Creativerse - Brainsloth
Greetings, Creatifolks.

We wanted to give the community a quick heads-up about the future of one of our favorite Creativerse features: blueprints! We think blueprints are a lot of fun, and decided they’d be even better if they were free for everyone to enjoy. So effective R31, all blueprints will be free, though you’ll have the option to buy all the blocks if you want to get started building instantly. We’ll also be adding a bunch of new blueprints to the mix.

To prepare for the change, we're disabling blueprint purchases until the R31 update, which is a week or so away. We appreciate your patience as we work to give blueprints the democracy they deserve!
Creativerse - Brainsloth
Greetings, Creatifolks.

We wanted to give the community a quick heads-up about the future of one of our favorite Creativerse features: blueprints! We think blueprints are a lot of fun, and decided they’d be even better if they were free for everyone to enjoy. So effective R31, all blueprints will be free, though you’ll have the option to buy all the blocks if you want to get started building instantly. We’ll also be adding a bunch of new blueprints to the mix.

To prepare for the change, we're disabling blueprint purchases until the R31 update, which is a week or so away. We appreciate your patience as we work to give blueprints the democracy they deserve!
Creativerse - Brainsloth
Hello again, Creatifriends!

It’s fun to play together! Whether you’re diving through dangerous caves, collaborating on epic creations, or going toe-to-toe with a trio of Trogs, fun stuff’s even more fun when you’re playing with friends. In R30 we’re introducing a new way to play together: Social Worlds!

Social worlds are active multiplayer worlds that are served up on demand, allowing anyone to quickly and effortlessly start playing with others. We take care of setting up new social worlds as needed, so all you need to do is click the new ‘Join Public World’ button on the main menu and you’re ready to play.

And that’s not all -- R30’s bursting with bugfixes and improvements! We’ve included a streamlined quickbar and tool / weapon system, significant AI improvements (warning: water isn’t the ultimate sanctuary it used to be), improved world searching, a better loading screen, and more!

We’re excited about the possibilities that open up when awesome folks play together, and in the meantime we’ll be moving full steam ahead towards unleashing even more awesome new Creati-stuff. Onward, together!

New Features and Content
  • Social worlds!
    • New “Join Public World” button added to main menu
    • Social worlds automatically created and load-balanced on an as-needed basis
    • Social worlds support up to 20 players at a time / 100 players total
    • Social worlds are unowned and unmoderated, but have claims active and have PvP turned off
  • Revised quickbar and tool / weapon system
    • Quickbar layout streamlined and rearranged
    • Stick no longer needs to be equipped - it’s back to the default weapon
    • Swords and tools (plows, taming collar, etc.) no longer go on the quickbar
    • Equip tools and swords on the paper doll in the inventory screen
    • Tab now cycles between gauntlet and weapon (if no tool equipped)
    • If a tool is equipped, Tab becomes a three-way cycle between gauntlet, weapon, and tool
  • Added “favorites” button to recipe list

  • Significant AI improvements
    • AI can now pursue into water and other liquids
    • AI generally better at pathfinding
    • Fix for AI frequently getting stuck inside blocks
    • Fix for AI pursuit behavior getting stuck in a loop of canceling itself
    • Overhauled path selection and weighting for creatures
    • Dying does not clear enemy targeting
  • Improved world and user searching
  • Improved loading screen with additional world information
  • Claims can now be purchased with coins
  • Added UI element to show players what rights they have while within a claim
  • Admin-level users in a claim can now do everything except unclaim
  • Minor recipe balance adjustments
    • Stone sword now requires bones instead of rockster rock
    • Rockster rock requirements for leather armor pieces reduced
  • Leaving a party using “/party leave” now notifies the player that they have left the party
  • Quickbar mousewheel scroll direction now reversed by default (and option added)
  • Confirmation added when reclaiming a touchstone
  • Improved error messaging for some server issues
  • Splash effects added to players & creatures when entering liquids
  • Surface effect when in liquids

