Jun 20, 2019
DUSK - El Oshcuro

Intruders! Been awhile... hasn't it?

Seems like we haven't spoken... in AGES.

Well, we've been busy. And we've got a lot to talk about. Because we've got a lot coming at ya...

First and foremost, the DUSK SDK (DAWN) is nearly ready to start being tested!

And rest assured, this ain't no simple level editor, you're going to be able to do EVERYTHING to the game. Change, import and export every texture, model, level, sound... you name it.

Hell, by the time DAWN is ready - it will damn near be its own engine.

Basically, if you can do it to Quake, you can do it to DUSK - and vice versa.

To that end: we've just published a simple API called The New Blood: Clot (get it?) that allows for exporting DUSK assets into .iqm format. NEAT. Try it for yourself, rip apart your favorite games!


But that's definitely not as cool as this sweet as '90s style launcher we made for the SDK!

But we'll talk more about the SDK soon...

We've also been hard at work on LOCALIZATION.

DUSK has now been translated in to:
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Ukranian
  • Russian
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Japanese
  • and Korean!
But for the first actual implementation we decided to start with the hardest one... CHINESE!

And it's just about done.

The next DUSK update, which will be coming in time for the Steam Summer Sale, will feature Chinese localization, a new LANGUAGE menu, and both English + Chinese subtitles for all the dialogue in the game - even the stuff written on the walls. Check it:

Pretty cool, right? Tell someone who speaks one of those 13 languages that DUSK will soon be making a lot more sense.

Seriously, please tell someone - this was a lot of work...


We've also been hard at work on the DRM Free (GOG) version of DUSK
That WILL have Steam + GOG + DRM Free Multiplayer Crossplay.

Why? Because the two dozen people who play DUSKWorld demanded it!

Plus we'll be bringing back IP and offline LAN support

This has been kind of a pain in the ass but it's almost done.
So expect THAT version of DUSK... this summer!


Yes, we're still working on the Nintendo Switch version of DUSK
(we showed it off back at PAX East)

And YES - we're still making a BIG Box version of the game.
(with soap and sickle keychains in it)

And YES - we really did get Nicolas Cage to wear one of our new DUSK Baseball Tees

(not really)

But YOU can get your own along with other merch at: https://newblood.games/store

And last but certainly not least...

For those of you who have been patiently waiting...

DUSK will finally be going on sale this summer.

How soon? VERY soon.

Better yet?

We'll also be launching a NEW bundle that gets you discounts on DUSK + AMID EVIL

And you won't have to wait too long for that, because...



That's it for now, lurkers...

So... brush up on your Chinese, get your Trench Brooms out, put your DUSK Baseball shirts on, lather up with your bacon scented soap, and put a sticky note on your Nintendo Switch.

The DUSK dudes are comin' for ya... SOON™


  • The SDK + Steam Workshop are coming this summer
  • DUSK has been translated into 13 languages!
  • Chinese localization + English subtitles are in the next update
  • The DRM Free Version of DUSK (GOG) is coming soon with Steam crossplay
  • We've got new merch (GO BUY SOME)
  • The BIG Box edition is coming! (with soap!)
  • Console ports are coming! (with gyro aiming and co-op!)
  • MAXIMUM Action?!
  • Bundles!
Feb 6, 2019
DUSK - El Oshcuro

Finally, the time has come.

A day that roughly 17 people have been waiting for.

DUSK is now available for Mac, Linux and 32bit operating systems!

We hope you appreciate the support!

Please let us know if you have any issues and be sure to leave a review if you love it and spread the word to all your Mac, Linux and 32bit friends!

There's also FOUR new achievements!

New controller layouts!


Andrew uploaded the ENTIRE DUSK SOUNDTRACK to YouTube?!
The absolute madman!



P.S Don't forget to sign up for the New Blood Newsletter and check out AMID EVIL Episode 6!


Jan 2, 2019
DUSK - El Oshcuro

David gave the world its first look at DUSK
It wasn't much... but all the pieces were there.

