Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Greetings Defenders,

We’re on the home stretch now. There’s only six more days until Trials: The Endgame Update comes out. Alongside the community playtesting group, we're playing the hell out of the update to make sure we nail the endgame feeling we’re going for. We’ve made some modifications to the update, so some of our previously reported details have changed. Final details will be available on release day, but everything is really coming together now.

Today’s report comes from Prime Scout Atticus Scout -- yes, this report comes from Prime Scout Scout. We hope he gets that promotion so we don’t have to call him Prime Scout Scout anymore -- he’ll be Scoutmaster Scout:

“Prime Scout Scout here. I’ve been scouting all week, and scout’s honor, I’ve discovered a new enemy. These little guys walk about in packs, and the things I’ve seen their shields wipe out...no doubt, we’re gonna need to change strategy.

This has been a scouting report from Prime Scout Scout. Over and out.”
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom
Greetings Defenders,

We’re on the home stretch now. There’s only six more days until Trials: The Endgame Update comes out. Alongside the community playtesting group, we're playing the hell out of the update to make sure we nail the endgame feeling we’re going for. We’ve made some modifications to the update, so some of our previously reported details have changed. Final details will be available on release day, but everything is really coming together now.

Today’s report comes from Prime Scout Atticus Scout -- yes, this report comes from Prime Scout Scout. We hope he gets that promotion so we don’t have to call him Prime Scout Scout anymore -- he’ll be Scoutmaster Scout:

“Prime Scout Scout here. I’ve been scouting all week, and scout’s honor, I’ve discovered a new enemy. These little guys walk about in packs, and the things I’ve seen their shields wipe out...no doubt, we’re gonna need to change strategy.

This has been a scouting report from Prime Scout Scout. Over and out.”
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

Trials: The Endgame Update comes out February 28th!

It’s been a busy couple of months here at Trendy, and we’re finally putting the finishing touches on the update (gold accents, chandeliers, at least one marble statue of a mostly naked person, you get the idea). This update represents our shared vision of the core Dungeon Defenders II gameplay experience. It’s the culmination of two years of new features, bug fixes, and conversations with you about where the game should go. As a result, this update is MASSIVE. Here’s a preview to tide you over till the end of the month. Keep in mind that these details are subject to change between now and the update release.


New Systems and Changes

Shards: A New Way to Build Your Hero
  • Goodbye Passives and Skill Spheres; hello Shards!
  • Shards are upgradeable artifacts that slot into your Defense Relics, Armor and Weapons.
  • Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality!
  • Most Shards can be moved between gear. No more leaving your Passives behind when you find an iPWR upgrade!
  • Defense Relics can hold up to 3 Shards and can only equip Defense Shards.
  • Armor and Weapons can hold up to 2 Shards and can only equip Hero Shards.
  • Shards drop in Victory Chests.
  • Shards can be upgraded straight from the all-new Inventory to further augment your dominance on the battlefield.
  • When you first log in, you’ll find yourself ahead of the game with a complementary bundle of Shards we’re giving all Defenders as a thank you for your continuing patience and support while we polish this update to be something truly special. You’ll also find that all the Skill Spheres you’ve previously purchased have been replaced by a bounty of gold! (Trust us, you’ll need it.)

Ascension: Go Beyond Level 50!
  • How far past 50? Your imagination is your only limit in Ascension. That and the code that comprises the system...
  • With this update, heroes at the level cap will generate account-wide Ascension XP that accrues towards Ascension Points.
  • Ascension Points are invested on a per-hero basis in Ascension Powers that bestow additional bonuses and augmentations.
  • Some Ascension Powers are universal for all heroes; some are unique to each hero.
  • Harder challenges award greater sums of Ascension XP.

Defense Relics, Plus the Return of Defense Speed & Defense Range Stats!
  • Now you can build powerful defenses AND be a fearsome combatant at the same time!
  • All Relics are now Defense Relics and will roll with up to three Defense stats. Armor and Weapons will roll with up to two Hero stats.
  • Heroes can now customize each of their defenses’ strengths individually by attaching a Defense Relic to them.
  • Gobus will have nowhere to hide because Defense Range and Speed are returning as stats!

Chaos Difficulty and the Trials
  • Nightmare is over. Now is the time of CHAOS!!!
  • This update scratches the surface with five levels of Chaos, but don’t get too comfortable because we have more Chaos levels in store. (queue maniacal laugh track)
  • As you descend through the levels, new threats will appear and combine to lay waste to your heroes and defenses. Following us on social media may or may not give you some indication of what’s to come. (SHAMELESS CROSS PROMOTION!)
  • Chaos is unpredictable and can only be thwarted through conquering the Trials.
  • In the Trials, the Knight Commander assigns you a defense commensurate with your power. Survive enough Trials at a specific difficulty and you will accumulate the experience, gear, and resources needed for the Knight Commander to deploy you on even more dangerous fronts.
  • If certain Trials prove to be too much initially, you can perfect your strategies by practicing on any map at any difficulty. Remember, though, that the Trials are the only path to glory, gear, and gold (among other valuables).

Five New Enemies
  • The Siege Roller was just the beginning. Whatever horrors Chaos brings, rest assured that they will push you to experiment, adapt, and overcome. You will need to achieve perfect hero/defense unity to best what awaits you in the Trials.

New Inventory
  • Everyone (and we mean everyone) is getting a brand-new inventory UI!!
  • We’ve streamlined the loot management process by: putting more stuff in fewer bags, consolidating item management to a single UI, and bringing hero and item management under one roof.
  • Additionally, we have expanded the item sorting and management options to empower you to interact with, compare, and save/sell loot more easily, efficiently, and expediently.
  • Added the ability to lock items on PC and making Locking do what it should have done in the first place on PS4 (oops).

Item Enhancement
  • Now you can enhance your loot (and Shards) without leaving your Inventory (or putting on pants)!
  • Also, no more silly “plus 5 pieces of loot in” nonsense. Just upgrade with Gold or Defender Medals!

