The Ship: Murder Party - (Alice O'Connor)

Okay, so where's the mast?

For those who’ve not heard of The Ship and have romantic visions of sailing the seven seas, I’ll quickly state that it’s a game about murder. To expand a little, it’s a multiplayer FPS about passengers aboard a cruise ship trying to have a pleasant holiday and stealthily off their target – perhaps catching them unaware while they have a waz. I asked you for murdertales a few months back, and enjoyed all the deathtales you told me.

Now we’re up to speed: hey, the ‘HD’ revamp The Ship: Remasted [official site] will launch on Steam Early Access in February.

… [visit site to read more]

The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
The Ship: Remasted will launch on Steam Early Access this February and Blazing Griffin is looking for fans of the original game to get involved.

One of the challenges of remastering an old game is striking a balance between replicating old features that players have fond memories of, and improving them. A reddit user joked recently that The Ship’s convoluted solution to connect to servers is part of the original game’s charm! But, we think we can all agree that it’s also something that can, and should be improved upon!

This is why we’re taking an iterative approach to releasing the game, starting with a few maps at launch in February and releasing the remaining content and features over the next few months.

This means we can get feedback from fans on the changes we’ve made…like the UI, the layout of security and the values of the needs system. These are relatively small tweaks, but we’d like to know from fans…does it still feel like The Ship? We believe it does and fans will be happy with the approach we’ve taken with these things.

Early Access isn’t for all games or all studios (or for all players), but we’ve always been transparent with our communities and we think it’s a great process to release The Ship: Remasted through. We’ve already taken on a lot of player feedback throughout this project and we want to hear what fans think of what we’ve done so far and to help steer the direction that The Ship takes.

Drop by the community and say hi!
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
The Ship: Remasted will launch on Steam Early Access this February and Blazing Griffin is looking for fans of the original game to get involved.

One of the challenges of remastering an old game is striking a balance between replicating old features that players have fond memories of, and improving them. A reddit user joked recently that The Ship’s convoluted solution to connect to servers is part of the original game’s charm! But, we think we can all agree that it’s also something that can, and should be improved upon!

This is why we’re taking an iterative approach to releasing the game, starting with a few maps at launch in February and releasing the remaining content and features over the next few months.

This means we can get feedback from fans on the changes we’ve made…like the UI, the layout of security and the values of the needs system. These are relatively small tweaks, but we’d like to know from fans…does it still feel like The Ship? We believe it does and fans will be happy with the approach we’ve taken with these things.

Early Access isn’t for all games or all studios (or for all players), but we’ve always been transparent with our communities and we think it’s a great process to release The Ship: Remasted through. We’ve already taken on a lot of player feedback throughout this project and we want to hear what fans think of what we’ve done so far and to help steer the direction that The Ship takes.

Drop by the community and say hi!
Dec 21, 2015
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen

On behalf of the team here at Blazing Griffin, Merry Xmas! :)

We've seen a whole lot of new players join us recently and would expect to see more over the festive period, so first of all...welcome!

We posted a State of the Game announcement a few months ago which has some useful information for new players:

We will be launching The Ship: Remasted in 2016 and are pleased to announce that if you have The Ship: Murder Party in your Steam library, there will be a 25% discount on the new game at launch. Drop by the community if you have any questions:

We're also carrying out closed testing for the new game - if you'd like to get involved, you can signup on our website.

Finally, for those of you who enjoy a bit of fiction, you can follow the story of Lucille Franklin O'Sullivan who finds herself aboard The Ship.

The microsite is in diary format (start at the first entry here) and has many entries still to be posted and these are scheduled daily throughout the holiday season and well into 2016.

You can follow The Ship on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

All the best for 2016!
- The Blazing Griffin Team
Dec 21, 2015
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen

On behalf of the team here at Blazing Griffin, Merry Xmas! :)

We've seen a whole lot of new players join us recently and would expect to see more over the festive period, so first of all...welcome!

We posted a State of the Game announcement a few months ago which has some useful information for new players:

We will be launching The Ship: Remasted in 2016 and are pleased to announce that if you have The Ship: Murder Party in your Steam library, there will be a 25% discount on the new game at launch. Drop by the community if you have any questions:

We're also carrying out closed testing for the new game - if you'd like to get involved, you can signup on our website.

Finally, for those of you who enjoy a bit of fiction, you can follow the story of Lucille Franklin O'Sullivan who finds herself aboard The Ship.

The microsite is in diary format (start at the first entry here) and has many entries still to be posted and these are scheduled daily throughout the holiday season and well into 2016.

You can follow The Ship on Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

All the best for 2016!
- The Blazing Griffin Team
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
It’s hype time!

As the year comes to a close, we’re looking at our plans for 2016 and the first thing that’s coming our way is a closed testing phase for The Ship: Remasted.

We’re looking for fans of The Ship to help us test The Ship: Remasted with a particular focus on a few specific maps and the general multiplayer experience (connecting to games, setting up new games, etc). The game is still in alpha phase, so expect loads of bugs and not all content and features will be available.

Closed testing will start in January 2016 and scale up week to week.

We’re looking for people who are fans of The Ship and preferably have some previous testing experience and enjoy working with games that are still in development.

At this time, we’re alpha testing on Windows only.

If you’re interested, then send us your details via our signup form and we’ll get back to you if you’re selected for a testing group.
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
It’s hype time!

As the year comes to a close, we’re looking at our plans for 2016 and the first thing that’s coming our way is a closed testing phase for The Ship: Remasted.

We’re looking for fans of The Ship to help us test The Ship: Remasted with a particular focus on a few specific maps and the general multiplayer experience (connecting to games, setting up new games, etc). The game is still in alpha phase, so expect loads of bugs and not all content and features will be available.

Closed testing will start in January 2016 and scale up week to week.

We’re looking for people who are fans of The Ship and preferably have some previous testing experience and enjoy working with games that are still in development.

At this time, we’re alpha testing on Windows only.

If you’re interested, then send us your details via our signup form and we’ll get back to you if you’re selected for a testing group.
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
Last week we asked players what expectations they have of us as a studio - yesterday, we answered!

Drop by The Ship: Remasted community with any questions you have, and remember to add it to your wishlist.
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
Last week we asked players what expectations they have of us as a studio - yesterday, we answered!

Drop by The Ship: Remasted community with any questions you have, and remember to add it to your wishlist.
The Ship: Murder Party - Eandaen
Ahoy Shipmates!

Drop by The Ship: Remasted community - we'd just posted a new discussion and would love to hear your thoughts: