Eden Rising - ClvrRptr
Hi Wardens!

With our final round of 'groundwork' improvements and bug fixes (v0.2.3) due to hit steam next week (more details to come!), which will further improve combat, smooth out some important bugs and lay final groundwork for the next patch.

We thought now was the perfect time to share the goodies we have been working on behind the scenes for a future update. Eden is going to be getting some big improvements and we are excited to give the community a first look!

Creatures and Combat

The monsters found in Eden were never intended to be mindless hack-and-slash enemies. They are dangerous native creatures with their own strengths and weaknesses. It’s our goal to make monsters feel much more challenging, diverse and most of all, FUN to fight.

As such, all monsters in the game are getting a massive overhaul. More animations, more behaviors, and more abilities and attacks will make fighting creatures feel like a much more engaging and challenging experience both in and outside of sieges! Expect more dangerous rampaging attacks, flailing tentacles, deadly areas of effect, damage/weakness types, and windows of opportunity to jump in and take them down.

In conjunction with these changes the balance of enemies you’ll see in the game will have a complete overhaul, making progression feel smoother and more natural, as well as provide a greater diversity of monsters overall with different strengths and weaknesses to exploit and overcome.

In the next patch we'll be adding the first of several enemies that are so tough your blows will bounce off, inflicting very little damage. You'll be able to make use of a new system that will allow for directional attacks, meaning dodging behind a monster and jumping in for a back-stab attack to a vulnerable weak spot will yield effective results. As part of this feature we’ll also have a hard-lock system, so you can focus on a single target, maneuver around them and watch for a perfect opportunity to strike! No more accidentally overshooting or sliding past an enemy during a combo!

Massive Siege Overhaul

To coincide with the balance and behavior changes for monsters all the sieges in the game will be getting a full overhaul as well. In addition to a full balance pass there are several features and improvements that will totally change the way sieges work in the game.

Monster aggro has been given a fundamental change in sieges. Monsters will now pursue their path to the Crucible unless they are actively engaged in combat from the player or hit by a tower. This means monsters will no longer mob aggro the player if approached, they will only respond if directly attacked otherwise continuing their path towards the center of the camp. This change will make sieges feel much more like traditional tower defense and make tower placement and effective use much more important!

As a result of these aggro changes this means that monsters can spawn in greater numbers, and aesthetically in more randomized formations, rather than the single file lines that you currently see! Towers will play a bigger, more active role in your defense, with several new towers in development to add to your arsenal!

Upgrades Galore!

The way you gain tech in the game is also being changed, adding a system of purchasing the tech you and your tribe want, there will also be a system for upgrading your Crucible to grant the tribe various bonuses during sieges.

There is a wide variety of weapons in Eden, and even more coming. To give players a better understanding of their options and the strengths and weaknesses of each we are adding a weapon tree UI that will demonstrate the different branching paths each weapon can take.

User Interface Overhaul

In addition to new UI interfaces for new features, the main UI will be having a full overhaul in a slick and clean to use style!

New Starting Area

To top off all these massive changes to the game Eden will be getting an all new starting experience, complete with its own Crucible challenges and island to explore. Combined with the recently implemented opening cinematic, the new player experience is intended to give players a better introduction to the world, their goals and the flow of combat and sieges before venturing out into the open world.


This is only a high level of the changes that are currently being worked on, the full patch notes will be posted closer to the date of release. We are confident that what is coming for Eden is a total game changer and will really address all the concerns and feedback we have received so far!

Because this major update makes such significant changes to the core of the game, expect that servers will need to be reset to enjoy them. While we understand that it might be frustrating, this is Early Access and we promise the new experience of Eden will be even better, and very different! We will of course give notice to the community before these changes are intended to go live.

We hope you are excited about what’s around the corner for Eden, the feedback and support we have received has been invaluable in helping move forward and make Eden Rising the best it can be.
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

As promised, the first major combat update is here!

This new patch is focused on our big steps to improving the look and feel of combat. You'll now feel a big improvement in the impacts of your weapons on monsters, and dodging will now feel more reactive and not keep you locked you into attacks as it used to. Today's improvements will pave the way towards more improvements in the very near future.

There's of course a lot more in today's patch which you can check out in full below. Your feedback is important, so please make sure to drop us a message on the official Discord or the Steam forums and tell us what you think!

Full patch notes below:

• Weapon hits on monster feedback have been greatly improved.
  • Improved visual effects for all melee weapon types.
  • Improved timings and impacts.

• Player attacks will hit all monsters more reliably on all types of terrain.
• Player character will no longer get ’caught’ on collision while running.
• The player camera has been moved back and centered.
  • Large tree objects will now fade out to prevent awkward camera clipping.
  • Swapping to a ranged weapon will revert the camera to an over the shoulder view.

• Dodge windows while executing attacks have been tweaked to feel better, allowing more reactive dodging to avoid enemy attacks.
• Failed dodge attempts due to lack of stamina now have an appropriate visual effect and audio.
• Fixed animation popping while dodging.

• Eden Rising has a brand new opening cutscene! Find out how you came to be on Eden!

• Monster hit collisions have been updated to encompass all parts of the monster more accurately.
• Monsters will no longer snap to idle in the middle of an attack.
• Monsters will now play their warning visual effects and animations correctly before triggering the attack.
• Nametag heights for monsters have been repositioned to be more easily visible.

• Entrance to the Fungal Preserve from The Valley has been adjusted to be more obvious and clear.
• Fungal Preserve starting area has been adjusted to include a new vista and clearer pathways.
• Fixed some faulty collision in the Searing Coast that allowed players to go out of bounds.
• Smoothed out the entrance to the Valley.

• Mitigation damage formulas have updated behavior.
• Auto-turret now autofires continually instead of in short bursts with a recharge.
• Withering Turret cooldown time has been adjusted.
• World mini-siege activation radius have been adjusted to better encompass the intended area.
• Siege result screen will now show full score calculation.
• Build points in the Valley and Sulfur pits have been updated to provide new bonus effects.
• Turrets & Pillars will now regenerate mana consistently after it is consumed.

• You can now read the latest patch notes when you launch the game.
• Consumables can now be used from the inventory.
• Items now have tags to indicate their intended use, as well as strengths and weaknesses.
• Pressing ESC during the Crafting or Consumable Pop Up Screens (Progress Bars) will return you to the menu.
• You can now drag onto your character model to equip it.
• Server admins are now able to recover items from offline players.

• Bomb scarabs will no longer instantly disappear on death.
• Null Batons will now display their upgrade icon correctly.
• Discovered tech will no longer display in the Resource Owned Menu (~).
• Fixed a bug where gloves and armor could not be unequipped.
• Crafting will now take into account resource consumption when checking for free inventory slots.
• Fixed a bug where the player would play a damage taken audio without actually being hit.
• Gloves now properly consume mana when used on a valid target.
• Visual effects will now play correctly when using a dye on the hotbar.
• Fungal Preserve center outpost has been adjusted to prevent wild monsters aggroing while a mini siege is in progress.
• Fixed an issue that caused items like consumables and traps to continue to be displayed in the hotbar slots after the player dies.
• Monsters no longer display the ‘armored’ icon when their damage reduction is not in effect.
• Fixed some sulfur volumes in the Shattered Causeway.
• Fixed an animation loop issue with ranged weapon idles.
• Swapping weapons while sprinting will no longer cause the wrong animation to play.
• Swapping weapons will now reset the special attack UI correctly.
• Jump sound effects will now always play.
• Multiple stuck issues fixes in the terrain all across Eden.

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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr
Earlier this month, we announced that improving the overall look and feel of combat is one of our main priorities.

The upcoming patch will have a number of great improvements, many of which vastly improve the feeling on impact and physicality of combat!

Swinging a big heavy hammer? Now you'll see your attacks connecting with monsters and really feel that impact!

Slashing at a monster in a flourishing combo? Now you'll see directional swipes and impacts on monsters!

As a part of these changes monster collision boxes have also been adjusted, and dodge windows on attacks have been tweaked to feel better as part of a larger ongoing overhaul! We are planning to continue to roll out further improvements regularly over the summer and your ongoing feedback is greatly appreciated!

The update containing this first round of changes is in a final round of polish and bugfixing so expect to see it hit Steam quite soon so stay tuned!
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

We hope you’ve been exploring the new world of Eden Underground and taking advantage of the quality life improvements!

As we mentioned in last our last steam post, we have been listening attentively to all your feedback and it has been guiding our plan going forward for improving the game! We are working on some cool stuff which will will share soon, but in the meantime we are also addressing bugs and reports from the community.

