Oct 23, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We have been very busy and have been working on a bunch of things in-game, refining the old stuff and implementing new features. Check out what we’ve been working on below:
Task Priority and Chaining
Tasks can be prioritized and chained manually by right-clicking on things.

This was requested by a lot of players, so we’ve implemented it! Right-clicking on anything that has a job attached to it can be prioritized now. This is very useful for micromanagement and making certain tasks finish in the order you want.

Villager Mood
We’ve added more mood modifiers and better logic for the way they are processed.

Several new mood effectors have been added to the game, along with the effector types.
  • Proximity effectors: when villagers get near an object, an effector can be bestowed upon them. For example: if a villager goes near a dead body, it will create a negative mood effector. As situations and options evolve in our game, so will the behavior of this effector
  • Production effectors. A villager will get a certain effector when producing something from a certain material. For example: if a villager is producing meat from a human carcass they will get a nasty mood effector
  • Backstories/backgrounds/perks can now have a list of effectors that are always affecting that villager, and a list of forbidden effectors. For example: backstories/backgrounds/perks tied to drinking will bump up drinking priority above all other leisure activities. Also, we can forbid an ascetic perk villager from getting negative mood modifiers when eating bad food and good modifiers when eating lavish food
Build Feedback
We’ve introduced different colored blueprints along with feedback on why they appear.

You asked for this too, but we expanded on some of the ideas:
  • Red blueprints are used as an indicator when something can’t be built along with the feedback on why it happened
  • Buildings are now marked in the orange exclamation mark color when they are not reachable or the player does not have enough resources for them to be built. Clicking on the building in the selection screen layer shows the info on why it cannot be built
  • Replacement buildings are now marked yellow and can be seen through buildings when being placed (to more easily understand what’s happening)
  • Beams now give feedback when you try to place them between two walls that are more than 12 grid spaces apart
  • Socketable buildings give feedback when they can’t be placed somewhere and why
  • Stairs also give better feedback on why they can't be placed somewhere
  • Added clear point where a roof should have support to be placed with a message showing up
Stockpile Filters
We’ve added more categories for stockpile filters, along with features that will give you more control in managing these categories.

  • New categories are Quality and Durability, also additional stockpile options are in the Copy/Paste settings, Global priority
  • Stockpiles can now have filters for hitpoints and quality. Roughly said, this will help villagers take bad gear/stuff to a separate stockpile from raiders and good gear to another one
Assign panel is turned into Manage panel

Beyond the name change, we’ve also implemented more functions on this one. Its main purpose is to make things happen automatically and have the player manually change things if necessary. You want your villagers to auto equip weapons, shields, and other stuff based on some parameters that you’ve made? You’ll do it here, long live automation!

Introducing religion
We’ve introduced religion as an activity for your villagers. There is going to be a need for religious constructions that influences the mood of villagers, it will also grant them buffs if the stat is satisfied.

  • Villagers can be aligned as Pagans or as Christians, and if they have their Religion Alignment more towards the middle of the bar they will need to pray less
  • We’ve added to new buildings villagers can pray to - a wooden Pagan shrine and a Christian shrine
  • Villagers will go and pray at shrines when their religious activity drops under a certain threshold
  • Villagers with higher Christian or Pagan alignment will lose the need for religious activity faster
We also have an update on the development of the game for you. We are approaching the end of a very strange 2020, and lots of events happened this year that we did not foresee. We know some of you have been asking if we plan to launch the game into Early Access this year, so we thought now would be a good time to let you know that we won’t be launching this year. However, we will have some pretty exciting Going Medieval related things happening from early 2021 that we cannot wait to share with you!

In the meantime while you wait for Going Medieval to be released, we suggest you head over to our Discord Server and experience an awesome meta-game based on Going Medieval! You can do this by firstly going to the #choose-a-side channel and pick your loyalty. Then you can head on into the #bot-commands channel start the meta-game!

Thank you all so much for your continued love and support for the game. We have much more news to come via our dev blogs, social channels and Discord - so stay tuned!
Talk to you soon!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community: discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA
Going Medieval - TIC_MattSG
Hi! We are Foxy Voxel, an independent game development studio from Serbia that greatly appreciates colony builders, strategies, and simulation games. We’re a team of experienced developers who, in late 2018, started working together on our first project - Going Medieval.

