Dungeon Defenders - Valve
7.06 Update
Bug fixes / Feature Additions:
* Rebalanced/redesigned Spooktacular spawns and added Leaderboard & Stats collection - Thanks Tsuda!
* Made Spooktacular skins unlockable by beating Spooktacular on hard (per hero class), though second set of weapons remain Insane-only
* Fixed various Spooktacular mission bugs
* Fixed chatbox getting stuck during level transitions
* Make costume unlock requirements clear in the costume selection
* Allowed mission unlocking/downloads at the mission selection screen
* Reduced self-heal mana cost ramp (cheaper to heal at high HP's now)
* Added "Drop All Mana" key, default "M" key, and keybinding added to configuration tool
* Fixed problem with Familiar attack rate being effectively capped (there was indeed a bug with this), and renamed the Familiar Attack Rate stat to "Attack Speed Bonus". Now high-Attack-Rate familars are way, way, way more effective.
* Made practice dummies average DPS over 5 seconds for a more accurate reading
* Fixed potential double-upgrade bug with superfast mouseclicks
* Moved bonus-item crates back into the main section of the Halloween Tavern, out from the Secret Room
* Added Pause menu option to "Hide Game", which delists the game and prevents anyone else from joining it. Useful for turning public match into a private match, or making a private match totally unjoinable even by your friends.
* Fixed bug in algorithm to determine gear stat allocations, that was making high-end gear less likely to have Defense Damage and Defense AoE stats.
* Removed Non-Infinite Build Time Option for Easy, Medium, Hard
* Fixed bug where Squire would turn around when entering block in Chase Cam
* Pets will now attack one of the Practice Dummies in the Tavern so you can check your Pet DPS
* Added button (Default "G") to remote-activate your Eternia Crystal so you can begin the Combat phase from wherever you are

Balancing Changes:
* Made Genie pet's "Grant Mana Bonus" upgradeable, and made him grant more Mana proportionate to how much its "Grant Mana Bonus" is upgraded
* Nerfed Spooktacular "Van Wolfstein" weapon about 40%, and Huntress Ability 'Piercing Shot' about 30%
* Increased speed of Apprentice Staff "knockback" animation by 40%, and increased its maximum (fully charged) damage output by 50%
* Nerfed Bowling Ball & Harpoon Turrets a bit more: bowling ball & harpoon damages reduced by about 33%, attack rate reduced by about 25%, bowling ball projectiles now limited to 6 hits before breaking, harpoon projectiles now limited to 12 hits before breaking.
* Slice and Dice Tower no longer has such a vertical sweep to be effective against enemies above it
* Reduced Energy Drain rates on Electric and Ensnare Monk Auras
* Increased Insane/Post-Insane Kobold Damage by 20% and Kobold Explosion Damage radius by 20%
* 20% increase to Spike Blockade HP & its exponential HP ramp
* 30% better exponential damage ramp on Squire Circular Slice
* 40% reduction on Imp/Engy repair costs
Steam Community Items

A new mission, costumes and weapons and other good stuff await you in Dungeon Defenders' "Halloween Spooktacular" downloadable extension, available for free now but only on PC.

The Spooktacular offers eight costumes and weapons, a Halloween-decorated tavern and a Halloween-themed challenge mission. But as of yet, no plans to offer this over PlayStation Network or Xbox Live, paid or otherwise. Probably has something to do with last minute approvals.

Dungeon Defenders Halloween Packs [Steam]

You can contact Owen Good, the author of this post, at owen@kotaku.com. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.
Dungeon Defenders - Valve
7.05 Patch Notes:
* Added "Halloween Spooktacular Event" Content! Tons of New Costumes, New Mission, New Items & Weapons!
* Raised Mana Bank limit to 30 million
* Added VSync and One-Threaded-Renderer Options to the Configuration Tool
* Fixed 50% of all reported crash types
* Improved Apprentice Defense Attack Rate ramp further, now you gain major Attack Rate DPS benefits well into the 100's of Attack Rate points
* Chat-box now won't auto-close when opened if bound to 'Enter'
* Items that are locked in your Item Box now stay locked when equipped to your hero
* Fixed minor potential exploits
* Chat History ("Console") Key can now be set in the Configuration Tool
* Animus projectile now is piercing, and has better damage ramp.
* "Heal-Self" Spell now takes more time proportionate to what your Maximum Health is.
* Made "Enrage Aura" have a longer lifespan, more effective, and cost 1 less DU
* Reduced Bloodrage Speed benefit, and Increased Bloodrage Mana cost-over-time
* Fixed Magic Blockades not properly stealing the Element of Archers or Wyverns
* Push-To-Talk option no longer disables itself between games
* Map Loot icons now appear during the Combat Phase, not just the Build Phase
* Equipment rating calculation now factors in potential upgrade levels (i.e. lower-end equipment with sufficient upgrade levels is compared evenly with upgraded equipment)
* Added 60 more Item Box spaces
* Console (Chat History) keybinding can now be set in the Configuration Tool
Dungeon Defenders - Valve
7.04 Patch Notes:
* Steam persona names with non-ASCII characters can now connect to TrendyNet. (Korean names, etc)
* Fixed special characters "\", "/", "<" creating unjoinable online games
* Fixed "Start Wave" not updating to display the current Wave number of the match
* Fixed potential losing-mission-unlock issue
* Added option to toggle chase camera offset between left, right, and centered
* Added option to disable "automatic step towards melee target" behavior
* Made UI Scale keep the edge-alignment of the UI elements, so they stay at their corner even as they get smaller
* Console key now changed from Tilde to F1
* Apprentice: increased Tower attack rate ramp
* Squire: lowered Tower DPS ramp
* Increased maximum number of dropped items on the ground in missions
* Made "L" key quickly log/unlock the highlighted item in your Item Box
* Added -dowritelog commandline option to output log data & better error reporting method
* Reworked TrendyNet keep-alive logic to minimize disconnects and reduce load
Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Defenders thumb
Co-op tower defence/third person action hybrid Dungeon Defenders, which came out on Wednesday, has released a demo for you to sample. The demo, spotted by RockpaperShotgun limits players to a single map and caps them at level eight, but is otherwise the same as the full game. You can check it out at GamersHell.

Have any of you been playing Dungeon Defenders readers? What did you think?
Dungeon Defenders - Valve
Update notes:
* Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5
* Third Person Shooter-style offset Chase Camera for ranged classes, for better aiming
* Fix for a Mission Progression data bug, which could cause an issue with not having levels unlocked that you should have.
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
* You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
* Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
* More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
* Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
* Local data automatic backup system
* Gamepad can now properly control the "Choose Multiplayer Mode" UI
* Improved Monk DPS Ramp
Dungeon Defenders - Valve
Update Notes:
1. This fixes an issue where the configuration tool key bindings weren't saving
2. This fixes the chat box not appearing when Tab was pressed (or whatever key was bound to it by the user)
Dungeon Defenders - Valve
Update Notes:
- Fixed "no sounds" bug with 7.1 speaker setup
- Added Invert mouse to in-game options
- "Disable sound" option in Configuration tool now works
- Less online disconnections, made timeouts more forgiving
Team Fortress 2

Let's be honest, Dungeon Defenders does not look like an iPhone port. We mean that in the nicest possible way. But the multiplayer tower defence game was originally on iPhone. And the PC conversion will let you play with iPhone users when it gets released next week. Weird eh?

Pre-order Dungeon Defenders and, as is tradition these days, you'll get a bunch of Valve goodies in-game including The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device for the Huntress hero class and four Team Fortress 2 familiars. We're not familiar with how familiars work yet, but their roles sound very familiar...

The Heavy uses his Gatling gun to shoot at enemies from afar, The Engineer repairs groups of nearby towers while you’re on the offensive, the Medic heals nearby allies and the Pyro sets dudes on fire with a flamethrower.

Dungeon Defenders lets you defend your dungeon as one of four classes, which range from ranged sharp-shooters to magic users and close-up, bashy sorts. Killing invaders lets you level up and gather materials with which to forge more powerful weapons. You can show those off in four-player PvP and survival co-op modes to earn bonus experience XP and GLORY. It's out on October 19, and will cost £9.99 / $14.99. It's now available to pre-order on Steam at a 10% discount.

Dungeon Defenders - Valve
Dungeon Defenders is Now Available for Pre-purchase on Steam. Save 10% off if you purchase before the release and receive Steam Exclusive items!

The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device for the Huntress hero class. Constantly consuming energy when active, this device allows it’s user to open portals from one location to another and can be used to greatly extend a trap’s range, quickly teleport across the map, or confound enemies!

Four Team Fortress 2 Familiars:
  • The Heavy: Uses his Gatling gun to shoot at enemies from afar.
  • The Engineer: Repairs groups of nearby towers while you’re on the offensive.
  • The Medic: Heals a group of nearby allies amidst battle.
  • The Pyro: Uses a flame-thrower to set your foes on fire.

Dungeon Defenders is an original hybrid of two hot genres: Tower Defense and online Action-RPG! The game puts players in the role of one of four distinctive hero classes, tasked with fending off hordes of invading beasties by strategically summoning a variety of Defenses & Traps throughout their castle.
