Elite Dangerous - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Lauren Morton)

Frontier Developments have been cooking up a new expansion for big space MMO Elite Dangerous but hold up, it hasn’t been cleared to disembark just yet. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey had been planned for early in 2021 but that window is getting bumped back thanks to our constant companion Covid-19. Odyssey is now expected in late spring for PC players, Frontier say in a new announcement.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Kat Bailey)

Mass Effect 3's real Shepard.A shameful moment in a Disco Elysium screenshot.The party in Pillars of Eternity 2 encounter a large dragon-like monster in a snowy townThe player character in Fallout: New Vegas in a gunfight with two wasteland robots

In a 2019 interview with Retronauts, inXile Entertainment founder Brian Fargo recalled what Interplay hoped to accomplish in Tales Of The Unknown: Part 1, the seminal RPG more commonly referred to by its subtitle: The Bard’s Tale.

“We were trying to set a mood and build a sense of being there… that there was a world… in our own primitive way,” Fargo said. “You started off in a bar; you got to walk around outside, you had to go down to the dungeons, so you felt like you were living in a world; you weren’t just thrust into a wireframe dungeon and that was it.”


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

Baby Yoda eats a blue macaron in a frame from The Mandolorian.

EA’s exclusive hold over Star Wars has ended with the news that Ubisoft are making an open-world Star Wars game and Lucasfilm are looking to work with more folks. So, what game would you like to see made now? RPG? FPS? Walking simulator? Spacepub landlord sim? Dream big. Any genre, any development team, any budget. Pitch whatever you want. I happen to know a man who says he knows Mickey Mouse, so I can put in a good word for you.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

Jar Jar Binks in a Star Wars film.

The studio behind The Division are making a new “story-driven, open-world Star Wars game,” Lucasfilm announced today. They revealed plans to start working with more developers on Star Wars games, not just Electronic Arts. However, they do say they are still working with EA on new projects. This news arrives the day after Bethesda announced an Indiana Jones game, being made by Wolfenstein studio MachineGames.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Katharine Castle)

If you’re looking for a list of all the confirmed Nvidia G-Sync Compatible monitors, then you’re in the right place. Below, you’ll find every AMD Freesync monitor that’s been officially certified by Nvidia as meeting their G-Sync Compatible standard so far, and we also tell you everything you need to know about how to enable G-Sync on any Freesync monitor as well.


Knee Deep - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice Bell)

Two men and a Labrador sit in a convertible car. One, Robert Woodstep, is telling the other he should

All the world’s a stage, as some idiot once said. This is literally true in Knee Deep, an adventure-slash-mystery game set in weirdo small town Cypress Knee, but that plays out on a large theatre stage. The locations are all bits of set. They rotate in and out. The walls drop away. It’s fun.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

A screenshot from Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis, showing Indy flat on his back after falling over. Speech above him reads, "Oof".

Earlier today publisher Bethesda Softowrks announced that MachineGames, the developers of the recent Wolfenstein games, were working on a new Indiana Jones game. There’s not much more known about the game other than that it is quite a ways off, and so I am here to beg the developers now: please let Indy fall down a lot.


Rec Room - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

Pals sharing some pizza round a table in VR game Rec Room.Rec Room

is sort of like Roblox: a place where people can make their own games and easily chat and play with friends. Where it most differs from Roblox is its early focus on supporting virtual reality, and its developers now report that the game has “over 1 million monthly active VR users”. That’s a lot.


The Sims™ 4 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

A frame from the trailer for The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff pack, in which Bonehilda - a skeleton maid - is visible in the background.The Sims 4

appeals to me because it lets me build the kind of Pinterest-worthy homes I’ll never live in in real-life, so I’m often more excited about the game’s Stuff packs than its game-changing expansions. This time is no different: the Paranormal stuff pack arrives later this month and as well as adding a new career and bringing back Bonehilda, it also adds some sweet looking desks.


Farthest Frontier - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

A screenshot of Farthest Frontier, a citybuilding game, showing a snowy city filled with ramshackle wooden houses.

It’s January, which means it’s almost time for YouTube to start serving me nothing but list videos about the most exciting citybuilders of 2021. It does this because I watch every one it recommends, every year. I’m betting Farthest Frontier will be high placed on some of those videos: it’s a middle ages-ish citybuilder about leading your people to survive harsh winters and miserable diseases, and it’s from the makers of well-liked action RPG Grim Dawn.

