Tenderfoot Tactics - badru


We've just announced today that we'll be self-publishing Tenderfoot Tactics through Ice Water Games. This might not seem like a big deal, idk. It's a big deal for us though!

Ice Water Games is a label that most of the Tenderfoot team has been a part of since it was first founded to publish Eidolon. It's a collectively owned and democratically run project, and publishing through it rather than signing with someone else means betting on ourselves and investing in a communally owned resource. IWG's history has been artier and less dorky than Tenderfoot, and by doing this I hope we're both saying: Tenderfoot is arty, actually, in the ways that matter and also, arts outlets should be treating 'lowbrow' fantastical genre work as serious and worth playing.

Probably more exciting, our Steam page has all new screenshots and a fresh gameplay recording with the new UI. Check it out!


Feb 27, 2020
Tenderfoot Tactics - badru
Tenderfoot Tactics - badru

In the prologue, there's some difficult memory game required to keep straight which of your goblins is which. You can tell who's what evolution obviously, but then how to remember which of your scouts is a strangler vs a grenadier vs a singer? Obviously real important, just for basic gameplay purposes!

I also missed a feeling from early on in development, of playing dress-up with your little dolls. Back then, in the elden days of 2018, you used to be able to put different clothes on your little mans (not yet canonically little gobs), and there's something thematically really appropriate with that feeling.

(If you're one of those people that sees early dev screenshots and gets too many ideas DON'T look below!! This image is from mid 2018!!)

Here's a quote from early design documents about your relationship as a player/spirit to your gobilns:

Goblins are your soft, strange body. You think of them as a toy you can play with, and they are in some ways beneath you and your level of understanding the world, but simple and chaotic things have a sort of intelligence of their own.

Wild goblins might wear whatever they like, but claimed goblins wear just what you want them to. The clothing is an expression of dominance over them.

We cut the dress-up functionality in order to instead have clear and descriptive silhouettes, which makes gameplay significantly more readable, and lets us do more interesting things with body shapes (complex body shapes * dress up with 3D meshes = a big mess). There's also a sense in which this highly descriptive fixed-look direction is appropriate for our narrative goals. Here's the end of that above snippet, from our current production document:

The clothing is an expression of dominance over them, and it’s important that the clothing simplifies them to functional archetypes.

For the game - claimed goblins should have clear outfits with clear origins that exemplify the functionality of the evolution to the spirit.

A wizard is a tool that serves a purpose, and as both the maker and user of that tool it makes sense you would shape it in a way descriptive of that purpose.

But still, it was kind of a regret to not get to try on different hats and skirts and swords and such. So when we talked about customizing your unit's look with color at least, it felt worth doing the work to make that viable.

In the prologue, there's a 'rename' menu already. We've now expanded that to a broader 'groom' menu and added a variety of skin/fur colors to swap between freely. Goblins start with a random skin color but that can be reassigned. It makes it quite intuitive to remember - Pascal is my teal scout, the singer, my red scout Willow is the strangler, etc.

In addition, the herbs I've talked about before a bit (you can collect fae weed to forget skills) - well, when those plants grow in safe areas outside of the fog, they can become a variety of different herbs, fungi, and other foliage, depending on the region of the archipelago they grow in. Some of the plants in the game now: blueberry, juniper, madder root, dyer's mazegill, mint, horseradish root... there are about 20 of these so far. Many of them have properties that would be useful in natural dyeing. And while that's not the only way you can use them - they're also equipable, and some NPGs (non-player goblins) will trade you for them - it's certainly the most glamorous thing to do with a plant.

One of the features of goblin towns that makes them worth going out of your way to visit is their dyers. Dyeing is a complex process that benefits from skill and the proper setup, not something to be done willy-nilly on the road. But bring dyers some pigmentation and some binding mordant and they'll happily help you out. Some towns may even have some regional pigmentation or mordants in their town hoard, if they like you enough to let you use some, and some dyers may specialize in certain colors as a result of local fashion.

On the development end, dying was really fun to delve into. My background, before game programming, is in painting, with a special focus and interest in color. The granular details of color mixing with physical pigments is something you never really have to understand when working digitally. I'm going to explain it badly, but still probably more accurately than your high school art teacher did.

WARNING: Badly over-explaining light and pigment interactions for the rest of this post.

