Zigfrak - Alex Ayars
This release contains a radical upheaval of the saved game system, and adds support for Steam Cloud. It also introduces weapons lock and engine boost mechanics, which represent significant changes to core gameplay. For a more complete list of changes, the release notes are available here:
Because of the large scope of these changes, we're treading lightly and doing an initial opt-in release for anyone who wants to help test the waters. We'll likely be rolling out future releases in this manner as well. All players are welcome, and we're particularly interested in feedback from players with many hours logged, and/or those who have Steam Cloud enabled for Zigfrak.

To opt in, right click on Zigfrak from your library. Navigate to the "Betas" tab, and select the public test branch. The Steam client should patch the game shortly afterwards. Consider enabling Steam Cloud from the "Updates" tab while you're in there!

To help calm any fears for would-be testers, we've taken a few steps to prevent the possibility of data loss due to unforeseen bugs.
  • Your old save data will be migrated to a new location and format, but will not be removed at this time. We'll add some logic to clean out the old save location in a future release.
  • Backups -- We keep 'em. Under the new save system, the game creates a permanent backup of your saved game file at each promotion tier. Additionally, a backup of the previous save file is created each time the game is launched, keeping up to 10 historical snapshots (for now).
  • Hopefully, we'll be able to roll forward to the new version for everyone with little or no changes, and any character progress you made while testing will persist. In the unlikely event that we need to postpone or revert these changes, your old save data will still be around, but will not reflect any progress you made while testing. Please keep this possibility in mind before deciding to opt in!
If you're testing Cloud support, please bounce between different machines to make sure everything works as expected. Keep in mind that cloud publishing occurs after the game has exited, and changes may take a minute or so to propagate.

Instructions for contacting support@entheogen.net with your saved game data have changed for Zigfrak 1.11 or newer. The updated steps are available here:

I hope many of you will opt in. If all goes well enough, we'll set this build to be generally available soon. Please chime in with feedback on this thread: http://steamcommunity.com/app/259430/discussions/3/630800445897543756/

Dec 31, 2013
Zigfrak - Alex Ayars
This release is available, on a beta opt-in basis for now.

Opt-in notes:


* Steam Cloud support is here (Steam builds only, obviously.)
- "Steam Cloud" section added to Game Options.
- Syncing for character progress, game options, and keybindings may be toggled independently.

* Added weapons lock-on mechanic, which is required by default.
- To hold a weapons lock, your combat target must remain within the area of the targeting reticle and line of sight.
- If a weapons lock is not held, auto-aim will be disabled and rockets may not be fired.
- To revert to the old behavior where auto-aim was always on, untick "Require combat target lock-on" in Gameplay Options.
- The "Look at Target" command may not be used when requiring weapons lock; made some HUD changes to help make up for this.

* Added engine boost mechanic, now built-in to all ships!
- Boosting provides a substantial increase to forward thrust.
- To boost your engines, press shift while thrusting. This keybinding may be remapped to your liking.
- If you boost for too long, your engines will overheat, and may not be used at all until they've fully cooled down.
- While boosting, fuel will be consumed at an accelerated rate, and your engines will lose durability. Use it sparingly!
- Gotta go fast!

* Enemy AI behavior tweaks:
- Enemies now enter Berserk mode at 65% health.
- Enemies may use engine boost when evading. Evasion behavior kicks in when an enemy sustains critical damage.

* Minor HUD tweaks:
- Untargeted units now have a diamond indicator to distinguish them from the current target, which has a hexagon.
- Increased size of off-screen arrow indicator for the current target. Decreased arrow size for untargeted units.
- Added indicators for weapon lock status.
- Added indicator for engine temperature.
- Fixed issue where enemy overshield/armor bar was partially blocking their velocity and distance.

* "Advanced Options" Game Options section removed.
- Target FPS moved to Graphics Options.
- "Enable Debug Menu" option removed.