  • Fix for occlusion bug when looking through doors in some cases
  • Creatures can no longer be tamed while the taming player is dead
  • Creatures that are stunned in midair will no longer freeze in midair
  • Obsidian table now highlights properly when targeted (like other tables)
  • Player is now correctly popped out of the map view upon death
  • Multiple visited worlds with the same name now all show up in the “Recents” list
  • Fix for sleeping creatures “bouncing” higher when blocks dug out underneath them
  • Fix for “/help” command changing the text color
  • Damage no longer auto-closes the inventory / crafting windows
  • Targeting a block after targeting a station no longer displays the station’s name
  • Extractors no longer an option for customizing blueprints
  • Fix for player status effects (like burning or corrupted) not rendering correctly for female character model
  • Fix for rare issue where spawning on or near a touchstone would prevent teleporting to other touchstones
  • Fix for bug that made item descriptions appear behind the inventory window
  • Fix for missing localized text in Rockzilla system message
  • Fix for missing TNT visual explosion effects
  • Twig no longer says it is “made in the crafting menu”
  • “(Creation only)” text added to the Claims option in the advanced options menu
  • Minor text fixes
Creativerse - Brainsloth
Hello again, Creatifriends!

It’s fun to play together! Whether you’re diving through dangerous caves, collaborating on epic creations, or going toe-to-toe with a trio of Trogs, fun stuff’s even more fun when you’re playing with friends. In R30 we’re introducing a new way to play together: Social Worlds!

Social worlds are active multiplayer worlds that are served up on demand, allowing anyone to quickly and effortlessly start playing with others. We take care of setting up new social worlds as needed, so all you need to do is click the new ‘Join Public World’ button on the main menu and you’re ready to play.

And that’s not all -- R30’s bursting with bugfixes and improvements! We’ve included a streamlined quickbar and tool / weapon system, significant AI improvements (warning: water isn’t the ultimate sanctuary it used to be), improved world searching, a better loading screen, and more!

We’re excited about the possibilities that open up when awesome folks play together, and in the meantime we’ll be moving full steam ahead towards unleashing even more awesome new Creati-stuff. Onward, together!

New Features and Content
  • Social worlds!
    • New “Join Public World” button added to main menu
    • Social worlds automatically created and load-balanced on an as-needed basis
    • Social worlds support up to 20 players at a time / 100 players total
    • Social worlds are unowned and unmoderated, but have claims active and have PvP turned off
  • Revised quickbar and tool / weapon system
    • Quickbar layout streamlined and rearranged
    • Stick no longer needs to be equipped - it’s back to the default weapon
    • Swords and tools (plows, taming collar, etc.) no longer go on the quickbar
    • Equip tools and swords on the paper doll in the inventory screen
    • Tab now cycles between gauntlet and weapon (if no tool equipped)
    • If a tool is equipped, Tab becomes a three-way cycle between gauntlet, weapon, and tool
  • Added “favorites” button to recipe list

  • Significant AI improvements
    • AI can now pursue into water and other liquids
    • AI generally better at pathfinding
    • Fix for AI frequently getting stuck inside blocks
    • Fix for AI pursuit behavior getting stuck in a loop of canceling itself
    • Overhauled path selection and weighting for creatures
    • Dying does not clear enemy targeting
  • Improved world and user searching
  • Improved loading screen with additional world information
  • Claims can now be purchased with coins
  • Added UI element to show players what rights they have while within a claim
  • Admin-level users in a claim can now do everything except unclaim
  • Minor recipe balance adjustments
    • Stone sword now requires bones instead of rockster rock
    • Rockster rock requirements for leather armor pieces reduced
  • Leaving a party using “/party leave” now notifies the player that they have left the party
  • Quickbar mousewheel scroll direction now reversed by default (and option added)
  • Confirmation added when reclaiming a touchstone
  • Improved error messaging for some server issues
  • Splash effects added to players & creatures when entering liquids
  • Surface effect when in liquids

