Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
Conquest of the Wizardlands, all new DLC for Dungeons of Dredmor, is Now Available on Steam!

Deep within the pocket dimensions of the Wizardlands, the mighty Wizardkings plunge their hands greedily into their stashes of magical wizarding booze, desperately searching for more mana. Their time has passed, and they have faded into the drunken myths of obscurity. Some of them can still be seen on street corners, but most people just give them five zorkmids and walk away.

While the Wizardkings have faded into the hangover-fuelled mists of time, their artifacts of power corrupt the world. Powerful wizarding keys, strewn about the Dungeons of Dredmor during a grand night out, threaten the very reality of existence. Mystical wizarding graffiti, spray-painted on the walls during a particularily good party, holds the secrets of other worlds.

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
NOTE: This is a major patch. We have tried to keep save games compatible between versions, but if we have not succeeded we apologize. We also strongly recommend being patient around mods; it may take a little time for mod creators to get their work updated to run with the new version of Dredmor.

• SKILL: Two new skills, Daggers and Polearms.
• SKILL: Accompanying new weapons for the Same.
• SKILL: Shields: Defensive Bash changed to scale damage by block%
• SKILL: Miscellaneous, undecipherable skill tweaks that absolutely nobody will notice.
• CORE: burn="1" effect removed from game.
• CORE: Minibosses!
• CORE: Charging, dashing monster attacks and types
• ITEM: Bolt of Mass Destruction: uses a more correct Blinding Flash effect
• UI: New screens in-game for achievements
• UI: Auto-SKOL! ALT-SHIFT-CLICK to automatically convert any item in your inventory to Lutefisk.
• UI: 2X controls are now on individual elements, instead of a global setting
• UI: Character window can now be dragged around the screen.
• UI: Crafting now has useful tooltips.
• UI: Lutefisk Cube now also has a tooltip. (Mainly, it tells you that you have Lutefisk. It's not a very useful tooltip.)
• UI: Crafting now has a button to access it on the belt panel.
• UI: Buffs that are stacked now display the # of buffs in a stack, and provide a visual cue
• UI: Page count now exists in the Tutorial list
• UI: You can now choose your title screen.
• GAMEPLAY: Miniboss support.
• FIXED: Fiery Wand now properly scales damage with Wandcrafting
• FIXED: made some more sconces unpushable
• FIXED: Glacial Burst Trap
• FIXED: Playing for Both Teams Achievement should now trigger properly.
• FIXED: position of "Digest" button on 2X UI widget
• FIXED: Blackjack. Again. Hah.
• FIXED: The weird random crash that you occasionally get going downstairs for no good reason. (We think.)
• FIXED: Don't let user trapdoor through bottom floor of the dungeon when debugging things; that's bad.
• NERFED: Promethean Magic. Again. This time via increased mana cost.
• ART: Raven sprite moved to Core game.
• ART: Raven sprite now slightly colorized.
• SFX: A bunch of new sound effects.
• GAMEPLAY: Drunkenness. It's a thing.
• GAMEPLAY: Monsters now have a sight cone, and sneaking now works better. Monsters have two states, "suspicious" and "attempting to kill you."
• GAMEPLAY: Added a Pocket Dimension, for your Storage Needs! Find a suitable set of Wizard Keys.
• GAMEPLAY: Added new achievements! (Nobody expects these to work at this point, do they? Nah.)
• MODS: Added "buff type" hints for removing buff effects from a particular skill tree.
• MODS: Custom engravings now show tooltips if they have a description.
• CORE: Total rewrite of the save-game system. Save games are now stored in directories. At some point, we will load things one level at a time (and make our autosave significantly better); this was not done for this build, but the framework is in place.
• CORE: As an added bonus, loadsave.dat is now dead.
• STEAM WORKSHOP: Various Steam Cloud issues.
• STEAM WORKSHOP: Mods are now embedded in save games, so that Steam Workshop won't automatically update, overwriting your mods and breaking your save game.
• STEAM WORKSHOP: Mods published to Steam Workshop are now tagged.
• SKILL: Level 5 Vegan will now only remove Vegan-related debuffs.
• SKILL: The Cure will only remove one random debuff instead of all debuffs.
• FIXED: Fixed a misplaced blocker in the Zomby Zoo.
• FIXED: Capacitor had something broken with it. Somewhere. We fixed it.
• SKILL: Made Essence of Battle removeable (and it'll take all your mana if you do remove it.)
• SKILL: Player can no longer resist Empowered version of Chronomantic Twist.
COTW: It exists. Go play!

Steam Community Items - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Nathan Grayson)

And hey, only eight more where that came from.

Welp, I guess that’s it, then. We can’t escape it. The Steam Summer Sale’s returned, but honestly, can you remember a single moment before it began? Was there ever> a moment before it began? Maybe we’re trapped in some infinite, Groundhog-Day-style loop of spending, obligation, and guilt. Maybe we’ll never escape. Maybe this is the least threatening eternal hell loop ever conceived. But oh well, because look at all of the savings!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - Valve
The Steam Summer Sale continues today with huge savings throughout the store!

Today's Daily Deals Include:

Don't forget to check back for a new Community Choice vote every 8 hours and new Flash sales throughout the day! You can also grab the Steam mobile app to make sure you never miss any great deals while you're on the go!

Complete information on all the savings, Flash Sales, Community Choice Votes and more may be found on www.steampowered.com.

Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (John Walker)

The pocket dimension, apparently.

I went back to Dungeons Of Dredmor recently, having realised it had expanded twice since I’d last played. The good news is it’s still as brilliant as ever. The bad news is, I’m still just as terrible at it. The brilliant news is, Kieron’s still just as cross that we’re all playing Rogue-likes now, after having ignored him about them for years. And the news news is, there’s to be another update “hastily named” Conquest Of The Wizardlands, due out soon. It’ll be adding not only new realms, but sneakiness and at last some weapon and armour augmentation crafting.


Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

I might also call it 'Dungeons of Dredmor: Squirrels

Suicidally deciding to launch during E3 – don’t they realise we have to post all the trailers, until such time as we are dead?> – is a free expansion for the lovely (if divisive) Dungeons of Dredmor. Despite the devs coming up with all manner of “new items, enemies, rooms, skills, and things to generally make your life Better and/or More Full of Death”, the one thing they couldn’t force their tired brains to do was devise a title for the new content. Hence, it is simply “You Have To Name The Expansion Pack.” I’m going to call mine Dungeons of Dredmor: George Osborne Is A Pasty-Faced Spawn Of An Earwig With A Weeping Sore Where His Soul Should Be. How about you? (more…)

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
The time to create and use all new horrifying traps, dazzling spells, and weapons of diabolical ferocity is upon us: the Dungeons of Dredmor Steam Workshop is now open for business.

Create and share all new monsters, items, skills, spells and dungeon rooms! Ever wanted an acid fireball? How about a skill that summons Diggle mages? A staff that explodes when you throw it and turns everyone who it kills into zombies? Easy. A trap that can only be disarmed by feeding it 10 gallons of Slivovitz plum brandy? A magical pear that summons a magical orange that summons a magical apple that summons the original magical pear? That's more like it.

The Steam Workshop makes it easy to find, play, and share quality custom content created by other fans. Simply head over to the Steam Workshop page, find a mod that you would like to play, and hit "Subscribe". The mod will be downloaded to just the right spot, and upon loading Dredmor you simply hit the "Mod" button on the launcher and pick which ones you want to load.

Or, if you want to try your hand at your own creations, head over to Dredmod.com and take a look at some tutorials on how to craft your own! We've included information on how to make and upload a mod, as well as some of the code that you can use to create completely unique content.

And while you're at it, check out the brand new DLC we launched today - it's totally free, and full of some of our all-time favorite fan-made content!

If you needed more reason to get excited about Dungeons of Dredmor, you can pick it up for a steal at 70% off when you buy before June 11th.

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

CORE: Astrology has been revised to make it a more appealing skill line.
CORE: Fleshsmithing has been re-arranged and re-balanced. New skill
order: Zombyfycation, Knit Tissue, Fleshbore, Meatshield, Corpus Burst, Miasmatic Putrefaction.
CORE: Zombyfycation is now an area-effect spell.
CORE: Tinkering, smithing, alchemy and wand lore have now been extended by one skill point (via crafting, naturally.) You can now gain more exciting, passive bonuses. Everyone loves passive bonuses.
CORE: Wands are generally better. Many effects now scale to your wandcrafting power.
TRAPS: Caltrops added to the game. Why? Because your hatred tastes like the finest chocolate, that's why.
FIXED: Achievements.
ADDED: More achievements. (They're probably broken.)
FIXED: Older, Mac OS X based machines with the Radeon x1660 Graphics Card will now run Dredmor correctly. (Also, they're a lot faster too.)
FIXED: Removed the Mushroom Shuffler. You don't need to know what this is; just be thankful that we removed it.
FIXED: Wand lore will no longer show up on artifacts.
FIXED: Quest monsters will no longer spawn in walls.
FIXED: Other things will no longer spawn in walls. Mainly, this applies to quest monsters.
FIXED: The random zoo crash. We think.
FIXED: Some issues where shopkeepers will refuse to appear in the right area.
FIXED: Bolt machines. (We're not sure what we fixed; the notes just say "Bolt Machines." So that's fixed.)
FIXED: Crossbows now correctly reduce the # of attacks on attack buffs.
FIXED: The "affectCorpses" flag now works correctly on most spells.
FIXED: Unarmed attacks will now trigger even if you have a crossbow.
ROTDG: Piracy is now significantly more ... interesting.
ROTDG: Fixed percentages on "No, Now You Are The Demons"
FIXED: Do not let the user load save games with mods, if they do not have those mods enabled.
FIXED: Booze, food, consume buffs.
FIXED: A Zillion Crash Bugs.
FIXED: Ten Zillion XML Errors. (Thanks to Todd Moon for his excellent XML Validator, which taught us how to repair our own game. Also, how to
FIXED: Dodging a monster attack will no longer trigger an onHit effect (Blobs of Corruption; Hungry and Thirsty Diggles; etc.)
FIXED: Monsters stepping on blink traps will no longer apply the blink curse to the player.
FIXED: Crafting UI will now refresh automatically when you open it.


EXPANSION PACK: You Have To Name the Expansion Pack is released! Enjoy the sweet, sweet taste of Nameable, Free, DLC!

Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

The end is nigh brows

I’d gladly welcome another expansion pack for Dungeons of Dredmor and I gladly shall when the next one arrives in the near future. To add to the glad, it’ll be free as well, having been constructed with “the cooperation of a handful of the Dredmor community’s top modders”. It’s not slight and full details of the contents are below. Not content with welcoming the mod community into their home, Gaslamp Games are also serving tea and biscuits, or at least that’s how I interpret the news that modding will now be integrated with the Steam Workshop. Mods for all, mods of all stripes, and also biscuits for those who would like them.


Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

- FIXED: Save game compatibility with 1.0.8 save games.
- FIXED: Save game issues on levels > level 2.
- FIXED: crash looking at bookshelves containing a wand recipe
- FIXED: hordes spawning off screen causing crash in script code. (This was the Moustache Fighting League. Again. Not even kidding.)
- FIXED: primary and secondary stat buffs not loading in mods.
- Redrew minimap icons so that they are beautiful.
- Additional wandcrafting recipes.
