Dec 15, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Two new extreme weather patterns have been added: radiation dust storm and a short-term nuclear winter.

All fog patterns have been visually enhanced and the tornado pattern has received an initial warning period.

For the new weather patterns the negative effects have not been added to the game yet, so players have time to learn the associated warning signs.

The effects on player stats and the expansion of the radiation system with item attributes, and related items, will follow in later updates.

The strength of the negative effects will depend on the clothing worn and the area the player is in. Areas underground (sewers, cellars, bunkers, caves) will be fully protected. Buildings and bases above ground will protect enough to not die from the effects.

The outside is very dangerous during the extreme weather patterns and will require special gear to survive, which will be added alongside the effects. A warning period will give players about 1-2 minutes to move to safety or to equip their protective gear.

To support the new weather patterns all environmental protective item attributes have been reworked. The following protective attributes are implemented so far:
  • smoke (gas-grenades)
  • physical (tornado, fall, collisions)
  • radiation (irradiated areas)
  • explosion
  • feet-sharp (traps)
  • light (flashbangs)
  • fire (molotovs)
Once fully implemented there will be a total 15 different attributes.

The protective attributes will be displayed in the inventory UI when the new UI is finished. For now, the protective attributes work as one would intuitively assume for the items.

Weather Manager
wm_pattern rcon command change
wm_pattern=X (where X is a weather pattern number) instantly plays the weather pattern at its peak and holds it there until another pattern is played or wm_pattern is set back to -1 (random patterns)

Two-Wheeled Physics System
This update introduces a new two-wheeled physics system that is still considered a work in progress. While we believe it works reasonably well, we expect issues to be found with it, and future improvements will be made. Please send us any feedback on the new system

The two-wheeled physics system is only used for the new dirtbike currently, but the bicycle will be moved to it at a later date.

  • Apple trees now spawn around the map and apples can be picked from them
  • Fixed some issues related to being unconscious and bleeding
  • Can no longer swim faster while holding down forward and side keys at the same time
  • Elevator switches can now be toggled correctly
  • Fixed action menu staying open after walking away for the current target
  • Added new clothing environment protection system
  • Fixed issue where the world actions could allow too many items to be harvested at times
  • Shader cache updated to reduce stalls while playing

  • SUV added
  • Dirt bike added
  • Altered the reversing lights on the quadbike and luggage car
  • Changed action text to "Flip Vehicle" when a vehicle can be flipped over
  • Drive belt requirement removed from fishing boat
  • Driverless vehicles no longer do collision damage

Base Building
  • Packed up parts spawn in with the same rotation as when they were part of a base - fixes issues with metal parts rotating when packed up

  • Welding helmet added
  • Added left side shoulder pad item
  • Decreased weight of the gloves
  • Decreased weight of the binoculars
  • Guitar added
  • Consumable clams added
  • Propane tank added (can be shot to make them explode)
  • Apples can be stacked up to 5
  • Food amount from apples reduced
  • Berets added (several color variations)
  • Sweaters added (some seasonal Christmas ones as well)
  • Seasonal Christmas hat added
  • Seaweed added
  • Clams added

  • Fix for ladder use prompt not appearing at times
  • Fix for scroll wheel zooming not working at times

  • Small hordes of mutants may appear

  • Replaced last remaining broken van models in the highway tunnel
  • Added Apple trees to the world
  • Added seaweed and clams along the shores
  • Added a new town Cape Bay in the north east side of the map
  • Added explosive propane tanks that spawn in various spots
  • Added new north coast farms area to the map
  • Fixed plywood blocking a bathroom in a residential house

  • Emotes no longer cancelled when jumping. Now pig will be held correctly during and after jump
  • All characters skeletons altered. Ragdoll improvements to stop joint flipping and now AI arms shouldn't get stuck in odd positions when hitting them during their melee animation
  • SUV animations set
  • New pose for pistols whilst raised sprinting
  • Guitar animation set
  • When falling whilst holding torch the left hand doesn't come up like holding a rifle now
  • Melee whilst moving backward fixed for all weapons

  • Sounds added for m249 reload
  • Sounds added for new weather effects

  • Texture for the map item updated
  • Adjusted physics proxy on some doors so AI can go through the doorways
  • Adjusted specular level on the sandbags
  • Optimized materials for the 3-room single story garage
  • Tweaked the glass on the small plane so it looks a lot better
  • Tweaked the physics proxy and the LODs on the sedans
  • Improved materials for the parking lines
  • Fixed uneven floor in the Shop N Save store - fixes small items disappearing under the floor and some spawn locations on the floor

Feedback thread here:
Dec 15, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Two new extreme weather patterns have been added: radiation dust storm and a short-term nuclear winter.

All fog patterns have been visually enhanced and the tornado pattern has received an initial warning period.

For the new weather patterns the negative effects have not been added to the game yet, so players have time to learn the associated warning signs.

The effects on player stats and the expansion of the radiation system with item attributes, and related items, will follow in later updates.

The strength of the negative effects will depend on the clothing worn and the area the player is in. Areas underground (sewers, cellars, bunkers, caves) will be fully protected. Buildings and bases above ground will protect enough to not die from the effects.

The outside is very dangerous during the extreme weather patterns and will require special gear to survive, which will be added alongside the effects. A warning period will give players about 1-2 minutes to move to safety or to equip their protective gear.

To support the new weather patterns all environmental protective item attributes have been reworked. The following protective attributes are implemented so far:
  • smoke (gas-grenades)
  • physical (tornado, fall, collisions)
  • radiation (irradiated areas)
  • explosion
  • feet-sharp (traps)
  • light (flashbangs)
  • fire (molotovs)
Once fully implemented there will be a total 15 different attributes.

The protective attributes will be displayed in the inventory UI when the new UI is finished. For now, the protective attributes work as one would intuitively assume for the items.

Weather Manager
wm_pattern rcon command change
wm_pattern=X (where X is a weather pattern number) instantly plays the weather pattern at its peak and holds it there until another pattern is played or wm_pattern is set back to -1 (random patterns)

Two-Wheeled Physics System
This update introduces a new two-wheeled physics system that is still considered a work in progress. While we believe it works reasonably well, we expect issues to be found with it, and future improvements will be made. Please send us any feedback on the new system

The two-wheeled physics system is only used for the new dirtbike currently, but the bicycle will be moved to it at a later date.

  • Apple trees now spawn around the map and apples can be picked from them
  • Fixed some issues related to being unconscious and bleeding
  • Can no longer swim faster while holding down forward and side keys at the same time
  • Elevator switches can now be toggled correctly
  • Fixed action menu staying open after walking away for the current target
  • Added new clothing environment protection system
  • Fixed issue where the world actions could allow too many items to be harvested at times
  • Shader cache updated to reduce stalls while playing

  • SUV added
  • Dirt bike added
  • Altered the reversing lights on the quadbike and luggage car
  • Changed action text to "Flip Vehicle" when a vehicle can be flipped over
  • Drive belt requirement removed from fishing boat
  • Driverless vehicles no longer do collision damage

Base Building
  • Packed up parts spawn in with the same rotation as when they were part of a base - fixes issues with metal parts rotating when packed up

  • Welding helmet added
  • Added left side shoulder pad item
  • Decreased weight of the gloves
  • Decreased weight of the binoculars
  • Guitar added
  • Consumable clams added
  • Propane tank added (can be shot to make them explode)
  • Apples can be stacked up to 5
  • Food amount from apples reduced
  • Berets added (several color variations)
  • Sweaters added (some seasonal Christmas ones as well)
  • Seasonal Christmas hat added
  • Seaweed added
  • Clams added

  • Fix for ladder use prompt not appearing at times
  • Fix for scroll wheel zooming not working at times

  • Small hordes of mutants may appear

  • Replaced last remaining broken van models in the highway tunnel
  • Added Apple trees to the world
  • Added seaweed and clams along the shores
  • Added a new town Cape Bay in the north east side of the map
  • Added explosive propane tanks that spawn in various spots
  • Added new north coast farms area to the map
  • Fixed plywood blocking a bathroom in a residential house

  • Emotes no longer cancelled when jumping. Now pig will be held correctly during and after jump
  • All characters skeletons altered. Ragdoll improvements to stop joint flipping and now AI arms shouldn't get stuck in odd positions when hitting them during their melee animation
  • SUV animations set
  • New pose for pistols whilst raised sprinting
  • Guitar animation set
  • When falling whilst holding torch the left hand doesn't come up like holding a rifle now
  • Melee whilst moving backward fixed for all weapons

  • Sounds added for m249 reload
  • Sounds added for new weather effects

  • Texture for the map item updated
  • Adjusted physics proxy on some doors so AI can go through the doorways
  • Adjusted specular level on the sandbags
  • Optimized materials for the 3-room single story garage
  • Tweaked the glass on the small plane so it looks a lot better
  • Tweaked the physics proxy and the LODs on the sedans
  • Improved materials for the parking lines
  • Fixed uneven floor in the Shop N Save store - fixes small items disappearing under the floor and some spawn locations on the floor

Feedback thread here:
Nov 13, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Metal Base Parts
  • Metal base parts now randomly spawn over time around the game world
  • They are a lot harder to destroy than their wood or plated counterparts
  • They are very heavy and can only be towed back to your base using a vehicle that is capable of towing
  • Once a metal part is in your base and you detach it, then you can use the action menu on the part to either place it directly, or you can upgrade an existing wood/plated part of the same size

  • Most vehicles now have the ability to support towing metal parts
  • In this update towing only works for towing metal base parts - additional uses for towing will be added in future updates
  • A tow capable vehicle must have a Tow Cable item in its inventory in order to tow
  • The action menu will allow you to attach a metal part, or detach a currently attached part

  • Fixed issue where characters could be stored in the database having 0 health, so they would always log in as a new spawn
  • Screen overlays are now hidden for most items in 3p view modes - some will stay by design
  • Fixed overlay issue when unwearing an item that would remove all overlays
  • Increased the number of tents that spawn in the world
  • Removed ability to store items in the quad bikes and the tractors
  • Fixed issue with newly spawned tents being removed after two days unless they were interacted with before then
  • Removed some unneeded network messages when a player is joining a server (slight optimization)
  • Damage log now outputs the 64-bit Steam ID
  • Slight ammo tracers added (only shooter can see them)
  • Fixed damage 10mm rounds did to bases (it wasn't being properly reduced)
  • Expanded hazard area on the caprice prefabs (on fire cars)
  • Only spawn persisted animals when a player is close to them (server optimization)
  • Pigs now drop "ham" meat that can be cooked or cured
  • Roosters now drop "chicken" meat that can be cooked
  • Server crash fix related to weapon zooming

Base Building
  • Parts are more accurately placed in the world, so they won't shift as much while being placed
  • Consolidated base verification code so parts won't fall on a server restart that were fine while the game was running
  • Server no longer verifies all bases on startup, so server restart times are faster
  • Parts that fall in the water are now removed
  • Plot signs and some parts now require a line of sight check to prevent them from being placed inside of solid objects, like rocks
  • To reduce floating sections of bases, base parts can only be placed on the terrain, rocks, or on top of another base part
  • Each base part adds 6 hours (was 12) to the duration the base will stay before being removed
  • Fixed issue with the !base command not working correctly with a newly placed plot sign
  • Fixed issue with newly placed plot signs not updating their decay time correctly until after a server restart
  • Curved walls are no longer craftable (will be added back in at a later date when they work well with our base building system)
  • Plated parts now require Scrap Metal to upgrade to or repair with, metal now uses Sheet Metal to repair

  • World tent limit increased to 20 tents
  • Tents no longer respawn instantly on server start, so players with a packed tent will have some time to place it
  • Tents no longer instantly respawn in the world when one is destroyed - they will spawn back in over a random time

  • Towing support added to most vehicles - requires use of the Tow Cable item
  • Horn no longer gets stuck on with no driver
  • Adjusted engine health on the armored trucks to make them slightly harder to destroy when shot from the front
  • Fixed entering tractor so it works correctly from both sides
  • Vehicles no longer instantly respawn in the world when one is destroyed - they will spawn back in over a random time
  • Fixed some configuration issues with the armored trucks

  • Stairs crafting guides now spawn
  • Laser sight now turns off when removed from a weapon
  • Jack-O-Lantern light setup tweaked
  • Tow cable item added
  • Rotated Crossbow model so it spawns in oriented correctly (was on its side before)
  • THOR-12 auto-action 12-gauge shotgun added
  • Magazines added for THOR-12 - one for each ammo type - pellet, slug, beanbag
  • Several additional types of rotten food added
  • Berries consumable item added (pick them from berry bushes around the world)
  • Rotten vegetables added
  • Adjusted the food values on several consumable items

  • Fixed hoodie icon that was incorrect
  • Added new tow cable slot to some vehicles

  • Fixed raycast memory leak - fixes AI not seeing players at times
  • Adjusted physics size on some AI
  • Improved navmesh for both medium and large characters
  • Navmesh regenerated with new settings for better AI navigation
  • Many more AI spawn locations added around the map
  • AI spawns locations will now be correctly randomized while the server is running (was a static subset on each server start)

  • THOR-12 animation set added
  • Change firemode sound placeholder replaced with dedicated sound
  • Search container animations now don't make flashlight, maglite, and torch be lowered
  • For search animations, character will now rotate with camera so player doesn't snap once outro has finished
  • Search container animations changed to help with camera poking through objects
  • Second pass over grey wolf animations

  • Fixed some spawn locations in the pawn shop
  • Fixed some spawn locations in the supermarket
  • Old, broken van models now replaced with a new SUV model
  • Metal base building part spawn locations added to the map
  • Berry bushes added around the map - can be harvested for berries to eat
  • More potential tent spawn locations added to the world

  • Updated the physics proxy on the supermarket to more closely match the render mesh

Feedback thread:
Nov 13, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Metal Base Parts
  • Metal base parts now randomly spawn over time around the game world
  • They are a lot harder to destroy than their wood or plated counterparts
  • They are very heavy and can only be towed back to your base using a vehicle that is capable of towing
  • Once a metal part is in your base and you detach it, then you can use the action menu on the part to either place it directly, or you can upgrade an existing wood/plated part of the same size

  • Most vehicles now have the ability to support towing metal parts
  • In this update towing only works for towing metal base parts - additional uses for towing will be added in future updates
  • A tow capable vehicle must have a Tow Cable item in its inventory in order to tow
  • The action menu will allow you to attach a metal part, or detach a currently attached part

  • Fixed issue where characters could be stored in the database having 0 health, so they would always log in as a new spawn
  • Screen overlays are now hidden for most items in 3p view modes - some will stay by design
  • Fixed overlay issue when unwearing an item that would remove all overlays
  • Increased the number of tents that spawn in the world
  • Removed ability to store items in the quad bikes and the tractors
  • Fixed issue with newly spawned tents being removed after two days unless they were interacted with before then
  • Removed some unneeded network messages when a player is joining a server (slight optimization)
  • Damage log now outputs the 64-bit Steam ID
  • Slight ammo tracers added (only shooter can see them)
  • Fixed damage 10mm rounds did to bases (it wasn't being properly reduced)
  • Expanded hazard area on the caprice prefabs (on fire cars)
  • Only spawn persisted animals when a player is close to them (server optimization)
  • Pigs now drop "ham" meat that can be cooked or cured
  • Roosters now drop "chicken" meat that can be cooked
  • Server crash fix related to weapon zooming

Base Building
  • Parts are more accurately placed in the world, so they won't shift as much while being placed
  • Consolidated base verification code so parts won't fall on a server restart that were fine while the game was running
  • Server no longer verifies all bases on startup, so server restart times are faster
  • Parts that fall in the water are now removed
  • Plot signs and some parts now require a line of sight check to prevent them from being placed inside of solid objects, like rocks
  • To reduce floating sections of bases, base parts can only be placed on the terrain, rocks, or on top of another base part
  • Each base part adds 6 hours (was 12) to the duration the base will stay before being removed
  • Fixed issue with the !base command not working correctly with a newly placed plot sign
  • Fixed issue with newly placed plot signs not updating their decay time correctly until after a server restart
  • Curved walls are no longer craftable (will be added back in at a later date when they work well with our base building system)
  • Plated parts now require Scrap Metal to upgrade to or repair with, metal now uses Sheet Metal to repair

  • World tent limit increased to 20 tents
  • Tents no longer respawn instantly on server start, so players with a packed tent will have some time to place it
  • Tents no longer instantly respawn in the world when one is destroyed - they will spawn back in over a random time

  • Towing support added to most vehicles - requires use of the Tow Cable item
  • Horn no longer gets stuck on with no driver
  • Adjusted engine health on the armored trucks to make them slightly harder to destroy when shot from the front
  • Fixed entering tractor so it works correctly from both sides
  • Vehicles no longer instantly respawn in the world when one is destroyed - they will spawn back in over a random time
  • Fixed some configuration issues with the armored trucks

  • Stairs crafting guides now spawn
  • Laser sight now turns off when removed from a weapon
  • Jack-O-Lantern light setup tweaked
  • Tow cable item added
  • Rotated Crossbow model so it spawns in oriented correctly (was on its side before)
  • THOR-12 auto-action 12-gauge shotgun added
  • Magazines added for THOR-12 - one for each ammo type - pellet, slug, beanbag
  • Several additional types of rotten food added
  • Berries consumable item added (pick them from berry bushes around the world)
  • Rotten vegetables added
  • Adjusted the food values on several consumable items

  • Fixed hoodie icon that was incorrect
  • Added new tow cable slot to some vehicles

  • Fixed raycast memory leak - fixes AI not seeing players at times
  • Adjusted physics size on some AI
  • Improved navmesh for both medium and large characters
  • Navmesh regenerated with new settings for better AI navigation
  • Many more AI spawn locations added around the map
  • AI spawns locations will now be correctly randomized while the server is running (was a static subset on each server start)

  • THOR-12 animation set added
  • Change firemode sound placeholder replaced with dedicated sound
  • Search container animations now don't make flashlight, maglite, and torch be lowered
  • For search animations, character will now rotate with camera so player doesn't snap once outro has finished
  • Search container animations changed to help with camera poking through objects
  • Second pass over grey wolf animations

  • Fixed some spawn locations in the pawn shop
  • Fixed some spawn locations in the supermarket
  • Old, broken van models now replaced with a new SUV model
  • Metal base building part spawn locations added to the map
  • Berry bushes added around the map - can be harvested for berries to eat
  • More potential tent spawn locations added to the world

  • Updated the physics proxy on the supermarket to more closely match the render mesh

Feedback thread:
Miscreated - Jenilya

It's that time of year on Steam for spooky games, and Miscreated is happy to be part of it! You can find Miscreated on sale for 50% off until November 1st. During this time, you’ll be able craft exclusive Halloween themed items that will not be craftable after the sale. The pumpkin mask and jack-o-lantern decoration for your base.

You can find Miscreated on Steam here:

Want to join the discussion on Discord? Find us here:
Miscreated - Jenilya

It's that time of year on Steam for spooky games, and Miscreated is happy to be part of it! You can find Miscreated on sale for 50% off until November 1st. During this time, you’ll be able craft exclusive Halloween themed items that will not be craftable after the sale. The pumpkin mask and jack-o-lantern decoration for your base.

