- Added a slider for changing the strength of the auto aim assist
- Fixed a bug where the player wouldn't be able to heal during invincibility frames
- The Cyber Grind will no longer break while trying to save the player's high score if they previously did not have a high score save file
- Fixed cases of filestream conflict stopping the game from saving, leaving only a -temp file

- The game will now automatically read a -temp save file if no normal file is available
- Added a warning message if the player attempts to punch without having an arm equipped
- Parrying Minos Prime's Judgement dropkick will now cancel the explosion if he's above half health on Standard difficulty or lower
- Minos Prime will no longer explode twice if the ending cutscene is skipped after the light shafts start appearing
- Fixed Minos Prime's "uppercut->air hike->overhead->crush" combo not triggering on successful close range uppercut where the player does not get out of range in time

- Soap will no longer kill enemies that ran into it too quickly even if the soap wasn't moving
- Skipping the 0-1 title drop early will no longer cause the HUD to not appear
- Fixed alternate revolver beams not applying the correct splitshot timing bonus when hitting an enemy while aiming at another coin
- Players can now pause during the Act I intermission, allowing them to easily exit to main menu
- The music during the Act I intermission now loops correctly
- Fixed a typo in the P-1 terminal
ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro



This long awaited update will add content and features for new players and hardened veterans alike.


While we will not spoil what is behind the PPPerfect Door...
know that it will TEST you in ways you did not think possible.

And what awaits you in Secret Level 2? Will shake you to your very CORE.

But this update isn't just for returning and hardcore players, oh no.

Easy difficulties (Harmless and Lenient) are now selectable!

These difficulties will help less skilled players get more used to the speed and mechanics of ULTRAKILL.

Making progress on higher difficulties will now also unlock the same missions on lower difficulties to make switching to an easier difficulty more convenient for players who have made progress before.

We've also added Vvizard_Man's texture pack to the Cyber Grind!

Featuring the new fan favorite skybox: "Inside Gabriel's Microwave"

In this update is also the long requested "Remember last used weapon variation" option which makes switching to a weapon also switch to the variation that that weapon was previously on.

We've also made dozens of changes, fixes and optimizations. (And added soap)

And since we know you're all PATIENTLY awaiting ACT II: IMPERFECT HATRED, we've decided that we won't wait for the entire act to be finished before giving you MORE of what you so very much crave.

That being said... the next major update will contain


As always, don't forget to keep up with New Blood by:

Until next time, machines...

  • Added 2-S (Can be accessed via secret exit in the Lust layer)
  • Added P-1 (Can be accessed via secret exit in the Gluttony layer, requires P ranks in all Prelude and Act I levels)
  • Easy difficulties ("Lenient" and "Harmless") are now selectable.
  • Added soap
  • Added "Remember last used weapon variation" option which makes switching to a weapon also switch to the variation that that weapon was previously on
  • Added "cutscene skip" system which allows players to skip moments of waiting if they've already beaten the level (the time it would've taken to finish the cutscene is added to the clock if the timer is active)
  • Added a filter to the music while the game is paused
  • Added unique icons for the Railcannon variations to make it possible to tell them apart if all variation colors are set to be identical or similar
  • Added particle effect and updated sound to checkpoints to make it clearer when the player activates one
  • Added teleport cheat that allows the player to warp to any checkpoint in the level
  • Added Vvizard_Man's Cyber Grind texture pack as default Cyber Grind custom theme textures
  • Added a shortcut to 0-1's first secret, allowing players who have the Knuckleblaster to bypass picking up the revolver to make full game weaponless runs possible