Going Medieval is a colony builder set in alternate post-apocalyptic medieval Europe. In it, you guide a group of survivors while they migrate and re-settle remote areas reclaimed by nature. It’s up to you, the player, to take care of your survivors in a vastly changed world. You can build simple settlements, multi-story fortresses, or dig elaborate shelters below the ground. You’ll have to defend villagers from vicious raiders in a classless, borderless, and lawless post-calamity age.

You can try all of the above in this timed demo. With simple-to-use 3D terrain tools and various buildings and props to create, the only limit in place for the demo is time. The demo ends after 24 in-game days, which may take hours in real-time (depending on your play style). Please keep in mind that this version of the game is still in an early beta phase and a lot more features are still to come as we approach Early Access launch.

Have fun!
Going Medieval - ObvItsAmy

We will be featuring a stream led by the fine folk from The Irregular Corporation (our publisher). They are playing the Steam Festival Demo version of Going Medieval right now! Joined by special guest, Vladimir Zivkovic! (Co-founder/Developer @FoxyVoxel)

Vladimir will be giving them all his developer tips and tricks on creating the ultimate settlement!

Head on over to our Steam page to watch now ːsummersunː
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We are happy to announce that the demo for the Going Medieval will be playable when the Steam Autumn festival starts.

For those that are not familiar with it - The Steam Game Festival is a multi-day celebration where fans can try out demos, chat with developers, watch live streams, and learn about upcoming games on Steam.

Disclaimer: This demo is almost identical to the one played by the closed-beta players a couple of weeks ago. However, this is a chance for those who missed out on the beta to get hands-on with the game. This also means that the changes made in the September devblog will not be in this demo, however, those things are fixed, true, but they require extensive QA on our side, and we are not yet ready to share them with our players.

You can play our timed demo from Wednesday, October 7th, 10AM PST to Tuesday, October 13th, 10AM PST. It is important to note that the demo lets you play until the end of the summer season. For this purpose we’ve disabled the save/load feature - you will be able to start as many new games as you want during the festival, and play freely by the start of the in-game autumn.

Share your experience with our community and us via our Discord server and Twitter account.

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community: discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA
Sep 7, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

The closed beta came and went, but the feedback you provided along with the bugs helped us immensely! So, thank you all so much again for taking part.

We have been fixing and implementing some of the feedback suggested throughout August. There is still more to go of course, but based on the response that came from all of you, this tells us that we are on the right path.

Here is what we have added so far:

Gameplay improvements
  • Enemies plan their attacks better now

Users reported issues where enemies behaved weird, not changing targets properly and attacking when they should be fleeing (also attacking unconscious villagers). We’ve implemented a system that should be much more satisfying and optimized when it comes to these attacks, thus avoiding a player’s frustration in the process.
  • Villagers getting stuck within constructions, stairs and ground should be thing of the past now
  • Planning construction within the game’s grid space is much easier now. Also, the issue where some buildings getting canceled in the mid-build process would stay written in grid
  • The underlying system for socketable constructions (wall banners, beams, etc) is refactored and changed. This solved the potential issue where the players couldn’t build buildings under torches or banners
  • We’ve changed to the way villagers reach certain points (mining ground, picking up resources, etc). This way, no pile will be ignored
  • The destroyed door will spawn a floor now. This solves the problem of a door on the second floor with nothing underneath it. When enemies would destroy the door, a hole would be created thus blocking their path forward
  • We’ve added orientation indicators to the buildings. Players can now see where the “front” of the building is

  • Added better position indicators to the staircase in order to make it easier to place the stairs

Tooltip improvements

  • Info that is shown to the player when selecting an item on the ground has been expanded
  • Added tooltips to all the important information in the selection tab (with an explanation of how this number came to be)
  • Added tooltip with more detailed information when hovering on a weapon/armor/shield on the ground
  • Added detailed information on how the math works for range, damage, armor, temperature, etc in the inventory panel
Additional Features:
  • Reworked combat animations. All animations are now slower (in order to help combat look a bit more clearer)
  • Animations no longer move the villager when performing an attack
  • Wind up part of animations have been trimmed away (except for ranged weapons)
  • Doors now animate and open automatically when villagers walk through them
  • Food production no longer has a simmering phase. Other productions like smoking meat still have this passive phase because it’s much longer and logical
  • The player can now choose to produce x5 and x10 food products at once
  • The production panel automatically opens if the production building is selected during construction
  • The construction panel automatically updates when research is unlocked

