Battle Carnival - osolemio
Hi players.

For those of you who have suffered from not being able to use a certain projectile weapons & skills because of the bug, this is a hotfix for you.
Thank you so much for a lot of patience on this.

Battle Carnival - TTOMTTOM
Maintenance is done.
Thanks for waiting :)

Hello Community!

We are going to have a weekly maintenance today!
Game service won't be available during the maintenance, so please kindly check the in-game message and community hub.

Thank you very much.

Maintenance Time

South America
(BRT) Fri, 15 Jun, 04:00 - 06:00

(CET) Fri, 15 Jun, 08:00 - 10:00
(GMT) Fri, 15 Jun, 07:00 - 09:00

North America
(PST) Fri, 15 Jun, 23:00 - 01:00
(EDT) Fri, 15 Jun, 03:00 - 05:00

(CST) Fri, 15 Jun, 15:00 - 17:00
Jun 14, 2018
Battle Carnival - osolemio
oi comunidade

You know, it’s PvP Game. Thus, one of the biggest problems that Battle Carnival needs to tackle is to increase the size of user-base, so that players can find a right match-up for their skill level. So far, we all have witnessed that new players get all pwned without having much of an idea how things work here. This week’s update will add a particular playground only for new users. We are also adding a new logic for recording win/lose rate and KAD. Here are more details.

[Boot Camp]

  • In the Boot Camp, you can choose any characters regardless of other players’ pick.
  • Only players whose level is under 26 can play the Boot Camp. KAD requirement may be added in near future.
  • The rules of the mode is basically the same as Team Death Match which is easier to understand the objective of the mode.

[Web Leaderboard]
Now the leaderboard in the website displays the winning rate and the win counts.
  • This statistic will run as a season.
  • The first season will last for a month starting from June 15 and the board will be refreshed on daily basis.
  • There are going to be rewards at the end of the season but we have not been able to fix the rewards yet because the rewards are going to be related to in-game items which have not been introduced to the game yet. What we know for sure at the moment is that there are two different type of rewards. One type is for the winning rate, the other for the winning count.
  • We will announce what the rewards would be as soon as possible, at least before the end of June.
  • You can find the leaderboard here . The first data will be stored/displayed from June 16.
  • The Boot Camp result won't be included in the statistic. The players who played at least 30 matches get counted. So it will take a couple of days for the board gets filled in.

[Leaver’s Penalty]
Leaving the battle in the middle of the match without having any penalty is convenient in a way, but on the other hand, it could be also harmful for the overall experience as it increases a chance of unbalanced matches. Therefore, a bit of penalties have been added.
If you leave a game in the middle of match :
  • The game result will be recorded as defeat
  • Only your death count will be added to your record.

[Improvement on the Payload(prototype)]
  • A bug that the 2nd round doesn’t finish on time has been fixed.
  • A bug that the vehicle location on the UI wrongly displayed when joining right after the match start has been fixed.
  • A bug that the remaining time on the UI wrongly displayed when joining the match has been fixed.

[Other change]
  • The capturing point of Domination map Karma has been enlarged by 16%

[What are being prepared]
  • Veronica : Anti-healer. We are aiming to introduce Veronica to Top 100 rankers first as pre-season rewards before the end of June. Then alll users will have Veronica after a week.

  • Auto-balance work around : You will be able to play with your friend if you invite them to your game.
  • The shop : We are developing the shop, aiming to open in the mid July. That said, the game will have the inventory system for each character. We’ll introduce skins for characters/weapons first then will expand to different weapons for each character later. For example, Natasha may have different sniper rifle, different AR like AK-47 for Papi.
  • In-game economy : We are also going to introduce in-game currency, items drops and level-up rewards along with the shop. From this point, we also can let you have the Daily Attendance and so on.
  • New Domination map : A new Domination map with 3 capture points will be updated very soon.

I’d like to thank all of you guys for your continued support in behalf of everyone in the studio. We are aware that Battle Carnival still has spaaaaacious room to improve but I am sure that we are getting there together step by step. If you haven’t reviewed the game, please do so here. It helps the community grow and increase the user-base.

Thank you very much.
Jun 8, 2018
Battle Carnival - osolemio
Howdy players!

With this weekly update, we are revealing the new prototype mode Payload to gather quick feedbacks so we can know what to fix/add/remove. We’ve also decided to finish the pre-season of Rank Game due to low traffic to sustain it. We’ve also adjusted character balance a bit and FOV option has been integrated for those of you who requested it.

[Payload Prototype]

Rules & tips
  • Escorting team is supposed to push the vehicle(aka. payload) as far as they can in a given amount of time while the defending team is trying to stop it or even push it back.
  • Each team will take turns to escort. So 2 rounds will be played in total.
  • The more players escort, the faster the vehicle moves forward.
  • The vehicle automatically moves backward when nobody from the escorting team is around.
  • You may want to utilize some special items on the ground such as Speed Booster(50% increase), Super Jump(can jump up to 3.5m), No-Recoil, Health Pack(100 pt).

    • Now hit-scan type gun can penetrate through one ally.

    • The cool time of ‘Focus’ decreased from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
    • Right click heal of Utility Heal Gun can now penetrate enemies.

    • Lasting time of ‘Rage’ decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.

    • A grenade of M32 Bigboy Original now penetrates allies.

    • Now the game supports Portuguese, Spanish. If you find wrong translation, please report it on our Discord, #localization channel.
    • Now you can set FOV from 55 to 90.

    [The end of Pre-season Rank Game]
    • We are finishing off the pre-season early due to the low traffic to keep the race going on. The season 1 schedule is not fixed but it will have either enough traffic or some additional support systems to run even with low traffic.
    • Pre-season rewards will be given out as planned. The detailed schedule about the rewards will be announced in the near future.

    Thank you for reading and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the game..! Please don't forget to leave a review here if you haven’t. It helps us grow a lot.
    Thank you very much.

Battle Carnival - osolemio
The maintenance is done. Thank you very much for your patience.

Hello Community!

We are going to have a weekly maintenance today!
Game service won't be available during the maintenance, so please kindly check the in-game message and community hub.
Thank you very much.

Maintenance Time

South America
(BRT) Fri, 8 Jun, 09:40 - 12:40

(CET) Fri, 8 Jun, 13:40 - 16:40
(GMT) Wed, 25 May, 12:40 - 15:40

North America
(PST) Fri, 8 Jun, 04:40 - 07:40
(EDT) Fri, 8 Jun, 08:40 - 11:40

(CST) Fri, 8 Jun, 20:40 - 23:40
Jun 5, 2018
Battle Carnival - osolemio
Dear Players.

There have been reports that players suddenly die for no reason while they are jumping, sprinting and so on. So we've uploaded a patch to fix that.
Thank you very much.


Battle Carnival - osolemio
Howdy players!

This week, we are wrapping up and fixing up what we did in May and introducing new system, Auto Team Balancing for better matching UX. We also extended key map function as received many requests from the community. And a bit more balance changes, as always. Please check out the followings and let us know how you guys think about it.

Additional Rank Game Pre-season Benefits
Rank Game is pretty dead at the moment due to many different reasons. But we still need more play data to prepare the regular season. So, we hope the followings could be an encouragement.
  • Exp bonus increased from 10% to 50%. This may be changed later in the regular season.
  • Additional rewards for participating in the Rank Game. The rewards will be given out after the end of the season.
    1. Play 1 Rank Game : 25% EXP Booster for 30 games.
    2. Play 10 Rank Games : 50% EXP Booster for 30 games.
    3. Play 30 Rank Games : 100% EXP Booster for 30 games.

Auto Team Balance
The biggest problem Battle Carnival is currently having is the size of user pool. It has caused many different problems which didn’t have to happen such as Rank Game matching problems and hit registration issues. One major factor that has contributed to the user pool problem is unbalanced matches. For example, a team with high-level players vs the other team with noobs, 3 vs 5 matches and so on. Therefore, we are introducing the Auto Team Balance system. This system automatically balances out the team when starting the match and when people join the game during the match. That said, for those of you who want to play with your friends may or may not be able to play in the same team until queue system gets implemented. But like always, we are all ears and please let your opinion be heard in the community.

Balance Changes
All characters’ reloading time decreased by 10%

[Rumble Jack]
Rumble Jack has been adjusted quite a while but still, the data tells that he’s not being played as efficiently as we intended. So more changes but this time a bit more dramatic. Let’s see what he can do now.
  • The Barricade now detects enemies around 9 meters and display them in the minimap.
  • The number of Claymore when respawn decreased from 3 to 1.
  • Claymore damage increased from 60 to 70
  • Charge time of Claymore decreased from 12 to 10 seconds.
  • Enemy detecting time of Claymore decreased from 1 second to 0.5 second.
  • Sticky Bomb damage increased from 50 to 60.
  • Sticky Bomb cool time increased from 5 to 7.

Her performance is getting nearer to ok status. But a little more adjustment she still deserves.
  • Agent Pistol’s clip size decreased from 10 to 7.
  • Agent Pistol reloading speed increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

Cindy seems to have become a must-pick, which we don’t any characters to be. It is partly because her healing capability was too strong with her ‘Focus’ skill. So little adjustments was inevitable.
  • Right Click heal decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Heal Boost bonus of ‘Focus’ decreased from x2 to 1.5x

His core mechanic is working as intended but his Antitank Rocket is a little too strong compared to his main weapon M134.
  • Effective radius of Antitank Rocket decreased from 5 meters to 4 meters.
  • Minimum damage of Antitank Rocket decreased from 80 to 40.

Papi seems to be okay but his pistol is not as frequently used as other weapons.
  • Special Forces Pistol damage increased from 10 to 12

Bigboy is made for team fights but his main weapon M32 Bigboy Original is not as effective as intended.
M32 Bigboy Original
  • Damage increased from 40 to 45.
  • Basic explosion radius decreased from 2.5 meters to 2 meters.
  • Maximum explosion radius decreased from 4 meters to 3.5 meters.
  • It now explodes when it directly hits any characters no matter they are the teammate or not.
  • Reloading time decreased by 40%

  • Reloading time decreased by 40%
  • Max ammo decreased from 8 to 7.

Tactical shield
  • Now you can look up & down when equipped with the Shield.

Domination Rule Changes
As prudently observed, its rule needed some general improvements. Here are the changes.
  • Maximum playtime increased from 12 mins to 15 mins.
  • Capturing time increased from 6 seconds to 9 seconds.
  • Capturing the objective does not give the bonus on capturing gauge anymore.
  • Kill doesn’t give the bonus on capturing gauge anymore.
  • Size of capturing area in Karma decreased by 45%

Extended control
[Switch between status]
  • If you input crouch while sprinting, it crouches. It didn’t before.
  • If you input jump while crouching, it stands up.


  • Now you can choose toggle option for crouching and sprinting.
  • Hold down to zoom is going to be developed but not on this update due to some balance issues between characters.
[More Key Mappings]
Now the system supports :
  • Right shifts, right ctrl, right alt
  • Most of keys on the numpad.
  • Mouse scroll as button, mouse side buttons
  • Mouse scroll up & down to switch weapons as default.
  • Caps lock, PageUp, PageDown, F3, F4, F5

Hit effects changes
  • Enemy hitting sound volume decreased by 5%
  • Added enemy character’s voice when you hit them.
  • Added enemy character’s voice when you kill them.
  • Added a warning sound when your HP is under 30%.

  • Now you can keep defusing even when something blocks your aim.
  • A bug that character selection image remains even after picking has been fixed.

Thank you for reading and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the game..! Please don't forget to leave a review here if you haven’t. It helps us grow a lot.
Thank you very much.

Battle Carnival - TTOMTTOM
Maintenance is done.
Thank you very much.

Hello Community!

We are going to have a weekly maintenance today!
Game service won't be available during the maintenance, so please kindly check the in-game message and community hub!.

Patch note will be updated soon!
Thank you very much.

Maintenance Time

South America
(BRT) Wed, 25 May, 13:00 - 18:00

(CET) Wed, 25 May, 05:00 - 10:00
(GMT) Wed, 25 May, 04:00 - 09:00

North America
(PST) Wed, 25 May, 20:00 - 01:00
(EDT) Wed, 25 May, 00:00 - 05:00

(CST) Wed, 25 May, 12:00 - 17:00
Battle Carnival - osolemio
Hi players.

We've had some compatibility issues between our integrated anti-cheat and 32bit-based Windows. So, we are going to update new client but for those of you who are playing the game can keep playing without getting the new client.
Thank you for your patience.

Battle Carnival - TTOMTTOM
Maintenance is done
Thanks for waiting!

Hello guys!

We are going to hold temp maintenance to upload hotfix patch!
We will announce again when the service is opened.

Maintenance Time

South America
(BRT) Wed, 25 May, 07:45 - 08:45

(CET) Wed, 25 May, 11:45 - 12:45
(GMT) Wed, 25 May, 10:45 - 11:45

North America
(PST) Wed, 25 May, 02:45 - 03:45
(EDT) Wed, 25 May, 06:45 - 07:45

(CST) Wed, 25 May, 18:45 - 19:45