Mar 9, 2017
Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

Greetings Librarians,

We're pleased to release the update 4 for Space Hulk: Deathwing.

This patch brings a host of fixes and improvements – we’d like to extend a huge thanks to all players that have played the beta and given us feedback. Your help has been extremely useful in the continued improvement of our game.

Our first priority after the release was to fix the most urgent technical issues. That's why the main changes of this patch are technical fixes - we updated the graphical engine and rebuilt all the levels.

Here is a short list of features and improvements of the update:
  • More weapons in Multiplayer – this includes the addition of the Heavy Flamer and Hellfire.
  • Expanded class loadouts in Multiplayer – each class has more choice of what to bring into battle!
  • Improved multiplayer load times – simultaneous loading time for all players.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Loading time improvements.
  • General stability improvements.
  • Multiplayer experience improvements.
  • Improved Anti-Aliasing options.
  • Hardware-related issues Fixes (on AMD GC).
That's only the first step and there are still many more exciting things to come, as we’ll be supporting our game with free content updates throughout the year.

We'll now focus on improving gameplay and content based on your feedback since launch - replay value and multiplayer long term progression are our main priorities.

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Update 1.29d

New Features
  • All the multiplayer classes (except the assault) got extended weaponry available.
  • Added new weapons in multiplayer (Heavy Flamer and HellFire).
  • PAD menu is now available.
  • Genestealers Psykers are now able to teleport.
  • Genestealer Warrior-strain will now have a chance to release a thorax swarm on death.
  • Overall Performance Improvement LD / IA / Gameplay / Streaming.
  • When loading a multiplayer map, all players now load at the same time.
  • Improved loading times for all maps.
  • Added more accurate deconnection popup in case of issue in a multiplayer game.
  • Improved Anti-aliasing options.
  • Improved Genestealer Behavior.
  • Axis Inversion now works properly in the wheel order.
  • You no longer see your class icon on top of the screen in solo play.
  • When entering a new ship, the description of the ship can no longer be seen while in tactical map.
  • In multiplayer, when playing the chapter 5 to 9, the XP bonus for guests players is no longer seen for the host.
  • The class icon of the precedent played chapter no longer displays on the following one.
  • The minimal number of players required to finish chapter 3 is now properly displayed.
  • It is no longer possible to see the GUI on the wrong side of a door when interacting with it.
  • Fix minor issue with the special effect in the Geneseed room for Guests.
  • You can no longer use escape as a keybind (this could block you previously)
  • You can no longer heal an ally during its death animation
  • The option menu now displays properly in multiplayer lobby
  • Fix having a black screen at the start of the game if you used too often ready/cancel as Host.
  • Fix possible block after a pop-up disconnect
  • It’s no longer possible to overlap the bestiary and reliquary panel in the briefing.
  • You can now close the map with escape in multiplayer.
  • You can now change the playlist in the multiplayer lobby without having the focus on it.
  • Improved character limit for multiplayer name server.
  • The difficulty is now properly displayed for new guests accessing the lobby
  • It is no longer possible to display the last weapon unlocked while on the skill tree screen
  • Fix possible camera issue when joining a new lobby.
  • Fix sometimes the tactical map being displayed in-game after hacking a turret.
  • All the multiplayer lobbys are now properly displayed after leaving a game.
  • Sound options are no longer resets.
  • Fix in-game voicechat being activated all the times.
  • The steam voice-chat can now be properly used in-game.
  • The reload animation is now properly played all the time.
  • You now see properly the launch timer of a lobby upon joining it.
  • Fix creating a new lobby not resetting the difficulty.
  • You can now close the in-game chat by clicking outside its box.
  • Fix camera view not working properly while dead.
  • Fixed a bug that closed doors other than the one with which the player was interacting with.
  • The minimap is now properly refreshred for every players.
  • Fix a possible exploit regarding class limitation.
  • Fix multiple issues with the respawn.
  • Fix a possible block when using too much the “previous teammate” input before respawning.
  • Fix multiple objective not being properly displayed for the guest.
  • Fix an issue with sometimes not having the good weaponry at the start of the game.
  • Skills cooldown are now always properly displayed.
  • Passives are now always properly displayed.
  • The low health sound is no longer played after getting out of a vision.
  • Fix sometimes missing relic in chapter 2.
  • Fix sometimes having a bad camera after the vision in chapter 3.
  • There is no longer an invisible wall in chapter 4.
  • When Nahum dies, the amount of healed he used to have is no longer displayed.
  • Fix some graphical and objective glitches in the tutorial.
  • Fix an issue with objective display in chapter 7 after loading a save.
  • Fix numerous case of Genestealers being stuck/blocked.
  • Stability improvement on AMD Cards.
  • Fix of a possible crash linked to particle system.
  • Fix of a possible crash when using alt+shift in rare cases.
  • Fix of a possible crash when jumping-in a gameplay game.
  • Fix of a possible crash when using the zoom in very rare cases.
  • Fix of a possible crash when joining a game where the host was dead.
  • Fix of a possible crash in the loading screen.
  • Fix of a possible crash when the guest opens the menu in the multiplayer briefing.
  • Fix of a possible crash when going back to the main menu.
  • Fix of a possible gameplay crash in chapter 2.
  • Fix of a possible gameplay crash in chapter 6.
  • Fix of a possible gameplay crash in chapter 7.
  • Fix of a possible crash occurring when joining a new game through a steam invite.
  • Fix of a possible crash in chapter 9 after being teleported.
  • Fix of a possible crash when a player left the game while dead.
  • Fix of a possible crash for the guest when respawning.
  • Fix of a possible crash while loading a new a chapter as a guest.
  • Fix of a possible crash with quickmatch joining.
  • Multiple other crash fixes.
  • Multiple Z-Fight fixes.
  • Fixes of several graphical issues when zooming.
  • Graphic correction in the last room of the game.
  • AMD graphics cards no longer see unsightly shadows in some chapters.
  • It’s no longer possible to open the 3rd door on which the C.A.T was working on, during chapter 8.
  • Having a custom objective on the C.A.T path will no longer block him.
  • Fix a rare block on the objective Purge in chapter 3.
  • Fix a rare block on the first encounter in chapter 1.
  • Fix sometimes starting a chapter not in the psygate.
Mar 1, 2017
Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

Greetings Librarians,

We’ve just rolled out a new patch for the Space Hulk: Deathwing Update 4 beta!

This patch brings a host of fixes and improvements – we’d like to extend a huge thanks to all players that have played the beta and given us feedback. Your help has been extremely useful in the continued improvement of our game.

Find all the info about the beta and how to play it.

Please find below the latest patch notes, as well as the current known issues:

Patch note

Major improvements
  • Graphical errors on AMD GPU cards have been fixed.
  • You can now use Steam voice chat while in-game (game's voice chat is still enabled but we're working on it).
  • Several crashes have been fixed.
  • All usual languages are now available again during beta.
  • "Next teammate" button displayed while being dead now works properly.
  • Kill counter with the Heavy Flamer now works properly.
  • Blocking bug during Chapter 3 Purge objective has been fixed.
  • Fixed a blocking bug with the disconnected pop-up.
  • Fixed the class limitation breaking bug.
  • Fixed a bug when a server name is too long.
  • Various fixes on idle or blocked enemies.
  • Various fixes on the C.A.T.’s behaviour in Chapter 8.
  • Optimization on specific areas of Chapters 2, 6 and 8 and when performing melee attacks.
  • Fixed minimap display issues (Host's first map/Guest jumping in).
  • Fixed overlapped Bestiary and Reliquary buttons.
  • Fixed bad camera placement when replaying the tutorial.