And he thought things were almost final back then... OH WHAT A FOOL HE WAS.

Not long after that video was made - David sent me a test build of DUSK. He was a fan of some of my previous work and thought I might like it... and I didn't... I LOVED IT.


^ And as you can now know for yourself... it was all there.

The movement, the shooting, the interactivity, the keys, the doors, the puzzles, the secrets, the portals, the beds, the beer! It was rough - but it was awesome.

I knew right away that both David and DUSK were special.

We started working together immediately.

And three years later... here we are.

But DUSK doesn't exist in its current form just because of David or me or Andrew or even the rest of the New Blood team.

No, DUSK exists today because of YOU.

I told you all those years ago that I wanted to build this game piece by piece and brick by brick with YOU - our players.

Because of YOU - DUSK is the game you see before you.

Because of YOU - DUSK is a certified hit.

Because of YOU - DUSK is beloved by both critics and players alike.

Because of YOU - DUSK will live on far beyond 2019.

Because YOU... are worthy.

But we're just getting started...
  • Mac/Linux and DRM Free versions are coming
  • TDM, CTF and DUSKWorld content updates are coming
  • Language localizations are coming
  • The SDK + Steam Workshop Mods are coming
  • Co-Op is coming
  • MORE achievements are coming
  • New Game + is coming
  • Console Ports are coming
  • The Big Box Physical Collector's Edition is coming
  • New DUSK merch is coming to The New Blood Store
  • and IndieBox
  • The CD and Vinyl Soundtrack is coming
  • REAL LIFE SOAP IS COMING (wait, what)

And so much more.

And yes - we hear you. You want to support DUSK and support New Blood.

And you wanna know how? However you can.

Buy our other games, write reviews, comments, threads, posts, tweets, statuses, create art, shitpost memes, PREACH FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. Let the people know you support developers who do things the RIGHT way. Who work not just FOR you but WITH you.

Spread the good word of New Blood, acolytes!

Because we love you and we hate money.

Talk SOON™

Dec 13, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro

You want it? You GOT IT.

The DUSK Original Soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult is now available EVERYWHERE.

Go to Hulshult.Rocks to get it at your digital retailer of choice!

And check out the latest track from the DUSK Launch Trailer - Keepers of the Gate

Want to know how to support Andrew and us the most? Get the DUSK Intruder Edition or upgrade.

Want to support Andrew directly? Get the OST from his Bandcamp page! He's currently in the top video game soundtracks right next to Celeste and Undertale?! Wow.


Dec 10, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro
Dec 6, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro

Only days remain...



DUSK is almost here.

But when exactly?!

I'm glad you asked...

DUSK: Episode 3 Early Access will be available on December 7th (Friday) at 9pm PST!

Here's a handy countdown to make it easy for you to know exactly when

It's not too late to get Early Access to Episode 3 on Friday night!

You can still get the game in Early Access (like right now) and give us that sweet sweet extra $3 and play Episode 3 this weekend. You know you wanna...

Oh, and since we messed up and forgot to add a new package to Steam on Halloween...

EVERYONE who buys the game in Early Access will be getting the graphic novel FOR FREE. (We really do hate money)

Free comics for everyone! Woo!

Anyway... for those of you who are holding out for the FULL LAUNCH:

DUSK will be FULLY launched on December 10th (Monday) at 11am PST!

Count down with us!

When DUSK is available on December 10th, you'll be able to purchase DUSK or upgrade to the "Intruder Edition" which includes the Soundtrack and Graphic Novel for an additional $10.

That's it. No other fancy editions. No DLC. No micro transactions.

Meanwhile - if you want to support Andrew Hulshult and his KILLER soundtrack as much as possible - feel free to buy the "Intruder Edition" or get the OST directly from Andrew on his Bandcamp which will be up... SOON.

Until then - follow him on Twitter to know exactly when the OST will be available... EVERYWHERE.