  • Making progress will now also unlock the same missions on lower difficulties to make switching to an easier difficulty more convenient for players who have made progress before realizing the difficulty is too high for them
  • Alternate Revolver now does a flat 2.5 damage instead of the previous "2 damage with a maximum of 2.5 damage via headshot".
  • If hit with the Alternate Revolver during the splitshot timing, a coin will now increase the shot's amount of hits by one (as well as matching the amount of times a shot will hit before piercing through to that new total hit amount)
  • Increased homing speed of Hideous Mass' bomb projectiles on Violent difficulty
  • Increased speed and spread of Drone's projectiles on Violent difficulty
  • Tab stats menu now displays current progress towards the level challenge instead of whether or not the challenge has been previously completed
  • Boss health bars now turn green when the boss is being healed to make it clearer to the player
  • If weapon icon is disabled, the railcannon meter will switch to an alternate version that fits the weapon iconless HUD better
  • Modified 1-1's long hallway to include a tutorial message for the Nailgun's magnet, as well as changing enemy spawns to give the player a bit of space to try it out after being told about it
  • Knuckleblaster punch can now break glass and heavy breakables that previously only its blastwave could
  • Cerberus and Malicious Face will now change to a cracked texture when below half health to make them easier to seperate from eachother
  • Coin punching damage stacking will now cap at 5 unless the coin hits an enemy

    Nailgun changes:

  • Increased nail velocity and decreased spread on Attractor nailgun
  • Both nailguns now fire at maximum firerate instantly (Overheat nailgun's firerate slows down with more unreleased heat but heat builds up slower)
  • Attractor nailgun deals increased damage against most Husk enemies (Filth, Stray, Schism, Soldier)
  • New firing sound effect
  • Attractor nailgun is now limited to a maximum of 3 magnets active
  • Attractor magnets now have a nail weight limit and will instantly explode when reaching it (multiple magnets reduces the weight of nails)
  • Nailbomb explosions now deal much higher damage, as a single nail will deal half the entire collective's damage, but only a single hit from a nail explosion counts
  • Alternate animations when centered to stop the gun from blocking out the middle of the screen


  • Various optimization improvements for better performance
  • Fixed all known causes of save corruption
  • Fixed an issue where the Cyber Grind would break if more than 99 enemies spawned in a single wave
  • Fixed a bug where enemies would sometimes spawn in bugged positions in the Cyber Grind
  • Fixed a bug where the player would sometimes get launched incredibly far away from a point-blank projectile boost
  • Fixed an issue where players could cause the tram to flip around with a precisely timed direction change
  • Fixed the music getting quieter when entering a reverbarated area
  • 2-2 Railcannon hallway enemies will now still spawn even if the player enters from the other side
  • Fixed a bug where the shockwave from a Cerberus stomp or Hideous Mass slam would sometimes spawn above ground level
  • Using a coin to hit a Malicious Face will no longer cause the bloodsplatter to appear at the coin's location instead of where the shot hits
  • The board blocking the upstairs door in 1-4's main hall can no longer be broken through the door with an explosion
  • Fixed parry related inaccuracies caused by screenshake offsetting the camera
  • Fixed the player being able to jump out of the intro tube in 0-1's short intro version
  • Malicious Faces no longer get stuck in walls while dying
  • Picking up an item with a punch will now play the "holding item" version of the punch animation and putting down an item with a punch will now play the normal punch animation
  • If V2 dies during its intro animation, it will no longer get stuck
Dec 19, 2020
ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro
Hello again, machines.

Fan Art by thesaladmancer

As 2020 draws to a close, we've got one last update for you before we slide into a bloody new year.

Let. us. begin.
The Cyber Grind now has leaderboards.

We've made a host of quality of life enhancements.
  • Added "Colors" option to menu that allows color customization for the HUD and enemy silhouettes
  • Added global and friends leaderboards for The Cyber Grind (seperated by difficulty, will be disabled if using major assists or cheats)
  • Added Railcannon charge meter to HUD which shows the current charge of the Railcannon
  • Added "Enemies" tab to the shop that shows info for enemies you've beaten at least once
  • Added pattern bundles to the Cyber Grind Patterns menu: folders in the Patterns directory are now transformed into bundles that let you easily enable or disable a group of patterns
  • Changes:
  • Changed the way levels and objects are stored (This is why the update is so lorge)
  • Level start doors will now open sooner if you're sliding or dash jumping towards them
  • Streetcleaners can now only be instakilled by ricoshots if the coin is behind the Streetcleaner
  • Alternate Revolver now has a faster equip animation but will play a slower version if the gun has been fired within the past 2 seconds without pulling back the hammer
  • Alternate Revolver's Piercer alt fire beam can now only hit a single target 4 times before piercing through (maximum total hits is still 6)
  • Alternate Revolver now no longer gets a locational damage bonus unless reflected by a coin
  • Coin splitshot window reduced from 0.1s (6 frames at 60FPS) to 0.067s (~4 frames at 60FPS)
  • Standard jump height increased very slightly
  • Added alternate punch and coin flip animations for arms when holding items to avoid blocking too much of the screen
  • Spawner arm can now only spawn enemies that the player has beaten at least once
  • Added "climbstepping": the player will now be able to walk over small height increases or reach a ledge they were just short of reaching
Steam Rich presence.