Remaining known issues

  • The Escape menu crash may still occur (less frequently though), we’re actively working on definitively fixing this one.
    LowLevel Fatal Error – 3D device crash – this crash happens to be hardware related and is very tricky for us to reproduce and fix. We’re offering a solution for players experiencing this crash with this update. Please follow this tutorial to enable the fix and give us your feedback – this will help us get rid of this filthy crash once and for all!
Voice chat
  • Still in progress, it should be operational in the next update.
Voice chat
  • When a guest's weapon jams, the host's weapon might also jam.
  • Player icons stay displayed on screen each time you continue to the next chapter in multiplayer.
    • Workaround: if too many icons are displayed, we recommend to restart the game or to play chapters one by one to avoid the issue.
Feb 16, 2017
Space Hulk: Deathwing - Velociraptom

Greetings Librarians,

The fourth update beta is now live for Space Hulk: Deathwing!

Our two main goals with this major patch were to update the version of Unreal Engine 4 used by Space Hulk: Deathwing and add simultaneous loading in multiplayer.

Updating the graphical engine required all the maps to be updated and the lights rebuilt, which took longer than we expected. Simultaneous loading will vastly improve the loading times and synchronized spawns in multiplayer.

Here is the list of features and improvements of the update, based on your feedback since release. They’re primarily for the multiplayer portion of our game:
  • More weapons in Multiplayer– this includes the addition of the Heavy Flamer and Hellfire.
  • Expanded class loadouts in Multiplayer– each class has more choice of what to bring into battle!
  • Improved multiplayer load times – simultaneous loading time for all players.
  • Performance improvements
  • General stability improvements
  • Multiplayer experience improvements
  • Improved Anti-Aliasing options
  • Genestealer tweaks
This major update affects a wide part of the game. Keep in mind that the build of Space Hulk: Deathwing that you’ll have access to is still in development and not in a finalized state. You will likely encounter bugs, graphics issues, network problems and more. Because of this, we would really appreciate your feedback regarding:
  • Performance (freezes, important lags, big FPS drops…)
  • Stability (crashes)
  • Connectivity (disconnections, issues joining a game…)
  • Multiplayer gaming experience

Our tech-priests have written up the following guide for how to gain access to this beta, as well as how you can help us ensure it’s up to scratch on full release:

How to access the patch 4 open beta
  • From your Steam library, right-click on ‘Space Hulk: Deathwing’ then go to Properties > Betas
  • Select the beta “nextpatch”
  • Launch the game to start the update
  • The update is approximately 10Gb, but after the download it should take less hard drive space than before. However, please ensure you have at least 10Gb available on your disk while downloading.

How to report issues and bugs

Please report any issues encountered in the --> dedicated section on the official Space Hulk: Deathwing support forum. <--

Before posting your feedback, please read the known issues list carefully and be sure to report it in the correct category - it really helps us to read it and process everything!

In order to help us to locate and fix bugs, please include the dump files and DxDiag in your report. Try to give us as much details as possible about the issue and what you were doing when it happened. Screenshots are also welcome.
  • Dump files - first, you must enable the visibility of “Hidden Folders” in your Windows settings. You can find how to do it on Google. Then, go to "C:\Users\CURRENTUSER\AppData\Local\SpaceHulkGame\Saved\Logs" (replace "currentuser" by your User Name on your computer). If you crashed, the game automatically creates a folder that you can compress into a .zip (or .rar) file and attach in your post.
  • DxDiag - Press the WINDOWS key (bottom left), then type DXDIAG in the Search Bar and click on the corresponding program. A diagnosis will be executed then. After it's done, click on "Save all information" and save the DxDiag as text file (.txt).
After this, all you need to do is to compress them into a zip file (with the Dump files) and attach it to your post here with a detailed description of your crash.

