Aug 2, 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - July 31st

-The adorable Slurper is a glowing cave-dweller who is hungry for your hunger.
-A new mechanical minion, the Clockwork Castle, has been seen stomping around Maxwell’s parts of the world.

-Yellow and Orange gems can now be found while spelunking underground.
-Star Caller’s staff (yellow gem) - Summon your very own tiny star for light and warmth!
-The Lazy Forager’s amulet (orange gem) - Because bending over to pick things up is so beneath you!
-Telelocator Focus - Use this construction to control the wild energies of your Telelocator Staff.

-Control customization! Change your control settings from the main menu.
-The research system has been shuffled around to separate Magic and Science; build the new Prestihatitator to access the Magic side of research.
-Splumonkeys will now pick up (and wear!) hats. Who doesn't love a monkey in a hat?

Jun 11, 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - June 11th

-Peaceful rock lobster herds roam the gloomy depths.
-Bunnymen turn into beardlords when your sanity is low.
-Ever wonder what's right below a tentacle? MORE TENTACLE!
-The invasive Lureplant will taunt you with its delicious veggiemeat.
-Eat exotic cave bananas!
-Ferns! You can burn 'em!
-More colourful mushtree varieties.
-Stalagmites come in more varied shapes.

-The vampiric BatBat.
-The marginally useful Compass.

-Gaze into the abyss in the caves!
-Cave walls are prettier.
-Cave layouts are... caveier.

-Time passes aboveground and belowground, independent of your current location.
-You can regenerate a cave from its entrance (just for testing!)
-Crops can grow underground, if you keep them lit.
-Added a proper "Always dark" preset to levelgen.
-Equippable items remember which slot they are from.
-Snurtle Shell Armour will now cause enemies to lose interest in you if you hide for over 5 seconds.
-Plantables can't be planted on nonsensical ground types.
-Added toggleable "notebook mode" and "small texture mode" options for lowspec machines.
-Fixed some bad mip chains that were causing trouble for some graphics cards.
-Fixed libegl crash that was happening for some old Intel cards.
-Iceboxes can be place closer together.
-Fixed pig torch crash.
-Fixed spoilage stack exploit.

-New sample mods, "sampleprefab" and "samplecharacter", which includes an art template for character skins.
-Reworked the loading of textures and other assets so you no longer have to use package.path, LoadPrefabDefs, LoadPrefabs, or prefabs.xml
-This does require the use of PrefabFiles and Assets in modmain.lua, see the sample mods for an example.
-Can overwrite basically any asset just by putting it in the same relative path in a mod folder.
-Lots of improvements to error reporting, and generally more helpful errors when something isn't working.
-Crafting menu tab spacing is now dynamic, so adding a new entry to RECIPETABS will automatically align the tab bar.
-Container widgets can have a custom background image specified.
-World gen scripts can now be overridden from a mod. Time to make some crazy places!
-Mods now have access to luasockets on windows. (dun dun DUUUUUN!)
May 22, 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - May 21st:

Ever wonder what's going on below Wilson's feet? Wonder no more! This is the first in a series of updates to create a new explorable game area underground. While there are plenty of fun things to find and experiment with down there, please keep in mind that this is just an early version of the overall vision for the caves. As such, it's a bit sparse, and you may encounter bugs. We'll be fixing things and adding new monsters, objects, and mechanics down there for 3-4 more updates.

-We've added the first pass of the new Caves biome. We won't spoil anything by telling you what's down there. You should be able to find one cave entrance somewhere on Survival maps generated post-launch but before this update. Newly generated maps will have a handful of different entrances, all leading to different caves.

-Shift-click moves items between open containers. Ctrl-Shift-click manipulates stacks in the same way
-Hammering is now a RMB action.
-Bush hat hide is now a RMB toolbar action.
-Minor UI revisions

-Abigail and Chester no longer trigger traps.
-Chester's Eyebone will now properly show whether he is alive.
-Saving the game now requires less system memory.
-Fixed "You have Died" screen becoming stuck.
-Customized world settings will remain set when re-entering the menu.
-Bird Trap will no longer be disappearing under certain circumstances.
-Krampus will no longer attack with weapons he picks up.
-Harvesting Bee Boxes in Winter will no longer cause Bees to resume harvesting.
-Fixed equipped item rendering when the Pan Flute breaks.
-Improvements to Birdcage functionality.
-Jerky will no longer be invisible on the Drying Rack.
-Pigmen will no longer attack Abigail unless they are damaged first.
-Linux language mods now working.
-Fixed some sliders not functioning properly for Default Plus preset.
-Background for Mod Confirmation screen now appearing again.
-Walking stick effects will no longer be active when it is on the tool-tip.
-Save/Load improvements to prevent loss of inventory after loading a new world.
-Improved build stability.
-Minor bug fixes.
Don't Starve - JoeW
Caves are coming to Don't Starve! If you want an early peek into their dark and dingy depths, We'll be doing a live stream and developer chat on May 10th at 10:00am PST hosted by RiptidePow's channel.

Who: Klei & RiptidePow
What: Early look at the upcoming Caves expansion.
When: May 10th 10:00am PST.
Where: RiptidePow's Channel
Why: For science!
Don't Starve - SalsaShark
Caves are coming to Don't Starve! If you want an early peek into their dark and dingy depths, We'll be doing a live stream and developer chat on May 10th at 10:00am PST hosted by RiptidePow's channel.

Who: Klei & RiptidePow
What: Early look at the upcoming Caves expansion.
When: May 10th 10:00am PST.
Where: RiptidePow's Channel
Why: For science!
Don't Starve - Valve
Don't Starve is Now Available on Steam and is 10% off*!

Don’t Starve is an uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic. You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home.

*Offer ends April 30th at 10AM Pacific Time

Mar 26, 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
New Features
• Adventure mode is now integrated into survival mode. In a survival mode level, you can find a special portal that will take you to the start of adventure mode. If you die in adventure mode, you will wake up back in your survival level, outside of the portal. From there you can try again (restarting at level 1, of course). Dying in survival mode is still perma-death-fatal, and retrying a survival level will always generate a new one for you. Any existing saves that you might have from previous patches will be interpreted as survival levels - you should be able to teleportate out of them to get access to the new features.
• New front-end screens for dealing with the save slots and the new game flow.
• The adventure levels have been re-done to better match what their final structure will be. They’re still a bit rough around the edges, but you can start to see the overall sweep of the game now. Please see the detailed descriptions at the end of the changelist.

New Craftables
• Healing Salve - Made from crushed spider glands and ash - heals medium wounds
• Lightning Rod - Protects bases against lightning, gives you a few nights of free light when struck.
• Heat Stone - Place it near a fire to warm it up, and then carry it around with you to fend off the bitter frost.
• Earmuffs - Made from rabbits, of course!
• The Piggyback - A fancier, bigger backpack (that slows you down!)TOU

New Creatures
• The Bishop - guards Maxwell’s structures with lightning shots

New Level Features
• Chess biome! In adventure levels, Maxwell's influence has begun creeping into the environment.
• Points of interest and traps - these are small, non-random areas that have good or bad effects.
• Touchstones - these mysterious stones act as one-time-use meat effigies if you touch them. There are a handful generated in each survival level.
• Maxwell’s door - leads to adventure mode.
• Pleasingly-arranged mushroom rings
• One-way wormhole (only in adventure mode currently)
• Pig-head-on-a-stick - someone’s been busy!

• Compressed the XP track. You now earn 20xp per survival mode day at a flat rate, and unlock all the XP-unlockable characters a lot more quickly
• Characters have a bit more health by default. This is to reduce the number of one-shot player deaths, and give you more of a chance to run away from danger.
• The player now has 15 inventory slots
• When you advance through the teleportato in adventure mode, you can only take four items with you. Choose wisely!
• Sanity depletion in the rain is less harsh
• The HUD is a bit smaller, to show more of the game world
• Removed low-level farm plots. We really didn’t need three versions of the same thing.
• Deerclops, lightning and beefalo mating season are configurable through level gen parameters
• Stepping on spider ground will trigger a response from the den
• Tweaked mushroom spawn chances
• Abigail has more health, but enemies will fight back against her

• Many new map icons, including backpacks and Chester!
• Crock-pot fixes: mushrooms count as vegetables, fixed frogglebunwich recipe
• You can no longer carry an extra backpack in your hands as you walk around.
• Werepigs don’t kite. They are too angry for that.
• The death screen buttons should always work now.
• RMB can be used to light things on fire when the torch is equipped (useful at night)
• Added a default start node so that maxwell and wilson not occluded
• Frozen ponds can't be fished anymore.. but you can walk across them.
• MacTusk can miss you with his blowdart
• Spiderhat / Miner hat show remaining fuel
• Treeguards can be set on fire more than once
• Lua console now supports arrow keys
• Fireflies glow more reliably at the right times
• Trap icons don't show up on the map when inside a container
• Chester is immune to ghosts
• Chester has much more health, and resurrects after only one day
• Fix spider jump attack sometimes not actually jumping
• Spider jump attack will not hurt Wilson when it misses
• Birds that are flying away shouldn't re-start their fly-away animations mid-flight
• Rabbits will try to avoid a player between them and their home
• Fix to Abigail/ghost movement stuttering
• Ghosts pathfind, but will go through walls or objects if needed
• Abigail will show up at least every 3 nights
• Abigail will spawn some distance away from Wendy
• Wandering creatures will try to avoid walls and water
• Fleeing creatures will try to avoid running into walls
• Fix apparent duplicate item when dropping item on the ground and then into your backpack before the drop happens
• Fix infinite bees spawning from beebox by repeatedly saving/loading game
• When murdering an entire stack of helpless creatures in your inventory, loot is gained for each individual, not just once
• Waking up sleeping hunting hounds at night will rouse the walruses from their slumber
• Fixed a bug where you could use a sleeping bag or tent during the transition from night to day to skip an entire day.