Todays update contains a range of improvements such as not losing your inventory when pressing the stuck player button, improvement on the way sulfur damage works, and better teleporting to targeted telesites. Enjoy!

Full patch notes below:

Major fixes
• Sulfur damage fix. You will no longer receive sulfur damage when you’re not physically in the sulfur.
• New Unstuck feature. Using the Stuck button won’t get you killed anymore! Instead you’ll be teleported to a nearby spot.
• Monster visual effects fix: You’ll now be able to properly see the infamous Archons and Hierophants’ passive auras!
• Patch notes display pop-up on launch: you’ll always know what’s new in Eden Rising :)

Other Fixes and adjustments
• Shortened respawn timer: get back to the action faster
• Monster drops and item containers no longer disappear when exiting & reloading a server
• UI improvement: won’t display an endless list of blueprints notifications when joining a server
• Siege monster path indicators update correctly when barriers are broken
• Drag and dropping equipped items to occupied inventory slots no longer destroys the item
• Target telesite selection is now more reliable
• Clearer confirmation text (turret destruction, quit confirmation, etc.)
• Multiple stuck issues fixes in the terrain all across Eden
• Fixed dyed bone cuirass visual glitch

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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

Hello Wardens!

It’s been a busy few weeks for the dev team, and we wanted to give an update on what we have been working on and what the plans are from here.

We've been listening to your feedback about the game, in reviews and on the forums. We've watched streamers playing and talked with you all on Discord! Based on your feedback, we are putting together a plan for development going forward to tackle some of the most reported topics we have seen.

First and foremost, combat.
We have heard your feedback and are listening. We are aiming to start rolling out some significant improvements to the look and feel of the combat system, to make it feel smoother, more responsive, and just generally play better. This is something that will be achieved over time with each iteration (hopefully!) improving from the last.

Some of the major areas that we are targeting are:
  • Making the dodge more responsive
  • Improving the “physicality” of the combat feel
  • Improving the reactiveness of attacks
  • Improving monster AI and attacks
The strike team in charge of combat is already hard at work, so expect to see rolling updates in the patch notes to combat as we move forward in Early Access.

As far as development goes, because combat is an existing system, our designers and programmers will (for the most part) be handling those improvements. This means our artists are going to be moving ahead on additional content. And of course, fixing those annoying stuck locations! We’re investigating a better workaround for the “Unstuck” button, as well as fixing those locations. In the meantime, every time you use it we receive a report and can immediately work to fix that location.

We’re also looking into a few more issues reported by the community – radiation fixes, better turret reactivity, and a few more!

We want to assure the community that just because we may release content, it does not mean we are neglecting other areas of the game. The team is split into various disciplines and are working in parallel to improve the game overall!

The help and support of the community is really appreciated by everyone here on the development team.
With your help we will continue to make Eden Rising the best it can be!
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

We are very excited today to share the first brand new content addition to the game, Eden Underground!


Explore a world beneath the surface where new dangers, secrets and resources lie, waiting for you to uncover them! Unique flora thrives in the labyrinth-like caverns of Eden, lighting an eerie path into the depths. New monstrous challenges lurk in the dark, guarding rare resources from trespassers!

Full patch notes below:

Eden Underground now accessible
Explore the depths of Eden in new subterranean areas, filled with new resources, challenges and creatures!

Null Baton Weapon
Search the depths of Eden Underground to find what you need to unlock the Null Batons – A fast dual-wield weapon that manipulates negative energy - the more hits you land, the more damage you deal!

Fixes and Adjustments
• UI improvement: Turrets will now more clearly display when they are on cooldown.
• Fixed an issue that made menus inaccessible during sieges in outposts.
• You will no longer receive the radiation debuff before being fully irradiated.
• Fixed a bug that caused environmental status effects such as radiation to carry over after respawning..


So set out with your tribe and explore those caves Wardens! And of course, make sure to share you screenshots with us!

Eden Rising - ClvrRptr
Are you prepared for what's in store?


Eden Underground lands next week!
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

So it's been a super busy two weeks since our last update which introduced a bunch of new features and quality of life fixes. We've been listening and responding to all your feedback here on steam, and on the official discord server. We have some cool stuff being worked on for Eden that we'll talk about and share our progress on in the weeks to come!

