Holds a random item from the A6 Polaris Map Bundle.

Contains one of the following 16 items:
Biker Vest
Blindfold Glasses
Fanny Pack Vest
Featherflower Cobra Skin
Fox Head Hat
Guitar Case Backpack
Knot Backpack
Mining Helmet Hat
Pixel Glasses
Scarf Vest
Kitsune Hat
Puffy Vest
Frost Heartbreaker Skin
Spark-coated Detonator Skin
Spark-coated Welding Mask Hat
or, very rarely, a Mythical Variant!

Potential Mythical effects:
Atomic, Blossoming, Burning, Confetti, Cosmic, Cryptic Runes, Crystal Shards, Decked Out, Electrostatic, Enchanted, Energized, Falling Icicles, Fire Dragon, Firefly, Freezing, Frosty, Glitched, Glowing, Ice Dragon, Lovely, Lucky Coins, Melting, Musical, Party, Pyrotechnic, Radioactive, Sacrificial, Sky Lantern, Snowflake, Soul Shattered, Spectral Gems or Wealthy

Potential bonus items:
Crafting Materials, Green Soul Crystal Weapon Kit, Jaded Weapon Kit, Magenta Soul Crystal Weapon Kit, Player Kills Counter, Red Soul Crystal Weapon Kit, Total Kills Counter, Yellow Soul Crystal Weapon Kit or Zero Kelvin Weapon Kit

Does not require a key to open.
When opened this will be consumed.
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