Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
The Total War: SHOGUN 2 Saints and Heroes Unit Pack is now available on Steam!

Honed by years of relentless training and tempered in the fires of battle, these nine elite warrior units excel in their fields, and stand head-and-shoulders above their rank-and-file brothers.

Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
General fixes

• Fixed cavalry exploit where players could engage infantry with minimal losses and cause unit to rout.

• Fixed issue where blood would not appear on face and left arm of units in Blood Pack DLC.

• Various audio fixes.

• Correct banner is now shown by Tosa standard bearers.

• Fixed morale bug that could cause the player's army to rout if a reinforcing army had enough Gatling guns.

• Fixes for additional multiplayer campaign desync occurrences where identified.

• Fixed graphical clipping issue with Shinsengumi’s cape.

• Revolver Cavalry is now capped at 4 per army in multiplayer.

• Hosts should now correctly leave a multiplayer campaign when client quits after a battle.

• Fix for certain Daimyos portraits being stretched.

• Saga's clan attributes should now be working correctly.

• Pro-imperial clans should now be able to recruit Shogitai after changing allegiance.

• Clan Development "Modern Rifles" and the trait gained from "French Military Mission" will no longer affect artillery units.

• Daimyo retainer's "British Naval Engineer", "British Railway Engineer", "Francois Leonce Verny" and "Inudstrialist" should now be working correctly.

• Daimyo retainer's "Logistics" and "Scourge" should now correctly stack to provide a 15% replenishment rate.

• Daimyo retainer "Over-ambitious mistress" should now have an effect on Daimyo honour.

• Daimyo retainer "Sir Harry Smith Parkes" should now have a description attached.

• Dilemma "Koyosha" now correctly decreases research rate, rather than increases research rate.

• Various typographical fixes.

• Event "Security Matters" should now have a relevant penalty.

• Mission "Developing our potential" should now be correctly displayed when skipping the first cut-scene.

Unit rebalancing

• Katana Hero units used to cost 1500 Koku, now cost 1300 Koku.

• Yari Hero units used to cost 1100 Koku, now cost 1000 Koku.

• Naginata Warrior Monk Hero units used to cost 1500 Koku, now cost 1300 Koku.

• Bow Hero units used to cost 1400 Koku, now cost 1250 Koku.

AI improvements

• Naval AI will now repair damaged fleets in battle.

• Improvements to AI defending to take into account distance and relative strength between AI and human units when selecting targets.

• Improvements to AI defence when AI has missile superiority.

• AI non-missile/cavalry units will now more frequently move through missile units defending the front line of a battlegroup if they are being charged by a player.

• Further improvements made to reinforcing army AI to limit idle army behaviour.

• Fixed issue where AI would occasionally send in single, unsupported units to attack the player. Units will now co-ordinate better and attack in larger numbers.

• Other AI units will attack player-friendly units that are protecting the flanks of the AI’s primary target unit.

Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
Change Log:
• Lighting shader tweaks to improve lighting in battles throughout the game.
• A Multiplayer crash on host machine when searching for a 4v4 Set-up team siege battle has been fixed.
• Fixed crash when attempting to play Fall of the Samurai Historical Battles when players owns the stand alone Dragon War Battle Pack and not Total War: SHOGUN 2 Fall of the Samurai.
• Fix for players becoming stuck during the Avatar Multiplayer Tutorial after searching for a Match Made battle.
• The "Season" drop down list should now display correctly after changing map in a multiplayer Battle List battle.
• Wako pirates now have the correct banners in naval battles via the Campaign.
• Fix to prevent AI trade fleets grouped around occupied trade nodes in Campaign mode.
• Fix to prevent Mixed Avatars being able to join Battle List battles with 'Mixed Avatars' option turned off.
• Fix for bug in Avatar Conquest mode where players receiving a clan promotion were shown a message telling them they have been relegated.
• Desynchronisation (desync) message has been localised to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish.
• Fix for multiplayer campaign desynchronsiation (desync) when playing between German and Czech players.
• Improved compatibility with AMD Radeon HD 7 series graphics cards.
• Fixes to prevent desynchronisation (desync) in Multiplayer Campaign mode.
• Improved combat animation blending for cavalry.
• Added localisation to the multiplayer lobby for the status of TEd created maps when they are being shared.
• Fix for Sea of Japan naval battle map crash.
• Players can no longer delete the "Sea of Japan" Naval Battle map, and can delete their own maps (Created or shared through TEd) on the battle setup screen UI.
• Added localisation for battle setup screen UI in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish.
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
Total War Battle Map Editor (TEd) tool now available to users that own either Total War: SHOGUN 2 or Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai.

