case you thought I was kidding:
