War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

  • In ground SB, the previous mechanics for respawn zone protection in the form of a timer used for vehicle destruction has been switched on.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

We have thoroughly remade the location “Italy” and would like to show you the updated map “Calabria” for mixed battles.

Hello everyone! Not so long ago, we introduced a “black list” option for locations and missions, in which each player can add maps that are the least enjoyable to them for play. One of the front runners in dislikes was the location "Italy" for mixed battles. We analyzed those aspects that the players did not like in this location, and worked heavily on the issues. Today we would like to introduce you to the updated location that we called “Calabria”, and the changes that will happen there with the release of the next major update of War Thunder.

City planning
The small houses of old “Italy”, connected by countless fences and small gardens, formed a complex labyrinth in which it was sometimes difficult to understand where the enemy was shooting at you from, even if it was sitting a dozen metres away. We have ruthlessly bombed the old town! Now the layout is clear and understandable, split into quarters. There are no more labyrinths, at the same time, through-shooting corridors from the suburbs have also disappeared. Amongst the smoking ruins, it has become easier to navigate, and camping will now be more difficult.

Fences, fences ...
Fences and barriers are beautiful indeed. But in a tank battle it’s quite difficult to get through the fence jungle, especially when you need to quickly capture strategic points. In addition, the HEAT shells that are popular with players are often primed by interfering fences and obstacles, and do not reach their final target. Get off the fences! We removed most of the fences from the location, those that have remained usually did not interfere with driving and shooting.

How’s that?!..
Alas, the through shooting of the town from fields close to the respawn of both teams was a real plague for “Italy”. Moreover, you might have been shot throughout the entire map, directly from the enemy respawn base. The campers’ paradise is over. The landscape of the “Calabria” has been corrected to exclude through shooting in the town, and reduce the possibility of camping from the surrounding fields. We have also protected the respawn points of both teams from distant hits.

The War Thunder Team
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The F3H Demon is an early Cold War-era American naval fighter aircraft, developed by the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation as the successor to the F2H Banshee. Arriving to the game as a new American jet fighter, the F3H Demon will be one of the many new additions awaiting seasoned War Thunder pilots in the upcoming major update!

In War Thunder, the F3H-2 Demon will be one of the exciting new additions awaiting seasoned pilots in the upcoming update. Coming to Rank VI of the American aviation tree, the F3H-2 will further enrich the top ranking US jet lineup with another versatile fighter aircraft, excelling at dogfights in particular, but also sparking a sense of unease with tankers in its presence.

The F3H-2 is powered by an Allison J71-A-2B turbojet engine, producing a maximum of 14,400 lbf (64 kN) with the afterburner engaged. As a result, the Demon can reach a top speed of 719 mph (~1157 kph) at a sea level. Additionally, the F3H-2 boasts a rather good climb rate of 14,350 fpm (72.9 m/s), allowing it to reach combat altitudes within a relatively short period of time.

The F3H-2 Demon is well on its way to joining the fight in War Thunder with the upcoming update and will become available to all pilots as a new Rank VI American jet fighter. Until then, keep a close watch on the horizon for more news regarding the next major update coming to the game in the near future. Safe flying and happy hunting pilots!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

  • A bug that might prevent the game from starting on systems installed with AVG (or Avast) antivirus has been fixed.
  • A bug where some combat ready ground vehicles might look destroyed has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

Trento is the lead ship of the first Italian class of so-called ‘Treaty Cruisers’, constructed for the Regia Marina in the mid 1920’s. Docking soon in player ports, Trento will round off the highly anticipated research tree of the Regia Marina as the top Italian warship awaiting captains in the War Thunder major update!

In War Thunder, Trento will be the top vessel awaiting eager captains in the brand new Italian naval tree, coming to the game in the next major update. Lightly armored, but boasting excellent mobility and devastating firepower, Trento is bringing with it a distinct Italian flavor to naval top tier battles in the next major update!

Trento will arrive in War Thunder naval battles as part of the Italian naval tree with the release of the major update, coming very soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep scanning the horizon as we release more news and information regarding the next major update. Until then, calm seas and happy hunting captains!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!
May 11, 2020
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

We’re pleased to introduce new cool mounted weapons for British aircraft. Mighty rockets suitable for both sinking ships and blowing up tanks!