  • Fix for occlusion bug when looking through doors in some cases
  • Creatures can no longer be tamed while the taming player is dead
  • Creatures that are stunned in midair will no longer freeze in midair
  • Obsidian table now highlights properly when targeted (like other tables)
  • Player is now correctly popped out of the map view upon death
  • Multiple visited worlds with the same name now all show up in the “Recents” list
  • Fix for sleeping creatures “bouncing” higher when blocks dug out underneath them
  • Fix for “/help” command changing the text color
  • Damage no longer auto-closes the inventory / crafting windows
  • Targeting a block after targeting a station no longer displays the station’s name
  • Extractors no longer an option for customizing blueprints
  • Fix for player status effects (like burning or corrupted) not rendering correctly for female character model
  • Fix for rare issue where spawning on or near a touchstone would prevent teleporting to other touchstones
  • Fix for bug that made item descriptions appear behind the inventory window
  • Fix for missing localized text in Rockzilla system message
  • Fix for missing TNT visual explosion effects
  • Twig no longer says it is “made in the crafting menu”
  • “(Creation only)” text added to the Claims option in the advanced options menu
  • Minor text fixes
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
Hey Creatifriendos!

Have you ever wanted the freedom to invite people to your world without worrying about them stealing your stuff? Do you wish you could participate on public worlds but are leery of TNT-wielding griefers? Then this update is for you! Our new claim system* is designed to give you complete control over a small plot of land. Anyone can swing by and admire your building prowess, but only those you deem worthy can touch your stuff.

Now claims are just like cookies -- they go better with milk -- and in this case the milk is our other exciting new feature: MAPS! Press M to open your very own world map and see where others are milling about, where all the popular claims are and where that pesky jungle is hiding.
And this is just the beginning of what ended up being a much larger update than we initially planned -- e.g. extra chat features, world alerts, better terrain generation*, AI improvements, more intuitive blueprints and more. So come on in and claim your steak stake your claim!

P.S. As if this update doesn’t already have enough new stuff to do, watch this video for 10 lesser known things to try in Creativerse.

  • The new claim system and the revised ore distribution in worlds are only supported for worlds created after this update
  • World v2 worlds (all worlds created after April 8, 2015) DO support the new map feature

New Features and Content
  • Claim system
    • Claims are a new world option -- on by default for new worlds
    • Invest resources to claim 64x64 areas of the world as your own
    • Local permissions, naming, and description options for claims
  • World map
    • Two levels of zoom -- local and world map
    • Regional fog of war for world map
    • Click the 'M' key to open the map
  • Revised terrain generation for new worlds
    • Improved ore distribution
    • Minor generation bugs fixed
  • New chat features
    • “/w (playername) (message)” -- send a whisper message to another player
    • “/r (message)” -- whisper back (reply) to a player that just sent you a whisper
    • “/party invite (playername)” -- invite a player to a party
    • “/party accept” or “/party decline” -- accept or decline a party invitation
    • “/party kick (playername)” -- kick a player out of the party
    • “/party leave” -- leave your current party
    • “/p (message)” -- chat to only members of your party
    • NOTE: parties are temporary and world-specific -- you do not stay in a party if you exit a world
  • New server presence messages
    • Automated alerts highlight interesting things happening in the world
  • New spawn system
    • New players in a world will now not always spawn at the same location
    • Spawn locations should still be “safe” and near starting resources (e.g. in the woodlands, and toward the center of the map)

  • Improved touchstone mechanics
    • When a touchstone is placed, it is removed from a player’s inventory
    • Players can pull their own touchstones up, as if they were a block
    • In the teleport menu, players can now “Reclaim” their touchstone, which will put the item back in their inventory and remove the touchstone from the world
    • If a world owner removes a player’s touchstone, the item will be added back to the player’s inventory
    • KNOWN ISSUE: when you initially place and reclaim a touchstone in existing worlds after this patch, there may temporarily be two “visual” touchstones in the world. Only the last one placed is valid. The next time a touchstone is moved, the second touchstone will be cleaned up.
  • Significant AI improvements
    • Creatures should now attack properly in multiplayer worlds
    • Improved pursuit logic (e.g. less of this)
    • Several fixes for bugs involving creatures abandoning a chase and getting stuck in a bad state
    • Boss Hog rally ability now works properly
    • AI abilities now properly complete in most cases, preventing AI from going motionless indefinitely
  • Improved blueprint user interface and flow, including completion effects
  • Improved error indicators (UI pulse and sound effect) when unable to craft an item due to missing items
  • Doors now interactable regardless of permissions
  • Blueprint tracking removed for now
    • If you have a previously-tracked blueprint still on your screen, press “Alt” to free the mouse cursor, then close the tracked blueprint information by clicking the close button

  • Additional fixes for world chunks not rendering (especially in multiplayer)
  • Force bombs throw creatures and players once again
  • Fences no longer attach to chairs, beds, and tables
  • Incorrect ingredients can no longer be placed in slots in the cooking station
  • Fix for shelf and weapon rack inventory UI problems
  • Rockzilla’s hitbox and loot table fixed (Rockzilla???)
  • Minor tutorial tip and task bugfixes
  • Minor text and typo fixes

  • Limited-time sale on Moroccan block recipe pack!
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
Hey Creatifriendos!

Have you ever wanted the freedom to invite people to your world without worrying about them stealing your stuff? Do you wish you could participate on public worlds but are leery of TNT-wielding griefers? Then this update is for you! Our new claim system* is designed to give you complete control over a small plot of land. Anyone can swing by and admire your building prowess, but only those you deem worthy can touch your stuff.

Now claims are just like cookies -- they go better with milk -- and in this case the milk is our other exciting new feature: MAPS! Press M to open your very own world map and see where others are milling about, where all the popular claims are and where that pesky jungle is hiding.
And this is just the beginning of what ended up being a much larger update than we initially planned -- e.g. extra chat features, world alerts, better terrain generation*, AI improvements, more intuitive blueprints and more. So come on in and claim your steak stake your claim!

P.S. As if this update doesn’t already have enough new stuff to do, watch this video for 10 lesser known things to try in Creativerse.

  • The new claim system and the revised ore distribution in worlds are only supported for worlds created after this update
  • World v2 worlds (all worlds created after April 8, 2015) DO support the new map feature

New Features and Content
  • Claim system
    • Claims are a new world option -- on by default for new worlds
    • Invest resources to claim 64x64 areas of the world as your own
    • Local permissions, naming, and description options for claims
  • World map
    • Two levels of zoom -- local and world map
    • Regional fog of war for world map
    • Click the 'M' key to open the map
  • Revised terrain generation for new worlds
    • Improved ore distribution
    • Minor generation bugs fixed
  • New chat features
    • “/w (playername) (message)” -- send a whisper message to another player
    • “/r (message)” -- whisper back (reply) to a player that just sent you a whisper
    • “/party invite (playername)” -- invite a player to a party
    • “/party accept” or “/party decline” -- accept or decline a party invitation
    • “/party kick (playername)” -- kick a player out of the party
    • “/party leave” -- leave your current party
    • “/p (message)” -- chat to only members of your party
    • NOTE: parties are temporary and world-specific -- you do not stay in a party if you exit a world
  • New server presence messages
    • Automated alerts highlight interesting things happening in the world
  • New spawn system
    • New players in a world will now not always spawn at the same location
    • Spawn locations should still be “safe” and near starting resources (e.g. in the woodlands, and toward the center of the map)

  • Improved touchstone mechanics
    • When a touchstone is placed, it is removed from a player’s inventory
    • Players can pull their own touchstones up, as if they were a block
    • In the teleport menu, players can now “Reclaim” their touchstone, which will put the item back in their inventory and remove the touchstone from the world
    • If a world owner removes a player’s touchstone, the item will be added back to the player’s inventory
    • KNOWN ISSUE: when you initially place and reclaim a touchstone in existing worlds after this patch, there may temporarily be two “visual” touchstones in the world. Only the last one placed is valid. The next time a touchstone is moved, the second touchstone will be cleaned up.
  • Significant AI improvements
    • Creatures should now attack properly in multiplayer worlds
    • Improved pursuit logic (e.g. less of this)
    • Several fixes for bugs involving creatures abandoning a chase and getting stuck in a bad state
    • Boss Hog rally ability now works properly
    • AI abilities now properly complete in most cases, preventing AI from going motionless indefinitely
  • Improved blueprint user interface and flow, including completion effects
  • Improved error indicators (UI pulse and sound effect) when unable to craft an item due to missing items
  • Doors now interactable regardless of permissions
  • Blueprint tracking removed for now
    • If you have a previously-tracked blueprint still on your screen, press “Alt” to free the mouse cursor, then close the tracked blueprint information by clicking the close button