Siege Roller Updates (Because we listen and care deeply about you)
  • We’re reducing the maximum number of Siege Roller spawns. This applies to both solo and multiplayer matches.
  • Siege Roller rockets can no longer damage the core. The Siege Roller must hit the core with the roller to hurt it.
  • The hitbox on the weak point is being adjusted so that melee heroes and certain defenses can hit it more easily.

Balance Changes
  • The entire game has been rebalanced. No… really, we didn’t just nerf PDTs and call it a day. Dan and Brett have been doing nothing but re-balancing since New Year’s. Well… that and shards and eating and I think sleeping? Maybe?

Bug Fixes
  • Check! And the update after this will have even more.

Quick Hits: What’s Happening To…?

The Skill Sphere System
  • We converted most of our old Skill Spheres into Shards.
  • Some Skill Spheres were turned into Ascension Powers.
  • Some Skill Spheres were removed from the game.
  • Those who’ve purchased Skill Spheres with either Gold or Defender Medals will receive a Gold refund when the update comes out. Our goal is to make sure that your choice to invest in your hero’s power is translated over into this new system -- you’ll need all the Gold you can get to upgrade your Shards and your Loot. We’ll have the exact figures of how much Gold you’ll receive on release day.
The Passives System
  • Passive have been changed into Shard Slots on gear.
  • Many of the bonuses previously offered by Passives can now be found in Shards.
  • Others can be found as Ascension Powers.
  • A select few item-specific passives have turned into special LOCKED shards that come with the item and cannot be removed.
  • Some Passive effects were lost along the way (the flu hit really hard this year).
  • The exact details will be listed in the patch notes on release day.
The Stat Allocation System
  • The current Stat Allocation System is retiring.
  • You will be able to find many similar options in the Ascension system and level them to the MAX.
Nightmare Difficulty
  • It’s gone to make room for new better things.
My Inventory
  • Bags are being consolidated to fit more items in fewer bags.
  • Converting to this system has been constructed to ensure that you will receive the same if not more item slots when you log in for the first time.
My Current Gear (In case you missed it in all the previous stuff)
  • Most Passives are turning into Shard Slots; some weapons will keep their unique passive as a locked Shard.
  • Relics are now used for Defense stats. Weapons & Armor are now used for Hero stats.
  • Medallions and Totems will retain their primary stats and gain a random secondary and tertiary stat. Rings will be rerolled with defense stats.
  • Weapons & Armor with hero stats will remain the same. Weapons & Armor with defense stats will be rerolled into hero stats.
  • Loot XP boosters are going away, so use them now!
  • A handful of balance changes, otherwise the same… for now!
Terraria Weapons and Wayfarer
  • The weapons are still in the game, but the way you acquire them is something we’re still discussing.
Guaranteed Drops
  • The only guarantee in Chaos is your doom!!!
  • Will remain in game as a fun way to earn Defender Medals.
  • For the time being they will only be at Campaign Hard difficulty.
  • Will these be updated? Only the shadow knows… and Jason because he sets the schedule.
Wyvern Tokens
  • Wyvern Tokens were disabled last May, but with this update, they’ll be fully removed from the game. Spend them now!
  • Onslaught is finally taking the rest we’ve been talking about. In the future, we have plans for an Onslaught revamp or a new system to take its place. It shall be reborn!
  • We’re sorry, Billy. Grandma left us yesterday. But don’t worry, she’s having fun in nice big Vegas upstate where she can spend lots of time with other grandmothers and play slot machines all day! No, sorry, we can’t go see her. We’re not allowed back in Vegas. No I can’t explain why honey, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

Trials: The Endgame Update comes out February 28th!

It’s been a busy couple of months here at Trendy, and we’re finally putting the finishing touches on the update (gold accents, chandeliers, at least one marble statue of a mostly naked person, you get the idea). This update represents our shared vision of the core Dungeon Defenders II gameplay experience. It’s the culmination of two years of new features, bug fixes, and conversations with you about where the game should go. As a result, this update is MASSIVE. Here’s a preview to tide you over till the end of the month. Keep in mind that these details are subject to change between now and the update release.


New Systems and Changes

Shards: A New Way to Build Your Hero
  • Goodbye Passives and Skill Spheres; hello Shards!
  • Shards are upgradeable artifacts that slot into your Defense Relics, Armor and Weapons.
  • Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality!
  • Most Shards can be moved between gear. No more leaving your Passives behind when you find an iPWR upgrade!
  • Defense Relics can hold up to 3 Shards and can only equip Defense Shards.
  • Armor and Weapons can hold up to 2 Shards and can only equip Hero Shards.
  • Shards drop in Victory Chests.
  • Shards can be upgraded straight from the all-new Inventory to further augment your dominance on the battlefield.
  • When you first log in, you’ll find yourself ahead of the game with a complementary bundle of Shards we’re giving all Defenders as a thank you for your continuing patience and support while we polish this update to be something truly special. You’ll also find that all the Skill Spheres you’ve previously purchased have been replaced by a bounty of gold! (Trust us, you’ll need it.)

Ascension: Go Beyond Level 50!
  • How far past 50? Your imagination is your only limit in Ascension. That and the code that comprises the system...
  • With this update, heroes at the level cap will generate account-wide Ascension XP that accrues towards Ascension Points.
  • Ascension Points are invested on a per-hero basis in Ascension Powers that bestow additional bonuses and augmentations.
  • Some Ascension Powers are universal for all heroes; some are unique to each hero.
  • Harder challenges award greater sums of Ascension XP.

Defense Relics, Plus the Return of Defense Speed & Defense Range Stats!
  • Now you can build powerful defenses AND be a fearsome combatant at the same time!
  • All Relics are now Defense Relics and will roll with up to three Defense stats. Armor and Weapons will roll with up to two Hero stats.
  • Heroes can now customize each of their defenses’ strengths individually by attaching a Defense Relic to them.
  • Gobus will have nowhere to hide because Defense Range and Speed are returning as stats!

Chaos Difficulty and the Trials
  • Nightmare is over. Now is the time of CHAOS!!!
  • This update scratches the surface with five levels of Chaos, but don’t get too comfortable because we have more Chaos levels in store. (queue maniacal laugh track)
  • As you descend through the levels, new threats will appear and combine to lay waste to your heroes and defenses. Following us on social media may or may not give you some indication of what’s to come. (SHAMELESS CROSS PROMOTION!)
  • Chaos is unpredictable and can only be thwarted through conquering the Trials.
  • In the Trials, the Knight Commander assigns you a defense commensurate with your power. Survive enough Trials at a specific difficulty and you will accumulate the experience, gear, and resources needed for the Knight Commander to deploy you on even more dangerous fronts.
  • If certain Trials prove to be too much initially, you can perfect your strategies by practicing on any map at any difficulty. Remember, though, that the Trials are the only path to glory, gear, and gold (among other valuables).

Five New Enemies
  • The Siege Roller was just the beginning. Whatever horrors Chaos brings, rest assured that they will push you to experiment, adapt, and overcome. You will need to achieve perfect hero/defense unity to best what awaits you in the Trials.

New Inventory
  • Everyone (and we mean everyone) is getting a brand-new inventory UI!!
  • We’ve streamlined the loot management process by: putting more stuff in fewer bags, consolidating item management to a single UI, and bringing hero and item management under one roof.
  • Additionally, we have expanded the item sorting and management options to empower you to interact with, compare, and save/sell loot more easily, efficiently, and expediently.
  • Added the ability to lock items on PC and making Locking do what it should have done in the first place on PS4 (oops).

Item Enhancement
  • Now you can enhance your loot (and Shards) without leaving your Inventory (or putting on pants)!
  • Also, no more silly “plus 5 pieces of loot in” nonsense. Just upgrade with Gold or Defender Medals!

Siege Roller Updates (Because we listen and care deeply about you)
  • We’re reducing the maximum number of Siege Roller spawns. This applies to both solo and multiplayer matches.
  • Siege Roller rockets can no longer damage the core. The Siege Roller must hit the core with the roller to hurt it.
  • The hitbox on the weak point is being adjusted so that melee heroes and certain defenses can hit it more easily.

Balance Changes
  • The entire game has been rebalanced. No… really, we didn’t just nerf PDTs and call it a day. Dan and Brett have been doing nothing but re-balancing since New Year’s. Well… that and shards and eating and I think sleeping? Maybe?

Bug Fixes
  • Check! And the update after this will have even more.

Quick Hits: What’s Happening To…?

The Skill Sphere System
  • We converted most of our old Skill Spheres into Shards.
  • Some Skill Spheres were turned into Ascension Powers.
  • Some Skill Spheres were removed from the game.
  • Those who’ve purchased Skill Spheres with either Gold or Defender Medals will receive a Gold refund when the update comes out. Our goal is to make sure that your choice to invest in your hero’s power is translated over into this new system -- you’ll need all the Gold you can get to upgrade your Shards and your Loot. We’ll have the exact figures of how much Gold you’ll receive on release day.
The Passives System
  • Passive have been changed into Shard Slots on gear.
  • Many of the bonuses previously offered by Passives can now be found in Shards.
  • Others can be found as Ascension Powers.
  • A select few item-specific passives have turned into special LOCKED shards that come with the item and cannot be removed.
  • Some Passive effects were lost along the way (the flu hit really hard this year).
  • The exact details will be listed in the patch notes on release day.
The Stat Allocation System
  • The current Stat Allocation System is retiring.
  • You will be able to find many similar options in the Ascension system and level them to the MAX.
Nightmare Difficulty
  • It’s gone to make room for new better things.
My Inventory
  • Bags are being consolidated to fit more items in fewer bags.
  • Converting to this system has been constructed to ensure that you will receive the same if not more item slots when you log in for the first time.
My Current Gear (In case you missed it in all the previous stuff)
  • Most Passives are turning into Shard Slots; some weapons will keep their unique passive as a locked Shard.
  • Relics are now used for Defense stats. Weapons & Armor are now used for Hero stats.
  • Medallions and Totems will retain their primary stats and gain a random secondary and tertiary stat. Rings will be rerolled with defense stats.
  • Weapons & Armor with hero stats will remain the same. Weapons & Armor with defense stats will be rerolled into hero stats.
  • Loot XP boosters are going away, so use them now!
  • A handful of balance changes, otherwise the same… for now!
Terraria Weapons and Wayfarer
  • The weapons are still in the game, but the way you acquire them is something we’re still discussing.
Guaranteed Drops
  • The only guarantee in Chaos is your doom!!!
  • Will remain in game as a fun way to earn Defender Medals.
  • For the time being they will only be at Campaign Hard difficulty.
  • Will these be updated? Only the shadow knows… and Jason because he sets the schedule.
Wyvern Tokens
  • Wyvern Tokens were disabled last May, but with this update, they’ll be fully removed from the game. Spend them now!
  • Onslaught is finally taking the rest we’ve been talking about. In the future, we have plans for an Onslaught revamp or a new system to take its place. It shall be reborn!
  • We’re sorry, Billy. Grandma left us yesterday. But don’t worry, she’s having fun in nice big Vegas upstate where she can spend lots of time with other grandmothers and play slot machines all day! No, sorry, we can’t go see her. We’re not allowed back in Vegas. No I can’t explain why honey, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

Development on Trials: The Endgame Update is coming along smoothly! Our community playtesters are in their second week of playing the latest builds. We’re using their feedback to iterate on features, quality of life and balance changes -- lots and lots of balance changes! Thanks to the nearly 100 volunteer community members who are making this our best update yet. If you’d like to help us out, send an email to dani.moore[at]trendyent[dot]com!

