War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Type 93 is a Japanese 1990’s wheeled SAM vehicle, developed for the JGSDF as a modern replacement for conventional gunned SPAA units. Coming soon to War Thunder with update Starfighter, the Type 93 will reinforce the top ranks of the Japanese ground tree and provide lethal anti-air cover for its allies on the ground!

In War Thunder, the Type 93, apart from being a deadly Japanese 610mm torpedo in naval battles, will now also take on the form of a no less lethal surface-to-air missile platform in ground battles, following the release of the upcoming update. Although SAM vehicles have been a part of War Thunder ground battles for some time now, Japanese tankers had to wait a little longer before getting their hands on such advanced tech, but the Type 93 now aims to make this wait worthwhile!

On a different note, weighing in at just 2.6 tons and being powered by a 150 horsepower diesel engine, the Type 93 offers its aspiring commanders unparalleled mobility, being able to achieve a top speed of 125 km/h on paved roads. As a result, the Type 93 will become the new record holder for being the fastest ground vehicle in War Thunder upon its arrival to the game with the next major update Starfighters!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - pryanick
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

This tank destroyer is mounted on a BMP-3 chassis, equipped with a radar, thermal imaging and extremely powerful missiles and capable of simultaneously firing two ATGM’s at two different targets!

In our game, the 9P157-2 Khrizantema will become a top-ranked tank destroyer in the USSR tech tree. Powerful ATGMs geared with a dual guidance system that uses both radio signals and laser beams for tracking the target will serve as the unit’s base. Aiming through the commander’s or gunner’s crosshairs may be a feature every War Thunder tanker is very familiar with, but using the Khrizantema’s radar, on the other hand, will become a whole new experience for the players. What we essentially get is an all-purpose and practically faultless means of detecting and neutralizing enemy tanks even in minimal visibility, be they concealed behind a smokescreen or in the dark of the night. That’s practically the same as the aircraft equipped with a radar that detects enemy aircraft! The dual guidance system allows the player to launch two missiles at once – the target that the radar locks on to is hit automatically, while the second missile travels toward the enemy unit in the gunner’s crosshairs by following the path set by, as one would expect, the laser beam. In the game, the missiles are launched in sequence. The first projectile is controlled by the radar system, and should the necessity arise, you can fire an ATGM that you’ll have to guide manually using the crosshairs.

The Khrizantema will make you experience high-rank combat in ways you’ve never experienced before. For instance, picture the following scenario in your head: a missile controlled by a radio signal is flying towards a tank guarding a capture point and surrounded by a smokescreen, while you are guiding the second ATGM through your crosshairs right into its ally’s frontal hull. All in all, you need to research and test the Khrizantema in combat as soon as the opportunity presents itself. It’s a new high-rank ace up Russia’s/the USSR’s sleeve that is practically guaranteed to stay in your top setup for a long time. When will this unit become available? Once War Thunder: Starfighters major update is out, so very soon! See you later!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Tone is the lead ship of a class of two heavy cruisers, also being among the last cruiser vessels to be completed for the IJN. With its distinctive gun arrangement and heavy anti-aircraft firepower, Tone will assume the role of the new top Japanese heavy cruiser following its introduction to the game with the War Thunder: Starfighters Major Update!

Tone will become the new top Japanese heavy cruiser upon its arrival to War Thunder naval forces with the release of the upcoming major update "Starfighters". Unlike the Mogami-class that precedes it, Tone trades some of its primary gun firepower for much improved anti-air protection and features a thus far unique gun arrangement in War Thunder naval forces, allowing captains to make use of different battle tactics to achieve victory on the high seas!

Captains will soon have the chance to meet heavy cruiser Tone in War Thunder naval battles, following its introduction to the game as part of the upcoming major update "Starfighters". In the meantime, be sure to keep a wary eye on the horizon for more news regarding the next major update coming to the game in the near future. Until then, calm seas and happy hunting captains!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
  • The after-armour effect of secondary shell debris for APDS shells has been improved. More precise correlation in the amount of secondary fragments of shell and armor to shell mass and parameters. For shells below 100 mm, the after-armour effect has been reduced slightly, for shells 100 mm and above this effect has been increased.
  • Pvrbv 551 and Lvrbv 701 - Traverse angles have been increased.
  • 2S6 - a bug resulting in an actual rate of fire of ~8000 rpm instead of 5000 rpm in the automatic guns has been fixed .
  • Archer - historical 3x-6x sight has been added.
    Source: Royal Armoured Corps Training Volume III-Armament Pamphlet No. 6 SP 17-pr Valentine 1952
    Chi-Ha Kai / Chi-He - historical 4x sight has been added.
    Source: Handbook on Japanese Military Sources // Intelligence Bulletin Vol. 3 No 11 July 1945 //
  • Object 279 - BR-482B shell initial speed has been increased from 900 to 1000 m/s with corresponding armour penetration re-calculation.
    Source: Отечественные бронированные машины. XX век. Том 3. 1946-1965, Солянкин А.Г, Желтов И.Г., Кудряшов К.Н // Техника и вооружение: Отечественные бронированные машины 1945-1965 N°12/2017
  • Semovente 90/53 M41M - a bug in the gunner’s camera position has been fixed, previously it might have resulted in the vehicle disappearing on some graphic presets.
  • Centauro MGS - commander’s camera height has been increased.
    Radkampfwagen 90 - commander’s camera height has been increased.
  • 2S6 - gun recoil animation has been fixed
  • Vickers MBT - excessive MG sight markers have been removed.
  • Lvtdgb m/40 - clarified the dependence of the limits of the angles for elevation in the angle of turret rotation of the gun
  • A.43 Black Prince - clarified the dependence of the limits of angles for elevation in the angle of turret rotation of the gun.
  • 50mm Mk.214a gun - spread angles have been increased.
  • Su-6 (all versions) - 37mm NS-37 guns spread angles have been reduced.
  • 20mm M61 gun, 30mm ADEN gun, DEFA gun (all versions) - after-armour effect of the secondary debris for AP rounds has been improved, smoke trail for tracer shells has been removed.
  • A bug has been fixed with the inability to start quick field repair while playing in a squad.
  • “Zoom in hangar” axis was added (Controls -> Common ->View controls).
  • Maximum and minimum value shortcuts of “View in hangar” axes now work correctly - bug was fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The F-104 Starfighter is a well-known American supersonic jet fighter, developed at the start of the Cold War by the Lockheed company. Soon, pilots in War Thunder will have the chance to fly this truly iconic and unique aircraft as it arrives at the top rank of several nations with the release of the incoming major update!

In War Thunder, the legendary F-104 Starfighter is coming to the game with the next major update as a new top ranking jet fighter to the aviation trees of several nations and in a number of different variants at the same time. This means that not only American and German pilots can look forward to flying the Starfighter, but also fans of Italian, Japanese and Chinese aviation. So strap yourselves in pilots, we have a lot to cover in today’s devblog!

Meet the F-104 Starfighter in the upcoming War Thunder major update and be the first to experience what it’s like being virtually strapped to a rocket! In the meantime, make sure to stay tuned to the news as we share more information on the next major update, coming to the game very soon. Until then, clear skies pilots!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Attilio Regolo is the lead ship of the Capitani Romani-class light cruisers, built for the Regia Marina in the late stages of World War II. Arriving in War Thunder naval forces as part of the incoming major update, Attilio Regolo will be the first cruiser vessel awaiting eager captains in the upcoming Italian naval tree!

In War Thunder, Attilio Regolo is coming to naval forces as part of the upcoming Italian naval tree, arriving to the game with the release of the next update. Being the first light cruiser captains will unlock in the Regia Marina tree, Attilio Regolo stands out from other light cruisers in the game by being distinctly uncrusier-like when it comes to its general characteristics.

Attilio Regolo is docking in player ports with the arrival of the much anticipated Italian naval tree in the upcoming War Thunder update. In the meantime, be sure to keep a close watch on the news for more information about the next major update coming to the game very soon. Until then, calm seas and happy hunting captains!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Scimitar is a late 1950’s subsonic twin engine naval jet strike fighter, developed by the renowned British Supermarine aircraft manufacturer. Soon, pilots in War Thunder will have the chance to take control of the Scimitar F.1, joining the ranks of the British aviation tree in the upcoming major update

In War Thunder, the Supermarine Scimitar F.1 will be a new jet fighter awaiting pilots at rank VI of the British aviation tree in the upcoming update major. Although historically speaking, the Supermarine Scimitar F.1 has a less than stellar service record owed mainly due to high maintenance requirements and numerous accidents, these problems are something that War Thunder pilots won’t be affected by in-game and they’ll have the chance to fully take advantage of the Scimitar’s excellent flight characteristics and combat versatility!

The Supermarine Scimitar F.1 is on final approach and is expected to arrive at the top ranks of the British aviation tree with the release of the upcoming major update. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news to find out what the next major update has in store for you. There’s plenty more to come! Until then, clear skies pilots!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Type 69-IIG is a modern Bangladeshi modification of the Chinese Type 69 main battle tank, upgraded in recent times to improve the vehicle’s combat capabilities. Soon, the Type 69-IIG will become the new top Chinese premium ground vehicle, awaiting eager new commanders in the upcoming War Thunder update!

In War Thunder, the Type 69-IIG will be the new top Chinese premium ground vehicle, available for purchase to all tankers following the release of the upcoming update. Sharing a great resemblance to the ZTZ59D1, the Type 69-IIG offers its prospective commanders ERA protection, a Chinese modification of the familiar L7 105mm cannon and an uprated engine, making it ideally suited to assist tankers in their pursuit of climbing to the top rank of the Chinese ground forces tree!

The Type 69-IIG will be deployed in War Thunder ground battles with the release of the upcoming update, but eager tankers can already secure themselves a unit by purchasing a special bundle in our online store. In the meantime, stay tuned to the news for more information regarding the next major update coming soon. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

Check out the full Dev blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The Mirage IIIC is the first production version of one of the most famous French jet fighter families of the Cold War. Representing the bleeding edge of aviation technology at the time, the highly anticipated Mirage IIIC is finally arriving in War Thunder with the major update, becoming the new crowning jewel of the French aviation tree!

The highly anticipated and long awaited Mirage IIIC will finally be arriving in War Thunder with the release of the upcoming update. Thanks to a combination of its excellent flight performance, owed to its delta wing design and powerful engine, as well as a vast assortment of missile armament, the Mirage IIIC will rightfully take its place at the top of the French aviation tree, following its introduction to the game as part of the next major update!

The Mirage IIIC is coming to War Thunder with the upcoming major update and will await all eager pilots as the new crowning jewel of the French aviation tree. In the meantime, make sure to stay tuned to the news as we continue to showcase some of the new additions coming to the game with the next major update. Until then, clear skies pilots!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!