It won't be long now... ARE YOU FEELIN WORTHY, PUNK?! :bigjohn:

Oct 31, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro



But that's not all...

DUSK will launch at a special discounted price of $16.66 (heh, \m/emes) for a limited time.
You're welcome.

But what about me?! I paid $20 for DUSK - you owe me... $3.34!

Fair enough! You drive a ard bargain, lurkers. Therefore, everyone who owned DUSK before Halloween (if you're reading this it's too late) will be getting the 50+ page DUSK graphic novel... FOR FREE. Yes, free. Remember, we hate money.

Need a refresher on just how dope that comic novel is? Well then, allow me to enlighten you:

And for everyone else who supports DUSK in Early Access? We'll be giving you the chance to play Episode 3 early. A whole weekend ahead of all the villainous scum who waited for launch. It's the least we could do. (We love all of you, truly)

Glorious, isn't it?

But enough about what we'll be giving you SOON...
What about what we're giving you NOW?

That's right - DUSK has just been updated as you read this:

With what, you might ask?

Endless Arena 3 - The Cathedral

Get a taste of Episode 3 and its enemies with this new endless level. How long can you survive against the hordes of evil? Watch out for the tornado...

A remastered main menu track
(thanks Andrew)

(have fun, peasants)

(WIP controller layout screen)

TWO new cheat codes!
  • NBULLETS - Infinite Ammo
  • NBUFO - Fly Fly Away
New key art!
(thanks Jacob)

Updates to Episodes 1 & 2
(can you spot them all?!)

And last but not least...
a new DUSKWorld playable character.

The fearsome, the furrsome, the hound of torment, the pupper of lament, he is... CART DOG! (yeah he's a legless evil hound with a rocket launcher strapped to his cart just go with it, okay?)

So, yeah. DUSK v1.0 is finally almost a thing. Pretty crazy, eh?

I know I sound like a broken record at this point but we wouldn't be here without all of YOU. You lurking shitposting scum... lord do we love you.

And you know we're just getting warmed up, right? Don't forget 2019 will bring the DAWN SDK, Steam Workshop, Mac, Linux, Switch ports, co-op?! and MORE.

You keep supporting DUSK, we'll keep givin' it to ya - HARD AND FAST. :Lorelei:

Sep 20, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro

Don't get TOO excited... it's not Episode 3.

But it IS important.

As we work to put the finishing touches on the game - we've brought DUSK fully into Unity 2018.

This will allow us to do much more with the game moving forward (like the Switch port) and streamline all of our processes. Huzzah! (Patch notes below)


While we were doing this...

We also made changes to the UI/UX and menu systems!

Menus are now streamlined and split into LOOK / FEEL / SOUND.

We've also added some cheeky pixelization option names for ya (right click to enlarge)


As we get closer to finishing Episode 3

We've also started to go back and polish up Episodes 1 & 2, look for areas to improve in terms of both environmental storytelling and level design, and generally make sure the content is as good as it can be. Ye.

You'll already notice some of these small tweaks in E1M2 & E1M3.

In DUSKWorld news...

We've fixed some remaining bugs and also added a new map!

You may recognize it as E2M6 - The Erebus Reactor.

This is a very large and open map with plenty of hunting rifles abound.


We'll be adding TDM next. You want it? YOU GOT IT.

We've also put out a call for achievements!

If you think you've got good ideas for DUSK achievements - let us know HERE:


If we use YOUR achievement? We'll credit you in the game! Neat.

We've also been on the road!

We took DUSK Episode 3 to Quake Con and PAX West!

We let people play it! Even that GGGMan dude! https://twitter.com/DaveOshry/status/1027766548616933376

We even brought New Blood Chan! UwU

We think they liked it?! We even showed it off a bit on the EVGA Stream at PAX

https://youtu.be/jlppvPuXw3I ^ EPISODE 3 GAMEPLAY

Oh yeah... Episode 3? It's basically done.