Speaking of our community, the number one question you’ve been asking us is, “When is the update coming out, Trondo?” We’re not sure who this Trondo person is. Sounds like an off-brand thirst quencher. Or a plant fertilizer of some sort. Either way, you’ve been craving a release date -- a craving we can’t sate just yet. We shook our Magic 8-Ball of Development Precognition to help us divine a date, and it said, “Most likely.” Then we shook it again, and it said, “Signs point to yes.” So there you have it! Most likely, all signs point to us revealing a release date soon. Thanks, Magic 8-Ball! We totally don’t regret purchasing you from that vagabond salesman!

In the meantime, our enemy scouting reports are coming in one by one. We heard from the late Prime Scout Andrelian last week about the Cybork. Over the course of the coming week, the rest of our Etherian scouts will share their findings on the new enemies coming your way.

Today’s report comes from Prime Scout Xavier, who coincidentally seems to have the exact same artistic style and skill as Prime Scout Andrelian:

“What an unusual creature. Or is it a device? I can’t really tell. The little guy doesn’t eat. Doesn’t drink. Just follows orders. But it gets angry if you poke it with a spear as one of our scouts discovered. RIP Eddie. You were an idiot, but the kind of idiot everyone needs in a group. You completed us!

We saw the Orcs testing the Geode in their training exercises. It emits some sort of shield when activated. I wonder if the Geode itself is vulnerable to attack. Hmm, maybe it wasn’t angry when Eddie hit it with the spear. Maybe it was scared.”
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

Development on Trials: The Endgame Update is coming along smoothly! Our community playtesters are in their second week of playing the latest builds. We’re using their feedback to iterate on features, quality of life and balance changes -- lots and lots of balance changes! Thanks to the nearly 100 volunteer community members who are making this our best update yet. If you’d like to help us out, send an email to dani.moore[at]trendyent[dot]com!

Speaking of our community, the number one question you’ve been asking us is, “When is the update coming out, Trondo?” We’re not sure who this Trondo person is. Sounds like an off-brand thirst quencher. Or a plant fertilizer of some sort. Either way, you’ve been craving a release date -- a craving we can’t sate just yet. We shook our Magic 8-Ball of Development Precognition to help us divine a date, and it said, “Most likely.” Then we shook it again, and it said, “Signs point to yes.” So there you have it! Most likely, all signs point to us revealing a release date soon. Thanks, Magic 8-Ball! We totally don’t regret purchasing you from that vagabond salesman!

In the meantime, our enemy scouting reports are coming in one by one. We heard from the late Prime Scout Andrelian last week about the Cybork. Over the course of the coming week, the rest of our Etherian scouts will share their findings on the new enemies coming your way.

Today’s report comes from Prime Scout Xavier, who coincidentally seems to have the exact same artistic style and skill as Prime Scout Andrelian:

“What an unusual creature. Or is it a device? I can’t really tell. The little guy doesn’t eat. Doesn’t drink. Just follows orders. But it gets angry if you poke it with a spear as one of our scouts discovered. RIP Eddie. You were an idiot, but the kind of idiot everyone needs in a group. You completed us!

We saw the Orcs testing the Geode in their training exercises. It emits some sort of shield when activated. I wonder if the Geode itself is vulnerable to attack. Hmm, maybe it wasn’t angry when Eddie hit it with the spear. Maybe it was scared.”
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

In our previous report, we introduced the new powers you’ll discover when Trials: The Endgame Update arrives. We also weren’t 100% crystal clear that the update is not out yet. So let’s be clear: It’s not out yet! As we speak, we’re implementing the final features of the update, and we’ve begun our testing and bugfixing phase. This update is loaded with new features, new balance changes and so much more, so it’s going to require a lot of TLC. We should have a release date to share in the coming weeks. Please don’t hate us, Reddit. We love you.

In this report, our Etherian scouts reveal the new challenges obstructing your path to glory:

Chaos: New Difficulties, New Threats
The Old Ones are cunning in their diabolical quest to destroy the Eternia crystals. Though their Nightmare campaign failed to achieve its ultimate goal, the Old Ones now have a firm grasp on your strengths and -- more importantly -- your weaknesses. With these painful lessons filling the hole where their hearts should be, they’re reassembling and re-training their forces for their new Chaos offensive.

We scrambled at the sound of encroaching war drums, but here’s what we discovered. It appears the Chaos offensive is organized into multiple tiers. Each tier adds a new enemy to their army, and these enemies are specifically designed to test your strategies. Once you’ve altered your strategy to conquer the new threat, BAM, the next enemy throws a wrench into the whole plan. Simply wicked! But we’ve also learned the rewards for victory are even sweeter than before, so with greater risk comes greater...good things.

Summary of Chaos Difficulty
  • Nightmare difficulty is evolving into Chaos difficulty!
  • This update contains Chaos I, II, III, IV and V; more Chaos tiers to come in future updates
  • Each Chaos tier introduces a new enemy designed to test your strategies
  • As you move up through Chaos, you’ll need to fight more of these enemy types at the same time
  • Tackling harder Chaos tiers will reward you with higher iPWR gear, extra Ascension XP, extra gold and new Shards.
  • Chaos V will give you up to iPWR 1500 gear!

Five Fearsome New Foes
“I have seen the gathering Chaos… the thundering footsteps… the spine-chilling roar… oh woe, oh terror, the green sea that descendeth upon us! Wait… what was that? Do you hear that, Billy? By Grabthar’s hammer, run Billy! Get out of here! Our insurance won’t cover thi… urk”
- Last words of Prime Scout Andrelian, as recounted by Billy, his second-in-command

Well, that was... grim? His loss was not in vain, however, for along with that… err… pleasant anecdote came detailed descriptions of one of the newest additions to the Old Ones’ garrison:


“Later phases of Chaos appear to contain these enormous brutes. They appear to be powered by the evil sky magic called electricity. I can only speculate on the exact impact of their hammers, but I’m sure whatever they do will be positively shocking!

