Nuclear Dawn - Valve
- Commander building placement now remembers rotation used for last placed building when placing another.
- Customizations of radialmenu.txt will no longer be overwritten on updates.
- Added mapping support for nd_info_sonic_turret_ct.

- Fixed sniper no-rezoom-after-shot option only working on local servers.
- Fixed firstperson in-hand weapon model not displaying to Source TV viewers.
- Fixed choppiness when using noclip or spectator free cam mode.
- Fixed commander building placement sometimes unintentionally rotating buildings on click.

Server changes
- Updated srcds_run linux server script autoupdate to work with new steamcmd tool.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Nuclear Dawn Update 6.5

New Content
- Added new map, Gate, one of the community mapping contest winners

- Added option to disable sniper auto-rezoom.
- Added sound to notify when a vote appears.
- Added community-contributed loading screen tips.

- Fixed gizmo effects sometimes taking a second spawn to apply.
- Fixed sorting in gizmo selection window to show the “no gizmo” option first.
- Fixed gizmo selection panel sometimes being stuck open.
- Fixed radar kit viewmodel not going invisible when stealthing.
- Fixed HTML server motd messages not displaying on Macs.
- Fixed What’s New update news screen not working on Macs.
- Fixed Mac http custom content downloads timing out when system is configured to use a proxy server.
- Fixed rank name for rank 58, “Lieutenant General First Class”.
- Fixed sound not playing for “Destroy” radio command.
- Fixed checkbox and radio button glyphs not displaying properly in some dialogs on Mac.
- Fixed Mac showing Half-Life 2 icon when running the game.
- Fixed numerous cases where a building hologram would get stuck on the build grid.
- Fixed issue with invalid build button grid and unbuildable builds when first selecting assembler, then selecting control group containing units that no longer exist.
- Fixed resource counter showing incorrect amount to spectators.
- Fixed “no commander” message always displaying to spectators even when spectated team had commander.
- Fixed issues with NX300 flame sometimes persisting too long in spectated view.
- Fixed a case where unpowered walls were not properly taking health decay.
- Fixed turret radius display being stuck on screen for commanders if leaving chair during first phase of build.
- Fixed radar kits disappearing on death.
- Fixed being able to move when armory class menu is open if scoreboard is also up.
- Fixed chaingun spinning sound persisting through reload.
- Fixed sniper overlay flash that would occur after shooting when using hold-to-zoom ironsight controls.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on Consortium transport gates.
- Fixed some cases where the scoreboard or MOTD panel could show over top of the map load screen.
- Fixed hitgroups being ignored on in-chair commander for headshot tracking and armor calculation.
- Fixed bloodspatter not showing on in-chair commander.
- Fixed rare client crash when switching weapon.
- Fixed U23 grenade kills showing and logging as from P12 grenade.
- Fixed area in Oilfield where players could get stuck behind tanker truck near Empire base.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Nuclear Dawn Update 6.4 - June 2012:

New Features
- Added new structures, Barrier and Wall.
- Added ctrl-click for building to allow immediate placement of another instance of same structure.
- Added offline practice mode.

Other Enhancements
- Updated main menu to be cleaner and friendlier.
- Added text on hud to show the effective squad gizmo, if any.
- Improved crash handling/reporting.
- Improved bot logic.

Other Fixes
- Fixed nano skin particle sometimes getting stuck on.
- Fixed radar kit appear at stealth sniper's feet.
- Unit group selection keys are now disabled in commander spectate view.
- Commander can no longer build when signal is lost.
- Fixed round end display showing level 60 for any higher level.
- Fixed more cases where a building hologram could get stuck on commander's screen.
- Fixed multiple issues with custom content http downloads on Mac.
- Fixed a common server crash that would sometimes occur on map change.
- Fixed being able to teleport to EMP'd Transport Gates.
- Fixed some map loading screens showing team bases swapped.
- Fixed some map loading screens having doubled, ghosted text.
- Fixed Squad-only Voice Comm in Options binding to regular Voice Comm button.
- Fixed rank names not displaying for ranks higher than 60.
- Fixed being able to build structures in the ground when commander clipped with world geometry in most maps.
- Slightly reduced the artillery damage to players
- Slightly reduced the BBQ impact on players