Materials take in light, let it bounce around within them, absorb some parts of the color spectrum better than others, and then the light bounces back out of them and into your eye, and the remaining light, having changed in weight of spectrum, is assembled in the viewer to become a specific color. Shine a white light (a light with a high amount of a broad spectrum of colors represented equally appears white) on a red material and it'll absorb much of the non-red light, and reflect the remaining (red) light back into your eye. Your eye and brain together interpret the light and understand the color as red.

Imagine pigment like a liquid filled with little flecks of different colors. A red-fleck-filled pigment will absorb non-red parts of the light spectrum and reflect red parts. Mix that with a blue-fleck-filled pigment, and what you have isn't purple flecks, but actually a liquid with both blue and red flecks. The blue absorbs some non-blue light, and the red absorbs some non-red light, and the light that escapes, which has some weight in the blue part of the spectrum and some in the red, is understood by us as purple.

If it was the case that the blue flecks actually absorbed _all_ non-blue light, and the red flecks absorbed all non-red light, you can imagine that no light at all would remain to escape, and the object would appear black. But that's obviously not our experience! And the reason why is that these pigments aren't pure in their absorption, but are instead best understood as having a sort of 'reflectance curve' - maybe this blue pigment reflects only 15% of orange-yellow light, absorbing the other 85%, but reflects more like 50% of red light.

One way to simulate the mix of two pigments to rough out these reflectance curves for each pigment and then average them. The result is a good approximation of what a mixed pigment's reflectance curve would be, which then, when mixed with whatever light you're shining into the pigment, can be used to decode a local color: the thing we actually need to represent the object digitally.

In digital space, we just have red, green, and blue lights and we mix them to get a final color. The saved color has no information built in about how, were it real, its reflectance curve would function against light.

So I really hoped, at first, that I could fudge this. That I could somehow average colors hues and saturations and in so doing get an okay rough estimate. But it just doesn't work out that way. Everything I tried would end up with bizarre resultant hues that were just intuitively, obviously wrong, until I had such a dumb quilt of 'sorta' approximations that it just made no sense to continue that way.

My current implementation is still a hack, but it mimics reality enough to have satisfying results.

I have hand-authored reflectance curves for imaginary pure red, green, and blue pigments. When I add a dye to a mixture, I build an approximate reflectance curve for it by averaging these R, G, and B reflectance curves in the amounts indicated by that dye's RGB color. I then average these curves for all the dyes present (weighted per dye, as some natural dyes are more persistent than others, and also by amount added, as you can add say 7 blueberries and 1 acorn, for a different color than 3 blueberries and 6 acorns). Then I sample that averaged reflectance curve at a bunch of points along the light spectrum, essentially simulating shining a white light into it, summing up and averaging out those samples to get a final local color.

The results feel naturalistic and a bit chaotic, which is perfect for a gameplay simulation of natural dye mixing as performed by goblins. I'm quite happy with how special it feels to mix a unique color for a particular gob.

Okay well that's enough of that. Sorry for letting myself get into it so far, haha. Next time I think I'll talk more about towns and the reputation system? We'll see.

And soon enough, look for us to announce a release window, and... some other stuff.

Ok bye! Tell all your friends to wishlist our game! Thanks!

Tenderfoot Tactics - badru

In the Foreverlands prologue, experience works like this: at the end of a battle, if you won, the game calculates how difficult that battle was for you, by comparing your 'total party level' with the fight's 'challenge rating.' It then takes whatever experience value that fight was worth, and grants it in full to each of the goblins who were still conscious at the end of the fight.

The biggest piece of feedback we got about this was that it felt overly punishing to fragile breeds, like Spellsword, who are more likely to die before the end of a fight. Actually, Spellsword is an especially good example, because that breed is very powerful when used as a sort of bomb - using Breaker to jump behind enemy lines and then self-immolating with Nightmare. But doing so gives it no experience whatsoever. This system encourages really defensive play, which personally I love the more high risk, high reward style of play, and I want it to be viable.

As I've been working on the overworld and getting a sense of the broader design for Tenderfoot, I've been thinking a lot about pacing, and this is another issue with the Foreverlands system. For skillful players who play defensively, the above described system results in large numbers of your units levelling up completely in sync with each other. So after one fight you'll have no new skill points to play with, and then after another you'll suddenly have 4 level-ups to slowly shuffle through menus and attribute. It sucks!

The Foreverlands has an accelerated levelling system, too, and in the main game, where levels are further between, having all of your units synced up in exp means long periods of play where there's no change in your playstyle. It's alright, honestly, but it's obviously not ideal!