Now, on to todays patch. We initially intended to include brand new content called 'Eden Underground' in todays patch. It includes a new subregion, challenges and brand new weapon type. We've been working very hard on it, but after a review by the team, we have decided to give ourselves a little more time to make sure it's perfect. Expect to see Eden Underground live next week, we promise its worth the wait!

But fear not! We still have a hefty patch today with some great new features and improvements!

Full patch notes below:


Armor Colors and Dye Consumables
• We’ve added armor dyes to the game! Use a consumable dye to change any armor in the game to fit your style. You'll need a catalyst from a medusa to craft them!

• Emotes are here! Wave, cheer, point, and taunt friend and foe alike! Hold G to access the emote wheel. Tap G to perform that emote whenever.

Tutorial Island Update!
• We’ve made adjustments to Tutorial Island to make the steps clearer. The combat areas have been separated between steps and the cinematics updated!
• Tutorial siege now correctly displays the siege indicators and success screen when farther away from the siege base.

Valley Crucible Revamp
• The first Sieges in the Valley have been revamped to provide a better and more clear introduction to sieges!
• Updated the initial interaction with the Crucible to make it clear the dome will heal the player and provide protection.
• The withering turret now requires the Beam Stabilization technology to craft it. This technology is granted upon completing siege 3 in the valley of the ascendants. Players with existing servers will need to repeat this siege in order to unlock the technology.

New Crucible Features and Updates
• You can now access Global Storage anywhere within the camp. Just open your inventory!
• You can also access Global Storage while near any activated telesite. Easier resource farming and sharing!
• You can now teleport to any discovered Crucible! Just approach any Crucible (active or not) and interact with it to open the teleport menu.
• The Crucible will now warn you when starting a Siege on the wrong difficulty. This affects rewards for completing sieges. Ask your Server Admin to adjust the difficulty to receive the maximum benefits of sieges!
• Adjusted the resupply rate on camp factory upgrades to be hourly.

Updates to Death Mechanics
• Dying before reaching the Valley Crucible will now bring the player to the Valley Crucible with all of their items intact. This is a one-time deal only!
• Added a Respawn Map! Choose between any discovered Crucible or activated telesite as your respawn point!

Combat Updates
• Increased the dodge window for the Medusa Bud attacks.
• Updated some monster attacks, so that monsters would leash correctly (including the Gorgon not trying to attack when it can’t reach the player).

UI Updates
• Updated the mini-siege UI to display its information correctly.
• Updated the objective icon to more efficiently direct players.
• Updated the crafting screen for better messaging for the player when they don’t have enough resources.
• Updated the Map for a sneak peak at the Caves!

• Fixed an issue were player sprint animation did not update when switching weapons while sprinting.
• Fixed an issue where ranged weapons did not play character animations when firing.
• Fixed an issue where some Mini-Sieges weren't giving the Tech rewards.
• Fixed an issue where siege lanes indicators were removed when a lane is completed but did not reappear.
• Fixed an issue where the lane letter indicators are snapped to the ground and obscure the view of the lane.
• Fixed an issue where lane indicators did not update when the camp barriers were first activated.
• Fixed an issue where the siege success splash screen showed an incorrect siege score.
• Fixed an issue where the stats of players who did not participate in the siege appeared on the siege success/failure screen.
• Fixed an issue where switching between weapons then quickly attacking caused the controls to lock up.
• Fixed an issue where weapon swapping didn't reset the special attack UI display.
• Properly named the Crucibles.
• Fixed an issue where the Gorgon tried attacking spots it can't reach.
• Fixed an issue where the 'Success' message failed to display after completing the tutorial siege.
• Fixed some areas where the player can get stuck or pass through rocks. (This will be an ongoing process.)


See you next week!

Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

The Dev team has been working very hard since going live on Steam. We are reading all your feedback and comments to make Eden the best it can be! Last week the game received some sleek new UI fixes and new quality of life features.

This week we are excited to announce that on June 20th the world of Eden is set to expand further with a brand new content patch Eden Underground!

Explore a world beneath the surface where new dangers, secrets and resources lie, waiting for you to uncover them! Unique flora thrives in the labyrinth-like caverns of Eden, lighting an eerie path into the depths. New monstrous challenges lurk in the dark, guarding rare resources from trespassers!

In addition to these new areas in the world, players will also be able to wield an all-new weapon type, craft armor dyes, and express themselves using the all-new emote system.