New cool stuff for British pilots - three new extremely powerful rockets to mount on British aircraft. These rockets will be available for RAF aircraft, such as the Hawker Sea Fury, the Mosquito FB Mk 6, the Avenger Mk II, the Firebrand, and the Wyvern.

Triplex R.P.

Well-known to War Thunder pilots, British RP-3 rockets were among the first aviation rockets in the game. But they can still surprise you! “Triplex” is a fancy design of three RP-3 rocket engines with a single warhead. The hit of such a rocket is approximately equivalent to the hit of three RP-3s at once. Triplex R.P. forgives some mistakes in aiming and is perfect for destroying tanks that might survive after being hit by a regular single RP-3.

Uncle Tom

“Three rockets in one? Why only three?” - British engineers probably thought this, developing Uncle Tom, an experimental anti-ship rocket, the continuation of the idea of the Triplex project. The nominal weight of the rocket is 1,000 pounds, but in reality it is slightly more. There are as many as 6 RP-3 engines. Now they are not just combined with clamps, but are enclosed in a cylindrical metal chassis. Each engine has an external cone-shaped nozzle. The warhead of “Uncle Tom” is an armour-piercing high-explosive, designed to explode after penetrating the armoured belt of a ship - a destroyer or cruiser. Of course, in mixed battles against tanks, such a rocket will also come invery handy!

Red Angel

The most advanced design in the experimental series with the RP-3 engines. The 1,000 lbs Red Angel - it has folding wings that deploy after launch. The warhead is similar to the Uncle Tom rocket: the projectile was supposed to destroy heavily armored naval targets, in particular, Sverdlov-class cruisers (for this, however, it would take at least 6 hits). Red Angel was tested on the Wyvern turboprop fighter, one rocket under each wing mount. For war at sea, rockets were recognized as ineffective due to the short range. In addition, by that time, guided missiles were already appearing. The project was closed, "Red Angel" had never sunk a single ship. But in War Thunder, you can now not only easily try out Red Angel rockets against cruisers, but also against tanks.

All three new rockets will be available in the British aircraft tech tree with the upcoming content update in War Thunder. See you soon!

The War Thunder Team
May 9, 2020
War Thunder - pryanick
During the years of World War II, factories of the USSR produced more than 50,000 T-34 tanks. Assembly lines worked day and night. Today's video is about this legendary tank. Enjoy watching!
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
  • Ya-5M motor gun boat — the salvo speed of the 24 x 82mm M-8 rocket launcher has been increased up to 7 seconds.
  • Swordfish Mk.2 — Cockpit has been added.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk
75 years ago representatives of the German Supreme Command signed the unconditional surrender in Berlin. Victory celebrations were held in all the countries and one of the most important events of that days was the Berlin Victory Parade of Allied forces.

Thousands of soldiers and officers from the US, Soviet, British and French armies marched in one formation and solemn speeches were made by Marshal Georgy Zhukov, General George Patton, Major-General Brian Robertson and General Marie-Pierre Koenig. It was one of those few moments in history when almost the whole of humanity felt like one.

In honor of the Victory in Europe anniversary, we created a virtual reenactment of that Berlin Victory Parade.

The parade of troops and ground vehicles in the War Thunder recreation will also be joined by the air forces of the Allied nations. This is a tribute to the “Mustang”, Spitfire”, “Yak” and other aircraft piloted by those that fought and won in World War II.

Happy Victory Day!

The War Thunder Team

War Thunder - TheShaolinMonk

The HSTV-L, standing for High Survivability Test Vehicle Lightweight, is an American experimental tank, developed and built in the late 1970’s for the purpose of testing new concepts in tank design. The futuristic-looking HSTV-L will soon make its way onto the battlefields of War Thunder, arriving in the game with the upcoming major update!

In War Thunder, the HSTV-L will be a new light tank coming to the American ground forces tree with the release of the upcoming update. Combining excellent mobility, a small profile and a powerful, fast firing medium caliber smoothbore cannon, the HSTV-L should, unlike its opposition, easily catch the attention of tankers who enjoy the excellent dynamics offered by light and mobile vehicles!

The HSTV-L is coming to War Thunder as a new high tier American light tank with the release of the upcoming update. In the meantime, stay sharp and keep a wary eye on the news for more information regarding the next major update coming to the game very soon. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here!