Dungeons of Dredmor - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Bloody typical. I’ve only just kicked my Realm of the Mad God habit, and then another permadeath RPG comes along and imprisons my mind with compulsion, combat and crits. Dungeons of Dredmor, released yesterday, is far closer to the traditional roguelike model, though it’s left behind the complicated controls and key combinations of the genre’s steelier-eyed denizens in favour of something altogether more accessible. But no less punishing.

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve

- Fixed: the random crashing bug when fading out audio.
- Fixed: save games getting corrupted when using shield bearer skills
- Fixed: save games getting corrupted when deleting quests
- Fixed: infinite XP trap exploit
- Fixed: infinite gold trap exploit
- Upgraded the soundtrack to the latest mastered version

Dungeons of Dredmor - Valve
Dungeons of Dremor is now available on Steam and is 10% off until July 20th 10AM PST.

Long ago, the Dark Lord Dredmor was bound in the darkest dungeons beneath the earth by great and mighty heroes. Centuries later, the magical bonds that hold him in place are loosening and his power grows ever stronger. The land cries out for a new hero, a powerful warrior or a mystic wizard like those spoken of in the prophecies of yore.

What they have, unfortunately, is you...