Now - if you want a COMPLETE list of fixes, you might want to sit down, as this will take some time:

Beta bugs and issues fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused enemies to walk through the doors
  • Fixed a bug where the player was able to place stairs blueprint over stairs that were being constructed at the time
  • Fixed a bug where the player was able to place roofs in such a way that one endpoint of a roof was resting on either a wall, window, door, or beam and the other wasn't, i.e. it was resting on a floor one level below its other endpoint. Because of this bug, roofs appeared as floating on one side and on the other they had proper support
  • Fixed multiple roofs related bug issues; villagers wouldn't construct roof after game loading, roofs not visible after loading, roof foundation rotation wasn’t correct after loading and roof positions not calculated properly after loading (which might lead to roofs collapsing for no obvious reason)
  • Fixed a bug when building construction is canceled only while the villager is constructing it. That would lead to that building data to remain on grid spaces it occupies, which resulted in other bugs (example: roofs couldn't be placed because the system thinks stairs exists (even though they've been destroyed))
  • Fixed a bug where the room is not detected in case its door has no ground or floor under it, resulting in villager mood penalties
  • Fixed a bug where the room's wall (under which is a hole) was destroyed, but the area remains still recognized as a room
  • Fixed a bug where the slope dig marker sometimes doesn’t get deleted after the selected slope was removed
  • Fixed a bug that caused villagers to get stuck. Villagers should get stuck less often, if at all
  • Fixed a bug that prevented roofs and stairs from carving crop fields
  • Fixed a bug that caused some dirt ramps to disappear after loading a save game
  • Fixed a bug that prevented villager from not hauling resources to the stockpile if the stockpile was on the upper level
  • Fixed a bug that created an unmovable pile - caused by when a pile spawns at the stockpile and it's forbidden to be stored on it (example: waste spawns after food rots)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the same villager to arrive multiple times (caused usually by that same villager being dead before the event ends)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the roof foundation to not be properly aligned after the roof replacement that happened after loading a saved game
  • Fixed a bug where all of the banners appeared white until you try to open the in-game menu to edit the flag
  • Fixed a bug that caused villagers to stuck themselves into an infinite construction loop. This bug was caused by the beam that had one grid space width in size
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect calculation of the year cycle. The game was displaying the spring variant of the materials for a moment when loading the game, then it switched to the appropriate variant corresponding to the current season
  • Fixed a bug where the marked ground would not be dug after loading (the reachable positions would not refreshing properly)
  • Fixed a bug that caused human carcass piles to not be stored/unstored in the resources dictionary when loading a saved game. Villagers would ignore those piles when in need of a resource
  • Fixed a bug that caused villagers not to deliver resources to floor blueprint if socketable item exists above it
  • Fixed a bug where villagers would get stuck inside the stairs when falling down
  • Fixed bugs with dig markers; invisible dig markers, villagers do not want to dig some marked ground, some dig markers when selected show an action_dig text on the info panel, you have to mark it for dig, then cancel and mark again to make it work, etc…
  • Fixed a bug that caused building blueprint to have stability 0 when attached to the voxel - when that would happen, villagers would never deliver resources for construction
  • Fixed a bug that caused when a pile falls down, it's reachable position is null, meaning villager would never touch it
  • Fixed a bug that worked like this - after loading a saved game, if furniture or a socketable item (that's in the foundation phase only!!!) construction fails, it will never start again
  • Fixed issue with the player being able to place a wall through a roof
  • Fixed issue where typing numbers in production queue changes game speed
  • Fixed issue where Villager's Mood tab was showing placeholder text on the first open
  • Fixed issue with overlaying text in Selection Panel > Info Tab
  • Fixed issue with almanac linking - it’s more understandable on what word to click to get almanac help
  • Fixed issue where the wrong villager name was shown on birthday notification
  • Fixed speed button issue where the button would be disabled when no raid is happening on screen
  • Fixed issue where group skills were mismatched on the character creation screen
  • Fixed issue where socketable items (torches, beams) could be placed over other socketable items
  • Changed design of production Edit button to make it more important and easier to spot
  • Fixed Attributes extra panel behavior - Attributes extra panel is now updated instantly after opening
  • Added indicator to the stairs - height indicator as well as from what side can villager access them
  • Animals shouldn’t get stuck into the terrain now
  • Combat colliders should work as intended now - things like archers shooting through floors and walls when showing/hiding layers work as it should
  • Icons are now properly shown in the villager’s Skill Extra Selection Panel
  • Destroyed doors will now spawn constructed floors at their position. This will prevent workers and enemies from getting stuck if the doors were on upper levels
  • Detailed equipment tooltips have been added
  • Changed the way villagers reach piles. Some piles would remain frozen and no one would use them due to a reachable position problem
  • Refactored socketabel constructions: This was done so that the player could place items directly below socketable items. Solves a bug where some socketable items were in blueprint mode forever. Furniture, decorations, and production buildings can be placed on the same grid space as socketable items
  • Deactivating particles when construction fails for socketable torch (infinite particle loop problem)
  • Villagers will prioritize higher nutrition food
  • Socketable items can't be placed if stairs exist at the same position. If the player tried to do that, a message will pop up

And that would be all for this (last) month. There is still a lot of fixing to be done, and a lot of stuff to be implemented, but we are on it!

Stay well, and see you soon.

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community: http://discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here:
Aug 3, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

Last month was reserved for various bug fixes, game improvements, and QA testing. So no new features, at least not yet. Keep reading to find why that needed to happen.
Improved Tutorialisation of Draft & Combat Mechanic

  • We have added a tutorial pop-up window (note: If you turn off tutorials in the options menu, this pop-up window will not appear)
  • The first pop-up window appears when you start the game. It has a welcome screen, explanation of camera controls, layer controls, and game speed
  • After the first raid event has started the game will pop-up the second tutorial window with instructions on selecting, drafting, equipping and moving your villagers
  • Standalone pop-ups will appear for the first time when opening the job, schedule, and research panel
  • Videos have been added to all tutorials
Additional UI/UX

  • We’ve added additional tooltip information for resource categories
  • Added hyperlinks to stability and decomposition almanac to help players understand how both systems work
  • Added additional tooltip to books in research panel to help understand how negative value of books functions
  • Building blueprint will change color when it’s out of reach (also added text “out of reach” when clicked on)
  • Drafted go-to position arrow is now red when the player tries to order villager to an unreachable location
Additional Changes

  • Fixed several issues with quitting to the main menu and resuming the game
  • Fixed issue with placing a building on a forbidden pile resulting in villagers freezing
  • Added new input controls and made it cleaner when remapping (in categories now)
  • ESC key now closes all windows and opens the in-game menu
  • Drag select now works with priorities (if a villager is in the selection box, that villager will be selected every time, after that - an item, and after that, resources. Trees and buildings can’t be selected with drag-select by design)
  • Shift + click now also deselects stuff
  • “New villager” events now have randomized: health, sleep, hunger, wounds, and equipment
  • Enemies now have randomized HP of equipment
  • Villagers carry unconscious villagers properly now
  • When enemy upon dying leaves carcass and equipment dropped - they will be forbidden by default

  • Added basic combat sound effects
  • Added several more UI sound effects: pause, notification, event, etc.
  • Buildings now instance properly making it less CPU heavy
  • Attack animations are slowed down so the player can tell what's going on
  • Attack animations are now randomized between 3x different animations
  • Added randomized heraldry to heraldry editor (all random heraldries are created by discord users during Alpha, their names are credited underneath)

  • Added Trebuchet projectile VFX
  • Enemies will have a bubble of defeat when running away
  • Fixed several problems with counting resources on stockpile and map
  • Villagers are in the flee mode by default
  • Trebuchet projectile, animals, and fists now inflict wounds

  • Floors and walls hide differently now when hiding and showing layers
  • Fixed several bugs with roofs, beams, and floor
  • Fixed several bugs with stockpiles and building on stockpiles
  • Fixed several issues when renaming a villager (not appearing in a text later as the renamed villager)
  • Added leaves blowing in the wind
  • Animals will try and stay away from villagers when idling
  • Fixed camera restart problem and default camera position issue
  • Book piles now hold 100 books instead of 50
  • Limestone, wood, and iron piles hold 200 instead of 100 resources
  • Equipment decays faster when not worn
  • Equipment decays slower on a villager

Rebalanced the nutrition value of food in the game:
  • Raw food now has a nutrition value of 0.5 while cooked has 0.8-1.0
  • Villagers will prioritize higher nutrition food
  • Villagers will prioritize food when sleeping
  • Villagers will prioritize food when in a sleeping hour (making them eat before going to sleep)
  • Villagers will eat at tables now (Animation is still work in progress)
  • Human meat added to the game. All meals can have a human meat version to it (forcing villagers to eat them will result in harsh mood penalties)
  • Changed how much food costs to cook
  • Less raw food is given from hunting/harvesting

And we’ve fixed a bunch of tasks regarding optimization, save/load problems, and all sorts of other things that our QA found. Like you can tell - we did a lot of work. Why is that? Because…

Beta starts on August 10th!