* Save system rewritten. Location and format of save files changed.
- Import/export debug commands removed. These options are no longer needed under the new save system.
- Upon launching Zigfrak 1.11, any existing saved game data will be imported into the new save system.

* Added descriptions for graphics quality settings slider.

* Added gameplay hints to loading screen.

* Updated several tutorial missions to mention weapons lock-on and engine boost mechanics.


* Fixed an issue where no more than 10 ships could appear in the player's shipyard.
Dec 31, 2013
Nuclear Throne - Rami

The mutants don't have fireworks, but they do know how to light up the sky! Happy 2014 from Vlambeer & the Nuclear Throne team! Wallpaper version by the ever-amazing Justin Chan.

Happy new year!
Dec 31, 2013
Nuclear Throne - Rami

The mutants don't have fireworks, but they do know how to light up the sky! Happy 2014 from Vlambeer & the Nuclear Throne team! Wallpaper version by the ever-amazing Justin Chan.

Happy new year!
Community Announcements - lexer_t
Update 1.1.0 ( 12.31.2013 ) contains

1. A new voice for the English commentator ( authored by Jason Heine)
2. Fixed artifacts in some textures ( no filtering , black edges )
3. Now, cars do not create obstacles for other players on the finish line
4. Fixed defects in models of cars and weapons
5. Fixed black screen bug for multi core GPU
6. Corrected English localization, supplemented credits
7. The affected area of projectiles for hyperblaster and turret was increased
8. Reduced requirements on points for multiplayer
9. Adjusted timing synchronization for multiplayer that reduce blink of the cars

Обновление 1.1.0 (31.12.2013) включает

1. Новая озвучка для английского комментатора (за авторством Jason Heine)
2. Исправлены артефакты в части текстур (отсутствие фильтрации, черные края)
3. Машины на финише теперь проезжают за полосу, не создавая препятствий для других игроков
4. Исправлены дефекты в моделях машин и оружий
5. Исправлена ошибка черного экрана для многоядерных ГПУ
6. Доработана английская локализация, дополнены титры
7. Для снарядов оружия гиппербластер и турель увеличена зона поражения
8. Уменьшены требования по очкам для мультиплеера
9. Скорректированы тайминги синхронизации для мультиплеера что сократить мерцания машин
Dec 31, 2013
Community Announcements - lexer_t
DayZ - Hicks_206

Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing)
Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options
Design: .357 Magnum Speedloader should now spawn
Server: First Person only servers are now supported (Seperate Hive coming later on)


Design: Player corpses should no longer despawn upon disconnect
Server: Respawning should now function properly - in some cases you may have to wait a few seconds. (during high death/respawn times)
Design: 357 Magnum spawning fixed
DayZ - Hicks_206

Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing)
Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options
Design: .357 Magnum Speedloader should now spawn
Server: First Person only servers are now supported (Seperate Hive coming later on)


Design: Player corpses should no longer despawn upon disconnect
Server: Respawning should now function properly - in some cases you may have to wait a few seconds. (during high death/respawn times)
Design: 357 Magnum spawning fixed
Dec 31, 2013
War Thunder - DiscorderlyChaos
Until January 1st 19:59 GMT it is x2 RP for all battles you have in War Thunder

To all our friends and players,

The War Thunder Team would like to you wish you and your loved one's and friends a very happy and prosperous New Year. 2013 is nearly done and we are looking forward to 2014, a new year and a new opportunity to add to the Thunder with more good news and content very soon.

May you find peace and joy and our good wishes go out all across the world to you all.
Craft The World - Bytebreaker
+ Fixed сrash with Imps pathfinding
+ Fixed crash related to Dragons
+ Fixed crash and serious memory leaks relating to some creatures
+ Fixed bug: dwarves sometimes spend two blocks of earth when build one
+ Fixed: dwarf movement shaking in direct control
+ Fixed bug with dwarf moving over holes
+ Fixed: background behind the trees
+ Fixed bug with entering into Snow World
+ Fixed bug: dwarves did not climb out of lava
+ Fixed several minor bugs