- Fixed benches disappearing in the metro station
- Fixed a bunch of see through chairs due fade distance
- Fixed clip brush on shopping mall roof blocking the player

- Fixed floating props on tunnel ramp

Authoring Tools
- No longer "Beta".
- Added Metro map source to sdk_content.
- Updated wiki link in launcher, added forum link.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Updates to Nuclear Dawn have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Balance changes
- High level gizmos now affect Squad rather than Team.

- Fixed crash on startup with game controller plugged in.
Nuclear Dawn - Valve
- Fixed crashing on Career screen for some high-rank users.
- Fixed loading screen layout when connecting to VAC-secured servers.
- Fixed "Lost Signal" display appearing in many cases when using Commander Spectate.
- Updated localizations.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Nuclear Dawn Update 6.3
New Features
- Increased rank cap from 60 to 80. Rank is based on xp, so some players may already be higher than 60.
- Added new team-based gizmos for levels 65, 70, 75, and 80. Whole team gets effect of highest level one equipped by any player on team.
- Added all new loading screen to show map overview, server info, loading progress, and game tips.
- Added squad-only voice chat (default B).
- Added ability for commander to spectate a troop.
- Added support for player sprays (can disable serverside with "sv_allowsprays 0" or clientside on Options -> Other ).
- Added new particle effects for medpacks, ammo packs, radar kits, and players with Nano Skin active.
- Added beta support for Source TV ( most things from here apply, ).

Other enhancements
- Transport Gate teleport menu now auto-closed after teleporting (can be changed in Options -> Other)
- Scoreboard now shows above other hud elements.
- Added bots column to server browser.
- Added ach_headshot_progress client command to show detailed progress toward Headshot achievement.
- Added an error message (rather than silent failure) to show when server connection failed due to server being VAC-secured with insecure client.
- Removed cheat flag from server spawn time convars Tag with Play Now penalty will be applied if changed.
- Many engine stability fixes.
- Unlocked client viewmodel_fov convar.
- Updated localizations.

Balance Changes
- Added radarkit to Stealth Sniper kit.
- Adjusted damage dropoff factors for all weapons.
- Capped max resources at 250,000 to prevent issues when it gets too high.

Other Fixes
- Fixed rare occurence where player could be only half-spawned, unable to move.
- Fixed team selection panel showing at round start while spectating.
- Fixed issue where medpack would sometimes show clipping into view when spectating a Support player.
- Fixed some keys getting stuck in commander mode.
- Fixed "retry" client console command.
- Fixed rare grenade-related server crash.
- Fixed a rare listen server crash related to player stats.
- Fixed bots not showing in player counts on in-game status command and server queries.
- Fixed potential gizmo exploit.
- Cleaned up and fixed many console messages and errors.

- Fixed getting stuck at primary point.
- Fixed getting stuck on a corner of a building near the broken glass walkway.
- Fixed plants sticking through floor near CT base.

- Fixed getting stuck at primary point.
- Added additional no-build areas to avoid structure deployment inside buildings.

- Fixed able to deploy structures inside a pallet stack near Primary area.
- Fixed floating secondary point near EMP Base.
- Adjusted a few no-build areas.
- Removed the roof near the EMP base to make it easier to deploy structures.
- Adjusted secondary area near EMP to make more space for placing structures.
- Additional optimisation pass due the adjusted secondary area.
- Converted a physic prop to a multiplayer physic to improve performance.
- Fixed a few small issues throughout the map.

Known issues
- In-hand weapon model is not drawn in first-person spectate in Source TV.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Enabled double XP weekend, up to rank 15 (Thursday through Sunday, starts and stops at 17:00 GMT).

Other changes
- Added option to reset rank and stats.
- Manually powering structures off can now only be done when they're fully on, and on when fully off.
- Added rate limit to hypospray scoring to prevent abuse.
- Class ability on medic now always jumps to medpack.
- Updated localizations.

- Fixed a client crash related to commanding and in-progress armories.
- Fixed mouse sensitivity being stuck lowered until respawn after ending exo lockdown while aiming to side.
- Fixed further issues with gizmo selections not applying correctly.
- Fixed in-armory change to current already-picked class only changing gizmo.
- Fixed gizmo not being reset on class change if Customize panel wasn't used.
- Fixed some cases where holographic placement structures could become "stuck".
- Fixed being able to accidentally spend money on same research twice with more than one armory selected.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Balance changes
- Reworked ammo pack earned xp to not be based on actual ammo amount, unfairly weighting some weapons.
- Research in-progress when last armory is sold/destroyed is now lost without refund.
- Rebalanced Homewrecker and Siege Support gizmo effects.

Other enhancements
- Play Now is now a little quicker at finding servers.
- Added mention of backstab reticle change to Stealth tutorial.
- Updated localizations

- Fixed commander heal ability not healing.
- Fixed crash in Commander Intermediate tutorial.
- Fixed research not being recognized in Commander Advanced tutorial.
- Fixed compass not displaying properly on tutorial training map.
- Fixed a server and client crash relating to armory research.
- Fixed commander orders staying on team change.
- Fixed radar kit requiring line of sight to expose enemies.
- Fixed being able to damage own radar kits.
- Fixed radar structure still functioning without power.
- Fixed in-armory class changes not always changing gizmo.
- Fixed case where What's New panel would spew console errors when Steam site is down.
- Fixed some oddities with commander chat (some notifications not displaying).
- Fixed getting stuck near helicopter in Oilfield.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Nuclear Dawn Update 6.2
New Features:
- Added new commander research items
- Player Boost I, II, and III
- Structure Boost I, II, and III
- Commander Abilities II and III
- Added support for giving default commander orders to whole team.
- Added support for squad-only chat (default I).
- Added new portable Radar Kit item for Support BBQ.
- Places on ground like ammo or health kit.
- After deployment, it extends radar range, uncovering units and structures in fow.
- Lasts after death, but can be destroyed by enemy (will disappear on class change).
- Added Play Now feature to allow quick joining into an optimal server, considering ping and player count.
- Added optional compass display to HUD.

Other enhancements
- Added Game Guide button to main menu.
- Added game instructor tip for transport gate teleporting.
- Players calling artillery strikes, rather than current commander, now get credit for kills.
- USE key can now be used anytime while inside of a transport gate, rather than needing to face it.
- Enabled server mp_unbalance_limit convar.
- Round end team swap notification is now more visible.
- Updated localizations.

Balance Changes
- Effects of armory research are now suspended if all of your team's armories are destroyed or sold (build another for all to reactivate).
- Transport gates can no longer be manually powered down to prevent griefing by commander.

All Maps
- Added/tweaked light glows and environment sun.
- Fixed several spots where the commander was able to build outside of the map.
- Improved guardtower collisions.

- Fixed getting stuck near the Consortium base.
- Fixed a few small issues throughout the map.

- Decreased HDR.
- Improved collision for the broken train.
- Fixed trains clipping through each other in the trainyard.

- Blocked ability to build structures on the ramp near the turbines.

- Fixed missing spot overlays
- Increased lightmapscales on some walls for higher quality shadows.
- Updated loading screen.

- Fixed not being able to climb on the ladder of the broken tanker truck.
- Improved bot nav mesh.

- Improved submarine bridge collision.