Even in the face of death, I can’t ignore a good pun.”

Summary of New Enemies:
  • Five new enemies with more to come!
  • Enemies have both tower defense and hero solutions
  • We’re waiting on our other scouts to return for more information on the other enemies...
  • One new enemy will be introduced per Chaos tier; each Chaos tier contains the previous enemies plus a new foe unless otherwise stated in the difficulty description

Enter the Trials
Ever in search of a way to challenge us, our dear Commander devised a game of sorts. He’s calling it the Trials. Enter the Trials, and he’ll assign you to a random defense. Succeed and you’ll earn lavish rewards and the begrudging admiration of your peers! Fail and it’s latrine duty for a month!

The Trials are different in every Chaos tier. As you go higher through Chaos, the Commander will select more difficult maps for you to defend. We probably shouldn’t say this in an official scouting report he’s sure to read, but he’s kind of a jerk. But we mean that in a totally good way!

Summary of the Trials:
  • The Knight Commander created a challenge for you called the Trials
  • You’ll be sent to a random location to defend, and if you win, you’ll earn extra Ascension XP, extra gold and unique Shards
  • At the end of a match, the Commander will immediately ship you off to another location
  • Each Chaos Trial has different locations to defend; the maps in Chaos Trials II will be different from the maps in Chaos Trials V

In a future report, we’ll discuss how you can prepare for the Trials update!

Frequently Anticipated Questions, Round Two
You haven’t asked them yet, but we know you’re going to.

Q: Are you still looking for volunteers to give feedback on this update?
A: Yes, we are! The most useful feedback would be your hands-on impressions, and if you want to do that, you can join our Remote Playtesting Group. Email dani.moore[at]trendyent[dot]com if you’re interested! Other than that, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Q: Have you guys thought about infinitely scaling difficulty?
A: We have! We love the idea, and we’ve discussed several different ways we could do it. It’s something we’d like to look into after we leave Early Access.

Q: This is cool and all, but what are you doing about the Siege Roller?!
A: We hear you! Right now, we’re reducing the number of Siege Rollers that can spawn when playing solo, and we’re adjusting the hitbox on the weak spot so that it’s easier to hit. Thanks for all of the feedback so far!
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

Greetings Defenders,

In our previous report, we introduced the new powers you’ll discover when Trials: The Endgame Update arrives. We also weren’t 100% crystal clear that the update is not out yet. So let’s be clear: It’s not out yet! As we speak, we’re implementing the final features of the update, and we’ve begun our testing and bugfixing phase. This update is loaded with new features, new balance changes and so much more, so it’s going to require a lot of TLC. We should have a release date to share in the coming weeks. Please don’t hate us, Reddit. We love you.

In this report, our Etherian scouts reveal the new challenges obstructing your path to glory:

Chaos: New Difficulties, New Threats
The Old Ones are cunning in their diabolical quest to destroy the Eternia crystals. Though their Nightmare campaign failed to achieve its ultimate goal, the Old Ones now have a firm grasp on your strengths and -- more importantly -- your weaknesses. With these painful lessons filling the hole where their hearts should be, they’re reassembling and re-training their forces for their new Chaos offensive.

We scrambled at the sound of encroaching war drums, but here’s what we discovered. It appears the Chaos offensive is organized into multiple tiers. Each tier adds a new enemy to their army, and these enemies are specifically designed to test your strategies. Once you’ve altered your strategy to conquer the new threat, BAM, the next enemy throws a wrench into the whole plan. Simply wicked! But we’ve also learned the rewards for victory are even sweeter than before, so with greater risk comes greater...good things.

Summary of Chaos Difficulty
  • Nightmare difficulty is evolving into Chaos difficulty!
  • This update contains Chaos I, II, III, IV and V; more Chaos tiers to come in future updates
  • Each Chaos tier introduces a new enemy designed to test your strategies
  • As you move up through Chaos, you’ll need to fight more of these enemy types at the same time
  • Tackling harder Chaos tiers will reward you with higher iPWR gear, extra Ascension XP, extra gold and new Shards.
  • Chaos V will give you up to iPWR 1500 gear!

Five Fearsome New Foes
“I have seen the gathering Chaos… the thundering footsteps… the spine-chilling roar… oh woe, oh terror, the green sea that descendeth upon us! Wait… what was that? Do you hear that, Billy? By Grabthar’s hammer, run Billy! Get out of here! Our insurance won’t cover thi… urk”
- Last words of Prime Scout Andrelian, as recounted by Billy, his second-in-command

Well, that was... grim? His loss was not in vain, however, for along with that… err… pleasant anecdote came detailed descriptions of one of the newest additions to the Old Ones’ garrison:


“Later phases of Chaos appear to contain these enormous brutes. They appear to be powered by the evil sky magic called electricity. I can only speculate on the exact impact of their hammers, but I’m sure whatever they do will be positively shocking!

Even in the face of death, I can’t ignore a good pun.”

Summary of New Enemies:
  • Five new enemies with more to come!
  • Enemies have both tower defense and hero solutions
  • We’re waiting on our other scouts to return for more information on the other enemies...
  • One new enemy will be introduced per Chaos tier; each Chaos tier contains the previous enemies plus a new foe unless otherwise stated in the difficulty description

Enter the Trials
Ever in search of a way to challenge us, our dear Commander devised a game of sorts. He’s calling it the Trials. Enter the Trials, and he’ll assign you to a random defense. Succeed and you’ll earn lavish rewards and the begrudging admiration of your peers! Fail and it’s latrine duty for a month!

The Trials are different in every Chaos tier. As you go higher through Chaos, the Commander will select more difficult maps for you to defend. We probably shouldn’t say this in an official scouting report he’s sure to read, but he’s kind of a jerk. But we mean that in a totally good way!

Summary of the Trials:
  • The Knight Commander created a challenge for you called the Trials
  • You’ll be sent to a random location to defend, and if you win, you’ll earn extra Ascension XP, extra gold and unique Shards
  • At the end of a match, the Commander will immediately ship you off to another location
  • Each Chaos Trial has different locations to defend; the maps in Chaos Trials II will be different from the maps in Chaos Trials V

In a future report, we’ll discuss how you can prepare for the Trials update!

Frequently Anticipated Questions, Round Two
You haven’t asked them yet, but we know you’re going to.

Q: Are you still looking for volunteers to give feedback on this update?
A: Yes, we are! The most useful feedback would be your hands-on impressions, and if you want to do that, you can join our Remote Playtesting Group. Email dani.moore[at]trendyent[dot]com if you’re interested! Other than that, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Q: Have you guys thought about infinitely scaling difficulty?
A: We have! We love the idea, and we’ve discussed several different ways we could do it. It’s something we’d like to look into after we leave Early Access.

Q: This is cool and all, but what are you doing about the Siege Roller?!
A: We hear you! Right now, we’re reducing the number of Siege Rollers that can spawn when playing solo, and we’re adjusting the hitbox on the weak spot so that it’s easier to hit. Thanks for all of the feedback so far!
Dungeon Defenders II - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

"Those who want Power must cast themselves into the Chaos." - A quote we totally didn't make up.

Greetings Defenders,

Trials: The Endgame Update is the systems update you’ve been waiting for. We’re improving progression, herocrafting, strategy, challenge and so much more. We’re pouring every ounce of ourselves into our most ambitious update yet, and we hope you’ll love it as much as we do when it comes out soon.

There’s a lot in this update, which also includes new threats, new difficulties, new ways to play, a new Inventory, balance updates, quality of life improvements, bug fixes and more, but this week, let’s focus on the new power you’ll find in the update:

Shards: A New Way to Build Your Hero
Our brave Etherian scouts ventured deep into the emerging Chaos. While evading fearsome new foes, they discovered powerful new artifacts called Shards! Shards slot into your Defenses, Weapons and Armor where your passives once were. Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality, which can be upgraded to augment your defensive capacity!

Defenses can hold up to three Defense Shards; Weapons and Armor can hold up to two Hero Shards. When you enter the new update, you’ll find your previously acquired gear -- slightly modified -- alongside a complimentary collection of Shards to start you on your way. Those with iPWR 750 loot will initially venture further into Chaos than other players by leveraging these complimentary Shards, but all will eventually find their way to greater iPWR glory (more on this in a future report). Best of all, most Shards can be moved between gear, which allows you to modify and improve your builds without losing earned progress!

Gone are the days when you bowed in tyranny to the RNGsus of Passives. Now you only need to bend one knee slightly to the Shard Gods!

Summary of the Shards system:
  • Goodbye Passives and Skill Spheres; hello Shards!
  • Shards are gemlike artifacts that slot into your Defenses, Armor and Weapons
  • Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality
  • Shards are found as loot drops separate from your other gear
  • Shards are upgradeable
  • Most Shards can be moved between gear. No more leaving your Passives behind when you find an iPWR upgrade!
  • Defenses can hold up to 3 Shards and can only equip Defense Shards
  • Armor and Weapons can hold up to 2 Shards and can only equip Hero Shards
  • When you login, you’ll be given Shards to help you on your journey into Chaos, and depending on how many Skill Spheres you’ve purchased, you’ll be given a ton of gold (which you might think you have enough now, but you’ll need all the gold you can get for upgrading Shards)

Ascension: Go Beyond Level 50
While our scouts risked life and limb in the Chaos, our magical scholars made a discovery of their own -- you can now go beyond Level 50! They’re calling it the Ascension system, and they’re quite proud of the name. (They’re as smug as they are clever, those scholars.)

Oh, and what’s the new limit, you ask?

You’ll be delighted to know our scholars believe this path to be limitless! Trust us, our scholars have been testing it. They’re as thorough as they are smug.

When a hero hits Level 50, any XP gained from that point forward goes towards your Ascension Level. Some of you might be wondering whether a deck of four Level 50 Heroes gives you four times the Ascension XP. Some of you might be on the right track! Having multiple level 50 Heroes and braving the toughest challenges rewards you with the greatest bounty.

Earning an Ascension Level gives you points to invest in Ascension Powers. Some Ascension Powers are universal while others are unique to specific heroes. To be the best, you’ll need to rise off your laurels, test yourself, bring your A-game and choose your Powers wisely.

Summary of Ascension:
  • Go beyond Level 50 with the Ascension system!
  • When a hero hits Level 50, all XP gained after that point goes towards your Ascension Level
  • Earning Ascension Levels gives you points to invest into Ascension Powers
  • Some Ascension Powers are universal for all heroes; some are unique to each hero
  • Harder challenges will grant more Ascension XP
  • Four Level 50 heroes in your Hero Deck = 4x the Ascension XP

All Heroes Become Master Builders AND Master Fighters
The Blacksmith and the Relic Hunter have something up their sleeves for you, too. You’ve seen them cozied up in the Marketplace, haven’t you? They’ve been working on updates to Relics, Armor and Weapons that will transform your heroes into simultaneous master defense strategists and combat experts!

All Relics are now Defense Relics

The Relic Hunter fashioned a method for attaching a Relic onto each of your Defenses. Rather than specializing all your gear towards a single Defense, you can now augment each of your Defenses individually! Want a Defense Health Blockade and a Defense Speed Ballista? Done. Want Defense Range Cannonballs with Defense Power Training Dummies? Easy. You can do all of that with a single hero! Mix and match Relics, Defense Shards and Ascension Powers to make a build that is specifically you!

And yes, you read that above correctly: The Relic Hunter rediscovered Defense Speed and Defense Range! Be sure to stop by the Marketplace to thank him.