We're just working on the final boss now. And polish. And achievements.
And we couldn't do any of this without YOU

As always be sure to follow me at https://twitter.com/DaveOshry and in Discord.gg/NewBlood for all the latest.

We're getting really close. Like REALLY close. It's scary. HOLD US.

We've even got a release date in mind.

And we'll be sure to share it with you... SOON™

Jun 21, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro

It comes for us all, you know.

One way or another...

Be it by sickle, by sword, by shotgun... or by old age while waiting for Episode 3.

And now... more than ever - BY PROJECTILE

That's right - the latest DUSKWorld update FINALLY brings client side projectile fixes making the Mortar, Riveter and Crossbow not only viable MP weapons... but some of the best.

Why the best? Because we also nerfed the SSG. Sorry not sorry.

We've also completely overhauled Vestibule & Dusk of the Dead.

Vestibule even has TEXTURES now. Woah...

Spectate mode now occurs on death!

Press LMB to switch between players if you get tired of stalking the guy who killed you...

The Welder has joined the fray! He's big! He's fat! He's got a welder's mask on!

With this latest update you'll find that DUSKWorld is not only more solid and polished but more BALANCED as well. SO HAVE AT IT. Now more than ever it's the best time to join the fight. We've even got new LFG channels in Discord.gg/NewBlood ... JOIN US.

And since it IS the Steam Summer Sale - we went ahead and finally added trading cards, emotes and backgrounds! (They should be live SOON) Based on the art from the upcoming DUSK comic - we think they're all very unique and a fine addition to any Steam collection. Happy hunting.

And as for what's next?

Well, as we wrap up Episode 3 we'll be bringing the entire game into Unity 2018, revamping all of the in-game menus and options, adding achievements, maybe a in-game codex filled with dank lore? and much much more. Team DUSKmatch? Team DUSKmatch.

Oh and did we mention DUSK is coming to Nintendo Switch? That's pretty cool, right? https://twitter.com/TheNewBloods/status/1006578451652886528

And as for Episode 3 itself? Are you sure you want to know?

Don't say we didn't warn you...

May 10, 2018
DUSK - El Oshcuro

Hello again, friends...

Over the last week+ since Duels at Dusk 2 we've released an update + several hotfixes for DUSK!

The major changes include...

*The NEW sword! (In SP and coming SOON™ to MP)

The sword is now faster, beefier + can not only do a (silent) charged attack with more than 100hp...

but can ALSO now block/reflect when you have more than 50 morale. Go try it out!

There's now a player death animation and GAME OVER screen in both Campaign and Endless that will show you how many kills and secrets you got. mmm that's nice.

And don't forget there's now sweet sickle icons for completing all the awards in a level! Are you... UNHOLY?!

MOST IMPORTANTLY - there's now buttons on the main menu to get to DUSKWorld from DUSK and vice versa (as well as a New Blood website button for that sweet sweet upcoming merchandise)

Now onto DUSKWorld

Music in DUSKWorld?!

That's right - you can now bang your head to the sweet sounds of Andrew Hulshult while you get killed by a guy with the SSG (nerf inc) for the 4th time in a row :Lorelei:
*Spectator Mode!* (alpha)

You can now spectate games with the ~ console!
(to spectate, use "team 0", to rejoin the game, use "team 1")

This feature is currently alpha and we'll soon allow you to spectate on death and in first person :Lorelei:

*A NEW map! (Dusk of the Dead)

You may recognize this map as a rework of E1M7 Dead of the Night

*A NEW playable character! (Wendigo)

Because the only thing scarier than a Wendigo? Is a Wendigo with a shotgun.

There's a lot of other changes and updates such as chat window fixes and the ability to force colors on other players (You're welcome, Profanum) so check it all out with the FULL patch notes here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/519860/discussions/0/1474222499229643131/

We're going to be updating both DUSK and DUSKWorld more frequently as we get ever closer to DUSK v1.0 so stay tuned.

We'll see you... SOON™
