Product Update - Valve
(Build 154993)
- Chainsaw weapon is now properly removed from 3rd person player model upon death.
- Fixed visual stutter of FOV during serious speed power if using custom FOV.
- Player FOV override no longer has any effect in third person view mode.
- Added slider for FOV adjustment to graphics options menu.
- Using third person view mode is no longer reported as cheating in versus game modes.
- Added checkbox for preferred player view mode (first / third person), which determines view mode at the start of a game session.
- Deathmatch game mode now supports infinite frags limit.
- Death and chat lines now last half as long.
- Created Yellow Yarek player model.
- Player death camera will be in third person in versus modes (but not those which include enemies, like beast hunt).
- Fixed bug which caused deaths not to be correctly considered when forming sorted score list.
- When player gets killed by environment damage (something other than player), it will lose frags.
- Colt weapon no longer uses reload in deathmatch and other versus modes.
- Fixed an issue causing sniper item spawns to overlap during last man/team standing rounds.
- Made player footstep heard farther in versus. Made them silent when crouching.
- Fixed an issue causing missing 3rd person weapons and wrong spine animation in case multiplayer model is changed from non-default back to default during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue preventing player from entering swimming mode in some cases.
- Fixed serious damage item not being visible when dropped by player.
- Fixed player falling through floor when crouching after long fall on remote machine under low FPS.
- Player FOV override cvar is not disabled in versus multiplayer mode any more.
- Kleer Kenny now has destruction sound.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Gah, Sam, quit blinking. Now kill those men again so we can get a better picture.

Hm. This sort of came out of nowhere. Well, maybe not nowhere>, exactly. I mean, free-to-play has voraciously consumed the hearts of every other business model and gained their powers, and Croteam’s been known to host the occasional F2P weekend from time-to-time on Steam. But it still surprised me>, OK? Gosh. At any rate, this is exactly what it sounds like: Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter’s versus and survival multiplayer modes will – beginning May 15 – attempt to carve out their own niche in an increasingly crowded F2P landscape. Probably with bombs.


Product Update - Valve
- Voice chat now works again. It stopped working after Steam codec was changed from Speex to Silk, due to different traffic requirements and packet sizes.
- Increased max client inbound bps default to 12000 and max client outbound bps to 10000 (needed for increased voice traffic).
- Added barriers on Fortress level to close windows from which player could fall out of level.
- Prevented falling through floor that was possible by jump-crouching at low framerates.
- Fixed crash when Ugh Zan appears in network.
- Prevented super-fast Laser firing when quickly pressing/releasing the fire button.
- Player models now have ragdolls (e.g. when killed in versus).
- Added blood sound to player's destruction so it is heard when player is gibbed.
- Grenade launcher item model now uses the same scheme (sound, particles) as all other weapons.
- New Versus map: ShottyTrouble. It is same as LittleTrouble but with double shotgun's only
- Prevented scripts starting during warmup, which caused sniper never to spawn on Jump Over versus map.
- Sniper weapon hint will not be shown in versus.
- Player will always be able to pick up health and armor in Versus modes.
- Fixed problem with sounds repeatedly played from trigger heard only once on client.
- "Match is tied" announcement was never played.
- Item disabling game options now work in deathmatch games.
- Sniper mask didn't get rendered if weapon rendering is disabled.
- View bobbing option now also affects weapon bobbing.
- Serious damage item will be hidden during the first 120 seconds of the game.
- Sniper now deals 80 damage without scope and 160 damage with scope in deathmatch games.
- Grenade launcher now deals 100 damage on direct hit (40 direct + 60 range) in deathmatch.
- Added safeguard to re-award previously earned achievements, in case Steam didn't register them.
- Fixed bug in life awarding on score: if you reached exactly the same score as the life awarding milestone, then you would never receive score for that milestone.
- Picking up armor which is not needed (happens in deathmatch) should not decrease current armor.
- Added timeout to server list queries, since they sometimes take a very long time.
- Fixed voice options not properly being set from cvars when starting.
- Fixed the chat console cursor which incrementally floated away from the text with each successive text line.
- Fixed the chat console input string corruption that happens when the last character is cut because it contains more bytes then it fits the string buffer maximum size.
- Updated string wrapper in the chat console to work with unicode strings.
- Fixed potential crash when canceling matchmaking queries.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Valve
Serious Sam Double D is Now Available and 10% off until September 6th 10AM PST. Get an additional 10% off if you own Serious Sam HD First Encounter, HD Second Encounter, HD Gold Edition or Serious Sam 3: BFE.

The first release in the Serious Sam Indie Series Sam explodes into the second dimension using everything in his arsenal to battle the abominable legions of Mental’s horde. Pull the trigger to let the heavy ordinance fly in Serious Sam Double D, a hand drawn, side-scrolling shooter featuring all the over-the-top gameplay and chaotic action of the Serious Sam series. Pile on the firepower with the revolutionary Gunstacker and fire all your weapons at once in a symphony of destruction! All that stands between victory and annihilation is a man in a T-shirt and jeans wielding a great big pile of guns.

The Serious Sam Indie Series is an extraordinary program launched by Croteam and Devolver Digital to partner with gaming's most creative independent developers and design radically unique Serious Sam games in a variety of styles and genres.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Valve
Serious Sam 3: BFE is now available for Pre-purchase on Steam.

Purchase before the October 18th launch and save 10% or get 20% off if you already own any one of the following Serious Sam games on Steam:

- Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
- Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter
- Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter


Serious Sam 3: BFE is a glorious throwback to the golden age of first-person shooters where men were men, cover was for amateurs and pulling the trigger made things go boom. Serving as a prequel to the original indie sensation, Serious Sam 3 takes place during the Earth’s final struggle against Mental’s invading legions of beasts and mercenaries. Set against the collapsing temples of an ancient civilization and the crumbling cities of 22nd century Egypt, Serious Sam 3 is an exhilarating fusion of classic twitch shooters and modern gameplay features.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Valve
To commemorate the upcoming release of Serious Sam 3 BFE, all currently available Serious Sam games are available at 66% off during the Midweek Madness Sale. Click here for details.

The deal gets seriously better. Pre-purchase Serious Sam 3 BFE now and get all currently available Serious Sam games at 85% off! Offer ends August 25th at 4pm PDT.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

A Serious Sam game without its screaming headless bombermen, the Kamikazes, would not be a Serious Sam game. Hence, it has now been indisputably proven that the upcoming Serious Sam 3: BFE is definitely a Serious Sam game. The bellowing explodey-blokes are back, but they’re… different.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Valve
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Valve
Serious Sam is like a gift that keeps on giving. Devolver Digital and Croteam has released a free Fusion Downloadable Content Pack to owners who have both Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter and Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter. Customers who purchase Serious Sam HD series for the first time will also receive the free update!

The Serious Sam HD Fusion DLC Pack combines all the campaign and multiplayer levels from Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter into Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter for the ultimate in classic first-person shooter mayhem. For the first time ever, players will enjoy new modes like Beast Hunt and My Burden using the classic maps from Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter!

Community Announcements - AlenL
The Serious Sam HD: SE Fusion DLC Pack is now live! It is a free update for everyone who owns both First and Second Encounter!

The Serious Sam HD Fusion DLC Pack combines all the campaign and multiplayer levels from Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter into Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter for the ultimate in classic first-person shooter mayhem. For the first time ever, enjoy new modes like Beast Hunt and My Burden using the classic maps from Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter.