Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Why didn't they call it TerraRPG?

Ooh, you don’t see many spin-offs these days. Oh, right, Better Call Saul. Well, not in games. Oh, right, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Look, OK, c’mon, just go with me here. It’s pretty unusual for a game series to divert into a spin-off rather than climb aboard the sequel treadmill. Side-on buildy/survival hit Terraria is doing just that however, with an RPG-inclined follow-up known Terraria: Otherworld. It’s set in an “alternate dimension” to Terraria prime and everything. Take a look below. … [visit site to read more]

Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

Crafting requires commitment. How does a person wary of settling down survive in the barren worlds of Minecraft, Terraria and Starbound? A tale of tourism, travel and cooperative tension.

… [visit site to read more]

Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

Last week we wrote about the Humble Jumbo Bundle 2, because it was the best haul of games we’d seen in a Humble Bundle in a little while. Now that bundle has expanded as planned, and the three new games added are all good too. Pay more than the average of $6.62/ 4 and you’ll now receive Legend of Grimrock, PixelJunk Eden and Orcs Must Die! 2.

This on top of a bundle which already included Galactic Civilizations 2, Terraria, Crusader Kings 2 and more.

… [visit site to read more]

Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ben Barrett)

Who will become the King of Fabulous (13)?

Humble Bundle are always going to be of varying quality – sometimes including only a single quality game with some bonuses, sometimes of no interest whatsoever – but the latest, titled Jumbo Bundle 2, is quite the bargain.

For the low, low price of whatever-the-hell-you’d-like you’ll get space 4X Galactic Civilizations II with its expansions, side-scrolling undead violence-applier Deadlight and isometric action RPG The Incredible Adventures of Ven Helsing. Beat the average price however ($6.32 at the time of writing) and you’ll also receive 2D survival exploration Terraria, combo-heavy high-skill fighting game King of Fighters XIII and the story-spawning strategy-RPG Crusader Kings 2.

… [visit site to read more]

Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

Did you know that it’s nearly Halloween? I’m only telling you because I definitely wouldn’t have any idea unless every game under the sun (or foreboding, fog-enshrouded moon, as it were) was running some kind of Halloween event. But these things can actually be decently fun when handled well, and this one, especially, is quite noteworthy given that it may well end up one of the final things that Redigit himself adds to Terraria. So then, what’s in it? What indeed.

No, I’m not actually going to do that to you. Goodie bags and themed pets and tiles and items and things! Also, a mysterious Pumpkin Moon event. Sweet, sweet trick-or-treat deets below.


Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

Edge of Space is yet another one of those reminders that game development has gone completely bonkers in recent years. Like direct inspiration Terraria before it, Edge of Space offers massive, bit-and-bob-and-secret-and-jetpack-laser-shark-packed worlds, despite being developed by an itsy bitsy team of two. It’s also run the full gamut of crowd-powered developmental aids – from Kickstarter to Steam Greenlight to Steam Early Access. Lead developer Jake Crane has, in other words, been around the block. But in an ever-expanding genre with a single game’s influence looming heavy, how do you avoid being more than just a clone? And is the trend of Early Access actually a danger in disguise – both for gamers and developers? Also, what’s on the horizon for Edge of Space, a game that’s still very much unfinished? I spoke with Crane about all that and more.>


Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

Once upon a time, Andrew “Redigit” Spinks quit Terraria. He’d decided to move on to bigger and better things, mystery projects that beckoned to him from worlds far beyond Terraria’s treacherous loam. Fans were not happy. They scratched angry words into many an Internet, but their cries fell on deaf ears. For a little while. And then, kind of like Gandalf in that one movie (X-Men?), Redigit returned – with gifts, even! Update 1.2 is positively massive, and it’s finally out. But now Spinks is back where he started. Should he stay or should he go? He’s not entirely sure yet, but he was able to offer RPS one piece of enticing news. That mystery project? It’s Terraria 2. >


Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

Once upon a time, Terraria died. The end. That is roughly how I hope my posthumous biography is written, only my name is Nathan. I also hope my tale continues like this: But then, as if by sorcery or some really cool-looking robot parts, Terraria/Nathan sprang out of the grave and dredged up all sorts of crazy new features like a giant bee. Also penguins. That, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Despite its diminutive numerical status, 1.2 is apparently a massive update, bringing with it copious new mechanics, enemies, menus, items, pets, and more. Dig into the loamy depths below for a highly enticing trailer.


Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Craig Pearson)

A small clue, perhaps?There is a gif below the jump that compelled me to write about this indie Terraria-a-like, Edge Of Space. Go there and you will see. You won’t be disappointed, I promise. (more…)

Terraria - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

It was probably when the first screenshot from Starbound emerged onto the hazy plains of the internet that a law was passed making it illegal to refer to the game without nodding approvingly and saying, “Huh, Terraria in space I guess”. Yes, it’s a side-scrolling game with mining and construction, a similar visual style, and, yes, there’s crossover in some of the design talent, but there are plenty of differences as well. For one, rather than seeding standalone worlds, Starbound takes place on planets which can be visited by other players, provided you pass them the coordinates. There’s a lot more variety in terms of creatures and landscapes as well, with procedurally generated flora and fauna. Thrillingly, the only video I’ve found is a lighting demo. Be thrilled!