Other Fixes
- Fixed crash when changing certain video options.
- Fixed a case where commander would be unable to set a spawn location as default.
- Fixed thermal vision staying enabled when entering commander view.
- Fixed IP bans not applying to RCON access.
- Fixed case where armory research buttons could be mirrored on transport gate.
- Fixed players under hypospray effect getting healed by commander heal ability.
- Fixed REDs being undetonatable after ninth RED is placed.
- Fixed tutorial noting incorrect weapon slot key for sidearm.
- Fixed being able to use the command bunker console while in exo suit lockdown.
- Fixed possibility for teleport to send player to nearby enemy gate.
- Fixed issues with certain gizmos not functioning properly - Smooth Operator, Siege Specialist, Melee Specialist, Advanced Munitions.
- Fixed glitch on Career panel where gizmo tooltip could appear over top of Achievements or Extras tab.
- Fixed radar structure still functioning when powered down.
- Fixed being able to change class in powered down armory.
- Fixed being able to teleport from powered down tgates.
- Fixed always getting Playground Bullies achevement if clan set.
- Fixed Traitor achievement being unachievable.
- Fixed progress bars for Running Up and Charging In achievements being off by an order of magnitude.
- Fixed rare care where a player could spawn with partial hud and unable to move.
- Fixed viewpunch being applied to meleed teammates.
- Fixed round-end clan achievements not being awarded on enemy surrender.
- Fixed training graduate achievements not being granted - related achievements will be granted on load if you've completed the courses.
- Fixed Charging Up achievement using meters sprinted instead of meters ran.
- Fixed some achievement icons not displaying properly.
Nuclear Dawn - Valve
Nuclear Dawn Update 6.1 (March, 2012):
New Features:
- Added support for setting clan/group association (options>other>clantag).
- Added new clan-based achievements: Ants, Locusts, Legion, Playground Bullies, Strength In Numbers, and Traitor.
- Added ability to teleport between your team's transport gates (use the USE key, default E on a gate).
- Added ability for commander to manually power down most structures to free up power for others.

Other enhancements
- "Enemy spotted" radio command now does short, red minimap blip on any enemies near pointing direction.
- Squad preference is now remembered across team and map changes.
- Join button on squads now becomes "Leave" for squad you are currently in.
- Touched up scoreboard to allow showing longer names and clan tags, as well as making commander more visible.
- Added scoring for ammo given via pack and hypospraying teammates.
- Enabled joystick/gamepad options in Mouse options (FPS only!).
- Made "No artillery in range" message more visible.
- Added new "Other" options tab to expose more configuration options (including game hints, steam cloud, server download filter, and more).
- Removed spectate tab from server browser until full Source TV support is available.

Balance Changes:
- Hypospray from supply station is now rate-limited similarly to grenades.
- Lowered ammo pack max carry to 2.
- Now only one ammo pack per player can be deployed at once, similar to med packs.
- Ammo packs from supply station are now rate-limited at a slightly less frequent rate than grenades.

Oilfield final:
- Renamed oilfield_beta to oilfield
- Added new overview map and loading screen
- Added 4 extra tertiary points
- Fixed plants sticking through container near ct base
- Fixed floating fueltruck and container
- Fixed small ladder issue on one of the fueltrucks
- Fixed small displacement issues

- Fixed and improved a wide range of prop collisions.
- Fixed right-click no longer working to cancel building of a structure.
- Fixed a case where the health hud indicator would get stuck at the top of the screen.
- Fixed client crash when connecting to a server with a misconfigured download url.
- Fixed explosive grenade types not counting toward Plenty To Go Around achievement.
- Fixed a rare case where players could spawn without weapons.
- Fixed issues with some weapons not tracking properly for Headshot achievement and added progress indiciator.
- Fixed in-bunker commander kills counting toward Golden Targets achievement.
- Fixed commander chat history being cut off by a character for full-width text.

Server changes:
- Server browser no longer adds tags for secure/insecure (use existing, separate filter for these).
- Added option to have teams swapped at round end (mp_roundend_teamswap).
- Added option to force players to auto-assign selves to teams (mp_force_autoassign, will tag server with forceautoassign).
- Improved and fixed portions of team balance logic.