Armor and Weapons Reforged

In conjunction with the Relic Hunter, the Blacksmith reforged Armor and Weapons into Hero Gear! Similar to Relics, Hero Gear will now allow you to empower and modify your raw combat potential and mystical abilities. Combine gear with Shards and Ascension Powers to make your mark in the annals of Etheria.

Summary of Loot Changes:
  • Now you can build powerful defenses AND be a powerful fighter at the same time
  • All Relics are becoming Defense Relics
  • Defense Speed and Defense Range are returning as stats!
  • You can equip a Relic per defense, so you can customize the stats of each defense individually
  • Armor and Weapons will now roll with only Hero stats, which means you don’t have to choose between hero stats or defense stats!

These loot changes combined with Shards and Ascension Powers provide new potential for hero builds, and we can’t wait to see what new builds you’ll create.

Phew! That was a lot, and we haven’t described even half the changes coming in the update! In our report next week, we'll shine a light on the forces of Chaos that stand between you and your new power.

Frequently Anticipated Questions
You haven’t asked them yet, but we know you’re going to.

Q: Wait, there's even more coming in this update?

A: Yep! This is hands down our most ambitious update. We're putting in long hours to make this the best update yet, and we hope you’ll enjoy our changes as much as we do.

Q: Does Trendy need feedback on these changes? How can I help with that?

A: Yes, we do! The most useful feedback would be your hands-on impressions, and if you want to do that, you can join our Remote Playtesting Group. Email dani.moore[at]trendyent.com if you’re interested! Other than that, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Q: What’s happening to the Passive and Skill Sphere systems?

A: Most Passives and Skill Spheres are being converted into Shards and some are becoming Ascension Powers. When you login, you’ll be given a number of Shards to aid you on your journey into Chaos, and depending on how many Skill Spheres you’ve purchased, you’ll be given a ton of gold (which you’ll need for upgrading Shards). Those who have purchased more Skill Spheres than others will be given a big leg up here as gold will be key to upgrading Shards and getting further into Chaos faster than other players. And those who farmed iPWR 750 loot will be able to start deeper into Chaos than others.

Q: What happens to my current Relics, Weapons and Armor?

A: The most important thing is that your iPWR will remain the same! Your Medallions and Totems will still be Defense focused. Any Defense stats on weapons and armor will be rerolled into Hero stats. Rings will become a Defense Relic and will contain Defense stats. And again, if you have iPWR 750 loot, you’re ahead of the curve.

Q: Does that mean that investing my time into Skill Spheres and farming gear was worthwhile?

A: Yes! The more Skill Spheres you purchased, the more gold you’ll receive when this update comes out. Gold is essential to upgrading Shards and gear. And your iPWR will be untouched in the update, so those with higher iPWR gear will be able to start further into Chaos than other players when used in conjunction with the new Shard system! It’s always a little tricky when an in-development game makes big changes, but top-tier players now should remain our top-tier players when the update comes out.

Q: Will one Defense Relic give me the same amount of stats for a Defense as before?

A: Maybe not perfectly 1:1, but the goal is that one Defense Relic along with your Shards and your Ascension Powers should give you all the power you need for an individual defense. Our overall goal is that you can have the power fantasy of being an awesome builder and an awesome fighter at once.

Q: Will I want to build multiples of the same hero now?

A: We imagine that players will create different builds of a given hero using Shards + Gear Stats + Ascension Powers similar to other loot-driven RPGs.

Q: I have more questions! Where can I ask them?

A: You can ask them in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to answer them. You can also join us on our Devstream this Friday at 3PM EST, and we’ll answer as many questions as we can!
Dungeon Defenders II - iamisom

"Those who want Power must cast themselves into the Chaos." - A quote we totally didn't make up.

Greetings Defenders,

Trials: The Endgame Update is the systems update you’ve been waiting for. We’re improving progression, herocrafting, strategy, challenge and so much more. We’re pouring every ounce of ourselves into our most ambitious update yet, and we hope you’ll love it as much as we do when it comes out soon.

There’s a lot in this update, which also includes new threats, new difficulties, new ways to play, a new Inventory, balance updates, quality of life improvements, bug fixes and more, but this week, let’s focus on the new power you’ll find in the update:

Shards: A New Way to Build Your Hero
Our brave Etherian scouts ventured deep into the emerging Chaos. While evading fearsome new foes, they discovered powerful new artifacts called Shards! Shards slot into your Defenses, Weapons and Armor where your passives once were. Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality, which can be upgraded to augment your defensive capacity!

Defenses can hold up to three Defense Shards; Weapons and Armor can hold up to two Hero Shards. When you enter the new update, you’ll find your previously acquired gear -- slightly modified -- alongside a complimentary collection of Shards to start you on your way. Those with iPWR 750 loot will initially venture further into Chaos than other players by leveraging these complimentary Shards, but all will eventually find their way to greater iPWR glory (more on this in a future report). Best of all, most Shards can be moved between gear, which allows you to modify and improve your builds without losing earned progress!

Gone are the days when you bowed in tyranny to the RNGsus of Passives. Now you only need to bend one knee slightly to the Shard Gods!

Summary of the Shards system:
  • Goodbye Passives and Skill Spheres; hello Shards!
  • Shards are gemlike artifacts that slot into your Defenses, Armor and Weapons
  • Shards give you extra buffs, bonuses and sometimes even new functionality
  • Shards are found as loot drops separate from your other gear
  • Shards are upgradeable
  • Most Shards can be moved between gear. No more leaving your Passives behind when you find an iPWR upgrade!
  • Defenses can hold up to 3 Shards and can only equip Defense Shards
  • Armor and Weapons can hold up to 2 Shards and can only equip Hero Shards
  • When you login, you’ll be given Shards to help you on your journey into Chaos, and depending on how many Skill Spheres you’ve purchased, you’ll be given a ton of gold (which you might think you have enough now, but you’ll need all the gold you can get for upgrading Shards)

Ascension: Go Beyond Level 50
While our scouts risked life and limb in the Chaos, our magical scholars made a discovery of their own -- you can now go beyond Level 50! They’re calling it the Ascension system, and they’re quite proud of the name. (They’re as smug as they are clever, those scholars.)