That’s right. The day has come - The Going Medieval beta will run on August 10th at 4PM BST / 5PM CEST / 8AM PT - August 17th 4PM BST / 5PM CEST / 8AM PT and it will be on Steam via a Steam key. We will provide your key to you during the day on August 10th! So please keep an eye on your inboxes then (if you have any issues with your Steam key when it arrives, please let us know).

Everyone that applied so far for it will receive the beta key. You can share your opinions and thoughts on Twitter (and tag us in the process) and head over to our Discord server - there you’ll be able to share your thoughts, give us feedback, and post some sweet gameplay screenshots.

Stay well, and see you soon.

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community: http://discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA

Jul 2, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

So as the beta date approaches we’ve added a bunch of stuff. Really. Like, A LOT - as you’ll be able to tell. We’ve focused on combat behavior and raids as the biggest feedback from the alpha concern these things. So without further ado:
Villager management during combat and combat itself
received a major rework

We’ve implemented a more sensible approach of unit control and behavior during the battles. Now it’s more like your classical RTS experience in that area. Really, there are a bunch of things implemented in this area that would take quite a lot of time to explain… But we’ll try our best!
  • We’ve added a weapon icon in the villager panel to indicate who is an archer and who is not
  • The “Draft” indicator next to the icon in the villager panel (also villager panel turns a bit blue when a villager is drafted)
  • We’ve also added red flashes on villagers icon in villager panel when they take damage
  • Added prominent red overlay when the villager is damaged
  • Enemies and villagers now have an indicator when the camera is zoomed out (basically turning your view into a mini-map). Zooming out will emphasize every character’s circle (of enemies and your villagers) and it will become visible through walls. That way, you’ll know where everyone is at every point in the game
  • Added range indicator to selected archers. Selecting a drafted archer will show his range radius (represented in a yellow circle around them)
  • HP bar over the worker and enemy heads (with the health bar flashing with the amount of health reduced) HP bars show when taking damage, when damage is taken a white slower bar appears that indicate the amount of damage taken
  • We’ve removed numbers indicator when the damage is being dealt, but text like “miss, blocked, evade” is still present. If you are a numbers guy, will leave that as an option to turn it on
  • Special text will appear when one of your villagers gets unconscious or killed
  • You’re now able to select multiple trees, stones, and other materials with double click feature - this will make manipulation of materials much more convenient
Raids became much smarter!

So one of the most common complaints was that the raids are not fun & they are too hard. Behold - we’ve implemented the system that balances the raids based on the behavior of your settlement. Call it an adaptable difficulty, if you want. Without giving away too much info, rest assured that this system will allow for different scenarios for all of the players. Sure, there will be similar events here and there, but the content of those events will vary. Here is what we did for raids and enemies overall:
  • Enemies will walk 50% of the way towards the target
  • Added cheering animation to your villagers when enemies are defeated
  • Villagers will keep attacking enemies when enemies are running away
  • There are now different types of enemies (for now: melee, archer, heavy and siege equipment)
  • Only the first event in the game is hardcoded (will happen to everyone), but the way you handle it will lead you down a different path. This is done as an introduction of the system, and also to show the consequences of the events overall
  • We’ve added a couple of new raid variations - cannibals attack, twisted crusaders and mindless assassins
  • We’ve added new events for the introduction of new villagers into your community
Things can get intense.
Additional Features!