Once again, we would really much appreciate your feedback regarding:
  • Performance (freezes, important lags, big FPS drops…)
  • Stability (crashes)
  • Connectivity (disconnections, issues joining a game…)
  • Multiplayer gaming experience

Known issues

  • Chapter 6 cannot be completed in multiplayer mode if a guest jumps in or is disconnected
    Workaround: entering guest must exit and re-enter the room
  • Chapter 5 in solo mode: objective “Kill 200 enemies” may be randomly impossible to complete due to a spawner bug
    Workaround: exit the game and load your save
  • Rebinding the Esc key gets you stuck in game without access to the Esc menu
    No workaround: Do not rebind the Esc key
  • Extensive inactivity in multiplayer mode can cause the game to crash among co-players (more than 1 hour of inactivity)
  • English is the only available language
  • Kills performed with the Heavy Flamer are not counted in the scoreboard
  • GUI (minimap) displaying issues in multiplayer (jump-in, chapter 1, changing maps)
  • Maps might appear incompletely loaded on lower setups
  • Loading screen issues:
    • Displayed loading screen might be inconsistent
    • Game runs in the background while the validation screen (Press X to start mission) is displayed
  • No keyboard type detection
  • Vocal chat in multiplayer is automatically on
  • Zooming might cause big framerate drops
  • Bugs occur when loading Chapter 1 in multiplayer mode (briefing and armoury steps are missing)
  • Bugs occur when loading a save in solo mode (NPC are missing, played dialogs are incorrect…)
  • Bugs occur for the host when spamming the Cancel/Ready button in the lobby as a guest when the countdown is over
Dec 21, 2016
Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

Greetings Brothers!

We're pleased to release our first update for Space Hulk: Deathwing.

The main goal of this first patch was to eliminate any game breaking bugs, crashes and severe FPS drops. We hope many of you are now better able to enjoy the game! That said, we’re aware that some players are experiencing occasional lobby connection errors and performance issues, and that’s our current focus as we continue to read your messages on social media.

As always, your feedback is valuable for us to resolve any technical issues as soon as possible. You can report your issues in the technical section of the official forum. We’d also recommend consulting our Technical FAQ, Gameplay Tips and Known Issues & helpful workarounds threads.

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Hotfix 1.06 - 231MB
  • Various performance optimizations (this is also an ongoing process).
  • Inventory crash (in multiplayer) fixed.
  • Major FPS drop on Chapter 1 experienced by AMD processors fixed.
  • Input loss upon door interaction in multiplayer fixed.
  • Potential crash using NVIDIA graphics card fixed.
  • Multiplayer connection timeout increased, allowing more modest systems greater time to connect.
Please note that the update process opens the game file, meaning you need approximately 32GB of temporary free disk space in the Steam directory to update the game. Free some space if the update is stuck.

The last 5% of the download are the rewriting of the 32GB file which makes it appear stuck but it is actually processing and may take a while.

Counter-Strike 2 - (Alec Meer)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s THE mosssssssst wonderful tiiiiiiiiiiiime ahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I wish I had a machinegun ho ho ho ahahaha, get stuffed 2016. … [visit site to read more]

Space Hulk: Deathwing - (Alec Meer)

SPACE HULK SPACE HU.. no, sorry, best not do that again, eh? This latest pixel-flashing rendition of the revered Games Workshop tabletop game is no boardgame adaptation, but rather a squad-based swarm-shooter in the vein of Left 4 Dead.

I played Space Hulk: Deathwing [official site] alone and had a lousy time. Then I played it with others and ALL GLORY TO THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND! Oops, I did it again. … [visit site to read more]

Space Hulk: Deathwing - (Alice O'Connor)

Space Hulk: Deathwing [official site], the new squad-based FPS adaptation of Games Workshop’s tabletop Warhammer 40,000 spin-off, is now out. Our Alec is currently busy polishing his crotchskull but, once he’s done with that and made himself decent, he’ll load Deathwing and play so he can tell us all Wot He Thinks. For now, he sends initial word that “the environments look like concept art and it has the requisite thumpy metal sound effects, but do brace yourself for a whole lot of stomping down long, twisty corridors.” Sounds like Space Hulk all right. … [visit site to read more]

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

Greetings Brothers,

Space Hulk: Deathwing is now available!

We're pleased to release Space Hulk: Deathwing after 4 years of development, and we'd like to thank you once again for your help during the beta phases. Your feedback has been incredibly useful for exterminating a wide range of Heretical bugs, and to implement improvements!