Level Descriptions:
The adventure levels are still being worked on and refined, but here's an idea of where the are right now and where we want them to be.

Level 1
Near-constant rain and frequent short winters take a toll on your sanity and your fires. You must survive in these more extreme conditions as you hunt for the teleportato pieces. When complete, this level should feel similar to a survival level, but with increased pressure on all your resources.

Level 2
This level is smaller and shorter than the previous level, but it is permanently winter! The aim is to survive the cold without any preparation time. When complete, this level should keep you moving quickly.

Level 3
The level features a resource-rich central island, surrounded by dangerous lands containing each of the teleportato pieces. Right now it's still fairly lush, but eventually the outlying islands should be quite inhospitable!

Level 4
Use the first land to stock up. Once you pass through the dying wormhole, you'll need everything you've got to survive. We're currently still working on the balance between the two lands.

Level 5
This level should put your survival skills to the ultimate test, not only will there be harsh weather and tough monsters, but resources will be extremely scarce. Eventually. Right now it's just been roughed in, but it's still got lots of badguys in it!

Level 6
Maxwell is still devising this level...
Mar 13, 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - March 12th

-Rain comes during the summer to ruin your fires and dampen your spirits. Watch out for lightning strikes!
-Sandbox custom mode sliders are all unlocked. You can make the game really, really hard now.
-Pathfinding works over long distances.
-Day length changes throughout seasons
-Modders can now bring up an interactive lua console with the ~ key

-Put in very rough sketches of the actual adventure levels. It’s very rough at this point, and the ‘story’ bits are missing, but the basic structure is in place.
-Added lots of little setpieces using new objects that try to impede your progress.

-Clockwork Knight
-Guardian Pigs

-Drying Rack and Jerky
-Honey Poultice
-One Man Band
-Purple Gem
-Fire Staff
-Shadow Manipulator
-Ham Bat

-Mushrooms (3 kinds)
-A bit of Maxwell ground is starting to creep into the world around some Teleportato parts
-Pig Torches
-Killer Bee Hives
-Variant Berry Bush
-(In)sanity obelisks that block areas when you are (in)sane
-Hound Mound
-Now two types of ponds - frog ponds and mosquito ponds
-Marble pillars
-Evil flowers and petals
-Carpet Flooring
-Marble Tiles
-Treeguards drop special, magical wood that is used in some recipes

-Magical recipes have mostly been moved the Shadow Manipulator
-Icebox now require Gears to create
-Tallbirds spawn more often
-Ponds freeze in the winter, and stop spawning things
-Beefalo mating season is shorter, and there are fewer babies
-Ranged weapons actually shoot projectiles
-Health and Sanity effects of foods have been reduced (you restore these by other means now)
-Monster meat perishes faster
-Blow dart causes more damage
-Graves have gems, gears, and nightmare fuel in them sometimes

-You can kill small creatures directly in your inventory / toss them into fires
-Season onsets work better in Adventure mode
-AOE attacks cause area damage even if the targeted hit misses
-Deerclops can not be stunlocked, and doesn’t panic when he is lit on fire
-Koalefants can no longer fly across water when you aren’t watching
-Koalefant tracks point more accurately in the correct direction
-Attempting to store a weapon in Chester no longer attacks him
-Chester follows through wormholes when using a backpack
-Right click an equipped tool with another item no longer destroys the tool
-When wilson uses up a tool, he automatically equips a replacement if one is available
-You can no longer light Beefalo (or other creatures) on fire by using a torch on them
-Mandrakes get picked up properly when using Spacebar

Don't Starve - JoeW
New update releases March 12th, 2013. The forecast is soggy.

If you'd like to get an early peek at the upcoming update, UK based Twitch TV Streamer ShannonZKiller will be streaming the new build live on Monday from inside Klei Entertainment's office!

WHO: ShannonZKiller & Klei's Don't Starve Team!

WHAT: Exclusive live stream early look at the next Don't Starve update: "A Little Rain Must Fall"

WHEN: Monday March 11th, 2013 at 2:00PM PDT.

WHERE: ShannonZKiller's Twitch TV Stream (Live from inside Klei's studio).

WHY: For science!
Don't Starve - SalsaShark
New update releases March 12th, 2013. The forecast is soggy.

If you'd like to get an early peek at the upcoming update, UK based Twitch TV Streamer ShannonZKiller will be streaming the new build live on Monday from inside Klei Entertainment's office!

WHO: ShannonZKiller & Klei's Don't Starve Team!

WHAT: Exclusive live stream early look at the next Don't Starve update: "A Little Rain Must Fall"

WHEN: Monday March 11th, 2013 at 2:00PM PDT.

WHERE: ShannonZKiller's Twitch TV Stream (Live from inside Klei's studio).

WHY: For science!