VRUNICORNS BOOTCAMP BUNDLE: #SkiJump + #Archery + #SelfieTennis

Закупуване на VRUNICORNS BOOTCAMP BUNDLE: #SkiJump + #Archery + #SelfieTennis КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

To celebrate the launch of our 3rd game, #SkiJump, we have made this BOOTCAMP BUNDLE, so you #SelfieTennis and #Archery players can add #SkiJump to the mix in your daily exercise routine. Have fun, play, get physical! Tell us what you think! And tweet from them games, so we can see what you are up to on the Internets ;-)

Love you all!

@VRUnicorns is a bunch of game jammers from Europe. We fancy making quirky semi-realistic room scale VR sports games with a touch of grotesque humor.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

Поддръжка на ВР  Независими, Състезателни, Спортни, Ранен достъп
Само ВР  Независими, Спортни
Само ВР  Независими, Спортни
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Закупуване на VRUNICORNS BOOTCAMP BUNDLE: #SkiJump + #Archery + #SelfieTennis КОМПЛЕКТ (?)