My go-to for solving design problems, stealing solutions from FFT, was a non-option this time, unfortunately. FFT's experience system, which grants exp per action successfully taken, encourages incredibly boring cheesing, spamming haste, punching yourself to heal yourself next round, etc. We talked through quite a few other games' implementations, trying to find something that felt rock solid.

My favorite discovery from these conversations was brought up by an old friend and collaborator (worked with us on Eidolon), Jacob Leach, who explained Chrono Cross's experience system. That game essentially does away with grinding entirely, instead granting level ups after boss fights. So at any point in the game, you're exactly the level they designed the content for. This seems so smart and cool and I wonder why more games don't try it. Tying narrative moments to system progression. πŸ‘Œ

However, that's not the direction we're heading with Tenderfoot. I like the sloppy openness that we get from having grindable fog like we do. The whole map is designed around giving paths for players who prefer to grind easy fights _and_ paths for players who prefer to rush the hard fights early. I don't want to ditch that design ethos.

So, long story aside, sorry, here's where we've ended up.

When you knock out a fog-goblin in a battle, their bones clatter to the ground, and left behind is a lingering cloud of spirit. That cloud lives on that grid space until you move a friendly unit on or through it, at which point the cloud's held experience (calculated based on the killed unit's challenge rating) is immediately granted to that unit. Spirit clouds also heal a small amount, and if the unit levels up in combat from the experience, they're healed to full. Any leftover experience clouds at the end of a battle are distributed among living goblins, with goblins nearer the clouds getting proportionally more of the experience.

I LOVE the way this plays out. Players have a lot of control over which of their units gets experience when, but there are a ton of complicating factors. The units closest to danger, most unlikely to get experience at the end of a battle (due to having been knocked out), are nearest to the clouds. And if they're actively taking damage, you're encouraged to use the clouds' healing to try to keep them alive. Aggressive play is rewarded by the healing bit especially. The clouds being tied to grid spaces, and being granted to units moving through them and not just onto them, really dramatically changes the meaning of specific move actions taken in battle.

Important to note I'm not the only combat designer (thank you Isa), but my personal ethos when it comes to Tenderfoot's combat has been to design actions that both alter and are altered by the board state, so that every system interacts with and complicates every other system, and decisions have cascading side-effects you always need to consider against their primary effect. Experience clouds obviously fit so nicely into this framework, creating new cascading side effects that make you care where enemies die, how you can control the areas of the map where clouds live, how you can safely move the right units through those clouds to either heal or distribute experience where you want it.

Feeling πŸ’ͺ😀
Tenderfoot Tactics - badru
Tenderfoot Tactics has a huge open world. Like irresponsibly huge, for the size of our team. There will be a lot of open, undesigned wilderness. This is good, not accidental, not regrettable - Tenderfoot is very much about naturalness, and undesigned spaces are an important piece of how we're embracing that. They're quiet bits, important for pacing.

But still, we don't want that natural space to be empty of anything interesting. Within the fog, this isn't a problem - the world will be full of horrible things to sneak by or fight through. But we want people to love spending time in the areas they've cleared fog out of. We want those places to feel alive, happy, and worth visiting. Have it be a triumph to have returned the world to a wild state, have that place feel like a place that you're glad exists.

Herbs! Herbs! Herbs!
One long-held plan for this has been to have collectible herbs and other plants naturally grow in specific biomes. We plan to have sort of side-quests where a goblin craftsperson can make you a useful equip out of certain plants, and to fulfil that you could take a leisurely boat around the safe periphery, gathering what you need from where you need it. Sounds pleasant!!

(ignore our temp ui lol)

On first implementation, the herbs grew in the fog as well, which is fine, but takes away the specialness of having a healthy and happy area clean of the fog, where useful things can grow.

We've also been having a second design discussion around skill swapping. In the prologue, skills can be freely forgotten and relearned at will. It's appropriately fun and fast for the chaotic, brief experience of the Foreverlands, but it leads to your gobilns feeling kind of interchangeable and amorphous and forgettable. We wanted to find an elegant solution where players who want to respec need to spend some time and intention making it possible to do so.

What we've done is made it so that any herb that would grow in a foggy area instead grows in as 'fae weed', a sort of fog-corrupted plant analogous to the fog-goblins. Fae weed can be plucked and equipped like other plants, but it also serves the purpose of being consumable. Your goblins now forget skills by eating fae weed. I like the logic of this. It makes some fictional sense that the fog, which brings some sort of self-identity-collapsing chaos to the goblins it touches, also sucks the color from plants in the area - and those plants become infused with that mind-erasing power.

Currently at least, we've also made it so that plucking fae weed knocks the fog out of a large area nearby - the same thing that happens when you defeat a fog spirit. It's nice because it feels like weeding to maintain the land's proper biome, keeping the fog at bay, without combat.

But of course it, like everything else, could change. πŸ™‚

Tenderfoot Tactics - badru

An Exploratory 3D Overworld for a Strategy Game?
This is probably the thing I've posted most actively about post-Foreverlands, on Twitter anyway, because I find it really cheesy and annoying and fun, in a community of other developers, to be spending time on a system that feels completely out of genre and overscoped for the game we're making.

But it isn't! It's central to what we're making, actually. Tenderfoot's a TRPG, sure, but it's also, deep, deep in its heart, a game about nature and place, exploration and adventure. One of the very first, guiding decisions in Tenderfoot's development was the decision to ditch the conventional map overworld and lean into a fully 3D one.

I went this direction for the same reason we did so with Eidolon, Tenderfoot's predecessor: perspective is an excellent design tool. We have this built in logic to The Way Vision Works that justifies having objects hard to decipher when far away but richly detailed when close up, and gives sensible logic for a smooth transition between. In a game about travel, exploration, and discovery, of COURSE we want the feeling of seeing something interesting but unclear to investigate from far off, making the long and intentional journey there, and then finding out what it is in full detail at the end, with the ability to look at any props from all angles, and physical access to any goods discovered.

One of the things we learned through the making of Eidolon was that in a game that spends a lot of time on navigation, the means of navigation become super important. We were so happy we leaned into physical maps, the compass, the binoculars, to give the player the experience of performing navigation themselves. Something we realized by the end of Eidolon's development, but never delivered on exactly, is that Eidolon is also significantly a game about the traversal of landscapes - and that part, which I thought of at the time as the 'micro-decisions' of play (do I go around that tree to the left or right), was mostly neglected, filled in by having collectibles scattered everywhere (I'll go left because I can pluck that mushroom to the left of the tree that way). But I always regretted not working in more playful traversal.

Breath of the Wild & Meaningful Terrain
I usually end up being a contrarian jerk when it comes to big budget corp-games, but I actually thought Breath of the Wild was fabulous in a lot of ways, especially when it came to exploration and world traversal. Especially traversal. With climbing and gliding, elevation change becomes so important, and the decision about how to get from one place to the next is filled with interesting little decisions, tiny arcs of narrative build and satisfaction.

Something that stuck in my mind as especially brilliant in BotW was the way the horse would autopath along roads, giving you time to look around with your spyglass. The feeling of making progress along a journey while scoping out the area nearby was really wonderful, and not something most games afford. So I borrowed that design.

The Open Water
Looking at Tenderfoot with Eidolon behind me, it felt important to suffuse the landscape with gameplay meaning, to make it so whatever visual/logical/narrative changes there are across the surface of the world, those things have meaning to the gameplay system of traversal.

One of the first decisions on that front was to make open water safe, fast. Like with BotW's horse, the canoe in Tenderfoot picks up speed and maintains it. Like with the main roads in BotW, the water is a relatively safe zone, meant for rapid travel, combat-free.

In place of a scope, Tenderfoot has birds. On canoe trips, a player can take to the sky, surveying nearby islands or behind hills, finding places they might want to divert to later on.

And because of the functionality of the canoe, the map is cut into interesting route decisions: do we cross that relatively thin body of land to make a straight-shot to our destination, risking combat, or worse, becoming disoriented in the fog, or will it end up quicker and safer to take the long route around it in a boat? What can I see that I might encounter on that longer route? Maybe an island I haven't explored yet, or even some distant boxy shapes that might be a structure of some sort.

The Crouch-slide
One result of the canoe's functionality in Tenderfoot is that going uphill means going further from the safety of sea-level.

Something I loved from BotW is the natural narrative cycle of struggling up a steep cliff followed by the release and freedom of gliding down. We're mirroring that somewhat with our slide system. A player struggles up a hill, moving slowly and having to be very careful not to be seen by any roving enemies. And at the top, they crest to see the other side, and then plummet down at high speeds to return to the freedom and safety of the open water.

The result of adding crouch-sliding to Tenderfoot has been tremendous. It feels playful and joyful. It creates small natural cycles that do a Lot for the pacing of exploration.

A Final Note: The State of the Industry
Death Stranding is a game I'm playing currently that is absolutely excelling at playing with these sorts of systems, that turn the shape and texture of the landscape into meaningful interactables for the whole play experience, rather than just for the eye.

I've been saying this since BotW, but I think that for a certain branch of 'walking sim' descendents, the sort interested in evoking the feelings of travel across a landscape of some kind, this is going to be an area of design worth delving deeply into over the next 5-10 years. It's been so interesting seeing the way DS leans a completely different direction from BotW, and I can see so much room in all directions around. It's an exciting time to be working in games, for sure.

Until next time! Thanks for following along while we make this unbelievably grand and complex thing.

- Badru
Tenderfoot Tactics - badru
Several Interrelated Issues
(1) Something I love from Final Fantasy Tactics is the way it encourages you to train a job you might not use otherwise, in order to get a specific skill synergy with the job you know you're headed for. It feels like charting out your own education or personal growth, making sacrifices to complete it deliberately over time, and in the end you've built something specialized out of your own creativity and willpower. This is something I felt was seriously lacking from the Foreverlands version of Tenderfoot's evolution system.

(2) I also felt that classes in Tenderfoot were a bit too tightly designed, and wanted to leave room for players to build something we didn't expect.

(3) Finally, we got some helpful feedback from the prologue that it felt bad to evolve a goblin and have them completely reset their progress. This makes a lot of sense! In an RPG, you want to feel character continuity and growth, and the full-reset evolution system spoiled that.

Introducing: The Genetic Memory Slot
As a resolution to the above, we've added to all units a single skill slot which lets you load any known skill from any class. It costs no points to use and is free to swap out any time (out of combat only, of course). We're calling it, for now, a 'genetic memory' slot.

(ignore the clumsy temporary UI while we polish up our new look!)

It's an important balance that goblins do become somewhat weaker when you switch them into a level 1 evolution. It forces you to not become too reliant on over-leveled units, foregrounding whichever goblin hasn't evolved yet as the most powerful in your party.

With the new system we get a little bit of both - you lose all but one of your old skills, forcing you to treat the newly evolved goblin as a weaker unit in the next fight, but in choosing your favorite/most-used skill as a memory, you end up preserving some of that unit's character and bringing it into its new shape.

We also already are seeing some really interesting incidental builds. Archers that round out their effective range with Shortbow. Knights with Song or Grenade. Wizards with Frag Lance.

The most exciting thing about this is that it's naturally multiplicative. There are about 150 planned unique skills in the game, and about 30 evolutions, putting the potential combinations of (memory skill x evolution) in the thousands.

We might not yet be exactly where we'll end up, and certainly aren't promising we'll ship this system in this precise state, but some lightweight multiclassing like this feels like the right direction to be heading to take the promise of the prologue and turn it into something richer and fuller.
Nov 5, 2019
Tenderfoot Tactics - Ice Water Games
Hi all!

Up until last month, the team for Tenderfoot Tactics had been:
  • Badru (me! project direction, art and code, design and writing)
  • Michael Bell (sound and music)
  • Isa Hutchinson (design and writing)

We've since added two new collaborators:

Zoe Vartanian you might know as the creative director, artist, and UI designer from Viridi - or from her role doing the UI for Eidolon. She's coming on to make beautiful UI for Tenderfoot. She also did all of the voice acting for the goblins, haha. Zoe is always amazing to work with. Having her on the team actually means that the entire Viridi team is now working on Tenderfoot, which is pretty cool!! Getting the band back together 🎷

Taylor Thomas is a new collaborator I'm really excited to be working with - she comes from the world of industrial/product design, and is helping out with a major UX overhaul. Gonna fix all our silly unusable UI from the prologue - which we got a ton of useful feedback about, thank you so much!

UI/UX have been really complex and large parts of this project, and as we're falling into a more solidified version of the combat and overworld systems, it's a fabulous time to bring fresh eyes to it. We've been working on it for a month or so, and I can't wait to get to the point where we can show more screenshots! It's all so much better!!
Tenderfoot Tactics - badru

Tenderfoot Tactics: The Foreverlands is live now: https://sonofbadru.itch.io/foreverlands

The Foreverlands is an ancillary tale told in the world of Tenderfoot Tactics. It also serves as a demo of the first handful of classes and the combat systems in their current state (still in development).

Thanks for looking!

Tenderfoot Tactics - badru

The Foreverlands - a prologue to Tenderfoot Tactics meant to introduce the world and showcase a slice of the still-in-development gameplay - will be releasing for free on itch.io this Monday, the 23rd of September. Keep your eyes peeled!