So now EVERYONE can see where you're at in ULTRAKILL

  • Fixed a bug where the weapon icon would appear at the start of a mission even if disabled in the HUD options
  • Gabriel should no longer be able to use the same taunt voiceline twice in a row
  • Fixed a bug where the player would be moved slightly inside the ground when stopping a slide which sometimes allowed for clipping through thin floors
  • Knuckleblaster will now give style points when punching enemies
  • Fixed bug where thrown coins would not chain with punched coins
  • Slightly moved Feedbacker's item holding position to reduce clipping while using a monitor and holding an item at the same time
  • Glow intensity in Cyber Grind custom themes will now be saved
  • Weapons can no longer be used while using the shop by pausing, unpausing and switching weapons
Don't forget to take a look at WHAT'S NEXT.

And also know that CUSTOM LEVELS and STEAM WORKSHOP will be part of that... SOON™

Oh, and posters and t-shirts are still in stock :)

Thanks to YOU, ULTRAKILL was New Blood's most successful Early Access launch EVER. And with your continued support, the release of ACT II and the FULL GAME should be JUST as SPECTACULAR.

We'll see you in 2021, machines.

Stay bloody.

Dec 3, 2020
ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro

Fan Art by Frej

Machines... welcome back.

In addition to the updates we've already released for ULTRAKILL including tweaks, improvements and...

Custom Cyber Grind textures and patterns
Hakita has been hard at work on...


Here you can see some progress on Level 4-1 from the layer of GREED ^

New mechanics like BURNING HOT SAND

New enemies like the VIRTUE

And new powerups like... DUAL WIELDING

But since this is ULTRAKILL...

How about some... ULTRAWIELDING ^

But that's not all we've got going on...

We've got new merch!





Quantities are limited because we're bad at keeping merch in stock so...


However, we know the wait for MORE BLOODSHED will be AGONIZING.

So in the mean time, quench that bloodthirst against your friends with...


Which will be coming in the final update of 2020.

And you know what that means. SOON™

Fuel up.

Sep 30, 2020
ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro

It's been about a month since we launched ULTRAKILL into Early Access and we can now officially say...

(More than DUSK)

(#1 FPS On Steam)

(There wasn't much competition for this)

So we just want to say... THANK YOU.

But not just for all that.

For all your forum posts, Discord chats, Tweets, comments, feedback, everything!

And especially the fan art that's been filling up the New Blood Gallery.




But I digress...

Over the next weeks and months we'll be releasing updates to the game which will include small tweaks, changes and additions to The Cyber Grind to keep you drenched in blood while you wait for...


And you know what else is cool???

Hakita has released the soundtrack for Act I: INFINITE HYPERDEATH!!!

So, yeah...

We didn't send the game out for reviews.

We didn't pay any PR agencies.

We didn't send it to any "content creators"

We didn't even put out a press release.

This launch was 100% word of mouth and community driven.

It was all YOU.

So thank YOU for proving ONCE AGAIN that New Blood has the best players in the world.

We Love You & We Hate Money <3

ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro



LATEST VERSION (2020.06.16)


is a fast-paced ultraviolent old school FPS developed by Arsi "Hakita" Patala and published by New Blood Interactive.

Come on in and join me for a celebration of ridiculously over the top pixelated blood and gibs on
Wednesday, June 17th - 2PM GMT / 7AM PST
and I'll teach you tips and tricks on how to murderate husks, demons and machines stylishly.

