RPG in a Box - Ol' Smaug
Development Updates
Hi again! I hope everyone has had a great month. I've mostly been focusing on editor-related tasks, in particular for the Theme Editor, Main Menu Editor, and Credits Editor. At this point I now have a lot of their primary functionality implemented now for v0.5, so it will be nice to move back onto some more interesting features!

As mentioned in last month's update, the new Theme Editor will include support for multiple themes, for example to allow a unique theme for each character, game area, chapter, etc. The video below gives a brief overview of the Theme Editor and shows some of the new settings that are available!

The updated Credits Editor also includes some new settings to allow better customization of your game's credits roll, as well as a feature to preview the credits as they will appear in-game.

This past week I also finished up the base implementation of the new Main Menu Editor. There's still some minor work yet to be completed on this editor, but it's mostly ready to go!

To help prepare for the upcoming effort of getting the game engine re-implemented for v0.5, I started creating an improved debug console for testing scripts and such. As with the current version, this will be an option in your game configuration that can be enabled to help debug or test scenarios for your game. The console should be more user friendly and will include a log and command history.

Lastly, the Asset Library was migrated over completely, including both the models and music sections. It's one step closer to the v0.5 release, which I am very eager to share with everyone!

Other News
I finally took the time recently to add some detailed information and graphics to my Steam store page for anyone wanting to learn more about what RPG in a Box is. You can view the store page here. Wishlists and follows are always very much appreciated! :)


Don't forget to check out the Trello board for RPG in a Box to follow my development progress in real-time!

If you'd like to find out more about RPG in a Box or try out the free demo version, check out my Itch.io page here.

As always, thank you so much for reading and for your continued support!
Hide Or Die - Hs.Osok
We've blown past our funding goal and now climbing!

We just announced stretch goals. Be sure to back us to lock in beta access and get a bunch of other awesome rewards.

Check it out!

Cross And Crush - Shinobi-chan
We're proud to announce that Airplane Sky Voyage is now available on Steam for Windows PC and Mac!

Pilot your plane and conquer skies. Try every plane model with different characteristics, complete tricky missions. Master piloting skills and do amazing tricks at high altitude. Open spaces are waiting for exploration and flights!

We are looking forward to your feedback in comments!

Kitten Life Simulator - Shinobi-chan
We're proud to announce that Airplane Sky Voyage is now available on Steam for Windows PC and Mac!

Pilot your plane and conquer skies. Try every plane model with different characteristics, complete tricky missions. Master piloting skills and do amazing tricks at high altitude. Open spaces are waiting for exploration and flights!

We are looking forward to your feedback in comments!

Mahjong Classic - Shinobi-chan
We're proud to announce that Airplane Sky Voyage is now available on Steam for Windows PC and Mac!

Pilot your plane and conquer skies. Try every plane model with different characteristics, complete tricky missions. Master piloting skills and do amazing tricks at high altitude. Open spaces are waiting for exploration and flights!

We are looking forward to your feedback in comments!

Airplane Sky Voyage - Shinobi-chan
We're proud to announce that Airplane Sky Voyage is now available on Steam for Windows PC and Mac!

Pilot your plane and conquer skies. Try every plane model with different characteristics, complete tricky missions. Master piloting skills and do amazing tricks at high altitude. Open spaces are waiting for exploration and flights!

We are looking forward to your feedback in comments!
May 31, 2018
HOT PINK - Snarkanti

Hi again!

Not all of our fixes in the last update came out the way we wanted, and some had a few nasty side effects so we’re here today to clean up!

Changes and Additions
  • You can now press R on the keyboard to start a new game.
  • Added 3 new achievements
    • Too Close - Perform 5 dangerously low brick breaks.
    • Thirsty - In 1 game collect 100 point drops, don’t lose any.
    • Now It Begins - Hit the Play button 5 times.
  • Reworded “Second Highest Score” notification popup to “Second Highest Personal Best” to make it more clear.
  • Lots of block explosions while playing on the Steam version should no longer temporarily hang the game. (Thanks to Silentstorm on the Steam forums for bringing this to our attention!).
  • Fixed one block row group type from not shutting down its rotation when you destroy its core.
  • We’ve taken another swing at stopping playing on Steam from renaming your Scoreboard ID, you should now be able to change your name in the Stats menu and have it stick.
  • Improved accuracy of Stat and Achievement tracking
  • The Global Tier Chevron and Account Level Number will no longer be clickable in the post game as this resulted in hiding their descriptions.
  • Global leaderboard should now always focus on your position upon loading it
  • Friends Leaderboard should now always focus on your position when loading it
May 31, 2018
Chinese Parents - 别打了,再打死了
Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows - Last Quarter Studios
  • Removed some excess squares from the Companion level pack levels.
  • Tweaked text in Companion level pack.
  • Complimentary small bug fixes.
Path of Exile - Natalia_GGG
The Incursion League launches alongside Content Update 3.3.0 very soon! We're very eager to see what you think of the new content and what compelling builds you'll be creating with the new gems and revamped skills. While you wait, this news post contains the information you'll need to know about what happens on launch day and information on how to start downloading early.

Click here to read more!