Oh, and what’s the new limit, you ask?

You’ll be delighted to know our scholars believe this path to be limitless! Trust us, our scholars have been testing it. They’re as thorough as they are smug.

When a hero hits Level 50, any XP gained from that point forward goes towards your Ascension Level. Some of you might be wondering whether a deck of four Level 50 Heroes gives you four times the Ascension XP. Some of you might be on the right track! Having multiple level 50 Heroes and braving the toughest challenges rewards you with the greatest bounty.

Earning an Ascension Level gives you points to invest in Ascension Powers. Some Ascension Powers are universal while others are unique to specific heroes. To be the best, you’ll need to rise off your laurels, test yourself, bring your A-game and choose your Powers wisely.

Summary of Ascension:
  • Go beyond Level 50 with the Ascension system!
  • When a hero hits Level 50, all XP gained after that point goes towards your Ascension Level
  • Earning Ascension Levels gives you points to invest into Ascension Powers
  • Some Ascension Powers are universal for all heroes; some are unique to each hero
  • Harder challenges will grant more Ascension XP
  • Four Level 50 heroes in your Hero Deck = 4x the Ascension XP

All Heroes Become Master Builders AND Master Fighters
The Blacksmith and the Relic Hunter have something up their sleeves for you, too. You’ve seen them cozied up in the Marketplace, haven’t you? They’ve been working on updates to Relics, Armor and Weapons that will transform your heroes into simultaneous master defense strategists and combat experts!

All Relics are now Defense Relics

The Relic Hunter fashioned a method for attaching a Relic onto each of your Defenses. Rather than specializing all your gear towards a single Defense, you can now augment each of your Defenses individually! Want a Defense Health Blockade and a Defense Speed Ballista? Done. Want Defense Range Cannonballs with Defense Power Training Dummies? Easy. You can do all of that with a single hero! Mix and match Relics, Defense Shards and Ascension Powers to make a build that is specifically you!

And yes, you read that above correctly: The Relic Hunter rediscovered Defense Speed and Defense Range! Be sure to stop by the Marketplace to thank him.

Armor and Weapons Reforged

In conjunction with the Relic Hunter, the Blacksmith reforged Armor and Weapons into Hero Gear! Similar to Relics, Hero Gear will now allow you to empower and modify your raw combat potential and mystical abilities. Combine gear with Shards and Ascension Powers to make your mark in the annals of Etheria.

Summary of Loot Changes:
  • Now you can build powerful defenses AND be a powerful fighter at the same time
  • All Relics are becoming Defense Relics
  • Defense Speed and Defense Range are returning as stats!
  • You can equip a Relic per defense, so you can customize the stats of each defense individually
  • Armor and Weapons will now roll with only Hero stats, which means you don’t have to choose between hero stats or defense stats!

These loot changes combined with Shards and Ascension Powers provide new potential for hero builds, and we can’t wait to see what new builds you’ll create.

Phew! That was a lot, and we haven’t described even half the changes coming in the update! In our report next week, we'll shine a light on the forces of Chaos that stand between you and your new power.

Frequently Anticipated Questions
You haven’t asked them yet, but we know you’re going to.

Q: Wait, there's even more coming in this update?

A: Yep! This is hands down our most ambitious update. We're putting in long hours to make this the best update yet, and we hope you’ll enjoy our changes as much as we do.

Q: Does Trendy need feedback on these changes? How can I help with that?

A: Yes, we do! The most useful feedback would be your hands-on impressions, and if you want to do that, you can join our Remote Playtesting Group. Email dani.moore[at]trendyent.com if you’re interested! Other than that, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Q: What’s happening to the Passive and Skill Sphere systems?

A: Most Passives and Skill Spheres are being converted into Shards and some are becoming Ascension Powers. When you login, you’ll be given a number of Shards to aid you on your journey into Chaos, and depending on how many Skill Spheres you’ve purchased, you’ll be given a ton of gold (which you’ll need for upgrading Shards). Those who have purchased more Skill Spheres than others will be given a big leg up here as gold will be key to upgrading Shards and getting further into Chaos faster than other players. And those who farmed iPWR 750 loot will be able to start deeper into Chaos than others.

Q: What happens to my current Relics, Weapons and Armor?

A: The most important thing is that your iPWR will remain the same! Your Medallions and Totems will still be Defense focused. Any Defense stats on weapons and armor will be rerolled into Hero stats. Rings will become a Defense Relic and will contain Defense stats. And again, if you have iPWR 750 loot, you’re ahead of the curve.

Q: Does that mean that investing my time into Skill Spheres and farming gear was worthwhile?

A: Yes! The more Skill Spheres you purchased, the more gold you’ll receive when this update comes out. Gold is essential to upgrading Shards and gear. And your iPWR will be untouched in the update, so those with higher iPWR gear will be able to start further into Chaos than other players when used in conjunction with the new Shard system! It’s always a little tricky when an in-development game makes big changes, but top-tier players now should remain our top-tier players when the update comes out.

Q: Will one Defense Relic give me the same amount of stats for a Defense as before?

A: Maybe not perfectly 1:1, but the goal is that one Defense Relic along with your Shards and your Ascension Powers should give you all the power you need for an individual defense. Our overall goal is that you can have the power fantasy of being an awesome builder and an awesome fighter at once.

Q: Will I want to build multiples of the same hero now?

A: We imagine that players will create different builds of a given hero using Shards + Gear Stats + Ascension Powers similar to other loot-driven RPGs.

Q: I have more questions! Where can I ask them?

A: You can ask them in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to answer them. You can also join us on our Devstream this Friday at 3PM EST, and we’ll answer as many questions as we can!