Updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically. The major changes include:
Fixed an issue where plugin_load may load a non-binary file type
Fixed an issue where decompressed file sizes were not being checked by the engine
Updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically. The major changes include:
Updated Orange Box games with server, client, and engine fixes from Team Fortress 2
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:
Fixed clients not being able to load custom player/weapon models using the custom folder
Updated with other Orange Box client/engine crash fixes
Updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
Added "Only allow map files" to the possible selections in the download filter option for clients
Network interpolation and update convars can no longer be changed when playing. To configure these convars, players must not be connected to a server or must join the spectators.
Fixed a client crash related to the material system
Fixed a client crash when downloading custom maps for the Mac version
Fixed browser cookies not persisting across game restarts
Fixed the in-game UI not using the Language setting from the game's Properties dialog in the Steam UI
Fixed the game failing to launch on Mac OS X 10.5
Fixed mat_viewportupscale using an error material for clients using DirectX8
Removed range restrictions from viewmodel_fov_demo
Updated the Linux version
Fixed triggers never registering as "released" on certain game controllers
Fixed clipboard issues on some window managers, most notably KDE
Fixed a bug where the map list would be reversed
Made loading custom fonts for third party HUDs work on certain fonts
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:
Disabled Java for the in-game web browser
Added a new ConVar sb_filter_incompatible_versions. This will default to true and hide servers on the Internet tab that are running incompatible versions.
Fixed a client crash related to the audio system
Fixed a client crash related to rendering models
Fixed a client crash related to audio in the web browser
Fixed servers crashing with the error message "Overflow error writing string table baseline"
Fixed a missing material when setting mat_viewportscale to anything other than 1
Fixed a missing material when changing the value of mat_color_projection
Fixed a material system client crash for the Linux version
Fixed windowed mode under certain window managers for the Linux version
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:
Added mat_viewportupscale and mat_viewportscale to enable rendering the world at a reduced resolution
"mat_viewportupscale 1" and "mat_viewportscale 0.5" will downscale world rendering by 50%
Added positional audio support for Mumble clients
Added a new ConVar mp_mapcycle_empty_timeout_seconds to trigger a changelevel when the server is empty
Added a new ConVar sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes
Forces a server to shutdown if it has been requested to do so, even if the server is not empty
Fixed a ConVar exploit that allowed malformed values to circumvent range checks
Fixed a con_logfile ConVar exploit
Fixed HTTP downloads on Mac not sending an HTTP referer
Fixed a bug that prevented consecutive clicks on scrollbar buttons
Fixed a bug that was causing intermittent lag spikes for Linux dedicated servers
Fixed a crash while command-tabbing on Mac in fullscreen
Fixed a client crash in the sound emitter
Fixed an audio problem for Mac users
Fixed MOTD sometimes not displaying HTML contents
Improved the performance and stability of the libraries used for in-game HTML display
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:
Fixed a client crash bug caused by overflow of the audio cache
Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:
Added a new command "kickall" which kicks all connected clients except for HLTV and the listenserver host if applicable
Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to execute restricted console commands on players
Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to prevent players from executing console commands
Updated Steam binaries; fixes Linux crash on shutdown or restart