  • Additional fixes for world chunks not rendering (especially in multiplayer)
  • Force bombs throw creatures and players once again
  • Fences no longer attach to chairs, beds, and tables
  • Incorrect ingredients can no longer be placed in slots in the cooking station
  • Fix for shelf and weapon rack inventory UI problems
  • Rockzilla’s hitbox and loot table fixed (Rockzilla???)
  • Minor tutorial tip and task bugfixes
  • Minor text and typo fixes

  • Limited-time sale on Moroccan block recipe pack!
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
Hey Creatifriends!

This update is all about helping our newer players get down the basics so they can move onto everything else Creativerse has to offer. You know, like grisly deaths at the hands feet gyrating curves of Hotfoot. Now tips will drop in and guide you through the essentials, like crafting a wood power cell or a processor. If you’re a Creativeteran, these will be turned off for you by default (though you can turn them back on with the console if you’re curious).

We’ve also got a 2 new Mayan-themed block sets available in the store, one of which is FREE! Fire up the store to pick it up at your convenience.

If you missed it yesterday, you can get a visual tour of R28 in this video.
P.S. Big things are happening behind the scenes. Can’t wait to share with you guys all the stuff we have planned over the next several months!

New Features and Content
  • Mayan block set!
    • Visit the store for three free Mayan-themed blocks
    • Additional pack of three blocks for sale
  • Dynamic tutorial help content system
    • New pop-up messages and tips guide players through the early game
  • Console commands to allow control over tutorial (soon to be added to options page)
    • /tutorial on - turn tutorial events on (default)
    • /tutorial off - turn tutorial events off
    • /tutorial reset - resets tutorial, forcing events to fire again

  • Server stability improvements

  • Fix for most significant cases of world chunks not rendering (especially in multiplayer)
  • Seeds and crops no longer connect to fences
  • Tamed night hoglets show accessories and taming collar
  • Tamed night twiggy now gives proper loot when harvested
  • Kick timer now displays correct time
  • Cooking station recipe now carries over properly to new worlds
  • Fixed missing text for disconnect.server_full message
  • Store button color fix (no longer gray by default)
  • Item duplication bug squashed
  • Various sound fixes

  • Block pack sale! For a limited time, the new Mayan block set and the Decorative Stone pack are 300 coins in the recipe store
  • Store now defaults to recipe page
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
Hey Creatifriends!

This update is all about helping our newer players get down the basics so they can move onto everything else Creativerse has to offer. You know, like grisly deaths at the hands feet gyrating curves of Hotfoot. Now tips will drop in and guide you through the essentials, like crafting a wood power cell or a processor. If you’re a Creativeteran, these will be turned off for you by default (though you can turn them back on with the console if you’re curious).

We’ve also got a 2 new Mayan-themed block sets available in the store, one of which is FREE! Fire up the store to pick it up at your convenience.

If you missed it yesterday, you can get a visual tour of R28 in this video.
P.S. Big things are happening behind the scenes. Can’t wait to share with you guys all the stuff we have planned over the next several months!