TEd offers the ability to create and automatically share Land, Naval and Siege Battle Maps with other players. The maps can be used in both Single player (Custom Battle Mode) and Multiplayer. TEd can be accessed from the “Tools” menu in the Steam Library.

Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
Note: There is currently a text string in the game front end advertising new DLC packs. These have not yet been released. We expect to release them next week.

- Total War Battle Map Editor (TEd) tool now available, offering the ability to create and automatically share Land, Naval and Siege Battle Maps with other players. The maps can be used in both Single player (Custom Battle Mode) and Multiplayer. TEd can be accessed from the “Tools” menu in the Steam Library.
- New Multiplayer Campaign Resynchronisation feature – When Multiplayer Campaign players become out of sync with each other (aka “desynchronisation” or “desync”), the game will attempt to resynchronise the players so they can continue playing (aka “resynchronisation” or “resync”).
- Various fixes to prevent Multiplayer Campaign desynchronisation before resynchronisation is required.
- Fix for crash loading into the “Sea of Japan” Naval custom battle map.
- Fix for campaign map armies pathfinding causing them to becoming stuck on coast lines.
- Fixed stats for Kisho Ninja units.
- Fixed sound when broadsides are fired by players' ships in Historical and Custom Battle mode battles.
- Improved garrisoned infantry animation and pathfinding when attacking (to stop units moving on the spot and prioritising reforming over firing).
- Improved match making between avatar types to reduce erroneous match making between Total War: SHOGUN 2 avatars and Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai avatars.
- Host and Host's teammates will now receive experience after a battle if the clients’ team had an open slot.
- Fix for Key Building timer in Avatar Conquest Mode, so that when a player loses a building, then re-captures it, the timer no longer continues to count down from when the building was first lost, now resetting. Fix in place for the timer not being displayed under certain circumstances.
- Fixed performance drop (low FPS) when accessing the recruitment tab for the Fukushima province in Single Player Campaign mode.
- Fixed crashes in Avatar Conquest Mode tutorial.
- Fixed bug where AI were only recruiting Kobaya ships on the Total War: SHOGUN 2 campaign under some circumstances.
- Fix for bug where camera scroll didn't work when the mouse was positioned over certain UI elements.
- Fixed Avatar Conquest Mode exploit where players could ignore funds bracket.
- Fix for Total War: SHOGUN 2 generals pre-battle speeches playing when playing as Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai clans.
- Fix for crash when positioning the mouse over coastal batteries in Miyako Bay Historical Battle Mode on Hard or Very Hard difficulty.
- Minor text fixes for Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai tutorials.
- Fix for armies reinforcing a besieger bouncing around that besieger until they run out of movement / action points (aka “Army bobbling”).
- Total War: SHOGUN 2 – Fall of the Samurai mons will now appear on unit banners in battle.
- Improved transition blending for combat animation.
- Negative phase removed from Banzai.
- Improved Windows 8 preview compatibility.
- Fixed a number of issues with veteran clan skills
- Fixed the Stricken Unholy forge retainer effects
- Various miscellaneous crash bugs fixed.
- Various miscellaneous user interface bugs fixed
Rome: Total War™ - Collection
Notch Total War
As reported on Eurogamer, Creative Assembly are doing their best to get Notch motion captured for their next Total War game. Where/when/how/why is this happening? That's still something of a mystery. Motion capture is a hot topic on PC Gamer today. Even horses are at it.