Without going too much into details, we’ll list some interesting stuff we’ve also implemented. Hopefully, you’ll like it.
  • Human corpses added. Now when a human dies he leaves behind a carcass (same height, same features, and same body structure as when alive)
  • Added “ctrl + click” and “shift + click” to the production panel. This way the player can add +10 and +100 of a product to the production of a certain thing, avoiding unnecessary clicking for a long time. Alternatively, you can type in the number of products in the production panel
  • The “Research” panel now shows all 3x types of books needed for research. It also shows additional info on the tooltip. Research evolved big time
  • Instead of assigning jobs for your villager with an “on” or “off” button, they can now have a higher priority or lower priority (5x priorities)
  • Added see-through effect to trees and buildings to make it easier to move around
  • Added various graphical options (the ones that were easiest to implement but had a nice boost to performance)
  • Health tab added to the villager’s auxiliary panel where all the info for wounds and health are presented to the player
  • Added various graphical options
  • Added the option to turn off the tutorial from the options menu
  • Added blue vignette to screen when the game is paused
  • Added constructions having variations in appearance when producing
  • Workers no longer come to the corner of the production construction to produce, they have hand placed spots where they stand
  • Floors will now carve crop fields
Those are the important ones worth mentioning.

That is a lot of things for the beta build, right? And we’re still looking for the beta players! if you know someone who still did not registered there, be sure to send them this link:


That is everything for this update, we hope you’re enjoying seeing the ongoing development of Going Medieval!

Foxy Voxel Team

Be sure to visit our Discord and become part of our community: http://discord.gg/yHKcJat
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval
See the trailer for the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA
Jun 16, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

We really want you to have some unique experiences within our game, and we are striving to make sure you’re informed about the game development. Here is what we’ve been working on:

Map Borders have special constraints now!

A special area that consists of 10 blocks from the map edge is marked red, indicating that it will not be possible to mine, place buildings or add crop fields there.

This is done to balance some game features and also to allow events to happen properly. Don’t worry - there is still plenty of space to use for your settlement!

Wounds can have real consequences now!

You think that health depletion is the only thing that occurs when people get wounded in Going Medieval? Think again, because we expanded that system too!

Health is no longer just a hitpoints bar. It's now expanded to HP, blood, pain, and consciousness. Here is some info regarding those stats:

  • If blood runs out, the villager will die.
  • As blood runs out at certain thresholds, the villager will lose chunks of consciousness.
  • Wounds have amounts of bleeding. Take care of those injuries or the villagers will bleed to death.
  • A villager will have pain inflicted with every hit.
  • At every pain threshold, the villager will lose some consciousness and have negative mood modifiers.
  • Pain at its maximum will only result in a large amount of consciousness being lost due to shock from the pain.
  • If consciousness reaches 10% the villager will faint.
  • Villagers will have impaired motor functions (working, walking, fighting) when consciousness is damaged.
  • Not eating for a long time or not sleeping will result in the loss of consciousness.
  • Certain weapons like blunt weapons deal a massive amount of damage to consciousness but don't inflict bleeding.
When your villagers get wounded, they'll have to receive care from others. Based on wound severity, they might start losing consciousness too.

But that's not all…

Each weapon has a list of wounds it can inflict to the head or the body of the target. Each wound has a threshold parameter that determines if the wound will be inflicted when a strike happens.

This way we make sure that heavy wounds won't be inflicted by the stab of a dagger that has 1x damage. Each wound has a list of effects like; slowing down walk speed, increasing miss chance (if a hand is hurt), amount of bleeding, amount of pain inflicted, etc. This is awesome as it opens the possibility of adding crazy effects to some weapons. Think about it! Magical daggers! Flaming swords! Poisoned arrows! We’ll just leave the file that controls those things unprotected somewhere, so you can dabble in it… if you want, of course.

All effects from the wound scale down proportionally with the severity of the wound. Severity can be decreased by a healing procedure.

All of this seems a bit overwhelming, and you might be asking yourself - How the heck do we handle this? Here is a bit info on the healing:

Hitpoints replenish 2x faster while sleeping.
Blood and Pain replenish (diminish) faster while resting. Sleeping is important!
We’ve added a new type of job - Resting!
  • Resting is an order to use work hours to rest in a bed.
  • Resting in bed results in wounds healing faster
  • Only a worker resting can be tended by a doctor
If a villager is unconscious, another villager that has the Tend job marked will pick up their body and bring them to a free bed and tend their wounds.
Tended wounds don't bleed but still have other effects.
Tending quality depends on medicine skills and the quality of the healing kit used.
There is also a chance someone with a low medicine skill will fail to tend a wound that will result in the severity being increased.
A wound is tended for 24h, after that it needs to be tended again.

We have a tutorial database!

So you are playing the game and want to learn some features and commands faster on the go? Good news - we’ve added a functional almanac in the game that acts as an in-game Wikipedia/database of everything in the game. It acts as a tutorial at the same time.

At the moment it only provides basic tutorials via pop-up notifications, and we’ve added only resources and construction info. We will continue filling it with the content as we go. Also, the information given in every entry will be expanded.

Almanac has a functional search segment to search any keyword player might look for.

As you can tell, we are working on the beta build of the game big time! Do you want to play it? Sign up here:


And then check our Discord Server to get the latest news on the developments from the devs themselves. A lot of cool people are there.

See ya soon!

Foxy Voxel Team

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval

See the trailer for the game here:

Jun 3, 2020
Going Medieval - SeWerin
Greetings medievalists!

It's been a hell of a month! Alpha testing and fixing, partnership announcement, and some new things we managed to implement based on your feedback!

Let's start with the new stuff, shall we:

The event scheduler received a significant upgrade!

We've listened to your feedback regarding some raids being too frequent, too hard, and weird event pacing overall. We've implemented a new system that considers the player's actions, and as a result, triggers a particular event.

This way we can give breathing room to the player, while also providing a sensible pace and progress as time goes on. We plan to tie this system to the difficulty control (when we implement that) so that everyone can play the game the way they want.

Production building penalties are a thing!

All production buildings have various penalties for production speed. The environment in which the building is located is the thing that calculates those penalties. Modifiers are:
  • Inside (placed in a room)
  • Outside (not placed in a room or under roof)
  • Roofed (under roof or floor or dirt voxel)
  • Outside in Rain
  • Outside in Snow
  • Outside in Fog
Why is this important? Well, it only makes sense for a smithing station to work a bit better outside than on the inside. Other things, like research benches, will be 20% slower in the rain. Consider these things if you want to create a perfect settlement.

Feedback is super important!

Alpha testers on our Discord server managed to play the game for a couple of days, and in that time, provided us with various bugs and feedbacks that needed fixing/implementation. We managed to fix a lot of things in that period, but we also fixed some things post alpha. Here you go:
  • New perks with icons added to the game.
  • All resources and items have descriptions now.
  • Villager's backstories and backgrounds are combined properly now.
  • Origin town of villagers has a proper name now
  • Created a new way of determining where enemies will spawn (in the process we fixed the problem of enemies that spawned on the top of the hills and couldn’t get down).
  • Added combat VFX when an arrow hits an obstacle.
  • Solved floating villagers problem when mining.
  • Archers will no longer be able to shoot through doors when standing on the doorstep.
  • Player is able to place buildings on to crop fields now.
  • Crop fields and stockpiles can be placed on trees and bushes (workers will remove them before bringing the stockpile).

Does this pique your interest? Great! Because you can sign up for the beta here:


And you’ll be able to share your experience of the game with the rest of the world!

That would be all right now. But don’t worry - the team is hard working on some new features and information! More about that soon!

Foxy Voxel Team

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/going_medieval

See the trailer for the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy_rW95WtmA

Going Medieval - SeWerin
This is a big moment for us - We have a publisher now! That’s right, amazing people of The Irregular Corporation are the publishers of Going Medieval! They will help us bring our vision to fruition. Read more about it in their official announcement.

For new people here, here is a little bit about the game: Going Medieval is an alternate medieval history colony survival sim, where you can build a multi-story fortress out of clay, wood, and stone. Your villagers will have needs, feelings, and agendas shaped by the world and its history, and it's up to you to keep them content and sane. Help your villagers claim and defend their own piece of land!

We’ve got a brand new announcement trailer to celebrate - check it out below!

Partnership with The Irregular Corporation means a lot to us - besides helping us on the publishing front, we will be able to share our game with their community, as well as our own! Stay tuned for more exciting stuff! Check out The Irregular Corporation on Twitter or jump into their Discord to say hi.

Also, BIG NEWS. You can sign up for the beta version of the game! That’s right! Sign up {LINK REMOVED} We will be hosting a closed beta later this year for Going Medieval after the great feedback we received during our alpha test a few days ago.

Don’t forget to join our Discord too and talk to the team and other extremely cool people there. Follow us on Twitter for some sweet gameplay videos. Things are bound to get interesting!

GM Team