Eden Rising - ClvrRptr
The dev team have been working extremely hard since launch to answer your questions and address feedback from the community. Later this week we are excited to be pushing a new patch live on the 7th of June with a lot of bug fixes and some great quality of life improvements to Eden.

Weapon and Glove Quick Swapping
You asked, we listened! You can now have your 2 preferred weapons equipped on your character at the same time. Tap the weapon slot key on the tool bar to swap between them at any time! Switch from ranged to melee in an instant without any inventory screen to block the view!

View Global Storage Hotkey
Press the [~] key to bring up a list of contents in your global storage, anywhere any time. Use it to help you keep track of what to pick up and what to drop when you find yourself with a full inventory out in the wilds of Eden.

UI Improvements
Updates galore! Check out the slick new UI in the Crucibles and Sieges!

Freed up some screen space and moved the siege UI while in the Crucible

Clearly defined siege paths, with a slightly larger minimap, as well as a new visual indicator in the world.

A progress bar for each siege to indicate how many monsters you have left to defeat. In sieges with multiple waves the bar is broken into sections for each wave, and the counter shows monsters left per current wave.
Lane indicators will now also grey out when all monsters in that lane are defeated!


New reward indicators so you never miss what blueprints you earned each siege.

We also have some general updates to the minimap UI including new markers and indicators for creatures and areas of interest.

All these updates are part of some rolling updates we are working on to make the overall game UI more slick and intuitive, so expect to see more as we move forward through Early Access.

Inverted Mouse Option
Invert the Y-axis! You can select this option in the Options menu under Gameplay.

Fixes Fixes Fixes
We've addressed a bunch of bugs reported by the community, including fixing multiple areas that cause you to get stuck, adjusting the timing on medusa attack visuals and debugging cliffs and bridges for monsters.

This is just a sample of the improvements coming on the 7th June. We will be posting a comprehensive patch note list alongside the patch when it goes live later this week, with every fix and feature!

And while of course quality of life and bug fixing is important we are also working on a super cool content patch for the near future too (we'll be talking about that in a separate post so stay tuned!).
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

It's been a week since we went live, and here we are with our first patch! Bug fixes and balance galore, but that's not all -- we also have 2 awesome features for you to try out.

First is Challenge Mode. Have you defeated every Crucible on Eden? Well, we have much more in store for you with endless siege mode. Endless sieges, powerful upgrades, and endless Gorgons!

Next is Screenshot Mode. Want to get a beautiful snap of Eden's horizon or show off your new armor upgrades to the tribe? Hit F8 to hide the UI to take some screenshots, and don't forget to share them with us, too!

Full patch notes below:

• Added Challenge Sieges!
Challenge sieges unlock after completing all game sieges. Endless sieges, endless chances to be crushed by the Gorgon.
• Added a screenshot mode.
Press F8 to hide the UI and take beautiful screenshots! To turn the UI back on, press F8 again or Esc.

Player Abilities & Equipment Balancing
• Increased the refined essence cost of Omega weapons, to ensure that challenge sieges and ascendant (top) ranks on all other sieges provide the most efficient path for acquiring these items.
• Reduced the ambient rate of radiation exposure in radioactive areas.
• Adjusted the gamma shielding so that all ranks of the gamma shielding provide the same level of radiation protection; higher ranks now improve physical resistance instead.
• Increased the radius that irradiated enemies can move before they evade.
• Improved the discharge effect on the Polarity Bident & Spiked Polarity Rod.
• Reduced the base damage of the corrosive bombard to ensure its primary function is about applying corrosion.
• Reduced the rate at which the bombard applies corrosion to enemies as it was stacking too fast.
• Reduced the damage per tick from corrosion on monsters.
• Reduced the rate at which the gamma stave applies radiation to enemies.
• Reduced the damage per tick from radiation on monsters.
• Adjustments made to the damage and stun potential of jumping attacks.
• Improved the symbiote rod so that the symbiote effect causes damage over time and exploding that effect causes more damage and splash damage.

Fixes and Adjustments
• Fixed an issue where some players encountered frequent time-outs when trying to join a game.
• Fixed an issue with consumables where they could be used without being consumed.
• Fixed an issue with consumables not properly equipping on the hotbar when using the scroll wheel.
• Fixed an issue where players would fall into the forest chasm and lose their items.
• Fixed an issue where certain outposts and arenas would provide their resource rewards without those outposts/arenas needing to be completed first.
• Fixed an issue where outposts and arenas could be repeated more frequently than intended. Each now has a reactivation time of 6 hours.
• Reduced the quantity of refined essence granted from outposts.
• Fixed an issue where omega weapon upgrades would not unlock.
• Fixed an issue where special characters in the server name will crash the game.
• Fixed an issue where other crucibles could be activated while a siege is in progress.
• Fixed some areas where the player can get stuck or pass through rocks. (This will be an ongoing process.)
• Fixed an issue where music would not play properly if the SFX volume was set to 0.
• Fixed an issue where monsters regen/evade when on the other side of a bridge.
• The VFX properly resets on the tutorial base after completing the tutorial.
• Removed stacked radiation volumes from radiation zones.
• Added temporary invincibility when a character spawns into the world.
• Increased danger warning for the Razorgnats.
• Adjusted difficulty of sieges in the sulfur area for solo players.
May 23, 2018
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

It's been almost a week since Eden Rising launched into Early Access and we've been so excited to see your reviews and feedback! This is of course just the beginning for Eden Rising and as we go forward into Early Access we have a lot of plans on how to improve and add to the game. So what's next?