You can find Miscreated on Steam here:

Want to join the discussion on Discord? Find us here:
Miscreated - Jenilya
Here is a little update with the normal hotfix contents that you are used to, as well as some Halloween themed items to celebrate the spooky season.
  • Fixed bases being shifted down on servers with base building rule = 2 (build anywhere)
  • Fixes to reduce the chance of a player/vehicle/tent being killed or removed while adding or removing base parts
  • Fixes to reduce the chance of a valid base parts falling down into another part below it
  • Updated hints in UI
  • Fixed a couple of the stairs base building parts
  • Updated hold breath sounds
  • Fixed boids attenuation configurations
  • Fix for blocked stance changes instantly using up all stamina
  • Fixed a couple of client crashes
  • Moved some server messages back to the chat window (motd, url, join/leave/death)
  • New sv_chat server command added to send a server message to the chat window
  • Pumpkin item added
  • Craftable Jack-O-Lantern added for base building
  • Craftable pumpkin hat added
Miscreated - Jenilya
Here is a little update with the normal hotfix contents that you are used to, as well as some Halloween themed items to celebrate the spooky season.
  • Fixed bases being shifted down on servers with base building rule = 2 (build anywhere)
  • Fixes to reduce the chance of a player/vehicle/tent being killed or removed while adding or removing base parts
  • Fixes to reduce the chance of a valid base parts falling down into another part below it
  • Updated hints in UI
  • Fixed a couple of the stairs base building parts
  • Updated hold breath sounds
  • Fixed boids attenuation configurations
  • Fix for blocked stance changes instantly using up all stamina
  • Fixed a couple of client crashes
  • Moved some server messages back to the chat window (motd, url, join/leave/death)
  • New sv_chat server command added to send a server message to the chat window
  • Pumpkin item added
  • Craftable Jack-O-Lantern added for base building
  • Craftable pumpkin hat added
Oct 13, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Floating Base Fix
This update introduces the fix for floating bases
  • Some of the bases that initially fall are going to look ugly until the owner
    fixes them
  • Some bases with plot signs on top of invalid objects (broken cars, telephone poles, etc) will be deleted (we've sent out several warning to adjust bases as needed)
  • We have done a lot of testing, but expect some issues to still be found. If you find anything amiss, please notify us so we can track down and fix any related issues
  • When the server is loading the bases from the database they will all be verified now
  • If the server build rule is 0 (no bases allowed), any bases on the server will be deleted (you could set this if you wanted to remove all bases on your server for some reason as well, then change it back to another value)
  • If the server build rule is 1 (normal build rules), any base in an exclusion area (some really old ones have been grandfathered in for a long time) will be deleted from the database.
  • This means the exploit of toggling from rule 2 (build anywhere) to 1 (normal build rules) to have bases in cities will NOT work - they will be deleted once the rules is set back to 1
  • All traps, except for actual base building traps, have been removed and are now, temporarily, limited to just being able to be placed on the terrain
  • The traps' terrain limiting is temporary, but was needed for the floating base fix. The restriction will be removed in a future update so you can place them anywhere again

Harvesting Changes
  • Harvesting resources (wood/metal/rock) will now eventually exhaust the supply from the object you're harvesting from
  • Once it's exhausted you will need to move to another object to harvest more (you will be notified when it's exhausted)
  • The object's supply is determined by its size - larger trees allow you to harvest more wood, for example
  • An object's supply will regenerate over time

  • Uptime and restart times added to the status command
  • Potential fix for stuck database requests after server's internet connection gets dropped for some reason
  • sv_say console messages now appear in the new server messages UI area (instead of chat tab)

  • Updated shader cache to reduce stalls while playing
  • Added action spam prevention (3 times / second)
  • Don't allow a stack to be split unless there is free space in the player's inventory
  • Damage from tornadoes should be working again
  • When dropping an item it will be added to an existing stack on the ground
  • Recoil will no longer autocenter (WIP)
  • Stance changes now use up a little bit of stamina
  • Player character hit reactions added (still WIP)
  • Fixed exploit where a melee weapon would not use up durability on some attacks
  • Dry fire events are now network synchronized
  • For remote players don't offset laser positions as much so the laser dot position appears closer to the weapon
  • Zoom start uses a little bit of stamina
  • Standing up uses a little bit of stamina
  • Changed how oxygen value was being synchronized, so it shouldn't get out of sync between client and server now
  • Fixed exploit of increased speed while spamming stance change

Base Building
  • Added wooden stair parts
  • Added column parts (some with lights)
  • Disabled ability to adjust opacity while placing a part (stock CryEngine shader issue)
  • Added sandbag embrasure parts
  • When starting to place a part, tactical stance is exited if needed (to prevent accidentally firing weapon)
  • Fixed sandbag physics proxies
  • More fixes for invisible base parts
  • Two new base building guides added (stairs 1 and 2)
  • Damage to base parts is now saved in the database and restored after a server restart

  • Increased the spawn chance of base building guides
  • Fixed description of the crafted hatchet
  • Large rucksack added
  • Improved fire arrow particle effect
  • Football shoulder pads added (provides some protection)
  • Right shoulder pad added (provides some protection)
  • While worn, some eye wear now slightly alters your vision
  • Protection level of football helmets reduced to 1
  • Added burlap sack - can be worn to cover a player's head
  • Honeycomb added (can be collected from beehives)

  • Bug fix for entering vehicles
  • Fixed exit algorithm on vehicles with high seats
  • Image added to taxi signs
  • Adjusted buggy textures
  • Increased health on armored truck wheels

  • Optimized hotel prefab
  • Optimized skyscraper prefab
  • Optimized utility pole prefab
  • Optimized lumberyard prefabs
  • Added new water types (clean, poison, puddle, radiation, salty)
  • New villa added
  • Beehives added

  • Action menu theme updated to match rest of UI
  • Added hint for cancelling throw/bow action
  • Improvement for the scope reticules on lowest resolution 1024x768 (get rid of aliasing)
  • Increased width of action menu (so more text can be displayed)
  • Server message UI added to top of screen (messages will be cleaned up more over time)
  • Reduced chance of player's model disappearing in inventory window while wearing certain items

  • Shortened AI chase distance to reduce likelihood of them despawning while chasing a player
  • Brutes mutants now have the ability to roar to attract nearby mutants to attack the brute's target
  • Fixes for invisible mutant issue
  • Mutants should throw rocks when a player is visible and off of the navigation mesh

  • First implementation of flinch hit reactions
  • AT15, 870 tactical shotgun, and rem870 tactical pose polish
  • Alterations to animations to help with blending and to stop the situations when the wrists rotate when changing stances
  • Brute roar animation added for when Brute calls to other mutants for help
  • Extra variation added for Brute being alerted
  • Second pass over AI animations
  • Bipedal AI animations altered to prevent head being able to poke through walls so frequently
  • Crafted rifle ironsight altered to better center the red dot sight
  • Weapon poses altered so that hats don't pass through the scope when looking down sight
Oct 13, 2017
Miscreated - Jenilya

Floating Base Fix
This update introduces the fix for floating bases
  • Some of the bases that initially fall are going to look ugly until the owner
    fixes them
  • Some bases with plot signs on top of invalid objects (broken cars, telephone poles, etc) will be deleted (we've sent out several warning to adjust bases as needed)
  • We have done a lot of testing, but expect some issues to still be found. If you find anything amiss, please notify us so we can track down and fix any related issues
  • When the server is loading the bases from the database they will all be verified now
  • If the server build rule is 0 (no bases allowed), any bases on the server will be deleted (you could set this if you wanted to remove all bases on your server for some reason as well, then change it back to another value)
  • If the server build rule is 1 (normal build rules), any base in an exclusion area (some really old ones have been grandfathered in for a long time) will be deleted from the database.
  • This means the exploit of toggling from rule 2 (build anywhere) to 1 (normal build rules) to have bases in cities will NOT work - they will be deleted once the rules is set back to 1
  • All traps, except for actual base building traps, have been removed and are now, temporarily, limited to just being able to be placed on the terrain
  • The traps' terrain limiting is temporary, but was needed for the floating base fix. The restriction will be removed in a future update so you can place them anywhere again

Harvesting Changes
  • Harvesting resources (wood/metal/rock) will now eventually exhaust the supply from the object you're harvesting from
  • Once it's exhausted you will need to move to another object to harvest more (you will be notified when it's exhausted)
  • The object's supply is determined by its size - larger trees allow you to harvest more wood, for example
  • An object's supply will regenerate over time

  • Uptime and restart times added to the status command
  • Potential fix for stuck database requests after server's internet connection gets dropped for some reason
  • sv_say console messages now appear in the new server messages UI area (instead of chat tab)

  • Updated shader cache to reduce stalls while playing
  • Added action spam prevention (3 times / second)
  • Don't allow a stack to be split unless there is free space in the player's inventory
  • Damage from tornadoes should be working again
  • When dropping an item it will be added to an existing stack on the ground
  • Recoil will no longer autocenter (WIP)
  • Stance changes now use up a little bit of stamina
  • Player character hit reactions added (still WIP)
  • Fixed exploit where a melee weapon would not use up durability on some attacks
  • Dry fire events are now network synchronized
  • For remote players don't offset laser positions as much so the laser dot position appears closer to the weapon
  • Zoom start uses a little bit of stamina
  • Standing up uses a little bit of stamina
  • Changed how oxygen value was being synchronized, so it shouldn't get out of sync between client and server now
  • Fixed exploit of increased speed while spamming stance change

Base Building
  • Added wooden stair parts
  • Added column parts (some with lights)
  • Disabled ability to adjust opacity while placing a part (stock CryEngine shader issue)
  • Added sandbag embrasure parts
  • When starting to place a part, tactical stance is exited if needed (to prevent accidentally firing weapon)
  • Fixed sandbag physics proxies
  • More fixes for invisible base parts
  • Two new base building guides added (stairs 1 and 2)
  • Damage to base parts is now saved in the database and restored after a server restart

  • Increased the spawn chance of base building guides
  • Fixed description of the crafted hatchet
  • Large rucksack added
  • Improved fire arrow particle effect
  • Football shoulder pads added (provides some protection)
  • Right shoulder pad added (provides some protection)
  • While worn, some eye wear now slightly alters your vision
  • Protection level of football helmets reduced to 1
  • Added burlap sack - can be worn to cover a player's head
  • Honeycomb added (can be collected from beehives)

  • Bug fix for entering vehicles
  • Fixed exit algorithm on vehicles with high seats
  • Image added to taxi signs
  • Adjusted buggy textures
  • Increased health on armored truck wheels

  • Optimized hotel prefab
  • Optimized skyscraper prefab
  • Optimized utility pole prefab
  • Optimized lumberyard prefabs
  • Added new water types (clean, poison, puddle, radiation, salty)
  • New villa added
  • Beehives added

  • Action menu theme updated to match rest of UI
  • Added hint for cancelling throw/bow action
  • Improvement for the scope reticules on lowest resolution 1024x768 (get rid of aliasing)
  • Increased width of action menu (so more text can be displayed)
  • Server message UI added to top of screen (messages will be cleaned up more over time)
  • Reduced chance of player's model disappearing in inventory window while wearing certain items

  • Shortened AI chase distance to reduce likelihood of them despawning while chasing a player
  • Brutes mutants now have the ability to roar to attract nearby mutants to attack the brute's target
  • Fixes for invisible mutant issue
  • Mutants should throw rocks when a player is visible and off of the navigation mesh

  • First implementation of flinch hit reactions
  • AT15, 870 tactical shotgun, and rem870 tactical pose polish
  • Alterations to animations to help with blending and to stop the situations when the wrists rotate when changing stances
  • Brute roar animation added for when Brute calls to other mutants for help
  • Extra variation added for Brute being alerted
  • Second pass over AI animations
  • Bipedal AI animations altered to prevent head being able to poke through walls so frequently
  • Crafted rifle ironsight altered to better center the red dot sight
  • Weapon poses altered so that hats don't pass through the scope when looking down sight