Earlier today Creative Assembly sent Notch a tweet, saying "Hey Notch. How would you like to be in the next Total War game?"

Notch replied: "It's going to feature fat guys sitting around a lot and grunting when they finally do stand up?" before confirming his interest: "'cause if it does, I'm DOWN! YEAH!! Assuming schedule works out and all that. When? Where? How?"

Since those tweets, Community man at Creative Assembly, Craig Laylock has shed some light into the invite: "I love that he enjoys making games for the fun of making good games. That's what it's all about."

Notch is the hatted creator of Minecraft. We'll have more on the Total War/Notch collaboration as and when it breaks.
Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Dragon War Battle Pack - Valve
The Total War: SHOGUN 2 Dragon War Battle Pack is now available on Steam!

The Dragon War Battle Pack consists of six consecutively-played legendary battles from the Boshin War, depicting the campaign of Saigo Takamori. Previously only available in the “Fall of the Samurai” expansion, they can now be accessed in the original Total War: SHOGUN 2.

Command the féted warrior Saigo Takamori and his Imperial army. Wield the ferocious weapons of the late 1800s as you fight against the armies of the Tokugawa Shogunate, win Japan for the Emperor, and relive the War of the Year of the Dragon!

Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Valve
- Fixed distribution of blood on units' armour with the Blood Pack.
- Loading screens fixed for Multiplayer battles (no longer displays red smudges).
Total War: SHOGUN 2

Shogun 2: Total War’s standalone expansion will let you play online with existing Shogun 2 players, even if they haven't bought it. Whether you’ve discovered Fall of the Samurai’s trains, gatling guns and cannons or not, you’ll still be able to compete online with swords and muskets.

“One of the things that we made sure of with Fall of the Samurai is that we didn't split the online community”, says James Russell, Lead Designer on the series. Players without Fall of the Samurai can play against people with the expansion. That's really important to us. We want to make sure that people who buy the new game can play against the guys playing Shogun 2.

James stressed that maintaining context during the online battles is still a priority for Creative Assembly.

“Total War - particularly the campaign side - is a very unique, thoughtful, deep experience that we want to maintain. We definitely want to keep Total War as an immersive experience even though we want to create multiplayer battles that you can get in and out of quickly, and have fun if you’ve only got half and hour.”

"We have lots of plans to make multiplayer into a more compelling experience,” continued Jamie.

Shogun 2: Total War was the most multiplayer-focused game in the franchise so far, bringing a co-op campaign and fully-featured online component to the franchise. Yesterday we also chatted to James Russell about how the team juggle historical accuracy with a need for balance and sensible mechanics.

For more on Rise of the Samurai, watch part one of our exclusive interview or read Tim Stone’s in-depth feature in PC Gamer issue 236.
Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition

"We've got a huge pile of options we'd love to set the game in," says James Russell, Lead Designer of the Total War series. And we can't wait to see them happen. With three games in Steam's top 20 most played, it seems PC Gamers can't get enough of Creative Assembly's franchise. Probably because it's consistently great. Watch the video above for more from the closest thing Creative Assembly have to their own general.

Standalone Shogun 2 expansion, Fall of the Samurai, is due in March. It's going to be noisy, bloody and brutal. We're talking cannons, gatling guns, repeating rifles and spears: all being used against squishy human/horse flesh. The expansion will be set during a time of modernisation that marked Japan's transition into an industrial state 300 years after Shogun 2's campaign.

For more on Shogun 2's latest expansion, check back tomorrow or pick up a copy of PC Gamer 236, where you can read Tim Stone's in-depth feature.
