SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk

We all know that speedrunning is about two things; SPEED and RUNNING. But which of the two is more important? Is the competition all about getting the highest SPEED, or is it one’s skill in RUNNING that ultimately decides the winner of a race?

That’s a question that’s been creating quite a controversy in New Rush City, where two opposing factions have formed; TEAM SPEED and TEAM RUNNING. “For sure it’s all about speed”, says Buckshot, spokesmammal of team speed. “I mean, you win races by being the speediest of runners - it’s called SPEEDrunners for a reason!” Gil wholeheartedly disagrees, saying “you can’t get speedy without running first. It’s obviously pronounced speedRUNNERS!”.

As the emotions are heating up between our speedy heroes, it’s become clear that each and every one of us must pick a side. So, which side are you on; team SPEED or team RUNNING? Decide quickly, because ON JULY 19th WE’LL BE RELEASING THE TEAM UPDATE!

This (free) update will add TEAMPLAY to speedrunner matches. You’ll be able to play 2v2, as well as 2v1 or 2v1v1. Pick a teammate and pick a team (team speed or team running) and work together to win races! Here’s what we’re planning:
  • Teammates share their boost bars
  • Teammates can swap their items
  • Score 4 points as a team to win
  • Coming July 19th!

Alongside this completely free update, we’ll be releasing a new character pack as optional DLC. This pack will add 4 new runners to the roster, which we will talk more about in the upcoming weeks.

SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Winter is coming, the jolliest ELO season of the year! The Elo Winter Season will start a bit early, Monday December 18th 2017 and will run throughout the entrie winter until March 20th 2018.

It has been more than half a year ago since we last did an ELO season, so here is a link to an announement to get you up to speed.

By the end of the season everybody who participated will gain the Winter ELO Season badge of the league tier you ended up in by the end of the season.

All players that are in Diamond league by the end of the season will get the unique Snow trail which will be the only way to ever get this trail in your inventory.

Based on what we have learned during the ELO Beta Season we made some changes for the Winter ELO Season:

More points!
In the previous season certain close games could give as few as 1.5 points or something underwhelming like that. More points are given this season, but the league requirements also have gone up!

Inactivity penalties
During last season the best tactic was pretty much to reach Diamond league and not play anymore after that. Furthermore if you had not played for a while the system would assume your skill level was still the same. If you don't play on average 1 game per day over a period of 14 days in the Winter Season you will start losing 100 points every day.

Individual initial rating
The start of previous season was pretty rough for a lot of players because players of all skill levels started with the same ELO rating. For the Winter Season we use the ratings from the previous Beta season to offset the initial rating a bit. This way the matchmaking system can actually find matches of your skill from the very start.

We hope you will enjoy the season.

Happy Holidays,
DoubleDutch Games

P.S. There will be a small surprise in the game during holiday season starting from December 21th 2017! Make sure to speculate obsessively below ːHotHeadː!
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Winter is coming, the jolliest ELO season of the year! The Elo Winter Season will start a bit early, Monday December 18th 2017 and will run throughout the entrie winter until March 20th 2018.

It has been more than half a year ago since we last did an ELO season, so here is a link to an announement to get you up to speed.

By the end of the season everybody who participated will gain the Winter ELO Season badge of the league tier you ended up in by the end of the season.

All players that are in Diamond league by the end of the season will get the unique Snow trail which will be the only way to ever get this trail in your inventory.

Based on what we have learned during the ELO Beta Season we made some changes for the Winter ELO Season:

More points!
In the previous season certain close games could give as few as 1.5 points or something underwhelming like that. More points are given this season, but the league requirements also have gone up!

Inactivity penalties
During last season the best tactic was pretty much to reach Diamond league and not play anymore after that. Furthermore if you had not played for a while the system would assume your skill level was still the same. If you don't play on average 1 game per day over a period of 14 days in the Winter Season you will start losing 100 points every day.

Individual initial rating
The start of previous season was pretty rough for a lot of players because players of all skill levels started with the same ELO rating. For the Winter Season we use the ratings from the previous Beta season to offset the initial rating a bit. This way the matchmaking system can actually find matches of your skill from the very start.

We hope you will enjoy the season.

Happy Holidays,
DoubleDutch Games

P.S. There will be a small surprise in the game during holiday season starting from December 21th 2017! Make sure to speculate obsessively below :HotHead:!
SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

Brace yourselves, speedy runners. Today at 10am PST (7pm European time) SpeedRunners goes into its Free Weekend.

This goes alongside the Xbox One launch of SpeedRunners where the game is free for everyone with an Xbox Live Gold account.

Happy running!

SpeedRunners - Alex@tinybuild

Brace yourselves, speedy runners. Today at 10am PST (7pm European time) SpeedRunners goes into its Free Weekend.

This goes alongside the Xbox One launch of SpeedRunners where the game is free for everyone with an Xbox Live Gold account.

Happy running!

SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Today we released an update which also marks the start of the Beta Ranking Season which will run until May 14th! After the Beta Season we return to the previous ranking system with the same rank and points you had before this update.


With that many big updates we may have overlooked some new bugs. If you encounter any issues please let us know on the forum or Discord server, and we'll try to fix them swiftly! Enjoy!
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Today we released an update which also marks the start of the Beta Ranking Season which will run until May 14th! After the Beta Season we return to the previous ranking system with the same rank and points you had before this update.


With that many big updates we may have overlooked some new bugs. If you encounter any issues please let us know on the forum or Discord server, and we'll try to fix them swiftly! Enjoy!
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Adding features such as the ELO Beta Season and Badges made the ranking UI super cluttered. So we looked into de-cluttering the ranking interface and make it more future proof. Here is what we came up with:

The ranking screen is now more focused on your own achievements and rank status. We also added some trend indicators. These show if you are trending upward or downward since the last time you visited the rank screen.

You can still see your standing among Steam friends or the World when you click on the rank section.

We also added a new screen which shows off all the badges you've earned. This is also the place where you can select the badge you want to show in-game when taunting!

Brace yourself, the update is coming soon!
SpeedRunners - Gert-Jan Stolk
Adding features such as the ELO Beta Season and Badges made the ranking UI super cluttered. So we looked into de-cluttering the ranking interface and make it more future proof. Here is what we came up with:

The ranking screen is now more focused on your own achievements and rank status. We also added some trend indicators. These show if you are trending upward or downward since the last time you visited the rank screen.

You can still see your standing among Steam friends or the World when you click on the rank section.

We also added a new screen which shows off all the badges you've earned. This is also the place where you can select the badge you want to show in-game when taunting!

Brace yourself, the update is coming soon!
SpeedRunners - Casper van Est

Since the start of this year we've been working with Discord to get Voice Chat support in SpeedRunners. Now finally, after the update tomorrow, Discord Voice Chat be available in-game for everyone!

For those of you who don't know yet: Discord is a free chat client that can best be described as a mix of IRC and TeamSpeak. You don't need to install the client to use voice chat in SpeedRunners, but we still recommend getting the Discord Client and joining the SpeedRunners Community Discord Server. It's a great way to meet other players and to find opponents for exciting matches.

So once again: voice chat will work even if you don't have the Discord Client installed. You don't need a Discord account or anything like that either. It will simply work when you enable voice chat in-game!*. This will allow you to chat with your opponents while in-game or in a lobby. Voice chat is disabled by default, and obviously muting is also an option.

We hope you enjoy the update tomorrow; please let us know what you think of the ranking updates and the voice chat support on the forum!

*Except for Max and Linux. On these platforms, you will actually need to install the Discord Client if you want to enable voice chat.