New Features and Content
  • Mayan block set!
    • Visit the store for three free Mayan-themed blocks
    • Additional pack of three blocks for sale
  • Dynamic tutorial help content system
    • New pop-up messages and tips guide players through the early game
  • Console commands to allow control over tutorial (soon to be added to options page)
    • /tutorial on - turn tutorial events on (default)
    • /tutorial off - turn tutorial events off
    • /tutorial reset - resets tutorial, forcing events to fire again

  • Server stability improvements

  • Fix for most significant cases of world chunks not rendering (especially in multiplayer)
  • Seeds and crops no longer connect to fences
  • Tamed night hoglets show accessories and taming collar
  • Tamed night twiggy now gives proper loot when harvested
  • Kick timer now displays correct time
  • Cooking station recipe now carries over properly to new worlds
  • Fixed missing text for disconnect.server_full message
  • Store button color fix (no longer gray by default)
  • Item duplication bug squashed
  • Various sound fixes

  • Block pack sale! For a limited time, the new Mayan block set and the Decorative Stone pack are 300 coins in the recipe store
  • Store now defaults to recipe page
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
UI be a little more helpful. Night be a little less dangerous. Bugs be a little less buggy.

That’s R27 in a nutshell.

Behind the scenes, we moved to a new office, took time off for the holidays and have been laying the groundwork for features that won’t be ready for a while. In other words, we acknowledge R27 isn’t as meaty as you’re used to. R28 will have more stuff!

P.S. We’ve slowly been upgrading our store page over the past couple months -- new banners, screenshots, game descriptions, etc. Let us know what you think!

  • More detail in UI item description
  • Better block placement behavior
    • Added a player “nudge” when placing a nearby block (allows for placing blocks closer to your feet)
    • Improved messaging when blocks can’t be placed
  • Nighttime in forest, woodland, and plains biomes less dangerous
  • Feedback when trying to learn recipes that are already known
  • Compass death skull now pings upon respawning
  • Art - flames added to torch icons
  • Art - Janky House icon now properly a blueprint
  • Rimecones and snow cubes show up when placed on shelves
  • Fences no longer connect to wildflowers
  • Added Hotfoot harvesting sounds
  • Server improvements

  • Fix for fluid faces not rendering when adjacent to glass
  • Fix for iron gate rapidly opening and closing when in open state
  • Beeswax now an option in custom blueprint block swaps
  • “Ghost block” pulling fixed
  • Lily pads can now be targeted
  • Beams & torches sort properly behind liquids
  • Fix for Rockster & Pigsy sliding while “powering up”
  • Lighting fixes while underneath large surface structures
  • Fix for world list visual hiccups on main menu
  • Fix for rare bug that would not grant coins on coin pack purchase

  • Holiday recipe drops disabled
  • Janky House no longer granted to new players
Creativerse - PlayfulDavid
UI be a little more helpful. Night be a little less dangerous. Bugs be a little less buggy.

That’s R27 in a nutshell.

Behind the scenes, we moved to a new office, took time off for the holidays and have been laying the groundwork for features that won’t be ready for a while. In other words, we acknowledge R27 isn’t as meaty as you’re used to. R28 will have more stuff!

P.S. We’ve slowly been upgrading our store page over the past couple months -- new banners, screenshots, game descriptions, etc. Let us know what you think!

  • More detail in UI item description
  • Better block placement behavior
    • Added a player “nudge” when placing a nearby block (allows for placing blocks closer to your feet)
    • Improved messaging when blocks can’t be placed
  • Nighttime in forest, woodland, and plains biomes less dangerous
  • Feedback when trying to learn recipes that are already known
  • Compass death skull now pings upon respawning
  • Art - flames added to torch icons
  • Art - Janky House icon now properly a blueprint
  • Rimecones and snow cubes show up when placed on shelves
  • Fences no longer connect to wildflowers
  • Added Hotfoot harvesting sounds
  • Server improvements

  • Fix for fluid faces not rendering when adjacent to glass
  • Fix for iron gate rapidly opening and closing when in open state
  • Beeswax now an option in custom blueprint block swaps
  • “Ghost block” pulling fixed
  • Lily pads can now be targeted
  • Beams & torches sort properly behind liquids
  • Fix for Rockster & Pigsy sliding while “powering up”
  • Lighting fixes while underneath large surface structures
  • Fix for world list visual hiccups on main menu
  • Fix for rare bug that would not grant coins on coin pack purchase

  • Holiday recipe drops disabled
  • Janky House no longer granted to new players