Armor Dyes
Craft new dyes to tint your gear to a variety of new colors to stand out from the crowd.

New Weapon Type
Null Batons – A fast dual-wield weapon that manipulates negative energy - the more hits you land, the more damage you deal!

Communicate with your tribe with a variety of emotes. Accessed by pressing and holding [G].

Full patch notes will be posted on June 20th when the content goes live! See you there!
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

We have a big Quality of Life patch going live today! There's lot's of new features and improvements to enjoy in Eden. You can now quick swap weapons, invert the mouse, queue slot switching and view global storage from anywhere on Eden! Some defense objects have had huge overhauls and plenty of bugs have been squashed.

Full patch notes are below:

Quick switch between 2 equipped weapons.
Open the inventory to equip a secondary weapon on your character! Tap the weapon hotkey to swap between them at any time.
View Global Storage Hotkey.
Hold the [~] key to bring up a list of contents in your global storage, anywhere any time. Use it to help you keep track of what to pick up and what to drop when you find yourself with a full inventory out in the wilds of Eden.
Inverted Mouse Option.
Invert the Y-axis! You can select this option in the Options menu under Gameplay.
Allowed queuing of slot switching during actions.
Added a locomotion set for when a weapon is not in hand.
Mana Pillar Overhaul
The former Mana Pillar defense object has seen a full overhaul. It has been converted to an Enervation Pillar; the new functionality is to provide a large speed and damage buff to all players (and creatures) who enter into its radius after being activated, for a duration. The Enervation pillar and its associated tech is now unlocked on Siege 13: Scramble, players who have already completed this siege will need to redo it to unlock the tech.
Ascendant Armor Update
The Ascendant Armor sets no longer increase maximum mana, instead they reduce mana costs. Players now have a slow default mana regeneration. In addition, the Empowering Glove can now only target turrets and pillars.
• Ranged weapons have updated VFX when executing charge attacks.
• Added the ability to upgrade multiple items at once if the player has the correct number of resources available.
A new tech is required to craft the corrosive bombard weapon; Acid-Casting. Any player who had previously unlocked this weapon will need this new tech in order to craft a new one. The tech can be found in an outpost vault in the Searing Coast.
Improved Pillars Tech
Added as a reward for the 4th siege in the Causeway/Bone Yard. Players who have already completed this siege will need to repeat it in order to unlock the tech.
Adjusted keybindings to include new menus
(G for Tribe menu). Your keybindings will reset during this patch. You may need to reconfigure your key bindings in the Options.

UI Improvements
• Freed up some screen space and moved the siege UI while in the Crucible.
• Clearly defined siege paths, with a slightly larger minimap, as well as a new visual indicator in the world.
• A progress bar for each siege to indicate how many monsters you have left to defeat. In sieges with multiple waves the bar is broken into sections for each wave, and the counter shows monsters left per current wave.
• Lane indicators will now also grey out when all monsters in that lane are defeated!
• Updated Success screen.
• New reward indicators so you never miss what blueprints you earned each siege.
• Updated existing the map icons for better clarity. Added additional icons for resource cluster types.
• Map icons now persist between game sessions.
• Players now have the ability to place a marker on the map through the menu. Right click to place your marker. Your marker is red and your friends’ are orange.

Fixes and Adjustments
• Fixed an issue where items could no longer be crafted when not close to the global storage.
• Fixed an issue where consumables could not be used on another player.
• Fixed an issue where jumping into sulfur would instantly kill the player in the Searing Coast camp.
• Fixed an issue where other players could see your weapon while in Glove Mode.
• Fixed an issue where some monsters could go through the large bones placed in the world.
• The Chimera can no longer turn when it has a claw in the ground.
• Fixed some areas where the player can get stuck or pass through rocks. (This will be an ongoing process.)
• Fixed an issue where Stygians in the Searing Coast camp never attack the camp.
• Fixed an issue where players would die only after they completed a teleport.
• Fixed an issue where players could not gather their items if the container was on or near a telesite tower.
• Fixed an issue where Archons’ snares would stack on the player.
• Fixed an issue where users could not re-enter a server after returning to the Main Menu.
• Adjusted the dodge window during queued attacks.
• Adjusted the Medusas’ attack damage frames to be more visually accurate to account for average lag.
• Adjusted the path to the unused sulfur area to block access.
• Updated the datakey icon in the Tribe menu to the correct icon.