In addition to some key features shown below in the roadmap, the goal is to continually add more content over the course of Early Access. Please note that the updates are shown in no particular order.

We want to continue and grow the story and world, ultimately doubling the existing content. In addition to more regions of Eden to explore this will include more monster varieties, lot's more Siege challenges, and plenty of awesome craftable weapons, armor, and traps!

With co-op at the core of the experience, we know that community feedback is essential for the game, we encourage everyone to jump on our Discord Server or the Forums and send your suggestions to us!


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May 17, 2018
Eden Rising - ClvrRptr


Eden Rising: Supremacy has officially risen into Early Access, and we are delighted to finally share it with the world!

Not only can you finally touch down on Eden's surface today, but we have a
brand new launch trailer to share!


To celebrate the launch we will be hosting a Devstream of the game on our Twitch channel with some very special guests.

Make sure to tune in!
1:00pm EST Thursday May 17th!

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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

It's just two more days until Eden Rising is open for new explorers to form their tribes and master the world of Eden. Get ready to gather your friends and prepare for an open world co-op experience like no other!


We have been having a fantastic time watching some lucky raffle winners and streamers play the game for the first time and share their experiences. The gorgon sends its regards! ːsteamhappyː

We even kicked off the beta weekend festivities with a dev stream with VaportheGamer on Youtube!

To celebrate launch, we will be hosting a launch day dev stream with some special guests on our Twitch channel.| Make sure to follow the channel so you don't miss it!

We also have the Eden Rising Official Discord Server up and running for you to report bugs and get in touch with your feedback and suggestions.

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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

A scenic tour of The Searing Coast was on the itinerary for last fridays Devstream on Twitch with Brent and Pat.

The tribe met up on the burning shores of a sulfur filled canyon that winds and splits into many directions. With only some ancient Ascendant markers to guide the way they set off in search of a new Crucible.

Fortunately the guys had collected a few useful items before venturing too far into the corrosive pools that blocked the path to the new sanctuary, so they were able to craft some protective Sulfur Seed armor.

The tribe arrive safely in the Crucible and check out the new layout. Brent explains that each Crucible has something unique about its sieges and reveals one of the lanes is immersed in sulfur that must be overcome.

After scoping things out the tribe split up into lanes and get ready to take on some new waves of Eden's monsters! Despite their best efforts the tribe get completely overrun with monsters and one by one the whole team falls and the siege is lost.

After regrouping, replacing some defenses and changing to a ranged weapon the tribe are ready to go again! We see some new monsters that erupt from the ground and attack the Crucible directly, but the tribe manage to work together and defeat them all.

After some siege victories and last minute rescues the tribe head off toward Typhons pass, a lush cliff area that leads to some ominous looking ruins before ending the stream. You'll be able to find out what secrets lay inside for yourself on May 17th!

We had a lot of fun this week! You can check out the full stream below on our Youtube channel, or join us Live on Fridays at 2.00 PM EST on Twitch!


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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

We are excited to announce that Eden Rising: Supremacy is going to be coming to Steam early access on May 17th for US$14.99!

Grab your friends and prepare yourselves for the challenges you'll face on Eden!

Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

What exactly is a 'Siege' in Eden Rising? Check out the latest episode of the Ascendants' Vault to find out! Learn all about the world and game-play of Eden Rising in this weekly video miniseries.


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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

Last Friday during our weekly Devstream on Twitch Brent and Pat decided to take us on a tour through a new biome, The Fungal Preserve accompanied by their tribe.

The tribe met up on a cliffside adorned with Ascendant ruins, and took a leap of faith down into the canyon below.

Making their way through the sprawling forest we learned that The Fungal Preserve home to the untouched wilds of Eden. Beneath the great canopies of the flowering mushrooms, the tribe collected useful materials and cleared the way toward the new Crucible, that can be seen on the horizon. They even made use of some scavenged pod mines to take out a thick nest of Medusas.

After arriving at the brand new Crucible, they split up into small groups to defend each lane against hordes of new creatures. The exploding Seeker Scarabs almost caught them by surprise! Fortunately the team had some firepower on their side and made short work of the monsters.

Before heading out into the wilds again to gather more material, the team showed off the newly implemented Plunge Attacks for all melee weapons. By activating an attack in midair you can execute a powerful downward attack!

Finally, the tribe headed to the east up a long sandy scrubland pathway leading to a beautiful cliff-side overlook and Telesite tower.

We had a lot of fun this week! You can check out the full stream below on our Youtube channel, or join us Live on Fridays at 2.00 PM EST on Twitch!


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Eden Rising - ClvrRptr

Our latest Devstream is available on Twitch and Youtube! Brent and Pat take the reins again and run us through some more difficult sieges with their trusty tribesmates.

First they met up in the Valley of the Ascendants Crucible where some friends are waiting to get started. Fortunately they have been busy and gathered a bunch of resources so we can get crafting and jump right into the action.

They scope out the paths the monsters are taking in this round and craft up some traps. The tribe coordinate and place down some auto turrets at a bottleneck location, with some stickpots to slow monsters down for maximum damage!

The fight goes well, but Pat needs to learn to dodge better! Fortunately a tribe member resurrected them in time! The tribe beat the siege and are rewarded with a brand new weapon type, the Bident!

The guys head out into the wilds to find the needed materials for crafting the fast hitting weapon.

Finally the team headed off out of the Valley along the sulfur beach towards a new biome, the Searing Coast. With its hazy orange skyline and towering spires, it's certainly a drastic change from the Valley, and populated by plenty of dangerous creatures to fight!

You can check out the full stream below on our Youtube channel.


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