Here are some of the highlights with regards to bug-fixes and improvements in the release version:
  • Much faster loading times
    • Loading times are reduced by rougly 40-50% on average.
  • • Huge performance increase
    • The game should run more smoothly in most situations across all hardware.
  • Crash Fixes & Massive debug
    • The vast majority of crashes and bugs from the Beta have been fixed.
  • GUI improvements
    • The GUI has been updated according to Beta players' feedback.
  • Balancing
    • Changes regarding some multiplayer classes and difficulty values.
  • Localization improvements & debugging
    • Localization is almost final. Added some indications on the tutorial keybinds.
  • SFX Iteration
    • Belial and Librarian voices have been updated according to Beta players' feedback.
  • Controller debugging
    • Controllers aren't officially supported at release. Controllers previously corrupted keybindings. This is no longer the case, and the controller mapping has been updated. We're not 100% satisfied yet with controller support, and we strongly advise you to play with keyboard and mouse for now.
  • New Optional Multiplayer Game Mode: Codex Rules
    • Class change during mission disabled.
    • Equipment changing during mission disabled.
    • Progression and XP system deactivated, with access to all equipment unlocked from the start.
    • All skills and equipment are unlocked from the start.
    • Respawn is limited.

Our main priority was to have a smooth release with no game breaking bugs preventing you from purging the Space Hulk. As with every game launch, certain bugs may still remain. Please read our technical FAQ and Gameplay Tips.

We’ll continue to listen to our community as we support the game into the future! Keep talking to us, Brothers, we’re listening!

Have fun purging the Xenos tide!

The Emperor Protects!
Streum On Studio & Focus Home Interactive

Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

The Angels of Death blast their way into the Launch Trailer, in preparation for Space Hulk: Deathwing's release on December 14.

The time has come: under the command of their Librarian, the 1st Company of the Dark Angels prepares to board the gigantic, Genestealer-infested Space deposited in Imperial space by the uncaring tides of the Warp.

In today's Launch Trailer, get a glimpse of the Genestealer swarms you will have to face-off when you start exploring the Space Hulk on December 14th!

Space Hulk: Deathwing is a First-Person Shooter based on Games Workshop's classic Space Hulk boardgame, set in the universe of Warhammer 40,000.

Developed on Unreal Engine 4, the game tasks you – in an extensive solo campaign co-written by Black Library author and Dark Angels specialist Gav Thorpe, or in a challenging coop mode up to 4 players – with facing the Genestealer swarms in the depths of a gigantic amalgamation of interstellar debris and wrecked spacecraft know as a Space Hulk.

Unlock and equip yourself with the most powerful weaponry available to the Imperium, master destructive Psyker powers, and command your squadmates in battle to defeat the Xenos threat.

Space Hulk: Deathwing releases on PC on December 14th.

Until that date, you can still pre-order the game on Steam and enjoy a 15% discount, as well as an exclusive in-game weapon, the Lost Mace of Corswain.

For the Emperor!

Streum On Studio + Focus Home Interactive
Space Hulk: Deathwing - Netheos

Greetings Librarians!

Space Hulk: Deathwing releases next week, on December 14th at 19:00 CET. To celebrate and prepare you for the purging that lies ahead, we’ll be hosting a Twitch Dev Session livestream at launch!

During the livestream we’ll have members of both the Streum On and Focus Home teams, running through some single-player and co-op missions.

Now is the time to get familiar with your Warhammer 40,000 lore knowledge. Along with playing our game, we’ll also be running the Emperor’s Elite Quiz!

Truly knowledgeable members of the Imperium (and particularly the Dark Angels!) will be given the chance to win free copies of Space Hulk: Deathwing, along with other glorious goodies. We might even show mercy and throw in one or two easier questions for all you heretics out there!

You’ll be able to watch the stream here on our official Twitch account, starting 19:00 CET on December 14th – the same time as the launch of Space Hulk: Deathwing.

See you there battle brothers!
